I play assault class mostly. I'll sometimes get 3 good bursts to a defenseless plays and it always takes 2 or all 3 bursts to kill them.

But i constantly get owned by the voss gun all time by what it seams is one single bullet. I hit them with two bursts before they see me, they turn around and kill me with one.

is the gun capable of head shots?? I thought it was a weaker gun than the stock weapons.
Temporary Messiah
+14|6547|Kalamazoo, MI
Boom! Headshot!

Last edited by tefI0n (2007-01-07 20:45:06)

+106|6531|UMass Amherst
I don't 'get' the voss, even after getting 1000+ kills with it.  I spray, I die (obviously).  I go single-fire, I never hit even with precision aim at times.  I burst 2-3 rounds, and suddenly their head explodes...wtf?  Doesn't work every time though, and the killing speed is sometimes like 'wtf he's dead already?'  Same thing with the Krylov.  Maybe because I've always been a high-power, deadly-accurate, recoils-like-hell gun kind of guy, and I'm cursed or something.

See, this is why I like the Baur H-AR: I merely look at people, fire magic bullets, and kill whole squads.  Preferrably twice in the face per customer.  Paur of the Baur!
Temporary Messiah
+14|6547|Kalamazoo, MI
Shotgun is the preferred method of ownage. If you ever hit someone unsuspecting, they don't get a chance to turn around. 1 shot kill if all bullets from the shell hit intended recipient. Possible up to ~20 meters, it's not too hard.

tefI0n wrote:

Shotgun is the preferred method of ownage. If you ever hit someone unsuspecting, they don't get a chance to turn around. 1 shot kill if all bullets from the shell hit intended recipient. Possible up to ~20 meters, it's not too hard.
in bf2 i pwned with the dao12 depending on the map.
voss is a very stong gun. 2nd to the krylov in my opinion!!

IMO the Voss and Lambert are close, 2-3 kills per clip ... rarely do i go single shot with Voss. The Baur is still strongest, and requires the most finesse to use. I think you get owned with it (Voss) alot because i beleive its one of the first unlocks people get .. so there are tons in play.

Last edited by jsnipy (2007-01-07 21:20:49)

Yea i get owned alot too by the Voss. Ive only just started using it VIA thefeild upgrad system. I find it really hard to hit my target from far away, and im only spraying when im up close. Its a really good gun if you can hit the target, but so is the Baur.

You really just gotta get used to it I guess.
"Aff, Star Colonel!"
The Voss wins by sheer amount of bullets, as far as I can tell. It's my favorite weapon, sorta.
The Voss needs to be tweaked a bit, as it's basically the same situation as the  G36E.

Ever notice how all the guns are balanced except a medic gun? :p

everything is fine as it is, we dont need another game turned to shit because people are useless.

If you cant kill the people using it then too bad, The lambert can beat a voss, a bianchi can beat a voss, every gun in the game can.

Dangles91 wrote:


everything is fine as it is, we dont need another game turned to shit because people are useless.

If you cant kill the people using it then too bad, The lambert can beat a voss, a bianchi can beat a voss, every gun in the game can.
Say wat!?

Dangles91 wrote:


everything is fine as it is, we dont need another game turned to shit because people are useless.

If you cant kill the people using it then too bad, The lambert can beat a voss, a bianchi can beat a voss, every gun in the game can.
Exactly. Sometimes I get killed by a voss, sometimes a kill a voss. Its how the cookie crumbles.
+1,352|6643|N. Ireland
Sounds like a time for the zeller and its headshots.

Inspect@hDeck wrote:

The Voss needs to be tweaked a bit, as it's basically the same situation as the  G36E.

Ever notice how all the guns are balanced except a medic gun? :p
Ever noticed that whining people like you killed Battlefield 2?

The medic gun is balanced. The Voss is a true infantry stopper, while the Bauer is a longer-ranged rifle.
But why is it powerful? Because you need to reach your fallen comrades.
+98|6808|Penrith, N.S.W, Australia
krylov takes care of those voss hoars.

ozzie_johnson wrote:

krylov takes care of those voss hoars.
You will try, but you will fail to silence the Voss. More bullets, and more accuracy.
Finally unlocked the VOSS, now I dont have to wait for feild upgrades to use it.
At the moment its my weapon of choice, but that may change in time.
2142th Whore
krylov ftw
Exploit/Glitch "Tester"
+49|6526|Inside the AR Rockets.
I hate the Voss... just like the G36E.... EA REALLY didnt have to remake it in the future...
+16|6485|Dundee, Scotland
nah the voss is fine. you can outshoot bloody snipers with it.

And I have noticed the 2-3 shot kill phenomenon a few times now, except iv moved from the voss to the lambert now i have it.

Only thing is the lambert takes longer to kill someone at point blank, so when you get one of those invis/knife ninjas on your back your a bit screwed hehehe
Kratos Aurion
I prefer the Krylov

But the Voss is good, I use it when I play EU. Nothing needs to be nerft, it's not harder to take out someone who's using a Voss than someone who's using a Scar. Every "weapon" can be hard to kill it depends on the player who's using it. Is the player skilled he's hard to kill, vice verse.

rig0rm0rti5 wrote:

is the gun capable of head shots??
No, if you aim at the head a magnetic field sends the bullet to the chest or around the head completly missing it.
Formerly known as Missionless
+92|6478|105 RVK
I got it as my 3rd last gun unlock and i own with that gun but since i got it so late and im getting bored of this game so quickly I dont use it too much cause I play recon or support more.

Last edited by Missionless (2007-01-08 09:28:41)

+3,936|6650|so randum

Missionless wrote:

I got it as my 3rd last gun unlock and i own with that gun but since i got it so late and im getting bored of this game so quickly I dont use it too much cause I play recon or support more.
Aaaand take a breath...
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella

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