
What influenced the name you chose for your child?

Heritage - name of another family member25%25% - 5
Religion - name from a religious text10%10% - 2
Culture - name of famous person you admire20%20% - 4
both heritage and religion5%5% - 1
both heritage and culture20%20% - 4
both religion and culture5%5% - 1
All three15%15% - 3
Total: 20
Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6591|The Land of Scott Walker
My wife and I had our daughter dedicated to God today at church and our pastor explained the meaning of her name to the congregation.  This prompted me to wonder what caused each of you to choose the name you gave your child.  This could also be a good place to find names if you need ideas for an uncoming arrival.
I named my son Benjamin Blain after my father (George Blain).  Blain is also my middle name.  The spelling (Blain not Blane) comes from a branch in my family tree (James S Blain 1838-1886).  Even though our last name isn't Blain, apparently he was a badass and many others have chosen to honor him by using his last name as a middle name.  My son and father answer to Blain.  My sons first name "Benjamin" was in honor of Franklin.  He is a legend.
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.
+1,452|6540|The Gem Saloon
i dont have a child yet, but my wife and i have already had the name discussion.....if we have a boy its: john holliday parker.
if we have a girl.....ill be outnumbered so i like to pretend that she can only birth males.....lol
great topic by the way man.
smells like wee wee
My first son will be called Willman after my Grandfather. His name was supposed to be William but they stuffed up the birth certificate.
+5,233|6675|Global Command
My wife liked Ethan so that's what he is. i go by Alex, so I gave him the middle name Alexander.
My wife liked Avery, so that's what she is. Elizebeth was my Grandmothers middle name, and by giving her that we have the same initials.

Congrats on your baby.
Mass Media Casualty

I was named after Pete Townshend of The Who.
One of my middle names is "Hartley", it's a name passed down, always given to the oldest son, (so there's been quite a streak of oldest sons in my background.)
My Grandad's first name is Hartley and my Dad's middle name is Hartley and I sport it in the middle too, (along with my mother's maiden name.)
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
+231|6520|Kyiv, Ukraine
My two-week old kid is named Patrick Nicholas.

Patrick from Patrick Henry, American revolutionary and martyr.

Nicholas is the Americanized version of my father-in-law's name, Nicolae, which keeps with the Romanian system of naming kids after Saints.  He was born on Christmas Eve so it fits.

His future brother will definitely be Thomas, but not sure of the middle name.
Where's the none option...
Cheeseburger Logicist

Ty wrote:

I was named after Pete Townshend of The Who.
One of my middle names is "Hartley", it's a name passed down, always given to the oldest son, (so there's been quite a streak of oldest sons in my background.)
My Grandad's first name is Hartley and my Dad's middle name is Hartley and I sport it in the middle too, (along with my mother's maiden name.)
That's quite the rock star to be named after.
Maintaining My Rage Since 1975
+124|6676|Hillside, Melbourne, Australia
I don't have kids but my name (Seth) is apparently from the Old Testament of the bible.

Apparently Seth was the third son of Adam and Eve.

Ty wrote:

I was named after Pete Townshend of The Who.
One of my middle names is "Hartley", it's a name passed down, always given to the oldest son, (so there's been quite a streak of oldest sons in my background.)
My Grandad's first name is Hartley and my Dad's middle name is Hartley and I sport it in the middle too, (along with my mother's maiden name.)
That is most certainly one of the coolest ways to get named.
Connecticut: our chimps are stealin yo' faces.
AARON is my sons name. We chose it because we live about 5 minutes from the town Staind used to play before they were discovered, and we like Aaron Lewis. Plus, its biblical to make our parents happy. Our next boy will be Logan, to be named in memory of my best friend who lost his life in Afghanistan. If there is another son it will be Brady, GO PATRIOTS!
Malloy must go
+276|6801|United States of America
I named my son Brady Thomas.  Brady after a town in Montana near where I grew up and Thomas after Thomas Jefferson who was one of the greatest founding fathers of my country.  My wife appoved of the name because it had great yellability.  "BRADY THOMAS go to your room!"  Yellability is very important.
Scratch where it itches

Major_Spittle wrote:

Yellability is very important.
LMAO +1. Should have been one of the poll options
i dont have childrens yet, but when i have some, if its a boy, ill give him a name Albert ( after HM Albert II, King of Belgium ;-)

and if its girl then afther HM Paola , The Queen  ;-)

Last edited by Mogura (2007-01-08 07:30:06)

Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6591|The Land of Scott Walker

Executiator wrote:

Where's the none option...
Forgot the "picked it out of thin air" or "because it sounded cool" option, sorry.
Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6591|The Land of Scott Walker

Parker wrote:

i dont have a child yet, but my wife and i have already had the name discussion.....if we have a boy its: john holliday parker.
if we have a girl.....ill be outnumbered so i like to pretend that she can only birth males.....lol
great topic by the way man.
Thx, man.  Good name for your son when he arrives.

I named my son Caleb Nathaniel because Caleb was a very courageous man in the Bible.  Also, back at least 5 generations the father gives his first name to his son's middle name. 

For my daughter, my wife picked her name, Madeline Grace.  Madeline was just because it sounded cool on my wife's part.  I liked how it sounded and looked up the meaning finding it's a variant of Magdalene.  Mary Magdalene was the first person Jesus revealed Himself to after He rose from the dead and she was one of His closest followers before His death.  I thought that was cool and Grace is a wonderful concept from the Bible, too.  So I guess mine was a mix of all three for my two kids. 

Congrats to all the parents here!
The Farewell Tour
+79|6568|San Antonio, TX
I would have picked "None of the above" also...

Minion #1 is Rachel Olivia - I picked Rachel because it's a nice name, and all the Rachel's I've ever known were cool.  The wife picked Olivia because it's a classic.

Minion #2 is Cassidy Michelle - My wife wanted it to be Cassandra, but thought with our last name being so long, it would take the poor kid a week to write her name.  I "selected" Michelle for the middle name.  I actually wanted it to be Lenore (Edgar Alan Poe), but the wife wouldn't have it.  So I picked three other names I liked and let Minion #1 pick from that list.
Infamous meleeKings cult. Est. 2003 B.C.
+82|6686|The Lost Highway

Ty wrote:

I was named after Pete Townshend of The Who.
One of my middle names is "Hartley", it's a name passed down, always given to the oldest son, (so there's been quite a streak of oldest sons in my background.)
My Grandad's first name is Hartley and my Dad's middle name is Hartley and I sport it in the middle too, (along with my mother's maiden name.)
Thats awesome man. You're the only person I "know" named after someone from The Who. +1
Respect! Give it .. Get it!
+55|6794|Land of =KBK=
None of the above.  Daughter number one named after my grandmother Cynthia Teckwawinah Pekiyou and my youngest daughter, Jaqueline Desiree`, for a promise made to my mother.
+171|6808|The Outer Circle
Shannon, Cian, & Sydney.
Trying is the first step to failing
+76|6820|Canada Eh?
Too young for that, But I'd most likely sneak my dad's name somewhere in there.

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