+27|6809|United Kingdom
Rofl why make so many accounts? do you not like rank.. thats the only reason i dont make a new one is i like my shiny cornol rank..... but this one is your IO one isnt it..  Karkand/medic whore with a great K/D ratio and SPM and accuracy to back it up.
Congrats on you reaching a 4KDR!

We all know you pwn in the air and on ground :p

Rate my new account, in the sig
Missing, Presumed Dead

Rating your new stats then...


Superb KDR
Even better SPM
Kill and death streaks are good, especially seeing as its an IO account.

Try varying the kits a lot more and I would say map balance too, but its an IO only account so I dont expect you to play PLA maps
i hate you all
Nice stats there, dont like the Purple hearth though but i have that too on my old acc.
"Generous mods" < Thats right Systray !
You're just about where I am time wise. Good stuff.

I like that you don't have karkand as most played...I keep trying, it's addictive like crack though. Crackland....

i hate you all
Awesome 8,5/10^^

Become a jetwhore and I`ll give you 9.5

Oh, and I hate karkland! mashtur, sharqi and jalaballalalala are way much better because they dont have uncaps and whiners who just stand in one spot trowing nades without doing any effort of capping flags or teamwork. But wake and karkand are the only servers that are populated i the middle of the night when i play
+27|6809|United Kingdom
@ Fredrik

Great K/D ratio
Great SPM
Great Accuracy
Good Win loss ratio
Weapon k/d ratios are good
Jet k/d ratio is awsome tank is above average and average on the others

Still fairly new account only a little over 100 hours but im guessing this is your 2nd or 3rd.. Good stuff though

overall 9/10
+136|6670|Minnesota eh
Havok-Rookie > me

9.7/ 10
Say wat!?
Mr.Casual > Me

Guessing its a second account. Nice to see you dont vechicle whore but have 2+ KDR. I would be more than happy with those stats.

well i can tell your not a pro, but in your history everything is going up which is always what you want.  you took  a long break apparnetly and took a hit to your accuracy, but can gain that back w/ some practice.  u also have a positive kdr, and u do have some top 3 medals, so you just needa unleash those skills every round

if this is first accnt, not bad i started with a spm of 1.7 (e.slicknic) and a spm of 1.1   
and its really hard to get good chopper ratio/spm in pubs.. unless u fly w/ someone or solo ><cuz if not.. u usually just get camped/ cant ever get chopper..

ill have to give u a 7/10 if this is first accnt if not then a 6/10
"Generous mods" < Thats right Systray !
Going hard on the medic whoring with that account, eh?

It's not original, but good nonetheless. 7.5/10
im not trying to be original, just tryin to be the best =]  so why not be the kit that best supports your team and you?  In matches you dont go spec ops to be original... well maybe if your totally ripping the other team apart.. then u can go fuggin sniper if u want.
BF2s AU Server Admin
+315|6741|Melbourne, Australia.

Very good sniper ratios + a good spm for mainly sniping.
Accuracy on weapons is good
Win loss is ok, could win a few more .
All inf ratios are very good


Last edited by -[Silver.Inc* (2007-01-07 17:48:42)

hammer time!
+26|6491|Toronto Canada

high rank, very nice
extremely good spm and extremely good k/d ratio

overall 8.5/10
Because f*ck you that's why.
+400|6751|Reisterstown, MD

New stats don't get rated.
Melbourne Shuffler
+214|6786|Gold Coast, Australia
Nice Score and SPM. But your a karkand whore so that evens it out.

I use air hacks.
+25|6636|B.C Canada
@ killer. pretty impressive nice kdr's with both infantry and vehicles, good spm and nice job only getting 18% of your kills from vehicles. all i can see wrong is your most played map is karkand and it looks like youve done a bit of tank whoring. overall 9/10

Last edited by colt.45 (2007-01-07 22:02:24)

@ The.[T]errorisT.1

Very good accuracy, good SPM and K/d ratio
A good kill streak
Loves his sharqi, a very very good map choice, but it is way way above everything, you may want to vary those map times a little, and open up to other maps
A good amount of team and combat points for the time you have played, keep it up
With your weapon kill death ratio, they are all very close to 1+ try and bring all of them to 1 if you can, and then you can work on raising them, you have some good ratios, keep it up
Try and use more of the vehicles, you have a very good armor K/d ratio and helicopter, but, your aviator may need to be worked on, you need to raise those K/d, with a joystick and a little practice, you will find it very very enjoyable to fly, and a knew experience in BF2 when you are able to fly well
A good amount of both vanilla and SF ribbons/badges, keep it up

@ [CA]COLT.45

A very good accuracy,SPM and good K/d ratio
A very good kill streak
Strike and Karkand and Sharqi, are your two main maps,(little of mashtuur) i see nothing else that has been played with a decent amount of time, try and vary your maps, with a little bit of more "vehicle dominance" in them, you will become a better infantry player
Good K/d ratio with your weapons, raise the assault K/d ratio to 2, and try and raise the rest to 1, and then move on from their, as i can see you are very close to doing that, good job
Very very good armor K/d ratio and helicopter K/d ratio, but i see the plane is not your thing, basically try and get a joystick and a little time and effort, and you will understand how fun it is to fly a plane in BF2 + your variety in BF2 will go up a notch
A good amount of badges/ribbons with both vanilla and SF, keep it up
+27|6809|United Kingdom
@ falcon  (I want you to rate me back, you actually take the time to write stuff unlike everyone else)

Good k/d Ratio
Great spm
Great accuracy

w/l ratio isnt too hot
alll weapons k/d ratios are over 1 thats bad ass
vehicles stats are good also except i kinda think u fly primarily in a j-10 and then on u.s. use the cobra but i could be wronge
Armor k/d ratio is a little above average get it up over 10 and i will give you 10/10

I give you a 9.7/10

Last edited by HaVoK-RooKiE (2007-01-08 12:57:30)

Havok, u pwn, and get your ass on msn, I want to play with you, we havnt played in a while.
+27|6809|United Kingdom
God dang you teddy how many times have i asked you not to post behind me... you dirty penis :-P and if im not on msn look on 1st ib you know that... lol

Last edited by HaVoK-RooKiE (2007-01-08 12:31:18)


HaVoK-RooKiE wrote:

God dang you teddy how many times have i asked you not to post behind me... you dirty penis :-P and if im not on msn look on 1st ib you know that... lol
Lol, did it again. Fuck skip me and rate havok. Falcon you rate him since you are both ownage players. P.S falcon i got a new account.
@ HaVoK-ExPerT

Good accuracy, very good SPM and exceptional K/d ratio
A very good kill streak
A very good W/l ratio

Strike at Karkand, which stands out way above the rest, but i see you have other large maps with every aspect of battlefield two in them such as oman, operation clean sweep,dalian plant and sharqi, which means you are good at playing both IO and standard BF2, but, with that being said, you might be a player that "categorize everything for better K/d ratios" ask yourself questions like do you play infantry on the more larger maps that you like ? if so can you hold the same K/d ratio in those maps ?, its a good thing in a player to play both BF2 standard and IO, but with that being said, a player that can hold the same nice weapon K/d ratio in a game of standard Bf2 = a better more "minded" BF2 player, which then = better awareness in any map and situation in both the different aspects of the game

A good amount of teamwork and combat points, which means you are a team player and that you can capture flags and defend flags, which can be vividly seen in your capture points
Really above average assault K/d ratio, support K/d and hand grenade K/d ratio, all other kit ratios are above 1, try and get them to two, which is a good goal you can set yourself upon, i see shotguns and AT is your weakness, struggling to hold a K/d ratio of 1, try using this kit, as defense, and your K/d ratio with that kit will rise
A nice list of victims keep it growing
Everything in vehicle category, is above average, with aviator which clearly stands out as your strong point
A very very good amount of badges/ribbons for both vanilla and SF, with a large number of badges which require time and kills, well done, and keep it up

Last edited by AUS-7th.FalCoN (2007-01-09 07:51:55)


good spm and good k/d ratio
average W/l ratio
Wake island as favorite map
good infantry stats

your a all around good player 8/10
keep the owning up

EDIT: For my stats should be getting reset soon padding FTW...

Last edited by The_Killer (2007-01-09 09:49:25)

Missing, Presumed Dead

The_Killer / ^Ownage^.:888

Good accuracy, great KDR and a great SPM too.
Padding? Lol I see what you mean...a 203 kill streak?! All on the same poor SuPeR_TrOoPs

Kit balance is poor, play some other kits for once. 59hours on Wake, 30 in a jet...Im guessing you tk a lot for jets with 452 teamkills in only 170hours

Hmmm, well, since you've done a fair bit of padding, not much else I can say. Knife KD is insane...I wonder why

When you get reset or whatever, tk less for those jets, play different maps and kits and try something other than the J10.

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