
Are you in the military

yes...Navy3%3% - 4
yes...Army6%6% - 7
yes...Air Force5%5% - 6
yes...Marine Corps6%6% - 7
No52%52% - 57
Military is only for video games17%17% - 19
Other Country's Military8%8% - 9
Total: 109
+1,153|6778|Washington, DC

Can't totally blame draft-dodgers. If I were to have been drafted in WWII I probably would've fought. Would it have been near-suicide? Probably. But I would have believed in the cause.

Vietnam, OIF, I don't believe in those causes. Is it good we got rid of a terrible person? Sure. But he knew how to run the country, however heinous his methods were. And we went in based on lies (poor intelligence my ass), went in without any asking for help from the Iraqi people, went in to spill the blood of thousands of civilians, and lose the blood of 3,000 American lives who didn't deserve to die in a cowboy's war.

That's probably why people would dodge a draft if it was instated now. Because they don't believe in fighting a lost cause. I respect all servicemen, but please don't say the 'protecting our freedoms' stuff. I don't think Iraq was ever a threat to our freedom at all. Afghanistan neither, but the Taliban was a threat as they had links with al-Qaeda.

But enough of that, that's for another topic. Sorry for putting this into a topic meant for servicemen of the militaries of any nation to show their dedication to their country. I'm proud of what you've done for us (if you're an American serviceman) and I'm sure you guys from other country's militaries have support from your own people. Hooah, oorah, Go Navy, and whatever the Air Force says (A bit embarassing that I'm such a huge AF fan but don't even know their cheer =p ).
Do you have any idea how fooking busy I am?
+49|6828|Colorado Springs, CO

Sk wrote:

arabeater wrote:

theit57 wrote:

your posts here make me sick, without people who died so you could escape the draft you wouldn't have a choice of that. so just shut up
I completely second that dude. Please just save us all the trouble and move to the kindler and gentler EU. I hear theyre always looking for a few low life pussies such as yourselves.
hey, fuck you.
I live in the EU and just because we like to "look before we leap", it doesn't mean we're "low life pussies".

Also, and I'll say this off the bat, I don't agree with the way Iraq war was started... it was all done on lies and goverment BS, just to get the civilians backing.
TBH, it should have beent taken care of in the first Gulf War, or it should have been said off the bat "we're going in to remove saddam from power, because he's an evil dictator bastard who kills innocent people".

So yeah, I DONT agree with this war, I AM European, but I'd do my duty for the Queen any god-given day of the week.

(and as far as Eu being pussies goes, at least our soldiers aren't refusing to go to the war.... unlike some US troops in the news eh?)
Ok you have my apologies about the whole EU being pussies and such. The Brits I served with were great soldiers and awesome troops to fight alongside with. I kinda went a bit overboard with my comments but I get sick and tired of most of the EU and Aussies here saying how bad the US is and how we are failing so badly at how the War on Terror is going. You dont think we know how bad shit is right now, seriously? What would you expect your country to do if it was directly attacked? We responded how we thought was best. Was it the right way? For the most part yes, but we did make some mistakes. Are we paying for it? Yes. Would I support England if the situation was reversed on them? Yes, totally. They are our allies, along with the Aussies. I realise that you may not agree with how we're handling the war, but at least offer your support as an ally.
Do you have any idea how fooking busy I am?
+49|6828|Colorado Springs, CO

Hurricane wrote:

Can't totally blame draft-dodgers. If I were to have been drafted in WWII I probably would've fought. Would it have been near-suicide? Probably. But I would have believed in the cause.

Vietnam, OIF, I don't believe in those causes. Is it good we got rid of a terrible person? Sure. But he knew how to run the country, however heinous his methods were. And we went in based on lies (poor intelligence my ass), went in without any asking for help from the Iraqi people, went in to spill the blood of thousands of civilians, and lose the blood of 3,000 American lives who didn't deserve to die in a cowboy's war.

That's probably why people would dodge a draft if it was instated now. Because they don't believe in fighting a lost cause. I respect all servicemen, but please don't say the 'protecting our freedoms' stuff. I don't think Iraq was ever a threat to our freedom at all. Afghanistan neither, but the Taliban was a threat as they had links with al-Qaeda.

But enough of that, that's for another topic. Sorry for putting this into a topic meant for servicemen of the militaries of any nation to show their dedication to their country. I'm proud of what you've done for us (if you're an American serviceman) and I'm sure you guys from other country's militaries have support from your own people. Hooah, oorah, Go Navy, and whatever the Air Force says (A bit embarassing that I'm such a huge AF fan but don't even know their cheer =p ).
The Air Force says Hooah as well. .
+1,153|6778|Washington, DC

Agreed on offering your support for your allies there. Whether you agree with the war or not you should support the guys who are on the ground or in the air or at sea fighting a war. Whether or not they wanted this war to happen is out of their control. If you're going to be mad at someone, be mad at the guys who started this war and never made a good plan for it. Not the guys who just follow their orders as their job requires.
+26|6592|Queens, NYC
This is why I still hope that the United States still has enough volunteers willing to do the deed. Drafting is never the best way to go to war. I'm sure half the people you draft will be the ones unwilling to fight, and will just cause trouble once deployed. If we get some motivated men and women to do everything now, we wouldn't need to do it later. Sure, the current war may have been waged for the wrong cause, but it's already been started and there's nothing to do but finish it. You never leave something unfinished for it will haunt you later on. As much as I don't like losing my brothers and sisters, better to lose some and finish it up now, than lose more later and still not be finished. That's just my opinion, so don't bash me.
+32|6470|Camp Lejeune
Lance Corporal, USMC (promotion comin in 2 weeks..)
Forward Observer
Reserves but have spent most of my time active duty. OIF Vet. Al Asad, around Hit, Haditha, Qubasa, and Ramadi.
stat padding is for girls

arabeater wrote:

Sk wrote:

arabeater wrote:

I completely second that dude. Please just save us all the trouble and move to the kindler and gentler EU. I hear theyre always looking for a few low life pussies such as yourselves.
hey, fuck you.
I live in the EU and just because we like to "look before we leap", it doesn't mean we're "low life pussies".

Also, and I'll say this off the bat, I don't agree with the way Iraq war was started... it was all done on lies and goverment BS, just to get the civilians backing.
TBH, it should have beent taken care of in the first Gulf War, or it should have been said off the bat "we're going in to remove saddam from power, because he's an evil dictator bastard who kills innocent people".

So yeah, I DONT agree with this war, I AM European, but I'd do my duty for the Queen any god-given day of the week.

(and as far as Eu being pussies goes, at least our soldiers aren't refusing to go to the war.... unlike some US troops in the news eh?)
Ok you have my apologies about the whole EU being pussies and such. The Brits I served with were great soldiers and awesome troops to fight alongside with. I kinda went a bit overboard with my comments but I get sick and tired of most of the EU and Aussies here saying how bad the US is and how we are failing so badly at how the War on Terror is going. You dont think we know how bad shit is right now, seriously? What would you expect your country to do if it was directly attacked? We responded how we thought was best. Was it the right way? For the most part yes, but we did make some mistakes. Are we paying for it? Yes. Would I support England if the situation was reversed on them? Yes, totally. They are our allies, along with the Aussies. I realise that you may not agree with how we're handling the war, but at least offer your support as an ally.
appology accepted
Do you have any idea how fooking busy I am?
+49|6828|Colorado Springs, CO

nonexistentusmc wrote:

This is why I still hope that the United States still has enough volunteers willing to do the deed. Drafting is never the best way to go to war. I'm sure half the people you draft will be the ones unwilling to fight, and will just cause trouble once deployed. If we get some motivated men and women to do everything now, we wouldn't need to do it later. Sure, the current war may have been waged for the wrong cause, but it's already been started and there's nothing to do but finish it. You never leave something unfinished for it will haunt you later on. As much as I don't like losing my brothers and sisters, better to lose some and finish it up now, than lose more later and still not be finished. That's just my opinion, so don't bash me.
Ya, this is true. I dont wanna be in a skirmish knowing that the group of guys that are covering my 3, 6 and 9 are draftees that dont wanna be there. I agree that we need to see this thing through all the way even if it means losing more soldiers, airmen, marines or sailors.
Shiny! Let's be bad guys.
+102|6840|NAS Jacksonville, Florida
Delayed Entry Program Recruit for the U.S. Navy.
Shipping out August 8, 2007 as a Corpsman.
Pocket Rocket

Sk wrote:

You dont think we know how bad shit is right now, seriously? What would you expect your country to do if it was directly attacked?
Not wanting to start anything but we were dude. July 7th 2005, 3 bombs on the underground and one on a bus.  Admittedly nothing compared to the scale of 9/11 but we have also had god knows how many attacks from the IRA in the past.
Do you have any idea how fooking busy I am?
+49|6828|Colorado Springs, CO

Hy$t3RiA wrote:

Sk wrote:

You dont think we know how bad shit is right now, seriously? What would you expect your country to do if it was directly attacked?
Not wanting to start anything but we were dude. July 7th 2005, 3 bombs on the underground and one on a bus.  Admittedly nothing compared to the scale of 9/11 but we have also had god knows how many attacks from the IRA in the past.
Yes true, but by then you were already involved in the war on terror fighting alongside the US in OEF and OIF. I was saying what if the UK had been attacked instead of the US on 9/11? What wouldve been Britains response? As far as the IRA goes but correct me if i'm wrong but didnt England retaliate for those attacks? Trust me if the UK had been attacked instead of the US, the US would be fighting alongside you guys all the way and I would completely support that. Remember we are on the same team. .

Last edited by arabeater (2007-01-04 19:52:07)

Pocket Rocket

arabeater wrote:

Hy$t3RiA wrote:

Sk wrote:

You dont think we know how bad shit is right now, seriously? What would you expect your country to do if it was directly attacked?
Not wanting to start anything but we were dude. July 7th 2005, 3 bombs on the underground and one on a bus.  Admittedly nothing compared to the scale of 9/11 but we have also had god knows how many attacks from the IRA in the past.
Yes true, but by then you were already involved in the war on terror fighting alongside the US in OEF and OIF. I was saying what if the UK had been attacked instead of the US on 9/11? What wouldve been Britains response? As far as the IRA goes but correct me if i'm wrong but didnt England retaliate for those attacks? Trust me if the UK had been attacked instead of the US, the US would be fighting alongside you guys all the way and I would completely support that. Remember we are on the same team. .
True dude, I've been to both Iraq and Afghan so know what both places are like.  We had loads of Americans in with us in Afghan as it was an American base but was handed over to ISAF while I was there.  Unfortunately I will be going back to Afghan some time this year, hope lady luck still likes me
Corporal/ E-4 (Got a promotion warrnat in the mail 4 months after I got out for Sergeant. Whack)
United States Marine Corps.
0811 Field Artillery.
OIF/ OEF veteran.

Shout out to my twin brother, also a former Marine, but now a tanker in the Army, he's back in the states for a bit after being in Iraq for a year. Damn I hate that shithole.


Last edited by DeadboyUSMC (2007-01-04 19:57:59)

Do you have any idea how fooking busy I am?
+49|6828|Colorado Springs, CO

Hy$t3RiA wrote:

arabeater wrote:

Hy$t3RiA wrote:

Not wanting to start anything but we were dude. July 7th 2005, 3 bombs on the underground and one on a bus.  Admittedly nothing compared to the scale of 9/11 but we have also had god knows how many attacks from the IRA in the past.
Yes true, but by then you were already involved in the war on terror fighting alongside the US in OEF and OIF. I was saying what if the UK had been attacked instead of the US on 9/11? What wouldve been Britains response? As far as the IRA goes but correct me if i'm wrong but didnt England retaliate for those attacks? Trust me if the UK had been attacked instead of the US, the US would be fighting alongside you guys all the way and I would completely support that. Remember we are on the same team. .
True dude, I've been to both Iraq and Afghan so know what both places are like.  We had loads of Americans in with us in Afghan as it was an American base but was handed over to ISAF while I was there.  Unfortunately I will be going back to Afghan some time this year, hope lady luck still likes me
Yea me toos. Where were you at in Iraq and Afghanistan? I was in Kirkuk RAB this past year and I am supposed to be going back to Kirkuk this upcoming summer. . I didnt spend a whole lotta time in Afghanistan ( I was redeployed to Iraq in March 2003). The time I was there was at Kandahar AFB. Not a very pleasent place to visit. .
Pocket Rocket

arabeater wrote:

Hy$t3RiA wrote:

arabeater wrote:

Yes true, but by then you were already involved in the war on terror fighting alongside the US in OEF and OIF. I was saying what if the UK had been attacked instead of the US on 9/11? What wouldve been Britains response? As far as the IRA goes but correct me if i'm wrong but didnt England retaliate for those attacks? Trust me if the UK had been attacked instead of the US, the US would be fighting alongside you guys all the way and I would completely support that. Remember we are on the same team. .
True dude, I've been to both Iraq and Afghan so know what both places are like.  We had loads of Americans in with us in Afghan as it was an American base but was handed over to ISAF while I was there.  Unfortunately I will be going back to Afghan some time this year, hope lady luck still likes me
Yea me toos. Where were you at in Iraq and Afghanistan? I was in Kirkuk RAB this past year and I am supposed to be going back to Kirkuk this upcoming summer. . I didnt spend a whole lotta time in Afghanistan ( I was redeployed to Iraq in March 2003). The time I was there was at Kandahar AFB. Not a very pleasent place to visit. .
I was stationed at Basra when I was in Iraq and Kandahar when I was in Afghan. Probbaly won't go back into Iraq with my line of work but will most definetly be visiting sunny Kandahar. My work was right next to the Preadtor guys, those things are awsome!
Do you have any idea how fooking busy I am?
+49|6828|Colorado Springs, CO

Hy$t3RiA wrote:

arabeater wrote:

Hy$t3RiA wrote:

True dude, I've been to both Iraq and Afghan so know what both places are like.  We had loads of Americans in with us in Afghan as it was an American base but was handed over to ISAF while I was there.  Unfortunately I will be going back to Afghan some time this year, hope lady luck still likes me
Yea me toos. Where were you at in Iraq and Afghanistan? I was in Kirkuk RAB this past year and I am supposed to be going back to Kirkuk this upcoming summer. . I didnt spend a whole lotta time in Afghanistan ( I was redeployed to Iraq in March 2003). The time I was there was at Kandahar AFB. Not a very pleasent place to visit. .
I was stationed at Basra when I was in Iraq and Kandahar when I was in Afghan. Probbaly won't go back into Iraq with my line of work but will most definetly be visiting sunny Kandahar. My work was right next to the Preadtor guys, those things are awsome!
Yea ive been to Basra. I was also stationed at Ali Air Base and Tikrit AFB. Ive been to Iraq 4 times now. . What line of work are you in? I am in the Communications field. Yea the Predators are cool toys man. I have worked with those badboys a few times in Afghanistan. I wont be heading back to Kandahar this summer, i'm heading back to Baghdad Inter. Airport. That place blows monkey balls.
Pocket Rocket
I'm in the air force and work as an aircraft electrician.  Lucky in some ways as I've spoken to the guys who have to live/go outside of the wire, they have big balls.
Do you have any idea how fooking busy I am?
+49|6828|Colorado Springs, CO

Hy$t3RiA wrote:

I'm in the air force and work as an aircraft electrician.  Lucky in some ways as I've spoken to the guys who have to live/go outside of the wire, they have big balls.
Sweet a fellow airmen. . What base are stationed at in England? I have some friends at Lakenheath RAF. I am trying to go there or Mildenhall. Yea my job requires me to head outside of the safezone quite often. Luckily i'm still in one piece.
Pocket Rocket

arabeater wrote:

Hy$t3RiA wrote:

I'm in the air force and work as an aircraft electrician.  Lucky in some ways as I've spoken to the guys who have to live/go outside of the wire, they have big balls.
Sweet a fellow airmen. . What base are stationed at in England? I have some friends at Lakenheath RAF. I am trying to go there or Mildenhall. Yea my job requires me to head outside of the safezone quite often. Luckily i'm still in one piece.
I'm at sunny ole Lyneham in wilts, work on the Hercs.
GunSlinger OIF II
I got issued my ACU's today.  im pissed off because the surplus store closes at 1800 and I decided to have a chat with my mentor from high school (green beret ODA commander during vietnam). by the time i goto the store its 1815 and its fucking raining and I scratched my fender and now I gotta wear my uniform without my CIB or Cav patch.  I feel naked without the horse.  And, my trip to reclass school is not today, but coming within the next few days.  but fuck it.  Congratulations to all US military folks for the pay raise.
Do you have any idea how fooking busy I am?
+49|6828|Colorado Springs, CO

Hy$t3RiA wrote:

arabeater wrote:

Hy$t3RiA wrote:

I'm in the air force and work as an aircraft electrician.  Lucky in some ways as I've spoken to the guys who have to live/go outside of the wire, they have big balls.
Sweet a fellow airmen. . What base are stationed at in England? I have some friends at Lakenheath RAF. I am trying to go there or Mildenhall. Yea my job requires me to head outside of the safezone quite often. Luckily i'm still in one piece.
I'm at sunny ole Lyneham in wilts, work on the Hercs.
Hmm...not familiar with Lyneham. I hate Hercs, they are so damn uncomfortable to ride in from Germany to Iraq/Afghanistan. Well good luck dude on your deployment and stay safe man.
Do you have any idea how fooking busy I am?
+49|6828|Colorado Springs, CO

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

I got issued my ACU's today.  im pissed off because the surplus store closes at 1800 and I decided to have a chat with my mentor from high school (green beret ODA commander during vietnam). by the time i goto the store its 1815 and its fucking raining and I scratched my fender and now I gotta wear my uniform without my CIB or Cav patch.  I feel naked without the horse.  And, my trip to reclass school is not today, but coming within the next few days.  but fuck it.  Congratulations to all US military folks for the pay raise.
Yay, on that fat ass 2.2% raise. I wont hardly see any of that after taxes. . I cant wait for my 6 year raise this year.. Are you cross-training?
GunSlinger OIF II

arabeater wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

I got issued my ACU's today.  im pissed off because the surplus store closes at 1800 and I decided to have a chat with my mentor from high school (green beret ODA commander during vietnam). by the time i goto the store its 1815 and its fucking raining and I scratched my fender and now I gotta wear my uniform without my CIB or Cav patch.  I feel naked without the horse.  And, my trip to reclass school is not today, but coming within the next few days.  but fuck it.  Congratulations to all US military folks for the pay raise.
Yay, on that fat ass 2.2% raise. I wont hardly see any of that after taxes. . I cant wait for my 6 year raise this year.. Are you cross-training?
naw.  Im reclassing.  they dont have infantry in the Army reserves.  Oh god, what am I doing....jk. but honestly,  Im gonna miss infantry so bad.  if it wasnt for my wanting a degree and the whole college experience,  i would go back in active duty. 

hearts and minds.
Do you have any idea how fooking busy I am?
+49|6828|Colorado Springs, CO

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

arabeater wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

I got issued my ACU's today.  im pissed off because the surplus store closes at 1800 and I decided to have a chat with my mentor from high school (green beret ODA commander during vietnam). by the time i goto the store its 1815 and its fucking raining and I scratched my fender and now I gotta wear my uniform without my CIB or Cav patch.  I feel naked without the horse.  And, my trip to reclass school is not today, but coming within the next few days.  but fuck it.  Congratulations to all US military folks for the pay raise.
Yay, on that fat ass 2.2% raise. I wont hardly see any of that after taxes. . I cant wait for my 6 year raise this year.. Are you cross-training?
naw.  Im reclassing.  they dont have infantry in the Army reserves.  Oh god, what am I doing....jk. but honestly,  Im gonna miss infantry so bad.  if it wasnt for my wanting a degree and the whole college experience,  i would go back in active duty. 
http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h299/ … s_prop.jpg

hearts and minds.
Oh, the Air Force calls that cross-training. What are you reclassing in to? I wanna change jobs but that would mean I'd have to re-enlist. I'm getting tired of being away from my wife so I want out when my term ends.
GunSlinger OIF II
get ready for the long term fancy way of my new job......

Tactical Psychological Operations Specialist under United States Army Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command (USACAPOC........UZAHHHHHKAPOK)  which falls under Special Operations (well it did until last may,  but I still get to wear the SF flash on my beret, the beret aint green though)

in other words, a mind fucker.

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