
Are you in the military

yes...Navy3%3% - 4
yes...Army6%6% - 7
yes...Air Force5%5% - 6
yes...Marine Corps6%6% - 7
No52%52% - 57
Military is only for video games17%17% - 19
Other Country's Military8%8% - 9
Total: 109
The Octagon
+18|6560|da ville, va
Technically part of the Air Force in a way ya know with CAP
I do it for the lulz.

CommieChipmunk wrote:

bobby177 wrote:

I'm not in the military, and never plan to be. If there is a draft I am moving to Canada or Finland.

At least under the current administration.  I will never go to war for someone I can't trust (which is pretty much government in general.. so I guess I will be going to Canada.. hoorah!)

The whole war thing is very immature and childish, these people need to grow up and realize that killing people is not the answer to anything.

Video games only..ftw
Ditto. Let's get an apartment together.
I am THE Frodo Baggins.
+124|6546|6 feet under

RedTwizzler wrote:

CommieChipmunk wrote:

bobby177 wrote:

I'm not in the military, and never plan to be. If there is a draft I am moving to Canada or Finland.

At least under the current administration.  I will never go to war for someone I can't trust (which is pretty much government in general.. so I guess I will be going to Canada.. hoorah!)

The whole war thing is very immature and childish, these people need to grow up and realize that killing people is not the answer to anything.

Video games only..ftw
Ditto. Let's get an apartment together.
your posts here make me sick, without people who died so you could escape the draft you wouldn't have a choice of that. so just shut up
Do you have any idea how fooking busy I am?
+49|6828|Colorado Springs, CO

theit57 wrote:

RedTwizzler wrote:

CommieChipmunk wrote:


At least under the current administration.  I will never go to war for someone I can't trust (which is pretty much government in general.. so I guess I will be going to Canada.. hoorah!)

The whole war thing is very immature and childish, these people need to grow up and realize that killing people is not the answer to anything.

Video games only..ftw
Ditto. Let's get an apartment together.
your posts here make me sick, without people who died so you could escape the draft you wouldn't have a choice of that. so just shut up
I completely second that dude. Please just save us all the trouble and move to the kindler and gentler EU. I hear theyre always looking for a few low life pussies such as yourselves.
+488|6717|Portland, OR, USA

theit57 wrote:

RedTwizzler wrote:

CommieChipmunk wrote:


At least under the current administration.  I will never go to war for someone I can't trust (which is pretty much government in general.. so I guess I will be going to Canada.. hoorah!)

The whole war thing is very immature and childish, these people need to grow up and realize that killing people is not the answer to anything.

Video games only..ftw
Ditto. Let's get an apartment together.
your posts here make me sick, without people who died so you could escape the draft you wouldn't have a choice of that. so just shut up
No, you just shut up.  In a case like Vietnam? Hell fucking yeah I would have dodged the draft and gone to Canada because I have something I want to achieve in my life.  If I had nothing I wanted to do with my life, I still wouldn't have gone because it was a pointless war, time better spent in jail.  War in Iraq, exact same fucking thing.  Do I respect the troops? Sure I'll say it to make you happy, on one side I feel bad for them, on the other, I respect them...

Personally I have much more respect for people who stand up and go against authority when they know something isn't right opposed to people who "fight for their country" when their country is the oppressor.

War is something the sick fucks high up in government do to please themselves imho, it should really just and in most cases could be solved with diplomacy, but killing people's more fun.....
Cheeseburger Logicist
I will never serve in the military, forcibly or by choice. It is because I cannot and do not use violence. I have yet to hear of a war where Canadians defended their nation's freedom, and I strongly support our soldiers' return from Afghanistan immediately.

My brother is looking to serve in the Canadian Forces, and I discourage him, but he is determined. I know quite a few people that have relatives in Afghanistan, and several have told stories of near death. One was on leave when his unit was devastated.
I am THE Frodo Baggins.
+124|6546|6 feet under

arabeater wrote:

theit57 wrote:

RedTwizzler wrote:

Ditto. Let's get an apartment together.
your posts here make me sick, without people who died so you could escape the draft you wouldn't have a choice of that. so just shut up
I completely second that dude. Please just save us all the trouble and move to the kindler and gentler EU. I hear theyre always looking for a few low life pussies such as yourselves.
thanks i have an uncle who got a bronze star for combat actions in Iraq, and i grew up in a BIG Navy town
Do you have any idea how fooking busy I am?
+49|6828|Colorado Springs, CO

theit57 wrote:

arabeater wrote:

theit57 wrote:

your posts here make me sick, without people who died so you could escape the draft you wouldn't have a choice of that. so just shut up
I completely second that dude. Please just save us all the trouble and move to the kindler and gentler EU. I hear theyre always looking for a few low life pussies such as yourselves.
thanks i have an uncle who got a bronze star for combat actions in Iraq, and i grew up in a BIG Navy town
No prob. Yea alot of officers in my squadron have Bronze Stars from OIF & OEF. They seem to be just handing that out like candy these days. Except to me. I got 2 Commendation Medals and 2 Achievement Medals. .
Flicker of beans since 1986
+87|6698|Reading, Basingrad
Rank - Staff Sgt
Branch -  Pathfinder Platoon / 3rd Battallion Parachute Regiment
Country - UK

Left in 2003
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6832|United States of America
I wish I could be but I'm fairly underweight compared to the requirements. I wanted to go to West Point and from there go into airborne or Rangers to be a medic or something of that nature.
WEll , im joining the MARINES in california to be a sniper when im older  - hoorah

Last edited by Marine_fighter77 (2007-01-03 20:37:38)

+3,611|6768|London, England
I wouldn't mind joining the Air Force/Navy as an Engineer of some sort. Other than that, i voted for the obligatory joke option.
Honda - The Power of Dreams
+293|6560|Michigan, USA

I'm not currently in the military, but joining has become a more-noticeable option for my life in the years to come... if I did, I'd join the USAF.  Piloting any modern jet-fighter as a career is one of my dreams... maybe someday....
+65|6840|las vegas
i was out of highscool, active for 2 years in the army, with a dishonrable=[

spent time for a year in the brig while 9/11 happned. that day really meant something for me, you dont know what it's like to be in a cell watching that stuff on tv..

Last edited by beerface702 (2007-01-04 02:16:29)


This is probably thread number https://img99.imageshack.us/img99/2756/infinitydd7.gif on this topic, but what the hell, I'll answer anyway..

Finnish Marines (or the Navys coastal infantry troops, basic "compulsary" military training)
Rank: PFC(?) (Coast Ranger / Rannikkojääkäri (Jaeger))
Specialization: Military Police
Time served: 275 days (january-september 2000 + reserve training)

Pic: Military Police urban combat training (not me in the pic, random)


Last edited by DonFck (2007-01-04 02:27:09)

I need around tree fiddy.
Certified Twat
+296|6655|Bournemouth, South England
Regimental Signals Instructor / Ops NCO
Army Air Corps
British Army

Living the dream!
Connecticut: our chimps are stealin yo' faces.
Corporal of Marines
0311 Infantry
Semper Fi
Malloy must go
+231|6521|Kyiv, Ukraine
E-4, Army ('95 to '03)
98G/AD - Intel Interceptor (Arabic)
74B - Communications Systems Admin

Dodged promotion boards 17 times and counting ...Honorable Discharge

Got my draft letter in the mail over a month ago, too bad I'm not in the US.  Sorry for missing the "surge".
Currently at CFLRS

going navy i got till feb then i'm done my BMQ's

rank O.S.



Drakef wrote:

I will never serve in the military, forcibly or by choice. It is because I cannot and do not use violence. I have yet to hear of a war where Canadians defended their nation's freedom, and I strongly support our soldiers' return from Afghanistan immediately.

My brother is looking to serve in the Canadian Forces, and I discourage him, but he is determined. I know quite a few people that have relatives in Afghanistan, and several have told stories of near death. One was on leave when his unit was devastated.
war of 1812

and dude i'm at CFLRS tell him it's an experience you will NEVER trade for anything give your head a shake
I am THE Frodo Baggins.
+124|6546|6 feet under

beerface702 wrote:

i was out of highscool, active for 2 years in the army, with a dishonrable=[

spent time for a year in the brig while 9/11 happned. that day really meant something for me, you dont know what it's like to be in a cell watching that stuff on tv..
what did you do to spend time in the brig?
Big Mouth Prick
+219|6678|Golf 1.8 GTI Wolfsburg Edition
wanna join the Koningklijke Landmacht in a year (dutch army)
You with the face!
US Air Force
USAF Academy
rank: Cadet
Unit: Cadet Squadron 14
Cheeseburger Logicist

manitobapaintballa wrote:

Drakef wrote:

I will never serve in the military, forcibly or by choice. It is because I cannot and do not use violence. I have yet to hear of a war where Canadians defended their nation's freedom, and I strongly support our soldiers' return from Afghanistan immediately.

My brother is looking to serve in the Canadian Forces, and I discourage him, but he is determined. I know quite a few people that have relatives in Afghanistan, and several have told stories of near death. One was on leave when his unit was devastated.
war of 1812

and dude i'm at CFLRS tell him it's an experience you will NEVER trade for anything give your head a shake
Don't fool yourself with the War of 1812. Learn the history. It was a war between two democracies, the United Kingdom and the United States, and no man's freedom was at stake. Canada was merely a place where it was fought; Canadians were hardly a nationality, nor were they the ones who truly fought. Our biased history trumps it up as a Canada versus United States battle. In the end, we weren't a small nation surviving against the United States, but part of an empire fighting an independant country. It wasn't the miraculous victory of a small nation against an evil imperial power, but more of a stalemate between the United Kingdom and the United States over minor disputes. In the end, the States gained territory (Maine).

Give my head a shake? I do not want my brother to die for a cause that will not succeed. That is the true dishonour to our soldiers.
stat padding is for girls

arabeater wrote:

theit57 wrote:

RedTwizzler wrote:

Ditto. Let's get an apartment together.
your posts here make me sick, without people who died so you could escape the draft you wouldn't have a choice of that. so just shut up
I completely second that dude. Please just save us all the trouble and move to the kindler and gentler EU. I hear theyre always looking for a few low life pussies such as yourselves.
hey, fuck you.
I live in the EU and just because we like to "look before we leap", it doesn't mean we're "low life pussies".

Also, and I'll say this off the bat, I don't agree with the way Iraq war was started... it was all done on lies and goverment BS, just to get the civilians backing.
TBH, it should have beent taken care of in the first Gulf War, or it should have been said off the bat "we're going in to remove saddam from power, because he's an evil dictator bastard who kills innocent people".

So yeah, I DONT agree with this war, I AM European, but I'd do my duty for the Queen any god-given day of the week.

(and as far as Eu being pussies goes, at least our soldiers aren't refusing to go to the war.... unlike some US troops in the news eh?)

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