
DesertFox423 wrote:

Dezerteagal5 wrote:

Well its simple. It's scientifically impossible for god to have created everything around 2000 years ago because the half life of Carbon is 5730 years. Now i may be incorrect here about the god part, so i accept all flames but i couldn't find any place online that states how many years ago 'creation week' was so i had to assume it was a little before the jesus myth was created
That doesn't "prove the Bible wrong." That disproves how old they speculated the world to be. I never had even heard of creationism until I was about 10 years old at which point I had already known about evolution but even so I believe God gave life on earth which then evolved.
muslim says, bible is wrong, and that only Holy Qur'an is the true word of Allah and Muhammad is his Prophet.
Islam is the only True Religion
Will it blend?

kiteboarderni wrote:

because the bible syaso....

and yes i am a christian and always was brought up to be one. and my belief that what the bible says goes
Thats why i dont believe in religion - mindless sheep
Hooray Beer!
+94|6880|United States
Every single religion on Earth states that THEIR religion is the only true one and that's never going to change, and nobody will ever know which one is truely correct. Back to the subject, I believe that there is a higher power in our existence just as I believe there is a Heaven and Hell, and that your life on Earth and your choices determine which place you spend eternity. Whether this higher power is called God, Jesus, Allah, Buddah, or whatever else (I personally believe in God/Jesus) I truly believe and have faith. The universe is vast beyond our imagination and I refuse to think it wasn't created by something.

Last edited by BeerzGod (2007-01-03 10:23:31)

Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6755|The Land of Scott Walker

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

Jesus is an arab . . . Therefore he has tanned skin, where does he live? Israel. That's right, in the middle east.
You have a good point cyborg.  Jesus was Jewish and likely had olive/tanned skin typical to the region.  Does anyone really know what color He was?  No.  Does it matter? Not really.  God in Heaven exists as a spirit, anyway, so He’s not black, white, tanned or otherwise.

I fully believe in evolution in the sense that the every creature on earth has the ability to adapt to their surroundings, as I said before.  However, the beetles you referenced didn't evolve into something else to adapt - they are still beetles. 

Mogura wrote:

zeidmaan wrote:

I believe because its better to believe and be wrong than it it to NOT believe and be wrong.
In first case its all good in second case YOU ARE POONED.
fear ! you have fear ! you believe in god who is supposed to be absolute love, because of fear !

Jenkinsbball wrote:

Why would a God that created us, his children, damn us to fire, pain and suffering for simply not believing he exists? Sounds like bullshit to me.
We humans deserve to be punished for our sins, but God was merciful and provided a way for our sins to be forgiven that we didn't deserve or earn.  Fear?  God’s justice is nothing to mess with.  If one chooses to scorn salvation and take their chances, then fear may be a logical response. 

Zimmer wrote:

There is no HARDCORE evidence on either opinion of the sphere.
Go ahead, argue your heads off that God exists, but try finding some hard evidence that he does. ( Don't tell me "the Bible" because that could have been written by any old sod )
Go read "Small Gods" by Terry Pratchet.
It gives you a perspective you have never had before on religion and Gods.

I don't believe in God, so I may be a tad bias. But I have no problem with people who do ( all my family is christian ) and the fact is, that however strongly you argue for both cases, none wins. Why?
Because on both cases there is no evidence that you can hand to me on a plate to prove either view. You can go and say "Then why do so many people believe in a God of some sort?" and an atheist will retort back "Because they need something secure, safe and loving to hand on to in life, as they are scared of the occurances and scared of death" - or the opposite, depending on who he is arguing against.
You’re right, there’s no hardcore evidence on either side.  We have to look at what we have on hand and use our intellect to arrive at a conclusion so on either side, there is faith involved.  I would ask you, what hard evidence convinced you that God does not exist?  As far as the Bible, if you choose to dig deeper and truly study the Bible with an open mind, you will find it to be true.  Leaving faith aside, start with the number of authors, the time span involved, and all the prophesies that have come true that were foretold hundreds and thousands of years before the events occurred. 

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

If there is a god, why doesn't he saved all the animals he created? After all no one wants to see something they created destroyed.
God created animals to serve a purpose on earth, mainly as a food source for humankind and other animals. 

CameronPoe wrote:

Yeah it's great that we live in a world free from starvation, thirst, natural disaster, disease, war, debauchery, exploitation, slavery, brutality, bloodshed, social injustice, persecution and racism. God FTW!
Are you willing to give God credit for all the good things you didn't mention since your willing to blame Him for all the rest?  Isn't it inconsistent to acknowledge God's existence when bad things happen, but not when everything's fine? 

Mong0ose wrote:

Thats why i dont believe in religion - mindless sheep
Why would you let the manner in which someone else believes determine your beliefs for you?  Isn’t that mindless, too?  Just because one person does not explore the reasons they believe, does not make what they believe false.

Wow, this was a long post.  You guys kept throwing more stuff on while I was thinking.

Stingray24 wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

Yeah it's great that we live in a world free from starvation, thirst, natural disaster, disease, war, debauchery, exploitation, slavery, brutality, bloodshed, social injustice, persecution and racism. God FTW!
Are you willing to give God credit for all the good things you didn't mention since your willing to blame Him for all the rest?  Isn't it inconsistent to acknowledge God's existence when bad things happen, but not when everything's fine?
No I am not willing to give 'god' credit and no I did not blame 'god' for all the ills in the world because I DON'T BELIEVE IN 'god'.

You're entitled to your beliefs but don't put words in my mouth.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2007-01-03 10:32:12)

Because I believe there is such a thing as life after death. I believe there is a higher power and if it is God, I will rather go to Heaven then suffer an ever lasting torment in Hell.
Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6755|The Land of Scott Walker

CameronPoe wrote:

Stingray24 wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

Yeah it's great that we live in a world free from starvation, thirst, natural disaster, disease, war, debauchery, exploitation, slavery, brutality, bloodshed, social injustice, persecution and racism. God FTW!
Are you willing to give God credit for all the good things you didn't mention since your willing to blame Him for all the rest?  Isn't it inconsistent to acknowledge God's existence when bad things happen, but not when everything's fine?
No I am not willing to give 'god' credit and no I did not blame 'god' for all the ills in the world because I DON'T BELIEVE IN 'god'.

You're entitled to your beliefs but don't put words in my mouth.
Hmmm, seemed from your post above that you did blame God for the ills in the world.  Sorry I misundertood, it was an honest question.
Welcome to Paradise enter your Nickname and Password ! If you are not Member yet, make a trip to Purgatory and Sign Up to get your Nick and Pass.
Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6755|The Land of Scott Walker
Too bad purgatory doesn't exist.  The decision must be made on earth.  Otherwise, humans, selfish little wankers that we are, would just sin it up and then say Oops when we get to purgatory and make it all better.  Purgatory doesn't fit with Biblical teaching at all.
16 more years
+877|6835|South Florida
If god was really a "Fair god" then he could understand how a LOGICAL person could not believe in something as crazy sounding as a god. And, in all his fairness, forgive him and bring him into heaven to do something for all eternity (we dont know what, but something, 100 quadrillion years of PingPong anyone?)

Last edited by Dezerteagal5 (2007-01-03 10:58:51)

15 more years! 15 more years!

Dezerteagal5 wrote:

If god was really a "Fair god" then he could understand how a LOGICAL person could not believe in something as crazy sounding as a god. And, in all his fairness, forgive him and bring him into heaven to do something for all eternity (we dont know what, but something 100 trillion years of PingPong anyone?)
And that my friend is where free will comes in to play. Ether you believe or you don't and if you do not believe then don't blame God for mistakes you make in your life. You don't read the Bible so your "LOGIC" comment is that of a 2yr old.
Say wat!?

{M5}Sniper3 wrote:

Why not? I see it as a fall-back. There is a 100% chance of us all dieing. It's nature. Why not believe in a God? If the God is real, good for you, you will be saved. If you don't believe in one and there is a God, he'll (she'll?) say, "Oops, you didn't believe in me, go burn in hell." If there isn't then, oh well, you didn't waste that much time worshiping him/her/it. (1 hour a week for Christians.)
You say "Why Not?" and someone else said "so i dont go to hell forever" That just shows a complete and utter lack of any real belief. You are doing it as a backup. Thus when you life is judged you will be seen as a fraud and sent to hell anyway. Atleast someone who doesnt believe in God can say if there is a god, "I was true to my believe's."

This so I dont go to hell just shows that god doesnt exist in any possible current religious context. They all claim god is forgiving and loves you. But will send you to hell if you disobey. That is the sort of thing an old dictator like Alexander the Great was. How can you claim gods nature is anything like ours. To even suggest that is rediculus. Anyone with belief is fair enough. But beliveing in any current religion is a joke.
Say wat!?

acidkiller187 wrote:

Dezerteagal5 wrote:

If god was really a "Fair god" then he could understand how a LOGICAL person could not believe in something as crazy sounding as a god. And, in all his fairness, forgive him and bring him into heaven to do something for all eternity (we dont know what, but something 100 trillion years of PingPong anyone?)
And that my friend is where free will comes in to play. Ether you believe or you don't and if you do not believe then don't blame God for mistakes you make in your life. You don't read the Bible so your "LOGIC" comment is that of a 2yr old.
I dont believe he blammed god anywhere in that post. Your "COMMENT" is that of a fucking retard.
I am fairly certain there's something going on we don't understand, and my guess is that there is some form of intelligence to it.

I don't believe that Moses parted the Red Sea, or that Jesus was virgin born (though I do believe he was divinely inspired in a way a lot different than the rest of us), but I think that there's very little possibility that this all came to its current point completely by chance.

I'm pretty sure that the Bible is great as a "how to live your life" book (especially if you just go with "love thy neighbor as thyself" and skip the rest of it), I just don't see it holding water as a historical/scientific look at things.

All that being said, there's got to be some sort of intelligence that at the very least, even if it doesn't play around in our affairs anymore, had some hand in the whole creation of what we see before us.

Vilham wrote:

I dont believe he blammed god anywhere in that post. Your "COMMENT" is that of a fucking retard.
Oh! Easy newbie, don't get upset. I'm sorry if I offended you "LMAO"....NOT! STFU! D__K HEAD.

I will 0wN you little biatch.

Stingray24 wrote:

Too bad purgatory doesn't exist.  The decision must be made on earth.  Otherwise, humans, selfish little wankers that we are, would just sin it up and then say Oops when we get to purgatory and make it all better.  Purgatory doesn't fit with Biblical teaching at all.
Biblical techings are false anyway ;-)
Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6755|The Land of Scott Walker

Mogura wrote:

Stingray24 wrote:

Too bad purgatory doesn't exist.  The decision must be made on earth.  Otherwise, humans, selfish little wankers that we are, would just sin it up and then say Oops when we get to purgatory and make it all better.  Purgatory doesn't fit with Biblical teaching at all.
Biblical techings are false anyway ;-)
You keep saying that . . . proof?

CameronPoe wrote:

aLpHa|Mr.App|e wrote:

I belive in God cause hes the one who makes our life so good, without him we wouldnt even be able to play bf2/having fun/eat well food......i am greatful to him!
Yeah it's great that we live in a world free from starvation, thirst, natural disaster, disease, war, debauchery, exploitation, slavery, brutality, bloodshed, social injustice, persecution and racism. God FTW!
Are you dead yet? you should actually be great ful!
This is a long read, borrowed from a friends thesis paper.  But if you want to know why, read it.

It has been said that there is no proof that we exist due to a creator. What is proof? The Websters Dictionary provides this definition for Proof:

1 a : the cogency of evidence that compels acceptance by the mind of a truth or a fact b : the process or an instance of establishing the validity of a statement especially by derivation from other statements in accordance with principles of reasoning
2 obsolete : EXPERIENCE
3 : something that induces certainty or establishes validity
4 archaic : the quality or state of having been tested or tried;
especially : unyielding hardness
5 : evidence operating to determine the finding or judgment of a tribunal
6 a plural proofs or proof : a copy (as of typeset text) made for examination or correction.
7 : a test applied to articles or substances to determine whether they are of standard or satisfactory quality.

From this definition I find proof to be a combination of tests or facts that give an argument a true or false answer. It has been said that science disproves a creator; I have not seen any evidence that shows a creator to be false. Without the knowledgebase of all that is and ever was it would be impossible to prove such a thing. The multitude of combined variables that established life here on Earth can not be perceived by any person. The calculations that would need to be plugged in to establish such a thing go beyond our most sophisticated computers ability. To give an example of the complexity involved in the process of creation of life one could consider the following, for every number range is an infinite amount of numerical ranges. An example of this can be seen in this description:

In between every number is an infinite amount of other numbers, between 1 and 2 exist infinity. For instance, between 1.00001 and 1.00002 is an infinite amount of numbers. As an example I will merely state 10 numbers in between 1.00001 and 1.00002, which are 1.000010 1.000011 1.000012 1.000013 1.000014 1.000015 1.000016 1.000017 1.000018 1.000019 1.000020
to look more specifically at this example we could view 1.000016 and 1.000017 (listed above); in between these numbers is an infinite amount of numbers:
1.00001600000000000000000000000001 and 1.00001700000000000000000000000001;

The number existing in between the following range would be 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (100 Septillion). Between any of those numbers (from the largest to the smallest) is an infinite amount of numbers; it goes on forever.

The odds for life to be created by chance could be signified by rolling an infinite dice (where life is an exact number) having it land on an exact number; if everything is infinite, even by getting to roll this imaginary dice infinitely would not create life. One must remember the number that represents life would constantly change as the ever moving Universe changed.

Out of many theories there is one that is widely known that Ill touch base on. This theory has proclaimed to resolve The Question while claiming to eliminate the need for a creator; the theory is called The theory of Evolution. The argument has been made that evolution shows that there is no need for a God (creator), while people that believe in a creator say that evolution isnt possible. I fail to see where the two beliefs produce a logical argument, aside from the fact that evolutionists deny a creator, and believers of a higher power deny evolution. The two disagreements lack logical argumentation though; evolutionists still lack a valid origin, and believers accept the fact that they can not comprehend the intricacies of their God, yet dismiss a possibility of their creators work. When a blacksmith makes a sword, the blacksmith does not merely will a sword to be created. The blacksmith actually puts time into the sword to forge it. The blacksmith tempers the sword with heat as the metal is folded numerously to get out all impurities. I dont consider myself able to comprehend the inner-workings of a God, so how would anyone else consider them selves capable without knowing everything?

The programming of such intricate creatures such as the life on earth is one that demands astonishment. DNA exists inside every living organism. When a four legged animal is born into the world, within merely seconds it walks without observed direction. When a maggot hatches it stays in the form of a maggot long enough to continue its birthing process, once it is ready to form it becomes a fly and is able to do just that without observed direction. The fly performs an unobserved operation by devouring potential toxins. The world in which we live operates as a machine; its a cycle that empowers looping functions. This machine provides plant life across the face of this globe as well as the hidden depths of its oceans. This plant life converts Carbon Dioxide into Oxygen. Plants produce seeds designed to spread there offspring; some plants have ways of delivering there seeds by using the wind as the conveyer, how do plants know to produce such things to carry there seeds through wind, what tells plants to grow this way? Some plant life has no way of conveying there own seeds far, but there are other creatures that carry the seeds for the plants. Some of these creatures are bees, birds, and other insects. Bees produce honeycomb and the honey therein both of which are edible and provide excellent nourishment for them selves as well as mammals amongst other creatures. The plant life on land (when it has completed its life cycle or fell short due to external influences) It fertilizes the land with its corpse and allows the soil to become a suitable environment for more plants to grow there. According to some people, there are creatures which have no significant purpose (e.g. ants, wasps). I believe all creatures have a role to play in this program, even if its not clearly observed by the human species (e.g. DNA, before it was known of). Since we (the human race) dont know all facts of the Universe, rules that we have established are subjected to possible change if new facts are found; since this has proven itself true time and time again. Some examples of human nature to come to a conclusion on a topic without knowing the facts could be seen in the possibility of flight being denied, speeds of 60 miles per hour or greater being merely a dream, computer viruses being refuted by Mr. Norton himself (Maker of Norton Anti-virus), the sound barrier being an unattainable speed, the ability of stopping light (Achieved January 18th 2001), never achieving teleportation (first success completed in June 19th of 2002 with photons). The list goes on, no matter what is accomplished people still say there are other concepts that can never be achieved.

Out of all the creatures on earth Homo-sapiens are the most complex. We are bipedal, which requires many muscles to constantly adjust when standing, for balance. We are noted by evolutional theory as the highest on the food chain, thus explaining why we are the most abundant creature (excluding miniscule organisms). We are the one creature out of all others that hurts this machine in which we live. Every other creature does no harm to the earth; if it starts too (e.g. becoming to abundant in population), it dies off. In cases of overpopulation with animals or insects, mankind is to blame; tearing down forests to make homes or businesses, hunting and killing the overpopulated creatures natural predator. The fact that all creatures have an algorithm to adapt to the environment shows us there is a program. How does a program come about? When a computer is used for any of the multiple functions it can be used for it is serving our purpose. The computer to operate requires a program; an operating system on a computer gives us a foundation to build other programs upon. There is one problem with our operating systems though; they generally crash at one time or another. The program that we exist in never crashes, it never has flaws; it is constant and perfect. If this program in which we exist is so perfect, how much more complex is it than the operating system on your computer? Would you believe it if someone told you that computers were not created, they just formed due to a big bang? Technically (in the eyes of evolutionists) the computer did form due to a big bang; the big bang could be looked at as a mover. Among the many movers man finally arrives, man makes computers; therefore the big bang caused computers to come about indirectly. My question is (if the big bang theory proves true) what caused the big bang? In this machine we live in, how did so many variables shine in our favor that we are were we are now? It is just like I mentioned above with the numeric example, the only problem is this lottery couldnt be won.

If a victim of a murder tells police the story of their mishap (Through forensics and other evidence at the crime scene) the police are the only persons that know what happened (besides the criminal him/her self), unless the police tell the press or information leaks out. Lets say years after the unsolved crime an inmate came fourth and told police he could help them solve a case if he was given a break on his time in jail, if the man was given this break and then told them he had killed the victim from that particular case. How would the police know the inmate wasnt lying just to get out of jail? The inmate would have to describe the crime scene that no one else knew about. If the inmate did this, they would call this proof that he was the murderer. It just so happens that there is a book that provides a type of proof. Among facts and examples mentioned above, there is another source of information which provides scientific information; its called the Bible. My beliefs allow me to consider prophecy as proof. There is such proof from a prophecy told in the bible of a time when the Jewish people would get there home back. The prophecy mathematically worked out to roughly 1 day short (which I am sure is because I am not considering the Hebrew day which begins and ends during one of our days.) The prophecy is this:

Consider the fact that Biblical years = 360, 12 months, and 24 hours

and that Calendar years ( our years) = 365.25 (.25 makes up for leap year)

According to Ezekiel (Ezekiel 4:3-6 ), because of her disobedience and failure to repent, God put Judea (Israel) in world-wide captivity for 430 biblical years, beginning in 606 BC with their exile to Babylon. God freed the exiles in Babylonian captivity 70 calendar years later--as predicted by Jeremiah (Jeremiah 25:11), in the spring of 536 BC. Because only a few exiles repented and returned from Babylon, God became angry and added more years to the time of world-wide captivity, using the formula in Leviticus, below:
"And after all this, if you do not obey Me, then I will punish you seven times more for your sins". Leviticus 26:18 . See also Leviticus 26:21-28. So multiply by seven the number of years remaining (430-70=360), thus adding 7 times 360, or 2520 years, to the time of captivity. Prophecy was made in units of biblical years, (remember: 12 months of 30 days, or 360-day years). Calendar year is 365.25 days, so 2520 biblical years is equivalent to 2483.78 calendar years. Subtracting 535.4 (not 536.4, since there is no 0 AD), we get 1948.3782340862 (, which is the 138.4336755492 day of the year, or, May 14th, 1948, which is very close to the month and year of the declaration of the statehood. (May 15, 1948).

(The Signature of God pg. 193 - 207: Grant R. Jeffrey)

I actually did the math myself (As provided above) and came out with the answer.

One way that science has shown the bible to be a concern for consideration is this:

Recently it was discovered that two factors in our blood are closely related to the bloods ability to be able to clot quickly and safely to facilitate healing and resistance to infection. Medical researchers found that two different blood clotting factors, Vitamin K and prothrombin, are at the highest levels of your life (110 percent of normal) on the eight day of life. In addition they discovered that the blood clotting factor, Vitamin K, is formed in the blood of a baby between day five and day seven of the babys life. Therefore, of all the days of the babys life he eighth day of life is optimum day for an operation because of the high levels of vitamin K and prothrombin, which will clot the blood and facilitate wound healing.

(Signature of God pg. 187: Grant R. Jeffrey)

The bible says that babies are to be circumcised on the 8th day of life (Genesis 17:12)

There are many more facts that can be found in the bible that have been indexed in this book: The signature of God.

If the information in a book isnt enough to bring realization to a person that there is a God, then they can easily look at their environment and see it; its simply a matter of looking deeper into the subject, going past the constraints put upon them from environmental factors.

Either way, The stuff from that book "The signature of God" isn't what made me believe in a God; it's the other stuff I mentioned, just the simple observations of nature in general.

I then (after years more of research) arrived at the conclusion that there are three root belief structures; Christianity, Judaism and Islamic beliefs. All three of these beliefs start with the tora (old testament). Then I came to believe that Jesus Christ is the messiah, that stream lines you over into what people tend to term "christianity".

It's just like what the guys trying to prove math wrong did, they made errors in there math on several levels. If you don't follow the right order of operations, or if you change a variable then you have screwed up.

There is an explicit order of operations, variable declarations etc... It's a lot to follow, but a programmer would understand how to follow it. The truth can be tracked down IMO, but it's sooooo much to sift through; many people are too busy to be bothered with it. I intend to flow chart it in the correct order; it isn't linear (front to back). It literally has modules that are to be called on by if and then statements. I'm not even talking about the "bible code" either, I'm speaking of the translations of the books. If you read all this, you're nuts. lol.

Last edited by GATOR591957 (2007-01-03 12:27:43)


Stingray24 wrote:

Mogura wrote:

Stingray24 wrote:

Too bad purgatory doesn't exist.  The decision must be made on earth.  Otherwise, humans, selfish little wankers that we are, would just sin it up and then say Oops when we get to purgatory and make it all better.  Purgatory doesn't fit with Biblical teaching at all.
Biblical techings are false anyway ;-)
You keep saying that . . . proof?
i dont need proof, i have faith ! im a believer ! i believe that all that is false ! i have faith that all that is false !

believe, faith, that is something that you can understand !?

i have faith that all those religions are false ;-)

aLpHa|Mr.App|e wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

aLpHa|Mr.App|e wrote:

I belive in God cause hes the one who makes our life so good, without him we wouldnt even be able to play bf2/having fun/eat well food......i am greatful to him!
Yeah it's great that we live in a world free from starvation, thirst, natural disaster, disease, war, debauchery, exploitation, slavery, brutality, bloodshed, social injustice, persecution and racism. God FTW!
Are you dead yet? you should actually be great ful!
Grateful to what? Me for eating a balanced diet? Me for getting plenty of exercise? Me for visiting my dentist and doctor on a regular basis? Me for looking both ways when I cross the road? Me for keeping out of any potentially nasty situations outside of pubs and night clubs? Me for working hard to provide for myself and keeping me sheltered and nourished? My parents for working hard to put food on the table and getting me a proper education with which I could get a proper job that would sustain me?

Last edited by CameronPoe (2007-01-03 11:56:49)

That "CIGAR" isn't doing you're health any good.......
+105|6788|Lutenblaag, Molvania

Vilham wrote:

{M5}Sniper3 wrote:

Why not? I see it as a fall-back. There is a 100% chance of us all dieing. It's nature. Why not believe in a God? If the God is real, good for you, you will be saved. If you don't believe in one and there is a God, he'll (she'll?) say, "Oops, you didn't believe in me, go burn in hell." If there isn't then, oh well, you didn't waste that much time worshiping him/her/it. (1 hour a week for Christians.)
You say "Why Not?" and someone else said "so i dont go to hell forever" That just shows a complete and utter lack of any real belief. You are doing it as a backup. Thus when you life is judged you will be seen as a fraud and sent to hell anyway. Atleast someone who doesnt believe in God can say if there is a god, "I was true to my believe's."
Totally agree with you. To believe in god "just in case he does exist" is a really lame excuse, and has absolutely nothing to do with faith.

Vilham wrote:

This so I dont go to hell just shows that god doesnt exist in any possible current religious context. They all claim god is forgiving and loves you. But will send you to hell if you disobey. That is the sort of thing an old dictator like Alexander the Great was. How can you claim gods nature is anything like ours. To even suggest that is rediculus. Anyone with belief is fair enough. But beliveing in any current religion is a joke.
I agree on that too, most religions seem to think they know all the truth and those who don't follow it will burn in hell for all eternity. Some loving god that is, condemning most of his creations to eternal suffering while a few lucky ones to have the right religion to be saved. Meh...

I do believe in god though...
"All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered;  the point is to discover them."
Galileo Galilei  (1564-1642)
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6911|132 and Bush

acidkiller187 wrote:

That "CIGAR" isn't doing you're health any good.......
That picture makes him look 800 feet tall, look at the man on the
Xbone Stormsurgezz

CameronPoe wrote:

aLpHa|Mr.App|e wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

Yeah it's great that we live in a world free from starvation, thirst, natural disaster, disease, war, debauchery, exploitation, slavery, brutality, bloodshed, social injustice, persecution and racism. God FTW!
Are you dead yet? you should actually be great ful!
Grateful to what? Me for eating a balanced diet? Me for getting plenty of exercise? Me for visiting my dentist and doctor on a regular basis? Me for looking both ways when I cross the road? Me for keeping out of any potentially nasty situations outside of pubs and night clubs? Me for working hard to provide for myself and keeping me sheltered and nourished? My parents for working hard to put food on the table and getting me a proper education with which I could get a proper job that would sustain me?
So you would die instead of living?
Aint u happy that ur parents are working hard so u can get a education?
And sitting on the comp talking on the bf2s forums is not making you get better food than you already got...try to work instead and then u get money, and then HAPPYNESS FTW!

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