If there is a god, why doesn't he saved all the animals he created? After all no one wants to see something they created destroyed.DesertFox423 wrote:
Actually, I have no reason not to believe in God. At this time, it is the norm to believe so but when someone comes out saying He is nonexistent, then that is to me just as telling me there is no computer in front of me right now. No matter how many times somebody tells me there is no god, no matter how many insults they throw disguised as disappointment, I can ask what proof they have and they are stumped.
Homer Simpson managed to disprove a god in his universe while working on a tax proposal, I suggest trying that first.
I belive in God cause hes the one who makes our life so good, without him we wouldnt even be able to play bf2/having fun/eat well food......i am greatful to him!
The Animals get killed so it wont be to many of them, logic dont you think?
I do not want to derail this thread because we've already had threads on evolution theory. However I think this needs to be answered and I'll try to keep it short.Mogura wrote:
. . . its the same for the theory of evolution, it had been observed all the time, in different ways by different peoples, sorry but there is so much proofs that theory of evolution is much more than some obscure theory.
I'd be interested to read a link where a scientist observed an animal, reptile, or bird actually changing species. Huge assumptions have been made by researchers as they reassemble fossils based on their bias towards evolution, but the process has not been observed - let alone proven. All species adapt to their environment as it changes, but they do no cross the lines defining species.
There are countless people who convert as teenagers or adults in addition to those of us who have been in church before we were born. When I reached my teenage years, I started questioning my beliefs and started studying more. At that point, my faith became my own, not just what my parents believed. I take my kids to church every week and they learn in Sunday School. I believe the Bible is true, so naturally I want my children to learn that teaching. When my children get older, they will have to decide what they believe for themselves. Until then, I see it as my responsibility to make sure my children are taught good morals from the Bible, by both myself and my church. The money I give to my church is of my own free will. No one lays on a guilt trip at my church. I’m happy to support the staff that work at the church and the missionaries that are teaching in various countries.Jenkinsbball wrote:
Because religious people are brainwashed as children to believe this shit, so they can grow up and teach their kids, all the while going to a church where they give them money. The church is here to take money from people, simple as that. Anyone could practice their religious beliefs at home for free, but don't.
There’s no need to be sarcastic. God provides them what they need through the generosity of those who attend church. As a child, my family was on the receiving end of the generosity of many caring church folks who gave us things we needed. Is it too hard to believe that God would prompt believers to help others?Mogura wrote:
how to survive ? cant they live from love in god ? why god dont use his limitless power to send them stuff they need ? after all they work for him
Because I know life doesn't end when you die, this is from personal experiences. But also because I believe randomness alone cannot have created all this and because I'm a father.
"All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them."
Galileo Galilei (1564-1642)
Galileo Galilei (1564-1642)
How are you so sure? After all, it could be me giving you a good luck charm, or that Irish fellow living in your area bringing his lucky charms with him.aLpHa|Mr.App|e wrote:
I belive in God cause hes the one who makes our life so good, without him we wouldnt even be able to play bf2/having fun/eat well food......i am greatful to him!
Yeah it's great that we live in a world free from starvation, thirst, natural disaster, disease, war, debauchery, exploitation, slavery, brutality, bloodshed, social injustice, persecution and racism. God FTW!aLpHa|Mr.App|e wrote:
I belive in God cause hes the one who makes our life so good, without him we wouldnt even be able to play bf2/having fun/eat well food......i am greatful to him!
my parents force me. either that or my ass outta their house. lol
I dont believe in god because i have the 1 single FACT proving the bible wrong. But unleashing it would ruin the lives of billions forever.
Last edited by Dezerteagal5 (2007-01-03 08:39:37)
15 more years! 15 more years!
Free will, it's the choice of someone to participate in that. I blame Zeus for all that.CameronPoe wrote:
Yeah it's great that we live in a world free from starvation, thirst, natural disaster, disease, war, debauchery, exploitation, slavery, brutality, bloodshed, social injustice, persecution and racism. God FTW!aLpHa|Mr.App|e wrote:
I belive in God cause hes the one who makes our life so good, without him we wouldnt even be able to play bf2/having fun/eat well food......i am greatful to him!
[Joe Swanson] Bring it on! [/Joe Swanson]Dezerteagal5 wrote:
I dont believe in god because i have the 1 single FACT proving the bible wrong. But unleashing it would ruin the lives of billions forever.
Last edited by DesertFox423 (2007-01-03 09:10:48)
What is this fixation on the bible? Its a 2000 year old book, how the hell do people expect it to conform to the theory of evolution? Or whatever it is this mysterious fact only you have found...Dezerteagal5 wrote:
I dont believe in god because i have the 1 single FACT proving the bible wrong. But unleashing it would ruin the lives of billions forever.
People think that by saying the bible is bullshit god doesn't exist. That is so lame... If you don't believe in god, fine thats what you believe in. I believe, I have my reasons. I couldn't care less if "Dinosaurs prove the bible wrong" or "the bible says wars are ok..." Its called faith for a reason.
"All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them."
Galileo Galilei (1564-1642)
Galileo Galilei (1564-1642)
what is, tell me!!!!!!!!!!!!!Dezerteagal5 wrote:
I dont believe in god because i have the 1 single FACT proving the bible wrong. But unleashing it would ruin the lives of billions forever.
Well its simple. It's scientifically impossible for god to have created everything around 2000 years ago because the half life of Carbon is 5730 years. Now i may be incorrect here about the god part, so i accept all flames but i couldn't find any place online that states how many years ago 'creation week' was so i had to assume it was a little before the jesus myth was createdDesertFox423 wrote:
Free will, it's the choice of someone to participate in that. I blame Zeus for all that.CameronPoe wrote:
Yeah it's great that we live in a world free from starvation, thirst, natural disaster, disease, war, debauchery, exploitation, slavery, brutality, bloodshed, social injustice, persecution and racism. God FTW!aLpHa|Mr.App|e wrote:
I belive in God cause hes the one who makes our life so good, without him we wouldnt even be able to play bf2/having fun/eat well food......i am greatful to him![Joe Swanson] Bring it on! [/Joe Swanson]Dezerteagal5 wrote:
I dont believe in god because i have the 1 single FACT proving the bible wrong. But unleashing it would ruin the lives of billions forever.
Last edited by Dezerteagal5 (2007-01-03 09:18:07)
15 more years! 15 more years!
the universe is 6000 years old, get it right.
How do you know 'god' didn't make the half life of Carbon 5730 years as a test of faith???? LOLDezerteagal5 wrote:
Well its simple. It's scientifically impossible for god to have created everything around 2000 years ago because the half life of Carbon is 5730 years. Now i may be incorrect here, so i accept all flames but i couldn't find any place online that states how many years ago 'creation week' was so i had to assume
According to who??GunSlinger OIF II wrote:
the universe is 6000 years old, get it right.
15 more years! 15 more years!
Des.Kmal wrote:
i dont believe in God from proof, i believe it from faith.
God is the deity believed by monotheists to be the supreme reality. God is believed variously to be the sole creator, or at least the sustainer, of the universe. The majority of people in the world today claim to believe in a monotheistic God, especially the Abrahamic God of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, although their are other monotheistic religions.
what created god?
"you know life is what we make it, and a chance is like a picture, it'd be nice if you just take it"
Ok, lets say your argument is indisputable proof that the bible is bullshit (its far from it, but lets leave it at that). Does that mean god doesn't exist? Why? What's the connection? You would have proved the Pope is wrong, that church is a corrupt institution, but those that have faith will still believe in god.Dezerteagal5 wrote:
Well its simple. It's scientifically impossible for god to have created everything around 2000 years ago because the half life of Carbon is 5730 years. Now i may be incorrect here about the god part, so i accept all flames but i couldn't find any place online that states how many years ago 'creation week' was so i had to assume it was a little before the jesus myth was created
"All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them."
Galileo Galilei (1564-1642)
Galileo Galilei (1564-1642)
God is a Spirit:...d4rkst4r wrote:
what created god?
this is all confusing, but there is clearly a god. Everything came from something, humans didn't just popped out of no where, someone, something out there must have created the earth. And the big bang theory is the biggest lie i have ever heard. The big bang theory is just an excuse so scientists can play with their chemistry sets.
"you know life is what we make it, and a chance is like a picture, it'd be nice if you just take it"
Why I believe in God... Okay, let's get down to the reasons why. I believe in God, simply because through His actions in my life, He has revealed himself to me. How is that?? By answered prayers. See, belief and faith are touchy things. They are intangible, and therefore, not easily grasped. Everyone says "If God exists, why is the world the way it is?" Well, simply because it's not God's world... not yet. See, God created it, but he does not dwell in it yet. Back in the bible, Satan took Jesus to the top of a mountain and tempted him, showing him all of the kingdoms of the world and said, (more or less) "All of this could be yours if you bow down to me." Now, if this were God's world, Satan would not have had the power to deliver all of the kingdoms to him, now would he?
But, enough of that, this is about why I believe in God. Well, as I said, I have seen God's presence in my life, time and time again. I have been through alot over the last 10 years, and if it hadn't been for my faith, I probably would have done myself in long ago. God gives me something to hold on to, and he has sustained me by providing things that I needed, when I needed them. See, when you pray, God does NOT reveal what you ask for in a puff of smoke and then says. "here you go my child", Saying a prayer does not mean tossing off a "Gee God, can ya help?" Prayer takes sincerity of the heart, and solidness of faith. How to know God? Read the Bible, Romans Chapter 10 verses 8-13 which states:
8But what does it say? "THE WORD IS NEAR YOU, IN YOUR MOUTH AND IN YOUR HEART"--that is, the word of faith which we are preaching,
9 that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved;
10 for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation.
12 For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, abounding in riches for all who call on Him;
Read verse 13, and what it says, and take that to heart. Believe it, and you will be surprised. Belief in God is not the casual "Oh yeah, there is a God." to the question, it's a tossed off, throw away answer. It could be classified as "Yeah, I believe in Him, only when I have a problem"... something that the pastor at my old church used to call "Pulling the levers on the Jesus vending machine." My belief in God is deep seated, and inviolable, and I am serious when I say this. When I leave my problems up to Him to solve, I find it easier to cope, and easier to handle things. I know He is going to work it out in my favor, and He will do it in His time, not mine. See, as it is said "God's way is the best way". I could write a list of the things that He has done for me, but, that would be too long. Don't look for God in a puff of smoke, or a magical apparition. Instead, look for God in the small ways, and you will find him. For God does not thunder, God whispers, and you have to open yourself up to the belief. For all you know, God may have, and may be trying to show himself to you, but you may be turning away from it without knowing. Just because we are Christians does not mean we are perfect, as it stands, I am out of work at this point, and life has become rough... but my faith sustains me. And, yes, I do question what goes on sometimes, but my faith tells me to wait, let God handle it, and He will guide me, not take me, but guide me to where I need to go. I have faith that it will work out, and things will be good, and along the way, I keep my mind open to the lessons that He has yet to teach me.
To the original poster: Perhaps you are leaning toward atheist, or agnostic, before you deny God's existence, think about life, and things in general. Ask God some questions, from the heart, with all of the belief you can muster. Don't qualify by saying "I am asking You this to see if it works." Seek the counsel of a Pastor, someone who is compassionate, and they will show you the Way..... Just because God hasn't transformed anything in your life overnight, does not mean He does not exist. I pray that you find the peace you seek, and that your life will become bountiful. Remember, it's all about faith.. and always will be.
visit this link.... http://www.myspace.com/itsamatteroffaith
and maybe it can help you some.
But, enough of that, this is about why I believe in God. Well, as I said, I have seen God's presence in my life, time and time again. I have been through alot over the last 10 years, and if it hadn't been for my faith, I probably would have done myself in long ago. God gives me something to hold on to, and he has sustained me by providing things that I needed, when I needed them. See, when you pray, God does NOT reveal what you ask for in a puff of smoke and then says. "here you go my child", Saying a prayer does not mean tossing off a "Gee God, can ya help?" Prayer takes sincerity of the heart, and solidness of faith. How to know God? Read the Bible, Romans Chapter 10 verses 8-13 which states:
8But what does it say? "THE WORD IS NEAR YOU, IN YOUR MOUTH AND IN YOUR HEART"--that is, the word of faith which we are preaching,
9 that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved;
10 for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation.
12 For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, abounding in riches for all who call on Him;
Read verse 13, and what it says, and take that to heart. Believe it, and you will be surprised. Belief in God is not the casual "Oh yeah, there is a God." to the question, it's a tossed off, throw away answer. It could be classified as "Yeah, I believe in Him, only when I have a problem"... something that the pastor at my old church used to call "Pulling the levers on the Jesus vending machine." My belief in God is deep seated, and inviolable, and I am serious when I say this. When I leave my problems up to Him to solve, I find it easier to cope, and easier to handle things. I know He is going to work it out in my favor, and He will do it in His time, not mine. See, as it is said "God's way is the best way". I could write a list of the things that He has done for me, but, that would be too long. Don't look for God in a puff of smoke, or a magical apparition. Instead, look for God in the small ways, and you will find him. For God does not thunder, God whispers, and you have to open yourself up to the belief. For all you know, God may have, and may be trying to show himself to you, but you may be turning away from it without knowing. Just because we are Christians does not mean we are perfect, as it stands, I am out of work at this point, and life has become rough... but my faith sustains me. And, yes, I do question what goes on sometimes, but my faith tells me to wait, let God handle it, and He will guide me, not take me, but guide me to where I need to go. I have faith that it will work out, and things will be good, and along the way, I keep my mind open to the lessons that He has yet to teach me.
To the original poster: Perhaps you are leaning toward atheist, or agnostic, before you deny God's existence, think about life, and things in general. Ask God some questions, from the heart, with all of the belief you can muster. Don't qualify by saying "I am asking You this to see if it works." Seek the counsel of a Pastor, someone who is compassionate, and they will show you the Way..... Just because God hasn't transformed anything in your life overnight, does not mean He does not exist. I pray that you find the peace you seek, and that your life will become bountiful. Remember, it's all about faith.. and always will be.
visit this link.... http://www.myspace.com/itsamatteroffaith
and maybe it can help you some.
Oh god here we go with the test of faith BSCameronPoe wrote:
How do you know 'god' didn't make the half life of Carbon 5730 years as a test of faith???? LOLDezerteagal5 wrote:
Well its simple. It's scientifically impossible for god to have created everything around 2000 years ago because the half life of Carbon is 5730 years. Now i may be incorrect here, so i accept all flames but i couldn't find any place online that states how many years ago 'creation week' was so i had to assume
That doesn't "prove the Bible wrong." That disproves how old they speculated the world to be. I never had even heard of creationism until I was about 10 years old at which point I had already known about evolution but even so I believe God gave life on earth which then evolved.Dezerteagal5 wrote:
Well its simple. It's scientifically impossible for god to have created everything around 2000 years ago because the half life of Carbon is 5730 years. Now i may be incorrect here about the god part, so i accept all flames but i couldn't find any place online that states how many years ago 'creation week' was so i had to assume it was a little before the jesus myth was created