Real Хорошо
+826|6555|Adelaide, South Australia

jonnykill wrote:

I got into many discussions about God and religion. The way I see it is God/religion was made up by man to control the masses. The Bible is written by man, not from a God. Anyhow some other things that make me look at the Bible and it's utter BS are the stories. Noah's Ark for one. Come on now. Simply didn't happen. CAN'T HAPPEN!

Some guy I argued with said if God didn't exist and didn't make the universe in 7 days then how did everything come from nothingness. Well I just ask in return if there was a point to where nothing existed then where did God come from? Mother and Father? Did he just get shart from a black hole and was like "damn , I think I'll bust out my universe right here?" I mean come on man, religion and belief are just human traits to keep their sanity, well being and it's nothing more then a practice in life.

There are several different religions- why ? No different then a rumor going through the grapevine. At the end of the vine the truth is twisted and not quite exactly like it was told from the start. Any how what I mean is if you have a bible then why was there a need to write a second estimate? In the first bible it says if you work on Sunday you should be put to death for example. We don't practice that today because of culture, human rights and what not. So if you REALLY BELIEVE then you should be putting any friends, Family, co-workers to death for working on Sunday lol. If not your not true believer. Your not doing what God has told you to do. Your fecked either way.
He brings up some good points...
+149|6584|USA bitches!
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6710|Canberra, AUS

KylieTastic wrote:

Fen321 wrote:

Will this scum has a vast amount of intelligence to evolve off a rock
People that believe in evolution don't believe in the massive jumps (X-Men style) that the religious use to mock! We are talking about huge number of small changes in a huge numbers of different organisms over an immense period of time. 

Fen321 wrote:

Yet your clinging to science to give all the answers....
We don't cling to science, we use it as a tool. We choose not to believe in a god. Believers use science as much as non-believers (like your PC and the Internet).... they only choose not to believe some theories. Its not science or religion, they are not opposites. 

Fen321 wrote:

...bring you to the big bang theory which implies a beginning. ...
This is why many of us 'thinkers' don't believe - as religious arguments often contradict (science doesn't tolerate contradictions). Your first point was to poorly mock evolution, but now you suggest that god must have been involved to start the big bang! Also for people who believe in the big bang, yes there is no knowable answer to what (if anything) came before. BUT the point is just because science (or whatever) doesn't have an answer that doesn't mean a mystical being must have had a hand in it!   

Fen321 wrote:

...bring you to the big bang theory which implies a beginning. If deny the theory well there is nothing wrong with that you can always take a gander at religious explanations for our appearance into this world, yet for some reason even you can be skeptical about that.
For some reason??? wtf?? Its easy: the reason is that we see no reason to invent a mystical being to give us an explanation. 

Fen321 wrote:

Except i hope that one day you can see the amount of intelligence behind the energy that makes the cosmos, its not blind energy devoid of intelligence...hell it knows what its doing evidence to that you see me and you  talking on an Internet forum discussing life. haha its a wonderful world.
So the world amazes you. It does me too. But where you see mystical magical energy and 'intelligence behind' - I just see a universe that just is. Dont be soscared not to have an answer to everything.
Is this Skruples on a proxy? Because that's one bloody fantastic post.

FIVE BILLION years people. BILLION. That's a helluva lot of time, and for the large majority of that time there was zero evolution (or close to it), all the earth had was a restless film of bacteria.

@jonnykill, have you ever thought of those things as metaphorical? Not that I believe they are true, but just bring up that point...

As for before the big bang: a lot of conjecture on that. Perhaps there was a sort of vacuum, and a... failure in its equilibrium spawned the universe. I know this sounds crackpot, but it's discussed in a truly amazing book: The Future of the Universe: Chance, Chaos, God? by Arnold Benz, an excellent discussion on the very things we are talking about here.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6710|Canberra, AUS

LawJik wrote:

If you are willing to look at this completely objectively and rationally i think it is pretty clear that religion was useful for ancient civilizations to explain the unexplainable. The amount of things that were unknown were so vast that they needed something even more vast, an alpha male in the sky to explain it all.

"I believe there is a profound difference between science and religious belief. There is no well demonstrated reason to believe in god, and I think the idea of a divine creator belittles the elegant reality of the universe."

Richard Dawkin's: The Root Of all Evil? The God Delusion.

If you think about if you believe the Christian faith (45% of Americans 135 million people) that would mean that you are forced to accept that the Earth is only 10,000 or less years old. That's ridiculous, there wouldn't even be oil or diamonds in the ground... Dinosaurs, ice ages, KT Boundary, these things occurred millions of years ago, these facts are common sense but the backwards thinking of faith demands you deny.

"Isn't embracing the truth better than false hope?"
Most Christians have got over this problem. Many eminent physicists are priests and religious men.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
=OBS= EstebanRey
+256|6586|Oxford, England, UK, EU, Earth

Strngs012 wrote:

NeoCommander wrote:

What IF they were good, sinless people,
That is an oxymoron, there is no such thing. Only one person ever lived a sinless life, his name is Jesus. Believe in him and you will be saved.
Um wrong.  God would be another if you consider him a "person" and also Mary.  The common mistake by non-catholics is that the "Imacculate Conception" is the same as Jesus' "virgin birth" when they are actually two different things. 

Although not mentioned in the bible, Catholics would tell you that Mary was born without sin so could give birth to Jesus (as a sinner could not produce a non-sinner)and thus her birth was the immaculate conception, not Jesus'.  Don't worry though, most ultra riligious people are unaware of this and still talk about the immaculate conception as Jesus' birth...

Last edited by =OBS= EstebanRey (2007-01-03 07:36:04)

The Skeptical Realist
+48|6567|Amherst, MA

Spark wrote:

Most Christians have got over this problem. Many eminent physicists are priests and religious men.
What does "got over" mean?

Like they disagree with the bible and the word of god, or they have come up with some backwards pseudoscience to pretend to explain it? I dont know any eminent physicists who became preists, maybe priests who pretend to be physicists...

BTW.^ Love that sig Esteban

Last edited by LawJik (2007-01-03 09:29:42)

+1|6537|houston, TX
Being an atheist I don't believe in any god, but being a rational person I see the need for such an illusion to be maintained. Can you imagine if nobody believed in any type of religion, the world as we know it could not possibly exist.

I understand that religion is thought of as evil because of the actions of individuals.

There are however individuals who believe in the same religion as the evil acting individuals who leads completely good and morally sound lives.

Religions as a whole are generally good in their teachings, its the interpretations and manipulations by individuals that seem to corrupt the whole idea.

Therefore its the evil individuals who are at fault not the religious scriptures.

Bubbalo wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

Bubbalo wrote:

That's right folks, Muslims and Christians are both crazy about homosexuality.  They just can't get enough of it!
LOL...  true...  Homosexuals seem to get the short end of the stick with just about every religion (no pun intended).
I'm pretty sure Buddhism makes allowances.

Does anyone know what the stance of the Chult of Scientology is?
I know a little bit about Scientology, and surly, if there is a Right religion, Scientology IS NOT RIGHT FOR SURE
can detect anyone's visible post count...
+691|6801|Cambridge (UK)

NeoCommander wrote:

Bubbalo wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

LOL...  true...  Homosexuals seem to get the short end of the stick with just about every religion (no pun intended).
I'm pretty sure Buddhism makes allowances.

Does anyone know what the stance of the Chult of Scientology is?
I know a little bit about Scientology, and surly, if there is a Right religion, Scientology IS NOT RIGHT FOR SURE
Then you probably don't know enough about Scientology.

(FYI, no I'm not a scientologist, I just happen to know a little about them, and those crackpot celebs that call themselves 'The Church of Scientology' have very little to do with true Scientology...)

Last edited by Scorpion0x17 (2007-01-03 13:19:46)

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