China still have some rascist problems against japan, remember asia cup? when china host it and japan won, the ppl got pissed and started a riot. so chinese ppl need to get their minds right and not just hating the japs for WW2
Base Rapist

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

China still have some rascist problems against japan, remember asia cup? when china host it and japan won, the ppl got pissed and started a riot. so chinese ppl need to get their minds right and not just hating the japs for WW2
I didn't say they didn't still hold a grudge against Japan, just I would have hated to see what the Chinese troops would have done to the Japanese if they were helping with the invasion of japan mainland. I am unsure if they would have done worse than the Rape of Nanking or not but the mere thought that they might take it to that level is astounding.

Aquastorm wrote:

dude, chill. Using the F-word is not going to help you get the message across.

And another point: So what if Jews think they are God's chosen poeple, rich and are degrading the rest of the world, does it mean we have the right to go and kill them all, heck no. It's YOU who seriously need to rethink your priorities, not the Africans, the Chinese or rest of the poeple in Southern Asian and India.
and exacally what prioritys do i need to rethink???..... i can afford to look after my own children, pay rent, run my car, feed my family.....

so i take it you are alright with the world being over populated by countries who cant afford to feed their own citizens, countrys who have to rely on the generocity of others.....

dude get your hand off your penis.... if these people were so good and proper, and had their prioritys in order we wouldnt be having the problems we have, but face it, this world is turning to shit quicker than you can blow your load watching porn on ya pc....

Why should etheopia have nuclear weapons when they cant afford to feed their own people?
Why should africans keep having children even though they cant afford the feed the ones they already have,  Why should "white" people have to look after the rest of the world and take care of its problems?,

i dont see you hong kong people forking out to help tsamimi victims, or helping out with "world poverty"... remember you were once governed and owned by the British (white)... or maybe you are to young to remember that.

Last edited by philbymaris2 (19 years ago)

doesnt china keep attacking taiwan..... whats the deal there....
Base Rapist

philbymaris2 wrote:

Aquastorm wrote:

dude, chill. Using the F-word is not going to help you get the message across.

And another point: So what if Jews think they are God's chosen poeple, rich and are degrading the rest of the world, does it mean we have the right to go and kill them all, heck no. It's YOU who seriously need to rethink your priorities, not the Africans, the Chinese or rest of the poeple in Southern Asian and India.
and exacally what prioritys do i need to rethink???..... i can afford to look after my own children, pay rent, run my car, feed my family.....

so i take it you are alright with the world being over populated by countries who cant afford to feed their own citizens, countrys who have to rely on the generocity of others.....

dude get your hand off your penis.... if these people were so good and proper, and had their prioritys in order we wouldnt be having the problems we have, but face it, this world is turning to shit quicker than you can blow your load watching porn on ya pc....

Why should etheopia have nuclear weapons when they cant afford to feed their own people?
Why should africans keep having children even though they cant afford the feed the ones they already have,  Why should "white" people have to look after the rest of the world and take care of its problems?,

i dont see you hong kong people forking out to help tsamimi victims, or helping out with "world poverty"... remember you were once governed and owned by the British (white)... or maybe you are to young to remember that.
Alright everyone just quit responding, this guy is just plain up trolling now.

philbymaris2 wrote:

doesnt china keep attacking taiwan..... whats the deal there....
If by attack you mean: "Hey Taiwan you are are province get on the boat"

Last edited by freebirdpat (19 years ago)


philbymaris2 wrote:

doesnt china keep attacking taiwan..... whats the deal there....
when the hell did they try to attack us? they cant do shit to us now, why? because they dont even have enough rowboats to invade (they are still building 20k rowboats) we got the super cobra attack chopper (same usmc chopper in bf2)

china= teh_gay

to freebirdpat: yes we are building our constitution china cant do shit to us (for now) and they say we should be one country, but we have our own president and we dont want to be commie bastards

philbymaris2, i think u should be banned for a few days... from this topic...

Last edited by cyborg_ninja-117 (19 years ago)
Horseman 77
I don't know why everyone focuses on the "Bomb "

More Japanese died in a Conventional bombing raid on July (night of ) 26/27 1945

WWII ,....Was it worth it?

From what I read here Europeans Don't really value freedom and feel we wronged them in " helping to " provide it for them.
The jest of some opinions here is " its just some form of illusion the Government provides! ,
It all would have worked it self out if we smoked some pot and listened to better music! "
and The Berlin Wall was what, a stage prop?

" America is not really Free and we don't really Elect our officials."
Its not a Democracy its a ( Pay attention!! ) Republic and we do. Some times its close and guess what, just like in a soccer game when the call is close
People argue, accuse others of deception fraud etc.
If our votes as US citizens don't matter why was hillary clinton ( thats the masturbators wife by the way ) saying she shook an Arabs hand by accident and didn't mean it. Why did she Suddenly find out " Hey I am Jewish ! "  To pander our very important individual votes thats why.

The USA spent 8 years putting Germany on its feet, much longer than that in Japan at tremendous cost to our economy despite the USSR's best
attempts at sabotaging the effort. We finished up Saddams Army quickly and these insurgent attempts are feeble by any historic comparison.
Hell they are Feeble compared to south Central Los Angels. Or the South Bronx.

I feel in some strange way the Electorate in the USA , the ones Politicians pander to for votes
are Racists " If you look like us, we will  help you at all cost. But ....

if you are Asian (Vietnamese) or Arabic we will only do so much or spend so much,..." then we want out, Fast.

WWII  also Created Israel which is pushing the World to WAR since Northern European War refugees occupied occupied Palestine in 1947

I have to say as a citizen of the USA after we finish up in Iraq .... Lets sit the rest out and become spectators and critics. Its more fun.
Base Rapist

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

to freebirdpat: yes we are building our constitution china cant do shit to us (for now) and they say we should be one country, but we have our own president and we dont want to be commie bastards
I know absolutely nothing but politics of taiwan, or the taiwan-china affair you guys got going on. To be honest I know nothing about politics except for one thing, Most politicians will say one thing and mean something completely different. I figure china wants taiwan to be subservient to china(incredibly stupid, at this point thats probably like Ireland being subservient to Great Britain, or the Colonial US being subservient to Great Britain.

My view of the affair as an outsider having done almost 0 research on the subject is that China wants to push the issue, the only way they can really push the issue at this point is via military. The US is saying China needs to seek a peaceful solution OR ELSE, and theres no chance in hell that China could get a peaceful solution with Taiwan, and why would they want one when they have the backing of the US(or so it seems at the moment). China's only hope to get Taiwan back on board with them is to offer Taiwan an unrefusable offer, basically an insanely good offer where Taiwan is like, heck we lose nothing in a deal like this. I just hope if that happened Taiwan wouldn't get screwed over in the deal, but I don't think China would offer and offer like that without an alterior motive, which they more likely do.

Now that I think about it, I wonder how Asian politics is different from the Western politics I am used to.
[]D [] []\/[] []D
+177|6996|United States
The United States was hesitant about invading Japan.  They knew the death toll would be very high.  So the president gave the order for the newly invented Atomic bomb to be dropped on Japan.

The plane that dropped the first A-bomb was called the "Enola (Spelling?) Gay".  But do you know what the name of the second plane that dropped the second bomb?
+6|6989|In a van down by the river

xX[Elangbam]Xx wrote:

Did you know? America was the only country Germany declared war on... think about that one for a second as a scratch my crotch.

Srry but i seriously don't get how that's relevant. Germany didn't have to declare war, it wasn't supposed to. It was supposed to drop all it's weapons and such but Hitler used his silver tongue to coax the british prime minister and by the time Hitler marched into the Sudetenland it was too late. Germany didn't have to declare war on germany because america didn't want to get involved in wars it wanted to adopt isolationism which thanks god didn't work.
My fact had nothing to do with the a-bomb.  I was just giving out a little tidbit about WWII so don't get all flamey ya smurf.
+6|6989|In a van down by the river

philbymaris2 wrote:

i dont see you hong kong people forking out to help tsamimi victims, or helping out with "world poverty"... remember you were once governed and owned by the British (white)... or maybe you are to young to remember that.
Yes, because we all know that the rice paddy farmers are very well off and can afford to give out hand outs.
+1,230|7098|Alberta, Canada

xX[Elangbam]Xx wrote:

I mean we lost over 5 millions people altogether but probably a hell of a lot more.
whos 'we'? the world lost more than 5 million. over 3 million germans died i think, 5 million people from minority groups alone, and 6 million Jews in the camps. and way more considering the men lost in the different armies.
Horseman 77

Bert10099 wrote:

The United States was hesitant about invading Japan.  They knew the death toll would be very high.  So the president gave the order for the newly invented Atomic bomb to be dropped on Japan.

The plane that dropped the first A-bomb was called the "Enola (Spelling?) Gay".  But do you know what the name of the second plane that dropped the second bomb?
The Nagasaki B29 was " Boch's Car"  a play on (Box Cars) like when you shoot craps/dice.

" the great Artiste " was the camara plane present at both bombings.

Enola is Alone spelled backwards.

I think we read the same books.

xX[Elangbam]Xx wrote:

I mean think about it, WWII was to crush a bunch or crazy racist dictators from controlling the world. I mean we lost over 5 millions people altogether but probably a hell of a lot more. I mean we still have nazis and this supremist groups everywhere. People go calling others jews as an insult but say that nazis suck? wtf, and then these mexican haters.

Moving onto the atom bomb. Japan was already losing and yet we dropped 2, not 1 atom bombs on innocent civilians. Although pearl harbor was bad, they were soldiers and they had enlisted for this type of stuff but the Japanese had women and children that although were trained were still just civilians so I really don't see why we had to use the atom bomb.
Very uninformed post, but at least you made the post so that you can learn.

In terms of ridding Europe and the world of the Axis imperialists, yes WW2 was worth it.

The dropping of the atom bombs was most certainly worth it.

It accomplished several things:

It ended the war and saved millions of lives (a conventional invasion of Japan would have been catastrophic for both Japan and the US in terms of numbers lost).

It sent a "don't mess with us" message to Russia who would quite happily have marched across Europe and Japan themselves.

It allowed the weapon to be tested in a realistic battlefield situation.

It gave the Japanese a much needed suntan.    <-------------------- joke.
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7096|Cologne, Germany

hell, I don't know. Considering the way history went from then on, I guess it was the right decision to make at that particular point in time.

About the Taiwan issue: I am not even going to try to imagine what could happen if China considers military options. For one, I don't think the US could do anything about it. The US military is quite strechted right now, with 130,000 troops in iraq, and it has hurt their budget badly. would the US be able to fund a war on china's territory about some crappy island ? China is not iraq. It has about 4 times the population of the US and is also larger ( not much, but it is ). Not even the most optimistic US Generals can realistically believe you could actually win a war against china on their territory. That's just insane. 

I know that the US has bases in the philippines and south korea but do you really believe china would let you prepare an invasion on their mainland from there ?

As much as the US is the dominant power in the western region, China is the dominant power in Asia. there is no way around that.
what you all say is true. But consider this, Heres the US who just spent a bout load of $$$ on the ManHaten Project. Put that together with the possible losses of our Forces in the Invasion of the Main Islands. Makes a pretty good motivation for using your Trump card against an Enamy who Jumped you, threw themselvs on you. And i bet if you ask a Marine who would of ben involved in the nvasion i bet he would tell you "HELL YES!!!!" I mean thes Marins had ben through Hell 2.0 and it would of been an Awfull wast if they were sacraficed when a better solotion was at hand. Plus that whole thing about that Sub carring the planes with the dirty bombs which were schedualed to attack Pacific coaust citys four days after the Japs surrenderd reinforced Trumans decision to Drop da Bomb.

xX[Elangbam]Xx wrote:

Honor is a big part in their culture just like racism, murder and crazy people are a part of the american culture.
Do you seriously believe that America has a monopoly on racism, murder and crazy people?

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

xX[Elangbam]Xx wrote:

Honor is a big part in their culture just like racism, murder and crazy people are a part of the american culture.
Do you seriously believe that America has a monopoly on racism, murder and crazy people?
heard of gangs?
Base Rapist

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

xX[Elangbam]Xx wrote:

Honor is a big part in their culture just like racism, murder and crazy people are a part of the american culture.
Do you seriously believe that America has a monopoly on racism, murder and crazy people?
heard of gangs?
Do you seriously believe that America has a monopoly on gangs?

freebirdpat wrote:

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Do you seriously believe that America has a monopoly on racism, murder and crazy people?
heard of gangs?
Do you seriously believe that America has a monopoly on gangs?
Did you seriously ever hear of the Roaring 20's. Roaring because of the Thompsons and the gangs not because of the music. They formed the mafia that we have today, not the ghetto gangs but organized Mafia crime.

freebirdpat wrote:

Lets put it this way, was the A-bomb worth it?

Lets see do the Japanese hate us today?

Definitely not, we buy a ton of their shit.

Do the Japanese have a underpopulation problem, or a problem with few cities?

Definitely not, if we did the WWII bombings that we did at Dresden, and Berlin on Japan, the results would have been devasting, and the Chinese probably would not be treating the Japanese very kindly since they would more than likely fighting on the Japan mainland after we beat them back far enough.
The A-bomb was worth it, you see how many hot Japanese pornstars there are today? Dayamn!!!!

Erkut.hv wrote:

freebirdpat wrote:

Lets put it this way, was the A-bomb worth it?

Lets see do the Japanese hate us today?

Definitely not, we buy a ton of their shit.

Do the Japanese have a underpopulation problem, or a problem with few cities?

Definitely not, if we did the WWII bombings that we did at Dresden, and Berlin on Japan, the results would have been devasting, and the Chinese probably would not be treating the Japanese very kindly since they would more than likely fighting on the Japan mainland after we beat them back far enough.
The A-bomb was worth it, you see how many hot Japanese pornstars there are today? Dayamn!!!!
and do you see how the baby boom made freaks like you?

xX[Elangbam]Xx wrote:

and do you see how the baby boom made freaks like you?
Globally a total of over 60 million people died in WWII . Whole citys were wiped out . The number of dead is unreal . Google it .
ok heres a lil historical fact about A-bomb/ manhatten project:

after the bomb was dropped from hiroshiman, the japanese didnt know wtf hit them, so they thought it was just a regular bomb and didnt know anything abuot radiation. ppl volenteerd to help to put out the fires there, then radiation hits them, they got burned badly, and ppl were genetically fucked.

in conclusion, some ppl were born crippled, but the A-bomb did save more lives since japan surrendered.

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