Stocking ur medpacks
+135|6815|Groningen, The Netherlands
The slightly cheaper one I dont think you need a real nice one at the moment.

Save up for something really nice

Mogura wrote:

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

Mogura wrote:

omg thats cheap :p here in bruxelles in belgium, a normal 2 room is about € 800 (euros are stronger than usd)

thats it ! push your stuff make me a place i come to live with you :p we will make partys every night :p
You can find a really good job here since your white White men are rich in Asia.
LOL, its this some kind of racist bullshit ? :p
Nope, it's actually true. The only reason white people come to Asia is because it's easier to get rich here.
+86|6549|Indianapolis, IN

autopilot wrote:

Make a mental picture of the two different ones, let the apartment be girls instead.

Take the one that looks nicer (expensive).
Not to mention when I do take ladies home, that may make me look a bit better. Rather than getting out of the car from a night at the bar and sprinting into my apartment, then checking the rooms to make sure I don't have a crack head in the corner ready to shank me with my toothbrush.

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

Mogura wrote:

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

You can find a really good job here since your white White men are rich in Asia.
LOL, its this some kind of racist bullshit ? :p
Nope, it's actually true. The only reason white people come to Asia is because it's easier to get rich here.
are you rich ?

Mogura wrote:

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

Mogura wrote:

LOL, its this some kind of racist bullshit ? :p
Nope, it's actually true. The only reason white people come to Asia is because it's easier to get rich here.
are you rich ?
Nope I'm a poor Asian kid. I only got a pc with an E6600 conroe, 2GB 800mhz ram, 8800gtx all that BS, and only one HDTV
Nay vee, bay bee.
+1,396|6900|The United Center
Weird.  I was going to post a topic identical to this one last night.

I wish I could find an apartment where the rent was only $650/month.  I'm looking to move to LA and the lowest rent I can find for a decent place is about $1500/month.

Anyway, if you can afford it, I'd stay in the nicer place.  Sure, it might take you an extra six or 12 months to move out and buy your own place, but while you're living there it'll be much more enjoyable.
Go Ducks.
Make yourself happy...
A dirtier home environment will distract you from your goal of saving...
Be somewhere that makes you happy and good things will come...

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

Mogura wrote:

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

Nope, it's actually true. The only reason white people come to Asia is because it's easier to get rich here.
are you rich ?
Nope I'm a poor Asian kid. I only got a pc with an E6600 conroe, 2GB 800mhz ram, 8800gtx all that BS, and only one HDTV
rofl :p

Last edited by Mogura (2007-01-02 12:26:14)

well seriusly for the advice, dont rent some  expensive appartements, better buy a house or appartements, your mounthly credit payback will cost you the same amount as for the appartements.
difference, when you rent your money is lost, but when you payback credit one day the house/appartement is yours ;-)

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

Mogura wrote:

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

Nope, it's actually true. The only reason white people come to Asia is because it's easier to get rich here.
are you rich ?
Nope I'm a poor Asian kid. I only got a pc with an E6600 conroe, 2GB 800mhz ram, 8800gtx all that BS, and only one HDTV

Only ONE HDTV? How can you survive? [/sarcasm]

*packs bags and gets rich*

autopilot wrote:

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

Mogura wrote:

are you rich ?
Nope I'm a poor Asian kid. I only got a pc with an E6600 conroe, 2GB 800mhz ram, 8800gtx all that BS, and only one HDTV

Only ONE HDTV? How can you survive? [/sarcasm]

*packs bags and gets rich*
ninjas are funny :p they use theyr tongue as good as their sword :p
Get good headphones.
I am all that is MOD!

ThomasMorgan wrote:

Weird.  I was going to post a topic identical to this one last night.

I wish I could find an apartment where the rent was only $650/month.  I'm looking to move to LA and the lowest rent I can find for a decent place is about $1500/month.

Anyway, if you can afford it, I'd stay in the nicer place.  Sure, it might take you an extra six or 12 months to move out and buy your own place, but while you're living there it'll be much more enjoyable.
Move to Orange County.  It's actually cheaper.  $1500 will get you a decent 2 bedroom in Irvine (if you like mass-planned communities).
Negative Ping
Get the nicer apt...girls are more impressed by them.
+1,153|6783|Washington, DC

Get the nicer apartment. Or, alternatively, save up a whole bunch and buy a swanky nice apartment in New York.

TMo, get an apartment in Compton.
From experience.

Get the more expensive place.

Quality of life outweighs depression and fear.

I went from a shithole place to a nice place and I'm a much happier person in the morning, coming home, and while at home. I take pride in my place and even keep it clean versus letting dishes pile in my old place because it didn't make a damn bit of difference.

That and women don't gag when you bring them home.
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6775|Little Bentcock
Buy headphones so your roomy doesn't have to hear the BF2. PROBLEM SOLVED!! You get to stay where you are AND buy a house

Last edited by Adams_BJ (2007-01-02 21:29:00)

The Microwave Man
The very first thing you should do before moving into an apartment is inspect it. First thing on the list is going strait for the kitchen and seeing if the pipes leading into the wall are secure. Meaning if there is any gap between the pipes and the wall. Out of 500 homes and apartments I've only seen 3 properly sealed holes.
Fill the holes up with, quaking - what ever. There are 2 ways to deal with bugs. Mechanical and chemical. If you take the necessary steps to prevent bug from getting into your place/home then there is no need for the exterminator. If not, then you will need one sooner or later. Store bought brand Chemicals aren't good/strong enough for most jobs. Just call the exterminator. Go with a mom and pop exterminator. The lowest bidding guys is the most hungry. Big brand names charge too much.

Last edited by jonnykill (2007-01-04 20:26:51)

hammer time!
+26|6484|Toronto Canada
your 22, thats really young to own your own house i say save up and go with cheap rent for now
The oldest chav in the world
+2,423|6826|Cardiff, Capital of Wales
As Jenkins reckons why save money only to have it mugged.  I would firstly try and get your mate into BF2 while you look to buy a house, renting is dead money, I didnt start my mortgage off until I was 28, you could own your own place by the time you are 51/52.  It might work out expensive for now so two options, first rent a room out, second option and this will happen due to your age and earnings, get a gf, move her in within a month or two and for the first year or so charge her rent, then when your ok with her etc put her on your mortgage.

It isnt worth you moving to a cheaper place just to save money when you wont be as happy as you were either in a nice place, or current place.

Why do you have to move or even want to? Get your mate into BF2 or he moves out or accepts arty at 2am.
You likey leaky?
+433|6831|In You Endo- Stoke

jonnykill wrote:

I'm an exterminator so I see the best and the absolute mother fucking worst of apartments. My suggestion is when you go to a place do the usual checking shit out. Then on the way to your car take a look around for the grounds keeper. He knows every fucking inch of the place. He is King and that is his Castle. Just walk to up to him and ask. You might find out some critical info. Compliment him on the looks of the place no matter what it looks like first off. Compliment him on a gold chain or watch- trust me this goes a long way and the truth is most likey to come out. Try to spend as much time as you can with him. Ask any question you like but be respectful. And I can't stress this more then any other question- ask if your apartment has been treated for bed bugs. 47 states have been treated for bed bugs. 80% of the properties I do have them. And let me tell you they are nearly fucking impossible to get rid of. And once you have them, might as well toss EVERYTHING YOU OWN IN THE TRASH!!!! I'm not kidding, I'm not joking and being TOTALLY SERIOUS!!!
Know why? I sprayed down one apartment 10 times!! The tenants moved out. I treated it 3 more times and did through inspections. 4 months later a new guy moves in. 3 weeks later hes on the list for bed bugs!!!!!!!
Know why they are so hard to get rid of? Because they banned all the chemicals that killed them in the 80's because all the "save the earth " freaks forced the Government to. Now the past control industry is stuck with utter shit that simply doesn't kill them. I spent 2 hours using 3 different chemicals treating one place. They didn't receive one bite for a week. But the following week they got slaughtered - bites all over.

I'm going to bite my tongue on this next segment but after what I have seen I'm sorry - Mexican people are the dirtiest people on the planet. I'm not a racist at all, but god damn man Mexicans are by far the , well you get the picture. I walked into one place and nearly threw up immediately when I opened the door. Every single kitchen cabinet door I opened I saw at LEAST 10 cockroaches scatter, fall onto the ground. Nasty!
I go into the living room , Roaches all over the wall , floor , couches and every where you look - right in broad daylight. So fucking nasty they simply should be evicted and kicked out on the street. Some people put up with Roaches for 8 months before they even bother to get treated. One guy asks me if I can spray behind his frig. He moves it and , I'm not kidding you , 600 Roaches scatter up the walls fleeing in all directions!

Have fun looking for a cheap place
I have always wanted to live in america,but after that post its put me off.
Taiwan it is then!
(they speak english? apart from cyborg)
Certified Twat
+296|6661|Bournemouth, South England
Get used to baked beans on toast.
+86|6549|Indianapolis, IN

Penetrator_01 wrote:

Get used to baked beans on toast.
I've not heard of that, to be quite frank that sounds REALLY good!
misconfiguration  !!! you already forgot the advice i gave you a few posts before  ??? you didnt get married yet ?
+86|6549|Indianapolis, IN

Mogura wrote:

misconfiguration  !!! you already forgot the advice i gave you a few posts before  ??? you didnt get married yet ?
I haven't found a woman yet, I was thinking about just picking an ugly one up so I don't have to worry about affairs, I could also beat her and no one would notice the marks on her face because she's so atrocious.

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