Internet Poon
Warlord: A Strategic Guide for Dummieshttps://www.bf2benelux.com/page/bf2sf/maps/map_warlord_groot.jpg

*** 1. Foreword
*** 2. Warlord: Intro
*** 3. Recommended Equipment and Settings
*** 4. How to win Warlord
>>> 4.1 SAS Campaign
>>> 4.2 Insurgent Campaign
*** 5. Interesting Locations
>>> 5.1 A few sniper locations
>>> 5.2 A few commander locations
*** 6. Warlord Servers
*** 7. Outro

1. Foreword
This guide was made for IO Warlord, because it requires more strategy and teamwork. This guide is however not complete. I only have ~30 hours in Warlord, while writing this, and that is surely not enough to learn all there is to learn about it. If you have a tip to share, PM me and i will add it with your name mentioned.
Now, before we begin some legal crap. All rights reserved to iPoon.be, nothing of this document may be copied without authorization of the author.
Err.. All im asking for is that you give a link to the full guide when youre showing off tips, so people know where to find the full version.

Note: Im getting lots of comments on the following:
  • IO Warlord = fail
    Perhaps, but im writing this guide with knowledge that i know. Thats why im almost only giving tips for snipers and assault kits, those are the ones i play most on Warlord. Most of the guide is usefull in non-IO anyway. If you have tips for another kits or vehicles, PM me. I will add everything.
  • Your graphics suck balls
    Indeed, battlefield 2 looks like it was made in MS Paint on my rig. But hey, you can still see what im talking about, right?

2. Warlord: Intro
[Skip this part if youre familiar with the layout of Warlord.]

Warlord is what people call the equivalent of Karkand in SF. Warlord is a good map to get points fast, its one of the more popular SF maps and you will often find high ranked players playing it (e.g. f1r3starter).
Its an urban map that lends itself well to snipers, but ill get back on that later.
The two competing teams are SAS and Insurgent. The aim of the map is defending the Palace for the Insurgent, and capturing it for the SAS. In reality though, the only real requirement is forcing the other teams tickets down to 0.

There are 3 versions of the map: 16, 32 and 64 players:

Warlord has a few of the problems that Karkand has, like short vision. Its very foggy. Its also where snipers and medics like to hang out, engineers usually have a hard time due to their short range weaponry.
But Warlord is also better than Karkand is many aspects. The most important difference is probably that Warlord will keep you safe from armor. Much like in real life, the only time you have to fear anything on wheels is when crossing the (rather large) roads. Otherwise, there is enough wall to hide behind. Warlord is also famous for its 'palace battles'. When the Insurgent are pushed back by SAS to their last flag (in the palace), you can expect very intense fighting inside the palace. More tactics for that later.

[Rejoin the guide from here on]

3. Recommended Equipment and Settings
Grappling Hook: This little tool will get many mentions in the guide, it gives you easy access to hard-to-reach flags and you need at least one in your squad. If you insist on not using it, prepare for long walks.
Zipline: You need this on the Insurgent side, if you play sniper. I will show some nifty sniping spots later, almost all of them require a zipline. (But snipers always have them anyway).
Flashbangs: You have enough to spread the fun, when battling in the palace go crazy with these, just dont flash your team members.
Shock Paddles: Bring a medic, theyre handy.

As for the Settings, i always play with low lighting. Everything will look duller, but you have good vision too. Claymores are easier to spot in the TV Station and you can see better in dark alleys. Especially usefull in the Palace.
Other than that, view distance should be on 100% too (as always). This should always be on 100% anyway, because it doesnt affect framerate as much as you might think.

4. How to win Warlord
4.1 SAS Campaign

[Tip: always begin the round at the right spawn point, the left one will drop you from the sky towards the Plaza. This is risky however because by opening your parachute you might teamkill someone that hasnt yet.]

I) Get your squad to the right side of the map, your first objective is to capture a flag in the palace. Follow the red line as shown below. This will take you past the major Insurgent defenses that are gathering around the Plaza in the beginning of the round.
When you reach the Mosque, you can optionally send 1-2 squadmembers to capture it already. This may attract attention to the back of the map however.
Otherwise, continue to the Palace. If you get there using a SAS Desert Raider, you can use it to jump over the Palace wall. Your first flag must be the Third Floor.Its easier to defend because it has less access points. Optionally, send 1-2 squadmembers to capture the Second Floor too, because you will probably attract many Insurgents after you capture the first flag.

[Tip: (credit to ViCT0RI0US): After going right, try using this route to surprise players waiting for you on the right side again. Its a shorter, though more dangerous, route that leads straight to the Hideout, Security Office and Palace. If youre on a very good team or in a clanmatch, send the alpha squad right and bravo squad left. An unstoppable tactic.

[Tip: (credit to ViCT0RI0US): If you are carrying a grappling hook, you could take out all the snipers near the Plaza from behind, follow the route mentioned in the tip above, then use your grapple to climb this building:
From here you can reach all the rooftops around the Plaza, and with all the support and medics running around, you just may get yourself a new killstreak
To get to the best roof, do the following from the roof you just climbed on:
The last throw takes some practice, but really pays off!
Now that youre up here, make you life easier and help your teammembers

[Tip: (credit to Snake): A good tactic, I find, is grappling to the roof of the palace. Use the F2000 GL to pummel the Insurgents (or SAS with the GP-30) with a commander supply crate on the top too. Chuck flashbangs into the Palace CP (either works) and lob nade launcher shots in.
The nade launcher is also very useful for hitting the guys who use the mounted LMG's, a bit of practise and you can hit em on either floor.
Also, grapple hook onto the roof and use the open hatch to get down onto the third floor, above the 2nd floor palace CP. Gives you a very unused and unexpected way into the palace.]

[Tip: When attacking the Palace from the ground floor, the sneakiest route to the Third Floor is by jumping through this window:
then go left and north again untill you find this stairwell:
it leads straight to the Third Floor, and you slip past any claymores in the hallway too.

II) Now the battle has been pulled back to the back of the map, leaving the Insurgent defence weak up front. At this point SAS will make progress towards the TV Station. If the Insurgent fight back hard near the Palace, go help at the TV Station. Otherwise punish their laziness by capturing the Palace Security Office.
If you do stand your ground in the Palace, the Insurgent forces will get pounded from two sides, otherwise you can push the battle to a seige on the Palace. Keep attacking the Palace to keep Insurgents busy there.

[Tip: The TV Station is full of claymores, snipers are desparate to defend it because the roof is a popular (though suicidal) sniping spot. To get in safely use your grappling hook like in the picture. You will not be spotted as easily as you may think, and its a quicker, safer way in. Make sure youre grappling on the right side of the pillar!

[Tip: If someone in your squad has a grappling hook, theres a sneaking entrance to the Third Floor. Go around the back of the Palace and grapple onto the roof of the small garage. Now grapple through the right window above you.

[Tip: (credit to Snake): Althought medics rule every infantry map with their high points etc, assault really come into their own in maps like this. Grapple hook up onto any unusual rooftop. The ones behind the TV station are very useful if you wana spawn rape em there.
Also very good if you are AT for helping to kill enemy armour.]

Beware of snipers on the Plaza rooftops, as well as the TV Station. On the image you see the popular sniping spots in red, and the usual support+medic defence line in yellow. Parachuting is probably not a good idea, dont you agree?
To counter these, you have two options as a sniper: take out the snipers on the roofs, or take out the medic+support line.
To kill the snipers, go to the parking lot and stay inside the stairwell, scout the horizon from behind the dooropening, you have quick cover this way, while rooftops provide hardly any at all.
To kill the medic+support line, either parachute or walk to the left side of the map:
Hide behind the the plant, by proning under it. Shift your position so you can see the enemies:
https://img169.imageshack.us/img169/5547/screen025lv9.jpg Your cover wont hold up against close inspection, but human vision is attracted to movement, so as long as you stay still you wont be easily noticed.
Any other kit should spam grenades to clear the Plaza, though i really dont recommend parachuting at all.

III) Now its time for SAS to push back Insurgents even further. When you have the TV Station, you need the Insurgent Hideout and the Mosque.
[Tip: (credit to crimson_grunt): When capping the Hideout, dont prone around the mounted LMG, prone near the corner next to the stairs. When someone comes running up the stairs, they expect you to be near the sandbags, shoot them while they arent looking.]
As for the Mosque, head for the tower behind the wall protecting it. Climb up and zipline onto the Mosque roof:
If you have a grappling hook, just grapple over the wall facing the back of the Mosque, then grapple onto the roof.
Insurgent usually dont notice when the flag is captured this way, but prepare for an assault when its neutralized.

IV) Now the Insurgent make their last stand, bombard the Palace Security Office with grenades and capture the flag. Prepare for a slug match with the Insurgent, and try to enter the Palace with the tips given earlier.
As a sniper, you can stop Insurgents from exiting the Palace, to do so spawn at the Hideout. From here, climb the ladders of the building to the north, towards the Palace. When on top, zipline onto the roof furthest to the north, it is partially covered by treeleaves. You should be on a roof that looks like this:
This is the best sniper spot facing the palace, you are covered from view by treeleaves, but if you want to check the left flank, you still can. You also have a view on the Third Floor windows and Stationary LMG sites.


4.2 Insurgent Campaign
To win as Insurgent, you have to prevent any of the SAS tactics above from happening. Most importantly, if you can keep the fight up front, you will win the slugging match because you have more flags. Your commander must spot any SAS trying to break through, you must stop them at any cost.

I) At the beginning of the map, everyone will rush for the Plaza. If you want some easy kills here, spawn as support with an RPK/PKM, the parachuting SAS are easy pickings. The .50cal on the pickup trucks does very well too.

[Tip: in non-IO Warlord, spawn as spec-ops at the TV Station. At the high end of the ramp leading into the city are two traffic signs, where you can stick C4 on. Put on the C4 like in the screenshot:
You only need to stick on 2 C4, this is enough to take out even a tank. Any vehicle that tries to pass through the C4 will trigger both to blow up automatically:
(me dieing in a tank)]

The Plaza will probably be taken over at some point, unless you have a strong team with a good commander. When they do break through though, make haste to either the TV Station or the Hideout. Both are easily defended with claymores.

[Tip: One of the best sniping spots i know overlooks the TV Station. If you position yourself here, it is almost impossible for the SAS to capture it, they have very little cover. To get there, climb to the roof and zipline to the location shown here:
https://img241.imageshack.us/img241/4835/screen007lf9.jpg As you can see, supply drops can still reach you on the roof. It is possible to stay there a whole round without dieing, and it is also a supreme commander hideout.]

[Tip: (credit to Nanten): Another very nice sniping spot is on top of the penthouse, above the sniping location mentioned above. To get there, use your zipline like this:
The top of the penthouse has solar panels you can use as cover. From here, you have a view on the Plaza and the TV Staion, but you can also defend the Hideout by lobbing grenades over the roof in front of it. They will land against the sandbags. Make sure you use a running start, or you wont reach the flag.]

The Hideout has many rooftops overlooking the flag, experiment with the zipline to get different angles.

II) If you do lose more ground to the SAS, pull back to the Palace at once. It is very hard to defend the Security Station with all the grenade spamming going on. A nice sniping spot to cover that flag is on the roof of the Palace. Its not hard to reach it, just spawn at the Third Floor, go on the balcony next to the flagroom. Jump from the balcony wall onto the slope heading towards the roof, you can sprint up this slope and 'duck-jump' over the wall (jump followed by a crouch).
Heres a screenshot of the slope:

III) While your team stands its ground in the Palace, the back of the map is left unprotected once more. Stick to the edges of the map and recapture the easily defended TV Station and Hideout. You can keep SAS busy like this, which will reduce resistance elsewhere.


5. Interesting locations
5.1 A few Sniper locations
These are not the best sniping spots, but they are unexpected. People will be looking around wildly, searching but not finding where you are hiding.
This is north-east of the Mosque, just go up the ladder to the roof of this building. It has a rather poor view over the Palace, but when the coast is clear you can zipline onto the balcony and capture the Second Floor.

When SAS, you can reach the balcony overlooking the TV Station by climbing the roof north of the Plaza Flag, then climbing the roof east of it and ziplining further as shown on the images.

(credit to ViCT0RI0US)

5.1 A few commander locations
Crawl under here, you'll be almost invisible, except for UAV.

(credit to ViCT0RI0US)

6. Warlord Servers
[I would like some servers to paste here, PM me your server NAME, IP, PORT, and MAP SIZE (+ MAP ROTATION)]

7. Warlord: Outro
Well, i guess i could have been playing BF2 instead of writing this guide, but i decided not to. So i hope you at least learned something.

Remember, PM me everything you know about Warlord, and ill make sure its added, with your name in the credits.

***Special Thanks to ViCT0RI0US

> iPoon.be, 1 jan 2007

Last edited by iPoon.be (2007-04-05 09:32:26)

in light of my previous post this was perfect timing. . . i'll definately be playing this map.

many thanks.
Shitty Disposition (apparently)
+214|6938|Teesside, UK
great guide well done.  +1

I don't have an specific strategies for capping the insurgents hideout as such but i do prefer to be just above the flag on the roof so that any people spawning will charge up on to the balcony expecting you to be crouching near the mounted machine gun and not above them plus you have a large pillar to hide behind if any snipers are nearby.  You would need a zipline/hook to get up there.

Hope you get what I'm talking about.

Last edited by crimson_grunt (2007-01-01 07:51:00)

Internet Poon
Yeah, ill add that
I <3 ak101
+307|6947|under there hayousaidunderwear
some of the thumbnails don't enlargen
Internet Poon
None of them did, i used the wrong link
Theyre all normal img's now
+29|6642|Forest Green
someone wants a sticky methinks

and should get one
Teh strogg!
+205|6763|Trondheim, Norway
Way to long since I played Warlord Only now... Almost all the time I've played SF the last time has been on Gator...
Gr8 guide il start playin warlord more often now
Missing, Presumed Dead

Emil_the_Slayer wrote:

Way to long since I played Warlord Only now... Almost all the time I've played SF the last time has been on Gator...
Good man
Some good gunning earlier mate, was fun.

Looks like someones following my "For Dummies" idea eh iPoon Good guide +1. Quite in depth and a few sniper spots I hadnt thought about before (when looking for the bastards).

A good tactic, I find, is grappling to the roof of the palace. Use the F2000 GL to pummel the Insurgents (or SAS with the GP-30) with a commander supply crate on the top too. Chuck flashbangs into the Palace CP (either works) and lob nade launcher shots in.
The nade launcher is also very useful for hitting the guys who use the mounted LMG's, a bit of practise and you can hit em on either floor.
Also, grapple hook onto the roof and use the open hatch to get down onto the third floor, above the 2nd floor palace CP. Gives you a very unused and unexpected way into the palace.

Althought medics rule every infantry map with their high points etc, assault really come into their own in maps like this. Grapple hook up onto any unusual rooftop. The ones behind the TV station are very useful if you wana spawn rape em there.
Also very good if you are AT for helping to kill enemy armour.

Might wana add in, in a section @ the end or whatever, vehicle tactics - routes ideas and camping spots.

Request Sticky.

Last edited by Snake (2007-01-01 12:34:04)

Internet Poon
I dunno about vehicles, i play IO mostly. I dont want to make a section full of obvious statements
Your graphics are hurting, son.

Nice guide though.
I hand out purple hearts like candy
+72|6687|Alberta, Canada

Those were some of my sniping spots...

Nice guide though poon.
+5|6616|Basel, Switzerland
Good job and thanks for the guide.

I just have a question, how can i make a sig like you?

1+ again
Now make one for non-IO Warlord.

IO should be Karkand only. Why ruin Warlord like that?
I Hate Claymores
Hmm I thought this guide would be 1 thing long because what I see most is.

Spawn in Palace as sniper and shit claymores everywhere.
+917|6902|Atlanta, Georgia, USA
this is the only map i get mad lag on....

Mason4Assassin444 wrote:

Now make one for non-IO Warlord.

IO should be Karkand only. Why ruin Warlord like that?

Last edited by Des.Kmal (2007-01-01 11:36:27)

Add me on Origin for Battlefield 4 fun: DesKmal
Missing, Presumed Dead

Des.Kmal wrote:

this is the only map i get mad lag on....

Mason4Assassin444 wrote:

Now make one for non-IO Warlord.

IO should be Karkand only. Why ruin Warlord like that?
I reckon you should do a Devils Perch: For Dummies
Internet Poon

ShadowFoX wrote:

Hmm I thought this guide would be 1 thing long because what I see most is.

Spawn in Palace as sniper and shit claymores everywhere.
You havent been reading my guide
+917|6902|Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Snake wrote:

Des.Kmal wrote:

this is the only map i get mad lag on....

Mason4Assassin444 wrote:

Now make one for non-IO Warlord.

IO should be Karkand only. Why ruin Warlord like that?
I reckon you should do a Devils Perch: For Dummies
im actually working on it, lol
Add me on Origin for Battlefield 4 fun: DesKmal

Des.Kmal wrote:

Snake wrote:

Des.Kmal wrote:

this is the only map i get mad lag on....

I reckon you should do a Devils Perch: For Dummies
im actually working on it, lol
Good. Thats one I need some tips on.
Nice guide. I personally don't understand why servers do IO on Warlord. Over half the flags cannot be capped while in a vehicle. That's part of what makes it a great map......that and the palace battle of course.
+26|6703|Qatar: Where The Players Play
You guys should get a "Map Guides" section. Good guide for a good map.
Shifty's Home Number: 02 9662 8432

Awesome guide to this Awesome Map.

great guide +1
now i just need to be bothered to load up SF then i may play it

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