
Nuke the middle east?

Yes!20%20% - 36
No!26%26% - 48
Whatevaaah!0%0% - 1
I dont give a damn!3%3% - 6
bomb the chinks!1%1% - 3
Bomb the freakkin USA!21%21% - 39
Nuke 'em kinky Europeans!2%2% - 5
I want nukes in BF2!23%23% - 42
Total: 180
+0|7014|Marrero, La.

Stoned_Smurfz wrote:

nuke the bunny hoppers
Now you're talking.....I'd say we cut off their legs and eat them for dinner.
naw man 3-4 nukes n all dem muslims are blown off the face of the earth that wont be veryhard now will it?
"Aff, Star Colonel!"

duckforceone wrote:

so let's nuke any country that's basing it's entire warfare program on hitting another countrys civilians.
Anyone else find the irony in this?
Horseman 77

Kanil wrote:

duckforceone wrote:

so let's nuke any country that's basing it's entire warfare program on hitting another countrys civilians.
Anyone else find the irony in this?
oo oooh I do I do
*laughs laughs laughs

*watches FOX news
+0|7044|Brissvegas AUST

Sh1fty2k5 wrote:

Terrorists are all from the middle east. They all want us dead. They will kill us. Should we bomb them back to the stoneage ?
hahahaha that would mean an upgrade.... they are below the stone age, maybe ice age i dont know
Horseman 77

philbymaris wrote:

Sh1fty2k5 wrote:

Terrorists are all from the middle east. They all want us dead. They will kill us. Should we bomb them back to the stoneage ?
hahahaha that would mean an upgrade.... they are below the stone age, maybe ice age i dont know
Ya they are below the Stone Age. If we took the 14 billion per year we give Israel and gave it to them instead the place would be Disney World and Israel would be a butt stain instead.

Its all where we dump our Taxpayers cash.
Dumping it in Israel didn't buy us Good will, loyalty or Protection thats for sure.
lol!  the ignorance in this thread is staggering.  Nothing like blabbering on about people and places you'll never see.
+1,230|7152|Alberta, Canada

Krappyappy wrote:

terrorists are all people. so we should kill everyone on earth, that will end all terrorism.
but then Eve will ditch Adam for Osama, make his kids, and then terroism will start all over again
Horseman 77

banndontv wrote:

lol!  the ignorance in this thread is staggering.  Nothing like blabbering on about people and places you'll never see.
personal expirence ?
Somebody had a good point that stopping all the funding and diplomatic support and arms supplies to Israel from the USA would probably cut down on the terrorism from Arab countries to the USA.

This raises the MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION in the problem of Islamic terrorism. How could somebody get so fucking upset, terrified, angry, or despairing that they would carefully plan to blow themselves up? It's not just suicide bombing, it's suicide, and some of the same psychological questions about why someone would kill themselves have got to be asked.

Islam does not hate Christianity.
Islam says Christ is the most holy of prophets.
Islam says that Christians just haven't accepted the final prophet, Mohammed.
Islam forbids suicide.

Muslim (or post-Muslim) countries were extremely tolerant towards Christians and Jews from the time of Mohammed right up until WWII. Look it up, extremely tolerant. Protestants (that's you, Baptists, Evangelicals, Lutherans and the like) fled to Muslim countries for safety from the Catholics.

For centuries, the European Christian rulers were scared shitless (still are) of the Muslims, but for the most part the Muslim countries couldn't have given a rat's ass about the Westerners.

So how come in this last half-century folks like Osama and Hamas can get a steady supply of young men willing to kill themselves in order to knock off Jews and Westerners? Why are some Muslims getting that fucking upset?
+27|7080|Atlanta, GA USA

bruisehound wrote:

Somebody had a good point that stopping all the funding and diplomatic support and arms supplies to Israel from the USA would probably cut down on the terrorism from Arab countries to the USA.

This raises the MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION in the problem of Islamic terrorism. How could somebody get so fucking upset, terrified, angry, or despairing that they would carefully plan to blow themselves up? It's not just suicide bombing, it's suicide, and some of the same psychological questions about why someone would kill themselves have got to be asked.

Islam does not hate Christianity.
Islam says Christ is the most holy of prophets.
Islam says that Christians just haven't accepted the final prophet, Mohammed.
Islam forbids suicide.

Muslim (or post-Muslim) countries were extremely tolerant towards Christians and Jews from the time of Mohammed right up until WWII. Look it up, extremely tolerant. Protestants (that's you, Baptists, Evangelicals, Lutherans and the like) fled to Muslim countries for safety from the Catholics.

For centuries, the European Christian rulers were scared shitless (still are) of the Muslims, but for the most part the Muslim countries couldn't have given a rat's ass about the Westerners.

So how come in this last half-century folks like Osama and Hamas can get a steady supply of young men willing to kill themselves in order to knock off Jews and Westerners? Why are some Muslims getting that fucking upset?
In their minds they are not commiting suicide.  They are giving their lives in the name of Allah.  They believe that, because they died doing something righteous, they will get great rewards when they get to heaven.  They're zealots, and zealots generally don't think logically.

Horseman 77 wrote:

banndontv wrote:

lol!  the ignorance in this thread is staggering.  Nothing like blabbering on about people and places you'll never see.
personal expirence ?
not at all.  but when i read things like "bomb the middle east beacuse its full of terrorists" it makes me cringe.

Put the shoe on the other foot.  Lets bomb North America because everyone there is a dentist.  i hate going to the dentist.

Sounds rediculous doesnt it?
YEAH LETS NUKE THEM AND KILL A BUNCH OF INNOCENT PEOPLE TRYING TO FIND LIBERATION! I'M ALL FOR IT! While we're at it let's nuke France and Mexico cuz a lot or selfish people are annoyed at them right buddy? OMFG, do you know what a nuclear bomb is capable of. There would be no more Iraq if we did that it's basically genocide and the position that america is in right now it would be political suicide. China is rising in power we're getting more vulnerable other countries would hate us and we would lose the propoganda campaign
Mass Media Casualty

I'm not going to read this whole post, but in the words of Robin Williams:

"...but you can't bomb the Afghanis back to the Stone Age because they'd think 'Yay, upgrade!'"

Not my words or opinions though.

I'm not going to respond seriously to this though. My Political Mind is fucked from drinking last night.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Last of the Uchiha
+4|7021|Hong Kong, China

Tyferra wrote:

I'm not going to read this whole post, but in the words of Robin Williams:

"...but you can't bomb the Afghanis back to the Stone Age because they'd think 'Yay, upgrade!'"

Not my words or opinions though.

I'm not going to respond seriously to this though. My Political Mind is fucked from drinking last night.
I just came back from Afghanistan and guess what? There were good poeple there. And "Yay, upgrade" my ass, if someone dropped a bomb there, then good, you just happened to kill more civilians, local aid workers and moderates than terrorists. What we need are to boost the number of moderate muslims and stop the youth there from getting the wrong type of edcuation.
nuking ME= no more oil!!!
Base Rapist

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

nuking ME= no more oil!!!
NEWS JUST IN: Norway has WMDs.

youve now just been Pwned by the Mavster
Yes its all about hearts and minds,i served out in bosnia and the were some good people out there however some people were too easily mislead and so evil people turned neighbours into murderers,tbh no point nuking middle east we need to support the people who want a better life and want follow the correct islamic path and then the nutcases saying allah wants me to do this that and they other...wont have the backing,the always be terriosts,cause no one ever agrees with someone elses opion but if we go in heavy handed then we ll have the whole of the middle east ganging up the west
Speak English please. This is the internet, not <insert your country here>, and the language of the internet is English.
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7150|Cologne, Germany

My answer to the initial question would be no. And I don't suppose the question was meant to be serious in the first place. This discussion is leading us nowhere.
Say wat!?

Nehil wrote:

I've noticed all terrorists are male! KILL ALL MEN!!!!!

Seriöst, äru bäng i huvet?
no please dont do that... lol i happen to be one.

bruisehound wrote:

Somebody had a good point that stopping all the funding and diplomatic support and arms supplies to Israel from the USA would probably cut down on the terrorism from Arab countries to the USA.
It would have zero effect. The reasons change but the jihad stays the same.

bruisehound wrote:

This raises the MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION in the problem of Islamic terrorism. How could somebody get so fucking upset, terrified, angry, or despairing that they would carefully plan to blow themselves up?
Because they are told (and backed up with the relevant teachings from the qu'ran and hadiths) that jihad is "fard" (obligatory) against the infidels. They are told that in heaven they will get virgins and young boys to please them.

bruisehound wrote:

It's not just suicide bombing, it's suicide, and some of the same psychological questions about why someone would kill themselves have got to be asked.
Wrong. Suicide bombing IS NOT suicide. Suicide is due to pressures on life causing an individual to not want to live any more. Suicide bombing is akin to running at a battalion armed with a pistol - you know you will take a few of them with you but you know you will also die. Dying in the cause of fighting for Allah is the most honourable way to die for a Muslim.

bruisehound wrote:

Islam does not hate Christianity.
Oh yes it does. Islamic teaching is full of scorn for Christianity. Go get an education and stop reading the New York Times.

bruisehound wrote:

Islam says Christ is the most holy of prophets.
Wrong again. Islam says that Muhammad is the most holy.

bruisehound wrote:

Islam says that Christians just haven't accepted the final prophet, Mohammed.
And do you know what is the penalty for not accepting the final prophet?

bruisehound wrote:

Islam forbids suicide.
But not "suicide" bombing. Really the proper name is using yourelf as a human guided bomb to kill others.

bruisehound wrote:

Muslim (or post-Muslim) countries were extremely tolerant towards Christians and Jews from the time of Mohammed right up until WWII.
That will explain why they massacred so many of them then. Where HAVE you been learning about Islam?

bruisehound wrote:

Look it up, extremely tolerant. Protestants (that's you, Baptists, Evangelicals, Lutherans and the like) fled to Muslim countries for safety from the Catholics.
And in those countries they lived as second class citizens (dhimmis), one step up from slaves.

bruisehound wrote:

For centuries, the European Christian rulers were scared shitless (still are) of the Muslims, but for the most part the Muslim countries couldn't have given a rat's ass about the Westerners.
And that will be why Islam tried to conquer Christian Europe many times and were beaten back at Poitiers, Vienna, etc.

bruisehound wrote:

So how come in this last half-century folks like Osama and Hamas can get a steady supply of young men willing to kill themselves in order to knock off Jews and Westerners?
Because there is an Islamic resurgence, a getting-back-to-Islamic-basics if you will.

bruisehound wrote:

Why are some Muslims getting that fucking upset?
Because they are told that Islam is the best and only system for mankind, that they are superior to the non-Muslim, that they shall conquer the Earth. And yet it seems that whilst Allah has blessed Muslims with misery, he has blessed the dirty, subhuman infidels with wealth, power and happiness.

Hey dude, sorry to have to come into this thread and show everyone that you don't know what you are talking about.
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7150|Cologne, Germany

tone it down, xanthpi. your coming across a bit arrogant here...

remember, it's just opinions. no one has the final verdict on anything here.
who who want to nuke ME just coz most terrorist are muslim

quote "most terrorists are muslim, that does not make all muslims terrorists"

but muslim countrys are kinda acting like the european mid 15th century, they have not separated church and state, that made europe went backwards (no offence), remember galileo? the roman catholic church banned his ideas and put him under house arrest. hell, his ideas were unbanned just in these few years

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