I just recently received my Logitech Freedom 2.4 Joystick, and I decided to try it out it BF2. Man oh man is it harder then hell to do, especially with the chopper.

I was hoping someone might be of assistance to me by like helping me out in a game, showing me how to fly both jet and chopper if thats ok. I am just struggling big time!

I am beginning to think its impossible to fly well with a chopper!
im a fucking .....well not now
+609|6815|AUS, Canberra
my advice is stick with keyboard and mouse for chopper, and just practice for the jet.
ya for the chopper I use the joystick and keybord w=accurlate a=turnleft d=turn right and s=slow the  down and the rest on the joystick

Last edited by wonkey20 (2006-01-16 19:48:26)

+69|6754|th3 unkn0wn

BaGGy wrote:

I just recently received my Logitech Freedom 2.4 Joystick, and I decided to try it out it BF2. Man oh man is it harder then hell to do, especially with the chopper.

I was hoping someone might be of assistance to me by like helping me out in a game, showing me how to fly both jet and chopper if thats ok. I am just struggling big time!

I am beginning to think its impossible to fly well with a chopper!
Don't bother flying a chopper with a joystick cos a joystick just isn't made for flying choppers on BF2. I've tried different configs and none of them were convenient enough to provide effective use of a chopper. The best method is the good old keyboard and mouse combo.

As for jets I use a Sidewinder joystick but not everyone uses a joystick to control jets. There are people who claim that the keyboard and mouse combo works just as well for jets as it does for choppers and I take their word on that fact. My brother being one of them. Whereas I can't fly a jet with the keyboard and mouse he can't fly with the joystick.
Raiders of the Lost Bear

Mouse + Keyboard ALL THE WAY baby
i fly both plane and chopper with joystick, must say it was hard in the beginning but after a lot of practice it is starting to work fine. just practice a lot. in the option menu my sensetiviti is set to maximum. have tried others configs but for me it is the best like this. just practice a lot start a own unranked server and you can fly for ours.
i have the logitech extreme 3d pro. it has a throttle handle perfect for hoovering
+98|6783|netherlands, sweet lake city
hey i just have my joystck 6 days now and my planing got a lot better because with the mouse i sometimes make a weird wrong move and youll crash no im fliyng with a logitech extreme 3d pro and after like 2/3 hours of practicing id fly great...  the chopper is an other story i just suck.... no mather how much i try i cant get better  so im  gonna switch back to mouse again.....   but as a practive i used stunts wich i could already do with my mouse.... just for the feeeling
yea fly with a joy stick its bettter then flying with a mouse and key bored cause u get more control ps any 1 whant 2 help with a [RAF] flying thing like the red arrows ps musted be able 2 fly gd cya:D
yeah the mouse and keyboard is wat i always use even planes coz i found the mouse is more of stable slow movemnts which can be good and bad dpends wat ur use to
Well i have an excellent mouse, and an excellent joystick both logitech. I am just hoping someone experienced with the helicopter and flying it with a joystick could possibly show me how to fly...

I was wondering if anyone compared mouse flying to joystick flying yet with helicopter, I would really love to see who actually flies better. Because sure I can see how the mouse would be easier to use, but I still believe the joystick would  be by far more effecient.
Pope Picard II

What is it with everyone who plays BF2 acting like joysticks are some foreign ungodly cesspool. Have any of you ever played any other flying games with joysticks? Learning to fly in any game is like learning to drive. At first you overcorrect the hell out of every movement and soon end up in the ground. Learn to make less correction and you will fly much better.

I switched from combat flight simulator, to bf1942, to Desert Combat, to BF2 without any problem after first learning to fly in CFS. It really isn't that hard and the advantages are so obvious, yet so many people post joysticks suck and keyboard and mouse is the way to go. You don't see a keyboard mounted on the dash of a Cobra with a razer mouse now do you?

All I'm on about, is stop encouraging people not to try their joysticks and just shutting them down saying keyboard is the only way to do it. It's one way to do it, but it is not the best way! If there's one more pilot out there using a joystick properly, thats one less retard ramming the blackhawk your in into the nearest static object! Any other community of gamers who play some kind of game with flight, would tell you you're insane not to use a joystick, yet 90% of people here condone keyboard use. No wonder everyone walks over friendly claymores, mines, team-kills you on purpose etc.
Kilroy Is Here!
+81|6889|Bryan/College Station, TX
I have to agree with Zenmaster. The Joystick is superior to the Mouse and Keyboard in all flight aspects but it also depends on the type of joystick you have and your practice time. Its very very easy to overcorrect with a joystick when flying a helicopter. I actually fly heli in BF2 with the Keyboard and Mouse but I am currently attempting to practice with the joystick in hopes of fully migrating to it one day. Jets of course there is no substitute. They are much too fast for keyboard and mouse in my opinion and so I only use the joystick. To each their own I suppose. I say give the joystick a try and after a good honest attempt at flying if you still can't get the hang of it then go back to Keyboard and Mouse. It doesn't matter really as long as you are still a good pilot and still don't crash into static objects... too often.
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
Microsoft Poster Child
+83|6739|Vancouver BC Canada
Great point [CANADA]_Zenmaster. Gotta have the twist handle though for that extra axis. I'm flying with a Microsoft Sidwinder Force Feedback Pro, yea its vintage.

Holy Shi*, i just looked up your stats, thats some impressive flying [CANADA]_Zenmaster. Listen to this guy he knows what he's doing.

Last edited by the_outsider38 (2006-01-01 21:00:25)

You with the face!
I first learned to fly choppers in BFV...looking back that was easy, but it takes a different mindset than jets.
Helicopters turn with the horizontal axis...NOT pushing the stick over.  You really need to have a twist joystick to fly helos well...or pedals.  Don't roll the chopper to turn untill you get good.  Hope that helped.
I've learned to fly on the Kübelcopter,the modded Kübelwagen of BF1942.

I have just finished my setup-session for my Wingman joystick today and I use joystick + keyboard for both,jet and chopper.

My flying ranking sucks though,never played with intention to get a chopper,when I've been sitting in one it was more coincidence.Now with my joystick back in action(a real BF1942-vet!) I think I'll have to set up camp on the airfield to get some online-practice.
+383|6765|The Netherlands
I learned to fly planes in 1942, choppers in desert combat. I was a pilot for a bfv clan for quite a while.

I use a stick for planes and choppers, i got a microsoft sidewinder force feedback 2.

Last edited by General-Echo (2006-01-02 13:33:12)

+98|6783|netherlands, sweet lake city
i can promise you the joystick is worth a try ..... i  first was flying with a mouse whats perfect for  stunts  but you cant make reall sharp turns  like what youll need in air to air combat... and i got so much better in bombing because i get a constant speed and i only should remain a good  altitude for good bombing and thats the easy part.....   my aviation score was 1.1   and now its  2.0  bacause i got so much better at joystick  bombing
+0|6783|New Brunswick Canada
It really comes down to what you are comfortable with. Personally i use Keybord/ Joystick for Helos throttle and Yaw on keybord and the rest on my stick, same with the jets, i used to use the mouse which is fine for the helo but having to lift a mouse and keep scrolling for a turn in  a jet is stupid and unrealistic. A joystick is much easier to stear with and much smoother than any mouse even an old joystick will out turn a mouse, you can always replace the twist axis with A and D, My advice if you have a good joystick by the sounds of which you do use it for everything with a jet maybe split the helo with the Yaw, and throttle on the keyboard and Pitch and roll on your joystick. And realizing that everyone here is not a real pilot:

Pitch = Nose Up/ down= Elevators
Roll = bank wings left/right = Ailerons
Yaw = twist left/ right = Rudder

Hope that is helpfull and just keep at it in the long run you will notice a vast improvement in skill
( CFS 1, 2, 3 Vet/ Private Pilot/ Airforce recruit)
I've just had my first serious round in a MiG29,Operation Clean Sweep.... ;-D

What can I say?18 kills,1 death,I think I was even close to the aviator ribbon because it was a quite long round....just 1 kill missing.But that was just warm-up practice for the joystick,so let's see what my score'S gonna be when I'm used to the joystick!!

Joystick rules!
Thanks for all the replies about joysticks vs keyboard + mouse. I've been trying to learn to fly using the KB + mouse but so far I end up crashed somewhere very quickly. I've heard some good words about using a joystick so I'll be purchasing one soon. Any suggestions?
I am not giving up onthe joystick I practice everyday...

It might be my configuration that makes it complicated, but I dunno I like having a wingman point out my flaws but I dont have one... anyway my joystick controls everything since it can twist and shout.. as well throttle..

anyway.. i just hope someone like [CANADA]_Zenmaster  shows me how to fly!
Pony Slaystation
+343|6754|Charlie One Alpha
Am I really the only one that flies with just the keyboard? For both jets and choppers?
Left hand on WASD, right hand on the arrow keys. Thats the way I've been doing it since Codename Eagle and BF1942. It worked like a charm in both of those games, but the jets are about ten times as fast in BF2 so the keyboard is slightly slow. But I'm still a pretty decent pilot. I can't bomb for shit, but in dogfights I can hold my own. Pretty often I'm the one to finally kill that dude that's been owning us the entire round with his J-10.
"If you want a vision of the future, imagine SecuROM slapping your face with its dick -- forever." -George Orwell
What is a good speed to fly at for us throttle users?

So far I fly at 500 for bombing speed, and when I encounter a dog fight I crank it up...
You may also like to try using a joypad for the chopper, i found it way easier. I picked up a real cheap one that has a similar shape and number of buttons to the old PS1 style pad. Makes flying the chopper more easy to get the hang of.
I've got the Logitch Extreme 3D Pro and it kicks much butt for flying the chopper.

There is no way you can match the precision of a joystick with on/off keyboard buttons and a mouse. It's like some kid telling me he's better with an XBox gamepad at FPS games than I am with a mouse/keyboard...

You NEED to use the throttle and the twist functions on your joystick, thats what really complets it.

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