
would you want to be the smartest man ever?

yes58%58% - 24
no41%41% - 17
Total: 41
Dan Havok

<<<FTDM>>>Gen.Raven wrote:

Dan Havok wrote:

hell yeah i'd want to know everything.   if i knew everything i could solve, or make propositions to solve, so many of the worlds problems.  i could put in action a plan to reduce the amount of people in poverty or help fight starvaition or come up with cures for diseases.  and if you ask where the money for these projects would come from, remember i know every think so i could invent something sweet, make billions, and put that towards my own goals of making the world a little more friendly.

to not want to know everything would be selfish.  ignorance is bliss, you'd be happy in your own little world but every one else would suffer without you gaining ultimate knowlege....provided you use it for good.....
yes, maybe but there are some people who just dont wana deal with it all god puts smart people on the world for a reason, and imagine you were a docter worked your whole life on a cure for cancer, your close very close then comes this person solves it in 1 day. how would you feel?
at first i would be upset that it wasn't me who came up with the cure , but seeing how my goal was to cure cancer and help people i would be glad that a cure was discovered.

but again, you are putting the feelings of one doctor ahead of everybody who has cancer.  sure having the knowlege with mess with some people, but if used correctly the majority of the people  will benefit.

Edit:  you also say that I am only very close to comming up with a cure, so people would still be dying of cancer instead of being cured by the guy who came up with it in a day.

p.s. this is drunken rant typing....no hard feelings.

double edit:  chittydog's post pretty much summed up what i was trying to get across, but only better

Last edited by Dan Havok (2006-12-30 01:06:02)

Satan's disciple on Earth.
+160|6838|Hell's prison
Ignorance is bliss.
+617|6558|NSW, Australia

ok you got me there kudos to you

but we have people here talking about ruling the world would you really want an asshat controling everything around him. it would be a world of oppresion and misery and life would just plain suck, but then agian mabye a good decent person would gain the knowlege. So in a sence it could be a really good thing or a really bad thing. All im saying is i would not want the power incase i became an asshat a fuck over the world.

edit: i take no offence i put up a stupid argument and beat the shit out of it. no hard feelings

Last edited by <<<FTDM>>>Gen.Raven (2006-12-30 01:08:50)

less busy
+586|6988|Kubra, Damn it!

<<<FTDM>>>Gen.Raven wrote:

ok you got me there kudos to you

but we have people here talking about ruling the world would you really want an asshat controling everything around him. it would be a world of oppresion and misery and life would just plain suck, but then agian mabye a good decent person would gain the knowlege. So in a sence it could be a really good thing or a really bad thing. All im saying is i would not want the power incase i became an asshat a fuck over the world.
You'd be fine since you're concerned with staying decent. Since you know everything, you'd know how to stay decent and avoid any asshattery.
+617|6558|NSW, Australia

chittydog wrote:

<<<FTDM>>>Gen.Raven wrote:

ok you got me there kudos to you

but we have people here talking about ruling the world would you really want an asshat controling everything around him. it would be a world of oppresion and misery and life would just plain suck, but then agian mabye a good decent person would gain the knowlege. So in a sense it could be a really good thing or a really bad thing. All im saying is i would not want the power incase i became an asshat a fuck over the world.
You'd be fine since you're concerned with staying decent. Since you know everything, you'd know how to stay decent and avoid any asshattery.
it would eventually get to me
Dan Havok

<<<FTDM>>>Gen.Raven wrote:

chittydog wrote:

<<<FTDM>>>Gen.Raven wrote:

ok you got me there kudos to you

but we have people here talking about ruling the world would you really want an asshat controling everything around him. it would be a world of oppresion and misery and life would just plain suck, but then agian mabye a good decent person would gain the knowlege. So in a sense it could be a really good thing or a really bad thing. All im saying is i would not want the power incase i became an asshat a fuck over the world.
You'd be fine since you're concerned with staying decent. Since you know everything, you'd know how to stay decent and avoid any asshattery.
it would eventually get to me
but this is about me knowing everything, and i would be totally cool with that because i would not commit asshattery....good word, asshattery....  so again yeah i also think that if somebody else were to know everything they would know that a lot more gets acclomplished (wow i fucked that one up) without asshattery than with asshattery.
+617|6558|NSW, Australia

Dan Havok wrote:

<<<FTDM>>>Gen.Raven wrote:

chittydog wrote:

You'd be fine since you're concerned with staying decent. Since you know everything, you'd know how to stay decent and avoid any asshattery.
it would eventually get to me
but this is about me knowing everything, and i would be totally cool with that because i would not commit asshattery....good word, asshattery....  so again yeah i also think that if somebody else were to know everything they would know that a lot more gets acclomplished (wow i fucked that one up) without asshattery than with asshattery.
but maybe the darkside is clouding their vision
Dan Havok

<<<FTDM>>>Gen.Raven wrote:

Dan Havok wrote:

<<<FTDM>>>Gen.Raven wrote:

it would eventually get to me
but this is about me knowing everything, and i would be totally cool with that because i would not commit asshattery....good word, asshattery....  so again yeah i also think that if somebody else were to know everything they would know that a lot more gets acclomplished (wow i fucked that one up) without asshattery than with asshattery.
but maybe the darkside is clouding their vision
ahh shit i didn't account for the sith.....
+617|6558|NSW, Australia

Dan Havok wrote:

<<<FTDM>>>Gen.Raven wrote:

Dan Havok wrote:

but this is about me knowing everything, and i would be totally cool with that because i would not commit asshattery....good word, asshattery....  so again yeah i also think that if somebody else were to know everything they would know that a lot more gets acclomplished (wow i fucked that one up) without asshattery than with asshattery.
but maybe the darkside is clouding their vision
ahh shit i didn't account for the sith.....
yeah that ugly looking government man. watch out for him
less busy
+586|6988|Kubra, Damn it!

Dan Havok wrote:

a lot more gets accomplished without asshattery than with asshattery
I love this line.
+617|6558|NSW, Australia

chittydog wrote:

Dan Havok wrote:

a lot more gets accomplished without asshattery than with asshattery
I love this line.
yeah its a goodun
Dan Havok
thanks guys, i try my best for you all
+617|6558|NSW, Australia


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