crimson_grunt wrote:
Zilla wrote:
Marines quote still stands. how bout a clue there suzie?
Wrong Trica my quote still stands. Seems like i need to repeat it a third time and put it in bright shiny colours if it's really that hard for you to comprehend!
"They never look in the eyes of a killer"And oh yeah Nadia ^^ this is the quote. Just in case you were getting a little lost.
ps.If no one bothers to answer this time then i give up
pps. Ha ha Zilla revenge is mine
Well, Marci, you seem to not get the rules of the game, in order to post YOUR quote, you have to answer the previos quote CORRECTLY. and since you didn't answer my quote of "Hide the rum",CORRECTLY Meg, before you posted "They never look into the eyes of a killer", you quote is INVA-HAA-HA-HA-LID! Ms. Marine's quote still stands.
and, Betty, just so you're not confused, I'll repost it for him...
usmarine2007 wrote:
Q - "Why don't you call it "the" CIA?"
A - "Do you put the word "the" infront of God?"
Last edited by Zilla (2006-12-26 01:33:41)