Horseman 77
" the asian millitaries would be the worst enemy to have to fight.  They have proven it.  They are very brutal, violent, and plain don't care about life the same way as the U.S. does."

I think its Really when you fight across cultures. The German Army during WWII was very Civil Towards G.B. and US Forces ( I cant speak for France I dont have any sources ) But brutal against The USSR

It was Units that where used to fighting on the Eastern fronts that commited atrocitys when moved to the western front. In Russia vs Germany it was common place.

I think we try to be as carefull as we can be even at risk of our own fighting forces.

I also think from history the Japanese North Koreans Vietnamese all seem more brutal.

To put it another way Who would you want to be captured by?
None. Would keep fighting. However, as the Norwegian soldiers manual states; When the last round is expended and escape is imossible. Surrender might be a realistic option!

I have stated that i would like to be captured by Sweeden or Cannada. Due to the fact that IF, the american soldiers decides to get hard handed. They want more then name, rank and number. You are so screwed that it's not even funny! Lock you up and throw away the key!

Last edited by Speed84 (2005-12-22 07:36:58)

I would like to be captured by greenlandic forces... THEY DONT HAVE ANY GET IT HARHARHAR
Base Rapist
Of course the US takes great issue with hitting non-military targets. Which is why we will blast over their radios/TVs or drop leaflets before we bomb somewhere. Basically saying get the fuck out or you will die. I would think getting captured by the US would be best. Just be honest and tell the truth. As far as the torture practices go, I am pretty sure the US's torturing was mild compared to what other countries have done. Minded, I do not condone the use of torture. We do release people from Gitmo, its mostly about figuring out whether a person is a threat or not. Another thing is, in an interrogation, it can be very easy to figure out who knows what, and who knows nothing. Well any experienced interrogator would figure things out typically. Thats one problem we had in Afghanistan, and probably Iraq, not enough interrogators.

Also our precision bombs were made for 2 reasons, a. to hit the target exactly, b. to minimize civilian casualities. One of the biggest problems with war is civilians dieing, it happens in every war, and probably always will.
But of you are captured, you only need to state your name, rank and number. No more. Even if you know "something". The us have rearly respected this little fact. Interrogation? POW are not to be interrogated in the first place! Geneva convetion that the US have signed, states this.
Base Rapist

Speed84 wrote:

But of you are captured, you only need to state your name, rank and number. No more. Even if you know "something". The us have rearly respected this little fact. Interrogation? POW are not to be interrogated in the first place! Geneva convetion that the US have signed, states this.
The Geneva convention is also partly outdated. The particular issue in Iraq and Afghanistan was we identified those we captured as unlawful combatants, so we did not have to follow the Geneva convention since it reguards only lawful combatants. Iraqis and Afgans had no identifying mark to distinguish foe from civilian. They did not wear military uniforms.

And here is the full text:
"Every prisoner of war, when questioned on the subject, is bound to give only his surname, first names and rank, date of birth, and army, regimental, personal or serial number, or failing this, equivalent information.

If he wilfully infringes this rule, he may render himself liable to a restriction of the privileges accorded to his rank or status."

Interrogation can be interrogated by my view of that, typically if you have enough time, you can get anyone to talk. And I don't think its illegal for the persons interrogating to offer things to reward those. Like if you talk we will get you a nice juicy hamburger or something. I do not mean not to feed them, just offer them a food that would not get normally.
My point was that the convention is outdated to the classefication of a combatant. You meen that it is OK to force information beond name, rank, dob and number? Or was i reading you worng?

When it comes to interrogation. My army instructor toled me that they come with either smokes or a gun. Revard or torture. Often a combination for best effekt.
Interesting points.
Did you know Lichtenstein is the only army in the world to go to war and return with more soldiers then they started out with?

In WWI Lichtenstein sent out 10 soldiers to assist the Hungarians. When they got there they met three of their old friends who joined with them.
Lichtenstein then decided the soldiers would be better to guard their homeland.
So they came back an army consisting of 13 people!
Rules over Sesamestreet
+5|7073|The Netherlands
what is this propaganda? just like i saw something last night about the 10 best military vehicles THEY WHERE ALL AMERICAN!
i know the us army has good stuff but i am sure other country's have great stuff aswell.

fdcp_elmo wrote:

what is this propaganda? just like i saw something last night about the 10 best military vehicles THEY WHERE ALL AMERICAN!
i know the us army has good stuff but i am sure other country's have great stuff aswell.
wtF?!! are u sure u saw the whole thing? coz i think the best military vehicle is the german tiger tank (bf1942 anyone?) but i did saw the top 10 best military aircraft, some of them were russian, most were US...

being captured by the US is a hell lot better than being captured by any other country, well, being captured like china is a joke, give them 20 usd and they'll let u go
Base Rapist

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

fdcp_elmo wrote:

what is this propaganda? just like i saw something last night about the 10 best military vehicles THEY WHERE ALL AMERICAN!
i know the us army has good stuff but i am sure other country's have great stuff aswell.
wtF?!! are u sure u saw the whole thing? coz i think the best military vehicle is the german tiger tank (bf1942 anyone?) but i did saw the top 10 best military aircraft, some of them were russian, most were US...

being captured by the US is a hell lot better than being captured by any other country, well, being captured like china is a joke, give them 20 usd and they'll let u go
It depends on the program, but the programs I see on the Discovery channel usually show the top 10 vehicles of the 20th century. And it usually goes across several countries. Typically they are major countries, like Britain, Russia, Germany, and USA. I don't know what program you saw, but out of all the ones I have seen, they usually show a bunch of vehicles from across the world and across the 20th century. Sometimes they do give America more representation, but when you spend half a trillion dollars on your military, and that is 5 times more than any other country... You should expect to be on the top most of the time. 10 Fighter aircraft program, the top plane was the p-51, and they had several other US planes, along with the ME-242, a MiG, and a Yak.
Steven Wenham
America, and many other countries in the world, many spend billions, or even trillions, on their defence budget, but, at the same time, they lack the understanding of how to wage war in the modern world - how to use force so it has a utility, so it solves the problems that it sets out to solve.
Base Rapist

Steven Wenham wrote:

America, and many other countries in the world, many spend billions, or even trillions, on their defence budget, but, at the same time, they lack the understanding of how to wage war in the modern world - how to use force so it has a utility, so it solves the problems that it sets out to solve.
The United States is the only country to spend anywhere near a trillion dollars. It spends roughly 400-600 billion dollars a year. The rest of the world altogether roughly spends the same amount when you add all the countries up. Russia and China are a couple of the few that spend double digit billions. The militaries of the world are usually quite good at waging war, thats what they are trained to do, modern world or not, some things have definitely changed, the military(at least in the US) is taking on a larger political role than they have in the past but essentially it is the same. A military's use is to destroy, take, and hold areas. Its the job of the politicians to make sure what they are doing solves problems. But for the most part, wars in the past and probably the future will be not used to solve problems elsewhere but to solve a problem inside the country waging the war. Nobody complained or did anything about China's taking over of Tibet. Or Russia not letting Chechnya to secede. Hitler thought used his military to solve the problem that he perceived, and that was the Jews were reponsible for the problems with Germany, so he set to solve them by killing them, so its not always as easy as saying "solve this problem".
now every1 is blaming US for omfg!!! u guys invaded iraq!! US= teh_n00beh/ gay!! well no one ever said that to china about tibet now did they? most ppl thought: bah! tibets just a big platue of nothing

freebirdpat wrote:

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

fdcp_elmo wrote:

what is this propaganda? just like i saw something last night about the 10 best military vehicles THEY WHERE ALL AMERICAN!
i know the us army has good stuff but i am sure other country's have great stuff aswell.
wtF?!! are u sure u saw the whole thing? coz i think the best military vehicle is the german tiger tank (bf1942 anyone?) but i did saw the top 10 best military aircraft, some of them were russian, most were US...

being captured by the US is a hell lot better than being captured by any other country, well, being captured like china is a joke, give them 20 usd and they'll let u go
It depends on the program, but the programs I see on the Discovery channel usually show the top 10 vehicles of the 20th century. And it usually goes across several countries. Typically they are major countries, like Britain, Russia, Germany, and USA. I don't know what program you saw, but out of all the ones I have seen, they usually show a bunch of vehicles from across the world and across the 20th century. Sometimes they do give America more representation, but when you spend half a trillion dollars on your military, and that is 5 times more than any other country... You should expect to be on the top most of the time. 10 Fighter aircraft program, the top plane was the p-51, and they had several other US planes, along with the ME-242, a MiG, and a Yak.
yes thats the program i saw on discovery
3 (forgot lol)
4 f-88 saber and mig-15
8.sopwith camel
10 f-22

note*: the f-22 is on 10th because its never been engaged in combat yet, its only patroling us airspace
Base Rapist

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

freebirdpat wrote:

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

wtF?!! are u sure u saw the whole thing? coz i think the best military vehicle is the german tiger tank (bf1942 anyone?) but i did saw the top 10 best military aircraft, some of them were russian, most were US...

being captured by the US is a hell lot better than being captured by any other country, well, being captured like china is a joke, give them 20 usd and they'll let u go
It depends on the program, but the programs I see on the Discovery channel usually show the top 10 vehicles of the 20th century. And it usually goes across several countries. Typically they are major countries, like Britain, Russia, Germany, and USA. I don't know what program you saw, but out of all the ones I have seen, they usually show a bunch of vehicles from across the world and across the 20th century. Sometimes they do give America more representation, but when you spend half a trillion dollars on your military, and that is 5 times more than any other country... You should expect to be on the top most of the time. 10 Fighter aircraft program, the top plane was the p-51, and they had several other US planes, along with the ME-242, a MiG, and a Yak.
yes thats the program i saw on discovery
3 (forgot lol)
4 f-88 saber and mig-15
8.sopwith camel
10 f-22

note*: the f-22 is on 10th because its never been engaged in combat yet, its only patroling us airspace
Google to the rescue! … opten.html Thankfully discovery has an easy to use website
[blaq] plague

freebirdpat wrote:

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

freebirdpat wrote:

It depends on the program, but the programs I see on the Discovery channel usually show the top 10 vehicles of the 20th century. And it usually goes across several countries. Typically they are major countries, like Britain, Russia, Germany, and USA. I don't know what program you saw, but out of all the ones I have seen, they usually show a bunch of vehicles from across the world and across the 20th century. Sometimes they do give America more representation, but when you spend half a trillion dollars on your military, and that is 5 times more than any other country... You should expect to be on the top most of the time. 10 Fighter aircraft program, the top plane was the p-51, and they had several other US planes, along with the ME-242, a MiG, and a Yak.
yes thats the program i saw on discovery
3 (forgot lol)
4 f-88 saber and mig-15
8.sopwith camel
10 f-22

note*: the f-22 is on 10th because its never been engaged in combat yet, its only patroling us airspace
Google to the rescue! … opten.html Thankfully discovery has an easy to use website
Actually, they haven't even been patrolling air space...They didn't reach initial operational capability until the 15th of this month.  They've just been flying for test and evaluation at a few bases.
basicly in US airspace
Horseman 77
Mig 15 and F86 Sabre are the Same German designed aircraft taken from a Factory over run during the last days of WWII. We got the Scientist The USSR got the Blue prints ( intresting that Europeans wanted to be Captured by the evil USA Hmmmm. )

The USSR's Mig 15 got G.B.'s jet engines to use as they didnt have the technology devoloped themselves
and the USSR couldn't make a full plexiglass hood.

The USA's F 86 had the adjustable Elevator tail and other Transsonic flight features due to Chuck Yeagers X1 Exp aircraft flight experinces.

Otherwise they were the same plane.
Horseman 77

Speed84 wrote:

None. Would keep fighting. However, as the Norwegian soldiers manual states; When the last round is expended and escape is imossible. Surrender might be a realistic option!

I have stated that i would like to be captured by Sweeden or Cannada. Due to the fact that IF, the american soldiers decides to get hard handed. They want more then name, rank and number. You are so screwed that it's not even funny! Lock you up and throw away the key!
Is this supposed to be funny ?

Norwegian soldiers manual states lol
Base Rapist

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

basicly in US airspace
So I guess the Police Chief going down to the donut shop to get grub is "Out on Patrol" too?

And Norway, I think is one of those countries where civil service is a requirement, so I would imagine they have a manual, that pretty much everyone gets. Whether its true or not, I do not know, but that is funny. I would never fire the last round, depending on who I would be surrendering too.

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