OK, im using my laptop now for the internet which works fine.

However, Using my new computer today, i installed all the necessary drivers for my router and connected up to it via ethernet, and upon clicking internet explorer - i cant view any pages. The only page i can view is google and when i search for something, the results screen pops up, but then the links dont work. What happens when i do try and access a website is that it will take ages for the page to download, and then i would be presented with a "Page cannot be displayed" and it does not connect. This also does not connect to BF2 / activating windows / windows update.  All it does is go to google.

Is there a setting which is screwed anyway? Any tweaks to get this working? Im on a BT 1800HG Router which is still working for my wireless xbox/laptop, but just does not want to connect to my new computer. Please help!

EDIT: Im NOT using a home hub sorry

Last edited by DecJW (2006-12-25 05:12:34)

Shitty Disposition (apparently)
+214|6805|Teesside, UK
Sorry i don't have a clue & i don't have a bt home hub but i want to clarify something that sounds confusing.  When you say google works is it actually loading it over the Internet or is it saved in the browser cache?  For example if you load google and type a completely random search (flowers, china, whatever ) does it download new links or are you just looking at a previous search that partly worked in offline mode?

Last edited by crimson_grunt (2006-12-25 05:09:06)

Nah, its as if it is connected properly. New searches work fine and bring up new links. But clicking on those just brings up the white screen as it loads before telling me that the "page cannot be displayed"
Shitty Disposition (apparently)
+214|6805|Teesside, UK
Odd I'm note sure then.  Your pc doesn't have extra firewall or filtering software etc does it?

If not all i can think of is that the pc is being blocked by somthing on the router.

Last edited by crimson_grunt (2006-12-25 05:13:51)

Its a brand spanking new computer, so i havent actually installed a firewall or anti virus yet. Im pretty sure it doesnt have any filtering software on it, and it makes me wonder if it is the router, even though my wireless devices still work.
I'm moving to Brazil
it might be that your signal is weak if its wireless connection this can happen if its straight connection to from the router to the PC using the RJ-45 cable, try going into control panel then , network connection and from there click on the LAN ( local area network) icon , double click it and see if you are receiving full speed from the ISP.
It says:

Duration: 00.36.00
Speed: 100.00 Mbps

Sent: 1400
Recieved: 1200

Seems normal to me. The wireless devices are fine, but the wired one isnt.
+140|6638|Armidale, NSW, Australia
Do you have a separate modem and router? If so, can you load pages when the new computer is connected directly to the modem (ie take out the router)?
I dont have a spare one. Im just confused why the wireless devices are working fine and the wired one isnt. Its as if the router just isnt directing traffic through the ethernet cable. I just cant think of what to do next....
This space for rent
+117|6728|Arlen, Texas
When I hooked up my router I had to go to my ISP website so they could recognize new hdwe. Your mileage may vary, tho...
+100|6650|State of RETOXification
Can you access resources (network shares) on other devices and PC's on your network from your new PC?  That eliminates the LAN settings if you can.

Is this a name brand PC or a custom?  Name brand PCs usually load all kinds of shite that can cause serious grief, even right out of the box.
+25|6516|Coventry, UK
We need the following info:

Are there more PC's in your network or is it only one? Have you tried both wired and wireless connections to your router? Do you have a router/modem or do you have independent router and modem?

When I hooked up my router I had to go to my ISP website
This could be, cause it happens to me, I've got SkyMax and when I reboot my router, I have to go into sky broadband website to be able to gain internet access.

Try to specify things when you answer, that way it makes it easier for us to try and help you without pondering if something isn't clear enough.

Last edited by jcurts (2006-12-25 11:58:37)

Well, I have a laptop and an xbox 360 connected to the individual router via wireless. These devices work fine.    It is a custom built computer which I just finished today by loading on Win XP and it is wired to the router. Im going to try and reset the whole network and redo it again as a last resort...
+105|6782|Lexington, KY
I did not read all the post, but try connecting your new computer directly to your modem, without the router.  Then see if you have the same issue.  Also, if possible, try using a different browser.  You can could also try to ping a website, like Yahoo.  To do that, go to Start -> Run, and type in CMD.  When you get the screen to open, type in ping  See what happens then.  If this does not give you the message that there were 4 packets sent and 4 packets recieved, then open a browser and type in to see if you can connect.

Also, if you got the PC from a company and it had software installed on it already, you may have some firewall/antivirus software installed on it.
The thing is, its not only the browser. Upon starting up BF2 I can "Log into EA Servers" to access the main page, but clicking on MULTIPLAYER shows no servers. Trying to activate windows using the online method also doesnt work as it says that there is no connection....I will try out a couple of things though...
+25|6516|Coventry, UK
ok dude, I'm going to try and help you here. bare in mind that my windows is in Spanish, so I'm translating the folder names and stuff, so they might not be exactly as you should find them in English.

1.- Check that you have your ethernet cable plugged from your NIC to your router.
2.- Go to My Network Places > Network Connections, and double click on the icon for your network
3.- Click on the Support Tab and read the numbers for your ip address and your gateway. There should be something like
4. Start>Run> type     ping (the gateway's ip) -t      ej.  ping -t
    this should open a cmd window and you'll get some info back regarding your ping time to the router. Time wise, it should be something between 1 to 3ms. If you don't get a response, then you have no connection what so ever to your router.

So, up till this point, we should be able to tell if you are connected to your router or not. If there is no connection:

1.- check with another Ethernet cable
2.- make sure that your NIC has all the drivers installed

If you do have connection to your router, then there is something blocking your access to the internet.


Have you tried using the HomePortal Setup Wizard CD that comes bundle with the router?

Open a browser and type , this should gain you acces to the configuration of your router. Im not familiar with the 2wire routers, so, look around and probably you can find some option or something that might be the problem.

Also, … .Rev.B.pdf    manual for your router, always handy.

If not, Im still thinking in what could it be. LOL.

Last edited by jcurts (2006-12-26 00:32:57)

OK, i did the ping thingy and it says that there was data moving at "time<1ms" so it is connected. Tried the other things and didnt work, im just trying to think what setting needs to be changed, because clearly i AM connected, but just not recieveing any data. When trying to access a website it says in the status bar "Web site found. Waiting for reply...." really stuck for ideas on this one...
yes.....but your still gay
+138|6521|Pittsburgh, PA USA
Gotta be some kind of gay firewall, if you get the same pages everytime but not any other pages in your browser then it can't be your connection (at least i don't think)

did you read the manual? Seriously?
DecJW  iv had a very similar problem befor, a quick question, what happens when you refresh?
the only way i could access sites for about a week was to go to the site let it load let it say page cannot be displayed then click refresh wait for 1 min then it would work.. so try clicking refresh and if it does work, wait a couple of days and it will go away (back to normal)  *hence i had other computers on the same connection that worked fine*
though i do not know the cause of the problem.
good luck
+25|6516|Coventry, UK
Ok, so you have connection to your router, but there isnt any data transfer through internet protocols. Try a ping   to your pc from your laptop. If there is response, then, there is "network talk", if not, then, you have a firewall that is blocking all your ports and data transfer.

This is done just like when you pinged the router, but with the computers ip. you can get that from the support tab on the connection status.

Now, quick question, what firewall did you install in the faulty pc, and what firewall do you have in your laptop?
OK, its now sorted. Something had completely screwed up on my router, so I ran the " System Setup Wizard" on it and tried to re-establish a connection to BT, which failed in the end. Turned on the new comp...Hey works? Bit fucked up I know, but at least it works now.

Thanks guys for all the ideas and help
+25|6516|Coventry, UK
No problem man,

Good to know that you can play bf2 now.

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