Hello all you fellow BF2s'ers!

I was just wondering if there are any other WARHAMMER enthusiasts amongst the ranks here.

I am planning to get back into 40k and re-live the parts of my child hood owning my friends with dice and plastice/peuter figurines. Although I was never too good of a painter, I am an awesome modeler.

For those of you who don't know what Warhammer is, it is a table top, strategy turn based game. You set up the battlefield and the army(which you also choose and build). There is also more lore and backround to it than the Warcraft series.

here is a reference to it http://www.games-workshop.com/tabletop.htm

Anywho, my armies are the Tau and Imperial Gaurd / Catachan Sect.

Feel free to share your exploits and any information.

Merry Christmas/ Happy Holidays!!

P.S. If you play as Chaos Space Marines, you are a pussy
Used to play all the time but no longer have the time. I ran a mechanised imperial guard army and Iyanden Eldar. Edit: I forgot about my Tyranids.

Think I'm going to sell all my stuff as it's just collecting dust.

Last edited by xm20k (2006-12-26 12:36:01)

i have loads of small models in my bedroom and i play DoW love it
There is.
+1,380|6738|Devon, England
i used to play... kind of... i bought a few sets, built them (which i loved), painted a few, but got bred when i had to repaint the same type of guy over and over again about 20 times. i had space marines (black templar) dark eldar and imperial guard (catachans).

i played a few games, but it's not my sort of game... i have liked all the 40k computer games though (fire warrior, dawn of war).

oh, and the lord of the rings warhammer stuff i went mad for though. i had loads, even the balrog!

Last edited by FFLink13 (2006-12-24 15:54:23)

I have shitloads of the stuff from childhood, now I can't afford my first car, guess I got boned. But £20 for a set of 5 little plastic figures, which i then have to buy paint and glue for, is a complete ripoff.
+123|6510| Heaven
Yeah loved 40K played Imperial Guard (what else) always got my arsed kicked. Sold most of it as no time and I hated the painting, God it was boring. Played LOTR a lot much better game.

I did once play a 16,000 point guard v marine, woohhoo slaughtered the marines with my Baneblade and Basilisks.hehehehehehehehehehe (BTW took 6 hours to play)
+55|6736|Indianapolis, IN, U.S.
I play spacemarines and Tau. I love 40k, I got into fantasy for a while (empire and wood elves), but it's not as fun as 40k.
+27|6690|Melbourne, Australia
Never collected cos it was so damn expensive, but i always read the codexes and i love dow with a passion. im gonna go out and buy dark crusade with my christmas money and pwn with necron. oooooh baby, anything that can crawl out of the ground and chow ass with green laser thingy's deserves my respect!
+127|6392|Twyford, UK
Oooh, I do that. I got about 3000-odd points of Space Marines sitting in a box next to my desk.

I used to be really into it, but I kinda got lost when they switched to 4th edition. Now I hardly play at all, except when I can get down to the local store for a gaming night.
I keep losing, though. When it really matters, everything misses or everyone dies.
BF2s US Server Admin
+91|6434|Vancouver, BC, Canada
I used to play from when I was 8 till around I was twelve. That hobby sure kept me broke!
I collected Ultramarines and my mom won a very large Dark Eldar army which had been assembled and painted by the guys who worked at the local shop. Still take it out and admire them from time to time.
224th R0ck3tpack
Hostile pansy spotted!
I paint them. I have ADD, so I can't remember shit about rules, and I'm always sidetracked on painting...Takes me days, weeks....

I don't really buy from GW though, because they are expensive bastards.

Go with indy companies, like Privateer Press, Rackham, and Reaper.
+25|6412|Coventry, UK
I had 40K (bought it on a trip to the US) but once I got back to my country (Mexico) there was no one to play against, so I used to play both sides. It was weird. The part that I enjoyed the most was building and painting terrain for the game.

This was like 10 years ago.
+55|6736|Indianapolis, IN, U.S.
here are some models I have painted.
Bob Saget is my karkand..
+14|6389|Smurfvillage, Gotland
ssj3barua those are nice models.

I won a painting competition once, with my space wolves.
Level 13 Wrongdoer
+515|6593|Doncaster, UK
10k+ points of Eldar here.

Just got a squad of the new Dire Avengers and a new Wraithlord of my kids for christmas. Suppose I'd better get the paints out instead of playing BF.
Say wat!?
I remember that, collected from like 7 to 13, still got them somewhere, or maybe they were chucked.

I had an goblin army quite large i think. Also had some of those marine guys and that modern day type army aswell as my alien guys.
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6628|SE London

I used to play Warhammer a little bit. About 12 to 15 years ago though. I haven't even heard of half the armies you guys are chatting about. I lost interest when they revised it all, the 1st edition was better than the 2nd.

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