Terror in the Skies

oChaos.Haze wrote:

Just a quick question.  Obviously if you're in a jet and you hit somebody that's a ram.  But what is your opinion on if you're in the jet, you've lost your refueling cap, and you're out of ammo.  You then proceed to aim your jet at a tank, bail, and let the jet hit the tank, is that a ram?  Personally, I would think that in order to be a ram, the pilot should die with the jet, otherwise it's just like dropping bombs, but you give up your plane.  I mean should I have to just bail, if I can use the jet itself as one last weapon?  What do you think?
i spend more than 300 hours in jet and i can say you that this is not a ram
+519|6774|Gold coast, Aus.

|60|Cobalt wrote:

oChaos.Haze wrote:

Just a quick question.  Obviously if you're in a jet and you hit somebody that's a ram.  But what is your opinion on if you're in the jet, you've lost your refueling cap, and you're out of ammo.  You then proceed to aim your jet at a tank, bail, and let the jet hit the tank, is that a ram?  Personally, I would think that in order to be a ram, the pilot should die with the jet, otherwise it's just like dropping bombs, but you give up your plane.  I mean should I have to just bail, if I can use the jet itself as one last weapon?  What do you think?
i spend more than 300 hours in jet and i can say you that this is not a ram
Them be some mad jet stats cobalt. Fuck me.
+45|6738|Bristol, UK
The only time I ram is unintentionally when pulling away from strafing a chopper too late. If my airfield gets taken and i'm out of ammo, I just circle around at 600 feet to get my jet hours up!
Nothing wrong with a bit of ramming every now an then. I ram people if I'm in a vehicle that is screwed an i got no way out i figure I will try to take someone with me.

Only ram I really been ticked of for was on gulf of Oman, all we had left was the carrier an the APC'S were circling ect an I jumped in an F35, as I took off caught the tail end of a J10 bomb whoreing the carrier which left alarm bells ringing, as I banked round saw a transport chopper coming in filled to the brim obviously trying to land on carrier for some uncap rape, so I just rammed it an took 6 people out, ah there was much whingeing and whineing, but whose worse the uncap spawn raper or the rammer...I did'nt lose any sleep.
+3,936|6653|so randum
a ram= two horns, wooly fur, followed by welshmen. and a idiot who slams his j10 into your cobra, cos you dodge his missiles
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
+3,936|6653|so randum

gene_pool wrote:

|60|Cobalt wrote:

oChaos.Haze wrote:

Just a quick question.  Obviously if you're in a jet and you hit somebody that's a ram.  But what is your opinion on if you're in the jet, you've lost your refueling cap, and you're out of ammo.  You then proceed to aim your jet at a tank, bail, and let the jet hit the tank, is that a ram?  Personally, I would think that in order to be a ram, the pilot should die with the jet, otherwise it's just like dropping bombs, but you give up your plane.  I mean should I have to just bail, if I can use the jet itself as one last weapon?  What do you think?
i spend more than 300 hours in jet and i can say you that this is not a ram
Them be some mad jet stats cobalt. Fuck me.
the best jet stats i have ever seen, without a doubt. 50 something KDR for a start...
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
Hockey Nut
+243|6683|Boston, MA
I hate people who complain about stuff like this. Who cares if somebody rams you and you die? You die! So what, wait 15 seconds and you'll spawn again. No big deal. And what's with people complaining about it saying it takes no skill? That just makes fun of yourself since you keep getting killed by somebody who has no skill. I can't stand people who constantly complain about this. I think things are lame sometimes when I get killed but I don't complain about it, I just shake it off. Do you know how many BS lucky kills you get anyways? I'm sure a few lame deaths makes up for some lucky kills that you get.

I personally don't think it should even be a kickable offense. It is a war game, you are supposed to die in it. People just complain so much about stupid shit because they think they're so "leet" and they have to force people to play at their playing styles, and then all these new sets of rules are just made up. I still think the only rules are No Exploiting/Cheating or Intentional TK - EVERYTHING ELSE GOES!! It's a fucking war game.

chittydog wrote:

Repeated, intentional ramming is kick-worthy, but I don't think it's a bannable offense. Now for your question, in that scenario it's still a ram, but doesn't seem as bad as regular smacktarding. So as you said, it's less than classy, but I don't think it's worthy of a kick/ban.
agreed... only time you hear people complaining about ramming is when its the same idiot doing it over and over.
+27|6541|Ottawa, ON

Entertayner wrote:

RiceKrispie wrote:

Suicide ramming is lame because it takes no skill. Just aim at your target and fly straight into them.
That's like saying sex is lame because it's just pointing and poking.
No, sex has a point. Suicide ramming with a jet to blow up a tank does not.
+50|6599|Dragon Valley
off topic ramming rant:

OK its partially the helocopters fault in a jet/helo collision. Yes its the jet, but MOST of the time, if you know how to CONTROL your helocopter and use your CAMERAS, you see where the jet is coming from and f'ing MOVE. Sometimes hes sneaking up in bomb mode, but when you see your health draining, or bullets fly past you, GTFO of the way, use your cameras, move, make it hard for him. I almost never get rammed in helocopters and awareness is a huge reason. You need to anticipate that lots of pilots are noobs, and they will f'ing ram you. So move. Accidental collisions even happen to decent pilots, so if its a 1 time thing STFU and dont whine on chat about "noob rammer" "nice ram noob" etc...if its 2-3 times in a row, then yeah, hes a noob, but your a noob too for not evading those collisions. Learn to control your chopper.
Mad Ad
+178|6664|England, UK
Rammings an acceptable tactic, so yeah really I wanted to go back to the runway and have to battle for the plane again, man sht just happens and if it means my plane hits yours, then just smile and go get another...i laugh off my face when i see all this ...ner noob rammer bs... tough, it was probably an accident or if it wasnt..hard luck your dead and thats what I wanted.

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