
what assault gun is the best to you?

Voss L-AR40%40% - 50
Baur H-AR18%18% - 22
Krylov FA-3727%27% - 34
Scar 11 AR4%4% - 5
All of the above9%9% - 11
Total: 122

The Krykov just FEELS right. Can't say much more than that.
BF2s Nublet
+71|6593|somewhere other then here
they should just make the Krylov a unlock and put baur as the original weapon for the eu
The Baur is fun to use.  It doesn't take too many rounds to kill somebody so if you are very conservative with ammo than it is the right gun for you.

The Voss, well, its amazing.  Voss is the same as the G36E.  Very accurate.

Krylov, well, no recoil.  Enough said.

The Scar-11 is one of my favorites.  I like the sound, and animation of the gun.  Its accurate and looks cool.
You feel good when you take someone down who is owning with a Voss or Baur.
Krylov is the best by far, no question. 

Followed by Voss and Baur

panderiz wrote:

Krylov is the best by far, no question. 

Followed by Voss and Baur
I tend to disagree, the Voss has some clear advantages.

You scope is at the same height as the barrel.
Larger ammo clip.
If done properly you can drop 5 to 7 targets with one magazine.

Bernadictus with my edits wrote:

panderiz wrote:

Krylov is the best by far, no question. 

Followed by Voss and Baur
I tend to disagree, the Voss has some clear advantages.

You scope is at the same height as the barrel. I find it annoying TBH. I prefer my sight to be on the top.
Larger ammo clip. True.
If done properly you can drop 5 to 7 targets with one magazine. Technically, if done "properly", you can drop 20 people with either unlock and 15 with the stock ARs.
...Just nitpicking.

voodoosniper7 wrote:

lol no one votes scar when its just like baur
youre kidding right? baur(20 rounds) scar-11(30 rounds). baur more knock down power, scar-11 awesome burst gun/close range gun)

however on this forum i doubt anyone knows what burst fire is. LIKE THE VOSS, thats just a spray and pray gun.
+98|6811|Penrith, N.S.W, Australia
krylov ftw

If the krylov is not winning by the time I go to sleep (when you will wake up) then there's no buttsecks for anyone!

Bernadictus wrote:

panderiz wrote:

Krylov is the best by far, no question. 

Followed by Voss and Baur
I tend to disagree, the Voss has some clear advantages.

You scope is at the same height as the barrel.
Larger ammo clip.
If done properly you can drop 5 to 7 targets with one magazine.
Scope: is not an advantage in the slightest
Clip: barely a factor
Kills: You can easily take down the same if not more with the Krylov

Krylov is the favorite choice for the majority quality INF player, wonder why?  Deviation is the key for this weapon, it pisses on the Voss which only benefit is the larger ammo clip but even then its not enough to make the the better choice.

Not a lot between them and I happily choose the Voss when EU, but when i'm PAC there is second thought to select the krylov

Last edited by panderiz (2006-12-20 15:56:49)

+106|6535|UMass Amherst

panderiz wrote:

Scope: is not an advantage in the slightest
Clip: barely a factor
Kills: You can easily take down the same if not more with the Krylov

Krylov is the favorite choice for the majority quality INF player, wonder why?  Deviation is the key for this weapon, it pisses on the Voss which only benefit is the larger ammo clip but even then its not enough to make the the better choice.

Not a lot between them and I happily choose the Voss when EU, but when i'm PAC there is second thought to select the krylov
Having looked at the weapon stats Here, I'm firmly convinced the Voss is better, due to versatility.  It has the fastest reload time for the AR attachments, largest clip, and extremely capable at close to medium range, even while moving.  Krylov tends to go all over the place if you panic fire or burst for too long, Voss is far more forgiving...and when I put that thing in single-fire, it is extremely lethal when you consider that at medium range, if you have steady aim, you will hit with pretty much every shot.  Test this out and you'll become a believer...not to mention avoid becoming a spray n00b like everyone shouts about.  I might've said earlier Baur was my favorite, but it's not necessarily the best...just a personal preference.
It tastes like burning
+23|6969|Moore, OK
The Baur is my favorite of the four. The stopping power of it is just insane. If you put it on semi-auto and keep your distance, you should be able to take someone out with two to three shots to the head.

However, if I think that I'm going to go into a close quarters fight, then I'll use the Herzog shotgun attachment with the Baur, or go with the Voss.
BF2s Nublet
+71|6593|somewhere other then here

T0rr3nt wrote:

voodoosniper7 wrote:

lol no one votes scar when its just like baur
youre kidding right? baur(20 rounds) scar-11(30 rounds). baur more knock down power, scar-11 awesome burst gun/close range gun)

however on this forum i doubt anyone knows what burst fire is. LIKE THE VOSS, thats just a spray and pray gun.
what i mean is that the scar and baur are both powerful
doc. josh

Sambuccashake wrote:

I seem to do best with the Voss.
I enjoy the bigger ammo capacity when fighting up close and personal with multiple enemies.
i got that gun thinking it is awsome but its a piece small burst fires 5-10 rounds the sound is gay and the gun looks like crap
+106|6535|UMass Amherst

doc. josh wrote:

Sambuccashake wrote:

I seem to do best with the Voss.
I enjoy the bigger ammo capacity when fighting up close and personal with multiple enemies.
i got that gun thinking it is awsome but its a piece small burst fires 5-10 rounds the sound is gay and the gun looks like crap
Let's do the math here.  The Voss L-AR is rated at 900 RPM (rounds per minute).  That is approximately 900/60=15 rounds per second, meaning you really have to be twitchy when you press down on the mouse button (assuming no latency issues) or else your 2-3 shot burst might become in actuality 3-5 round bursts; I have no problem doing any size burst I need after adjusting, but for people having difficulty, switch to single-shot mode, trust me it helps you learn to control your gun and shot placement a lot better (head shots as opposed to extremity/body shots), aka more killing efficiency and less risk of running out of clip in an intense firefight.  If Fit hits the Shan, switch back to full-auto.  Or, beg DICE to add a 3-round burst option...and make it just as ridiculous as the G36E of BF2.
You laughin' at me, bitch?
+44|6803|Hong Kong
As WoKeN said: Bower of the Paur! I just love pwning people in the face on single shot.
Voss all the way.
Kratos Aurion
Krylov FA-37

I just love it
Hooray Beer!
+94|6724|United States
I can aim just as good with all the mentioned weapons, but probably like the Voss a little better simply because of the clip capacity. But hell, as long as what I'm using kills the enemy, I don't really care.
+783|6997|Reykjavík, Iceland.
Baur, because it's the most fun to use.
<evil laughing> Baur-har-har-har! </evil laughing>

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