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- Possibly the greatest sniper spot ever on Suez Canal...

Not anymore...
damn straight, you ruined it for me
actually that spot would be horrible.sure,it's a good vantage point but everyone will see you.
Are you seriously telling me that you would normally look on top of a pole to see if a sniper is there? If so, congrats...most of us don't. That's why it's so good.aj0404 wrote:
actually that spot would be horrible.sure,it's a good vantage point but everyone will see you.
when i was up there for that round, i was never killed, or shot at, except by paco
now Dougalachi must find another spot btw, how the hell did u get up there?!
trick of the trade. it takes a lot of time though.
DAMIT, i love that spot, close this thread, QUICKLY!!!
APC pods ftw lol.
forgot the APC's... dont got 2142 myself so.... but when i'm at my friend, maybe u see a BigDanger on a pole
if i heard a shot or saw an orange flash from the top of a pole i think i'd assume someone is there.they better have some damn good cover or they won't be there for long.Havok wrote:
Are you seriously telling me that you would normally look on top of a pole to see if a sniper is there? If so, congrats...most of us don't. That's why it's so good.aj0404 wrote:
actually that spot would be horrible.sure,it's a good vantage point but everyone will see you.
I like the top of that big building
n00bs in these games if you stay still you die!!! ALL FPS ARE LIKE THAT.
Thank you! You've opened my eyes!A-Unit64 wrote:
n00bs in these games if you stay still you die!!! ALL FPS ARE LIKE THAT.
Sniper rifle and a knife is all you need for all ranges.
that is ***Emil_the_Slayer wrote:
when i'm at my friend, maybe u see a BigDanger on a pole
haha thanks for pointing it out i can´t understand how i missed that and at Emil i hope you were ironic otherwise please leave the dteails out next time.burni$te wrote:
that is ***Emil_the_Slayer wrote:
when i'm at my friend, maybe u see a BigDanger on a pole
Sniper spot = Hidden in a way that you can see them, and they can't see you.
Top of a lamp post = Attention whore.
Try again please
Top of a lamp post = Attention whore.
Try again please
But if I move, my Ganz's accuracy goes to shit.A-Unit64 wrote:
n00bs in these games if you stay still you die!!! ALL FPS ARE LIKE THAT.
Should not have posted it....
...i shouldnt have posted this post aswell.
...i shouldnt have posted this post aswell.
Last edited by K3rt6699 (2006-12-28 12:13:57)
Did the same thing on Sidi the other day, by the middle silo. i dont have an ss, but doug took one, so he will have to post it.
Does anyone understand that the best sniper spots aren't the top of towers and big buildings? Sure, sometimes, but it's the first place those of us with a brain look.
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
No place is unreachable in 2142, and as in BF2 no place is safe either .......
Wait behind the line ..............................................................
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- Possibly the greatest sniper spot ever on Suez Canal...