weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... cant believe yall are still talking about pickle boy.....
dude when I am listening I find myself stairing all over because it helps you to lock onto where it is coming from. Why the witch hunt? Why are you being a "bully" to everybody who sees the normal game play. Why are you God and know better than everybody else?
Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd
+169|7066|Mexico City

DivineMomentofTruth wrote:

I will be uploading BR file soon, bennet you still can't explain why you need to stare through the ground and look down to hear a sound. I don't buy any of what you said... IT DOESNT ADD UP.
hes staring down the ground cause hes hearing the sounds below !!!!,  he has at front a window and a door opening to help him, whats weird of that ???.
i can be inside that house and hear if somebody is up or coming through the alley or coming up the stairs without any problem.
i can be inside a chopper and hear if somebody is shooting back from below, left, right, up, behind, front...
you can locate a sniper just by one shot.

The first guy, he doesnt kill him after he spawned, i can bet he heard him coming up the stairs and went for him.
Second guy, he could have heard him turning around and going for the alley.

He could have a very good sound system and he pays attention closely to all sounds. NOT everybody does that, most of the guys are just running and pray-shooting.

68stang wrote:

dude when I am listening I find myself stairing all over because it helps you to lock onto where it is coming from. Why the witch hunt? Why are you being a "bully" to everybody who sees the normal game play. Why are you God and know better than everybody else?
as a founder of your twl team, you might want really take a look into pickle boy. Im not saying that the video showed 100% he hax. There were a few suspicious movements but I wouldnt come out and accuse publicly. Honestly I cant believe he is competing and using a g36e in pubs. You normally dont see competition players using unlocks.
Or your bot helps you lock on to the guy. A spawned guy doesnt make a sound until he moves man... stay tuned for the battlerecorder file. I'm not being a bully im just being rational about the evidence I present and the way I try to explain it to you. So far people like you who see normal gameplay are a minority, even planewhore has spoken on my behalf... and trust me.... if I didn't think this guy was really hacking I wouln't put my reputation on the line and post.

BENNET: YOU DONT GET IT. Watch the high rez video I posted and notice that he reacts before the spawner has done anything to make a noticable sound. I can't believe you  guys are trying to argue that he just has good headphones and is reacting to sounds. DO YOU KNOW HOW LOUD YOU WOULD NEED YOUR HEADPHONES SET to notice a guy start moving behind a few walls. THE SOUNDS OF CONTINUED NADE SPAM ALONE WOULD BE ENOUGH TO MAKE YOU DEAF. the sound argument fails miserably.

Last edited by DivineMomentofTruth (2006-12-20 13:45:20)

+99|6957|New York

.cat. wrote:

weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... cant believe yall are still talking about pickle boy.....
weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.... can't believe you created your account just to post this

arson wrote:

.cat. wrote:

weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... cant believe yall are still talking about pickle boy.....
weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.... can't believe you created your account just to post this
actually I had to make a new account bc i lost my details to my old account. heh
Ok guys here's one of the two battlerecorder files. Let me know if you need the second one...


.cat. wrote:

68stang wrote:

dude when I am listening I find myself stairing all over because it helps you to lock onto where it is coming from. Why the witch hunt? Why are you being a "bully" to everybody who sees the normal game play. Why are you God and know better than everybody else?
as a founder of your twl team, you might want really take a look into pickle boy. Im not saying that the video showed 100% he hax. There were a few suspicious movements but I wouldnt come out and accuse publicly. Honestly I cant believe he is competing and using a g36e in pubs. You normally dont see competition players using unlocks.
I have and I always will look into all my players. I am sure all you clan leaders out there know how hard it is. I run streaming punkbuster and I have checked all his PB screen shots, I have looked and re looked at all our Demos of him. Without Evidence it is criminal to acuse him. Sure I watch ALL good players you have to, but the hell if I will condemn them, he is a family guy he plays for fun in pubs hence why we all like to use the G36, My God come on people its a gun in the game and its a pub game! Hell if i was using an AIM bot I would use a fully automatic gun!
its no coincedence that most of the bf2 hackers on youtube use either an SVD or a g36e most of the time.
stang have you watched the demo yet?

The very fact that you would post the definitions of slander and libel tell us to what truly pathetic lengths you are going to defend this guy. Your review of PB and demo files from your server doesn't mean much since certain hacks claim to fool the PB shot system by provide a false one. I think I've posted more than enough evidence to at least establish reasonable suspicion, if not probable cause.

Last edited by DivineMomentofTruth (2006-12-20 12:11:58)

french canadians suck

68stang wrote:

we all like to use the G36

DivineMomentofTruth wrote:

its no coincedence that most of the bf2 hackers on youtube use either an SVD or a g36e most of the time.
stang have you watched the demo yet?

The very fact that you would post the definitions of slander and libel tell us to what truly pathetic lengths you are going to defend this guy. Your review of PB and demo files from your server doesn't mean much since certain hacks claim to fool the PB shot system by provide a false one. I think I've posted more than enough evidence to at least establish reasonable suspicion, if not probable cause.
I am not protecting anyone you have shown no evidence. Everything in the videos I can do. and the Libel was for attacking my server with spam and posting the spam on my web site. Anyway, I am trying to get your demo to work as we speak. I did more than look at My screens and my demos I ran it past some BFROE admins and it is clean. I dont know where you are getting off without evidence but I will look at the demo
Divine, you should just let it go... Everyone that can be persuaded is, and everybody that is a tool is going to sit and argue with you NO MATTER WHAT... so I think it would be in your best interest to let it die, get some pb screens and shove it up their asses.
Please get some PB screens and I wil lthank you for busting a hacker. I thank you for showing me the demo, it proves he and most of his team knew they were on the roof from the beginning of the match, and shows how he missed a lot of shots at people in the streets before he warmed up. Now to check on what you thought was locking on, I watched other players and the characters all move in that manner. Honestly I will go back and watch the rest, I got up to where he was laying in the street just now. But so far man it was just showing he is a good shot, but not a perfect shot. But like I said if i ever get evidence I will do what any body would do and Fly to his house and beat him upside the head with his own BF2 CD

Jello.01 wrote:

The_Killer wrote:

lastr0 wrote:

You are one dumb fuck, I follow him always, when he's getting those great scores, via spectator..he's is hacking, no doubt! He looks at the wall for a minute and then he starts shooting like hell, just like Shadow_Ownz

Btw infantry server at karkand..there are like 10 with FF off.
You're damn ignorant.
Shadow_ownz doesn't hack i have played with him before trust me he doesn't, Unless someone is playing on his account that hacks.
I beg to differ...
http://www.punksbusted.com/cgi-bin/memb … ery=Search
me fails
I'm done pushing my argument guys... I'm just waiting for people other than his clanmate to comment on the demo or the high resolution video. In the beginning there's even a kill attempted by pickle_power at beyond fog distance while hes on the hill. Its hard to catch but its right after he fires on the support guy hiding behind the concrete extensions on the most frontal building by the hill. He takes a shot at Tiboy despite him being at a very extreme range...
+10|6690|Louisville, Ky

68stang wrote:

Please get some PB screens and I wil lthank you for busting a hacker. I thank you for showing me the demo, it proves he and most of his team knew they were on the roof from the beginning of the match, and shows how he missed a lot of shots at people in the streets before he warmed up. Now to check on what you thought was locking on, I watched other players and the characters all move in that manner. Honestly I will go back and watch the rest, I got up to where he was laying in the street just now. But so far man it was just showing he is a good shot, but not a perfect shot. But like I said if i ever get evidence I will do what any body would do and Fly to his house and beat him upside the head with his own BF2 CD
Maybe you haven't noticed, but PB isn't the greatest anti-cheat system. I read somewhere that the hacks they use today can fool the PB screenshot. Perhaps you should take Divine's argument with some consideration, and then watch the videos/demos again.
I'm not totally siding with Divine here, but the staircase thing shows some odd behavior. The fact that his gun fluidly points right to the spawned target, and the fact that he follows the target up the staircase prove somethings up. If I were camping there (I don't play small Karkand, only 32-64, so the situation is a bit different) I'd definitely wait inside crouched or in prone position to have the best shot at any incoming player. Think about what you would do in a situation if you saw on UAV or someone spotted a red dot coming up the staircase, would you run out to get in his way? If he's coming towards you, the odds are he knows you're there.
Sometimes you have to look at this in situational terms in a "what would I do" manner of thinking. If you're that good, would you be prone in the middle of a street? Would you leave your camping spot through the staircase to shoot the target who got away? Or would you go to the roof where you've got an even better viewpoint?
As for the argument about sound. I use 5.1 surround, and I too move around, up and down, to know best where a sound is coming from, but the spawned player who's not moving, again, makes no sound. It's very possible he has a good sound system, but highly unlikely that he's keen to what's happening.
If this guy is the caliber of your players in CAL or TWL, I'd like to sign up my own one man army, because if he's the best you got, it's a sad day for ... whatever nameless group you may lead. I'd at least win one match. If he's playing with you in tournament play, I'd like to see your record, it can't be that good. I've played with several top players from CAL and TWL. If you poke that little head out and lay down in the street and use granny moves like this 'Pickle_Power', you're cashed.
This may not be the true owner of the 'Pickle_Power' account. Anyone with more than 200 hours in a video game would have quicker moves and any lengthy player of BF2 would utilize the crouch and run abilities more than the guy in question. I'm downloading the demos now, and I'll install BF2 later tonight. Divine, you could have done more justice with a front view of his avatar. A view of his back doesn't detail his gun movements too well.
The problem with doing a front view is that you wouldn't be able to see the tag which he seems to be locked to.
+72|6722|United States
lol divine your still going at with this crap? WHy are you trying so ridiculously hard to fuck up pickle_powers reputation? Leave him alone, and go play the game....whats your deal with pickle_power anyway? did he steal your e-girlfriend?

Once you get some actual evidence come back here & show it, but a battlrecorder video showing no visible evidence of hacking really hurts your argument... Seriously the video is perfectly normal.

What ever it is get over it, time to get off your period & get a fucking life.

half a week of your life you've wasted trying to bust a suspected hacker in a video game...

And if you ever do get real hard evidence what do you think you get, a shiny gold e-medal...faggot.
What do you think eveybodys going to praise you?

No all you'll be known as is a litle snitching bastard, that fucked up the game for a guy just looking to enjoy the game. As stang said hes had PB streaming & has found no evidence of pickle hacking.

Last edited by reefl3x (2006-12-20 14:28:48)

I have had clans in past games, I have been just a team leader in other games, and yes we have caught hackers, and yes they were friends, and yes I/we were the first to ban them and turn them in. This is what I am talking about, who is going to take anybodys argument serious if you attack an entire team on a personal level. Everybody needs a dose of growing up, and please like i said if I ever get evidence I will be the first to post it. Feel free to contact me any time any of you catch anything real and I will thank you up and down. I have to go now, done with this thread back to having fun.
+48|6735|new york
It seems to me that the majority has swung into the NOT HACKING point of view. I watched every video you have posted, nothing out of the ordinary. If he was hacking he would get one hot kills, not three burst kills. And you can not make an aimbot perform horribly. You can not mess with the accuracy of an aim bot. Sorry to be the one to tell you this, but if you are tired of him KILLING YOU, then don't play on the same servers he does.
If you can't see that pickle_power is using some sort of aimbot/wallhack from the provided video you really are an idiot. DivineMoment is still a huge pussy who hides in 24/7 IO Mode Karkand FF=OFF to pad his statistics so I almost find it amusing he has to deal with the cheaters like pickles a fucked up mode like IO attracts but regardless Divine is still absolutely right about this particular player cheating.

I don't know why some people can't see it because it really is quite obvious to me. I'll chalk it up to my overall FPS/BF2 experience. Any long time CS player (like myself) will out of necessity have gotten rather good at spotting the particular "quirks" of cheaters. Quirks that pickles exhibits in spades. Real players do not "snap to" targets they cannot see. Real players do not lock perfectly on to their target and strafe around the corner while keeping that target dead center in their crosshairs. Real players do more than just sit in a building and inch out to shoot at other players. You see none of the skillful dynamic movements in pickles that you see in the top players. Where is the evasive movements? Crouching? Proning? Because all I see in the video is an otherwise terrible player who simply can see all of the enemy nametags and has a program doing the aiming for him.

Last edited by PlaneWhore (2006-12-20 14:55:48)

+48|6735|new york
SRY dude , but bf2 hacks show more then the nametag, and do a GOOD job aiming. He gets 1 kill without taking 3 bursts. 1. Now this is not cs, this is bf2, so don't compare them. And sorry to tell you you this, anybody who calls somebody an IDIOT because they don't think someone is cheating based on WEAK evidence, needs to take a long hard look in the mirror. Search google for some hack videos, watch them, then tell me how this in any way resembles somebody oneshorring everybody on the board. Yes, thats right, bf2 hacks give you one shot one kill EVERY time...
false, bf2 aimbots cant compensate for ping or bullet drop... they are no where near as consistent as you believe. You are absolutely wrong nlsme and know nothing of aimbots especially ones for bf2.

Last edited by DivineMomentofTruth (2006-12-20 15:06:11)

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