+6|6731|Paris, France (Sporean)

WWZ wrote:

Why do people do this?

I just started playing the commander about a month ago.  On three seperate occasions My own guy hunts me down where I am hiding & kills me.  Why? 

I keep the uav always going I drop supplies as much as I can & I spot the red dots as much as I can.

I arty as much as I can & I try to stay away from hitting my own guys.  That's all I canfigure it is. A random arty hit. I keep an eye on the arty kills & I don't hit my guys very often at all.  I know iv'e won more than lost so that's not it.

It happened on one server not different ones. & they do it at the end of the round.
They do that and immediately disconnect trying to skip the punish. I play comm > 50% the time. Couple of points about serving your team.

1. I get chewed for spamming 'Enemy Spotted'
2. I get chewed for too little 'Enemy Spotted'
3. I get chewed for to much VOIP
4. I get chewed for not enough VOIP
5. I get mutinied by my team
6. I get mutinied by the other team
7. I get chewed for arty-ing the area the sqds rushed into 20sec AFTER I clicked arty
8. I get TK-ed by guys who teamswitch coz they didn't like my repeated arty
9. I get TK-ed by snipers who ask for supplies every other minute. (i remember one special chap mOOzilla, he got banned eventually from Jolt #04 evetually for TK-ing everyone)
10. No one listens to your commands
11. No one loves you
12. No one cares about your x2 pts

I still love the job. Especially when you have a few good regular guys (omek, sani181, rubinski, sgt_heartman, etc) who play on the same server, the teamwork thing does come together after a couple of days of playing together. Earn the respect as a good comm, listen to advice and criticism,  and you'll see the way this game was meant to be played.

Last edited by fannwong00 (2006-12-17 20:12:13)

worst commander is he who spots too much and everywhere - or doesn't spot at all/ spots too late. balance is the key. even putting uav properly (no waste of half the radius and never on strategic wasteland) seems to be a hard task to many. go learn play chess and come back later...
tk is legit in case of any repetitive retardness.

there's some commanders out there who confirm ANY verbal action of their teammates (spotting/ requesting/ etc.) with: I READ YOU or AFFIRMATIVE. quite annoying, but kinda funny for a while.

I've teamkilled my commander, on purpose, I think 2 times. Technically 1. (it was the same guy, same round)

1. We were playing Suez Canal as EU team. (me, this guy, and several guys from here)
2. This guy takes commander. I think "ok, pub biggie".
3. [The first 1/3 of the round has been removed from my memory because it wasn't important.]
4. I look at my minimap and realize this guy has been flying around in the transport repeatedly, not giving supplies/UAV/EMP.
5. I get ticked off with his constant comments about "noobs", "fags", etc.
6. Since it's a transport, I spawn on it with an SR4 and RDX, hoping to left-click-right-click-left-click the RDX, blowing the transport up.
7. Even better! He's in the #2 seat, "pwning some noobs". I fly.
8. I see one of those big gigantic tall towers. The ones snipers like to sit on, thinking they're invincible.
9. I head towards it at a downwards (15 degrees?) angle.
10. I bail out right before impact. Him = dead, -2 points. Me = floating safely towards the ground in a parachute. Someone on Teamspeak = laughing. I take the silo.
11. Eventually he keeps making stupid/homophobic remarks, although he hasn't taken the transport (I guess he's learned his lesson for the moment).
12. I suicide and spawn on the titan with him. Knife to the back of the head.
13. He comes towards me with his knife out. Yeah, like I'm that stupid. I hop into one of the titan pods, taunting him like this for a while.
14. Mutiny vote, started by someone else. Guess what? It works! 13 votes needed, 13 votes received. Lomgdemotionpwned.
15. I apply for commander, and get it. By this time I'm on the ground, having podded off the titan. I later die and spawn on it.
16. The guy disconnects and reconnects on a different account. Immediately he says "commander you're a prick" or something like that.
17. Same thing as 13. Hold knife out > titan pod > get out > see wannabe knifer > get in.
18. I get sick of this. I pod and land on the side of the titan and command from there for the rest of the round.

I'm leaving out some things but the story's pretty long anyway.
+6|6731|Paris, France (Sporean)

k30dxedle wrote:

14. Mutiny vote, started by someone else. Guess what? It works! 13 votes needed, 13 votes received. Lomgdemotionpwned.

I'm leaving out some things but the story's pretty long anyway.
A mutiny vote that ACTUALLY worked???? man, I have never seen that before.
We had a commoander once that kept jumping in an attack chopper and doing nothing for us.. so on his next spawn, he runs into a shed to command for a minute before he attempts to fly again.  A mate and myself barred his exit with claymores, contacted him on voip and told him so.  We ordered him to stay put and command, and holy crap, the sumbitch actually stood in that one spot for the whole round!  He didn't move an inch and on my occasional respawns at that point, I would go by the shed to check on him and chuckle.. the one time he saw me come up by the shed to look in on him, he started spamming the "No" key and telling me his grandmother could do better.. kekeke

One of the more hilarious BF2 moments I've had.

adam1503 wrote:

I makes no sense to tk your commander: how can he command WHEN HE IS DEAD.

If you think you can do better, that is what the mutiny button is for.
Its the whole point of being a dickhead and pissing the commander off that makes the whole experience satisfying.
Magnum Meatforce
[n00b]tyler knows what happens to commanders who dont give me a vehicle drop when i request one.
my squad member also got a bit pissed off and helped.

i apologise for the quality.. stupid youtube..
high def version will be availabe shortly if anyone wants it

Last edited by Magnum Meatforce (2006-12-17 18:36:36)

+10|6642|Columbus, OH
How about you bitch to the commander, or start a mutiny.  People who TK anyone intentionally deserve to be banned permanetly.  It's assholes who team kill on purpose for any reason at all the ruin the game.  You team kill the commander because the is sucking is no better than tk'ing for a vehicle.  Offer advice, or mutiny.

Edit for Spelling

Last edited by Shadovve (2006-12-17 18:54:10)

Magnum Meatforce

Shadovve wrote:

How about you bitch to the commander, or start a mutany.  People who TK anyone intentionally deserve to be banned permanetly.  It's assholes who team kill on purpose for any reason at all the ruin the game.  You team kill the commander because the is sucking is no better than tk'ing for a vehicle.  Offer advice, or mutany.
thats all good and well to say in theory..

but honestly.. how many people will take constructive criticism on the internet from someone they'll probably never meet?

they're more likely to get angry and start calling people niggers or jews than accept the fact that they suck shit.
+10|6642|Columbus, OH

Magnum Meatforce wrote:

Shadovve wrote:

How about you bitch to the commander, or start a mutany.  People who TK anyone intentionally deserve to be banned permanetly.  It's assholes who team kill on purpose for any reason at all the ruin the game.  You team kill the commander because the is sucking is no better than tk'ing for a vehicle.  Offer advice, or mutany.
thats all good and well to say in theory..

but honestly.. how many people will take constructive criticism on the internet from someone they'll probably never meet?

they're more likely to get angry and start calling people niggers or jews than accept the fact that they suck shit.
This is of course different than the reaction you will get for tk'ing them right?
Magnum Meatforce

Shadovve wrote:

Magnum Meatforce wrote:

Shadovve wrote:

How about you bitch to the commander, or start a mutany.  People who TK anyone intentionally deserve to be banned permanetly.  It's assholes who team kill on purpose for any reason at all the ruin the game.  You team kill the commander because the is sucking is no better than tk'ing for a vehicle.  Offer advice, or mutany.
thats all good and well to say in theory..

but honestly.. how many people will take constructive criticism on the internet from someone they'll probably never meet?

they're more likely to get angry and start calling people niggers or jews than accept the fact that they suck shit.
This is of course different than the reaction you will get for tk'ing them right?
probably not. the point is.. there's fuck all you can do if you have a shit commander.. unless it's your own server.. then they can magically have "high ping" whenever you choose..

but if they're making your game a waste of time.. then you may as well waste theirs.

Well Like I said I have been only playing the Commander spot for about a month.  Before that I never even once had the notion to go TK him.  & it has only happened the three times.

Why don't you go tk that guy who got the tank first?
Why don't you go tk that guy that didn't drop you a med or ammo pack?
Tk the guy for taking your jet or Chopper?
Hey, tk the the guy for getting to that TOW first?

Wait..Don't drive to train acc..go to Suburb...Tk Right?

I guess age has a lot to do with it.

I certainly feel better though, I thought it was something I did. Now that I know there are those of you that do this stuff, I'll be aware of it.

That would be an intersting stat to keep track of huh?
Anyone who team kills deliberately deserves a ban full stop. From time to time i like to play commander its not an easy role to assume especially when your side is losing. And the last thing i want is for some petulant 12 year old to team kill me because he didn't get a vehicle drop or supply crate (or has been suggested by a poster here placed the uav where the radius is not fully utilised).Its amazing how everyone is an expert on commanding during a game.
+77|6715|respawn screen
I lost a lot of games because our commander didn't support his own team. Unless I die to often because he doesn't support us I tk him until I get kicked. And I really enjoy the punish afterwards...
Angry Engy
A bad commander can cost you the game, very easily, if enemy team is good.

There are three types.  First, and worst, is Mr. AFK.  Or at least he seems like it.  No UAV, no supplies, no help with nothing.  He became commander, then went for a sandwich or something.

Second, the poorly-skilled Fighting Commander.  Can't give UAV or supplies because he's always dead.  Keeps spawning at front lines and getting killed.  Usually ranks lower than Lance-Corporal or something.

Third, the mildy-effective, but highly-selfish Fighting Commander.  Often in a tank, he's pretty good at killing.  But his UAV & supplies & arty are only at his position.  Has no idea what rest of team/map is doing, and doesn't care.  He doesn't understand the scoring system, he thinks being Commander will double his kill points. 

For these guys, I like to wait a while, then point out their math mistake.  Example, the other day, I'm telling commander "get out of the jet!"..."no jet commander" etc. 
He's saying "I can do both". 
I mutiny. 
We continue to spar on board. 
I trump him with "you're pretty good in a jet...but how come you got 10 kills but only 12 points???"
He answers "you got a point." 
I reply "either command or jet, can't do both." 
He resigned. 
Fair enough, he loves his plane.

Here's how I like to think of the Commander position: you are the servant of the other 15 or 31 players on your team.  You keep your head down and support them, and they earn you points.  It's that simple.  Any killing you do is mostly superfluous.

In order, this is what I think the Commander should do in a round:
1. Stay alive.
2. UAV (at the spot you want troops to attack or defend, and your troops better be in it/close to it)
3. Scan, monitor entire map
4. spot
5. supply drop

...only proceed to #6 if you don't need to do #2-5 again, those are the most important...

6. type on the board, if necessary, to describe the action
7. artillery
8. repair your assets (you are in engineer kit, do not waste supply drop on your own assets)
9. commend good squads, motivate
10. give orders (attack here, defend here)
11. participate in idle chit-chat on the board
12. jump in a vehicle and cap an unguarded base
13. fight the enemy

That's how I do it, anyway.  Works for most maps.  It's different on 16-man server, and on some maps you can move up at the rear, defending bases as team moves forward.  I don't get TKed much, but it does happen.  Mostly guys who say "you're just hiding in the building, you need to fight!"  duhhhhh
less busy
+586|6873|Kubra, Damn it!

WWZ wrote:

Well Like I said I have been only playing the Commander spot for about a month.  Before that I never even once had the notion to go TK him.  & it has only happened the three times.

Why don't you go tk that guy who got the tank first?
Why don't you go tk that guy that didn't drop you a med or ammo pack?
Tk the guy for taking your jet or Chopper?
Hey, tk the the guy for getting to that TOW first?

Wait..Don't drive to train acc..go to Suburb...Tk Right?

I guess age has a lot to do with it.

I certainly feel better though, I thought it was something I did. Now that I know there are those of you that do this stuff, I'll be aware of it.

That would be an intersting stat to keep track of huh?
Don't get too comfortable. I don't think you're understanding what people are saying here. The reason that a lot of the people here do this stuff is that at least 80% of the commanders in this game suck major balls. So before you write this off as "people just like to TK commanders", you should realize that what is really being said here is "people like to TK bad commanders." Most of them don't really enjoy it, but bad commanders are super-frustrating.

It usually takes people a while to get the hang of what makes a good commander. I've never played with you, but it's a safe bet that you ARE getting TKed for something you did (or didn't do). A lot of commanders think that they're good and try hard, but don't realize that they're not helping at all.

I played with one of these just the other day. This guy kept putting arty strikes on the TV station on Sharqi. Bad commanders LOVE to waste arty on buildings where the enemy is safely inside. He was dropping supplies like a freaking madman, but dropping them in places that were closer to the enemy than us. He would also find a friendly tank and drop supplies on them while they were driving. By the time the supplies landed, the guy was way down the road. The key to commanding successfully is ANTICIPATION! Supplies, vehicle drops and arty all take time to take effect, so think ahead. Don't drop arty on the guy who's about to finish capping your flag, he'll be at the next flag before it hits. Use it on the flag that has two hostiles still walking up to it. By the time they get there, the arty will be just hitting the ground. Think ahead. If you're not helping your team, you're not going to win and won't get the magical X2 commander points at the end of the round.

Most importantly, read this: … ide-part-1

Last edited by chittydog (2006-12-23 13:58:58)

Goodbye :)
+399|6518|Somewhere else

I've killed a few commanders before.  The ones who take command and fly off in a jet, once they die, I make sure they die again.  Alot of times, the Tk does actually get the point across.  I don't kill them unless they are blatantly not doing thier job.  If you can command and drive a tank, more power to you.  But, if the UAV is always over you as you try to get a few random off the battlefield kills, im gonna c4 you.

I can forgive a rookie commander, as long as he isn't costing us the game. There have been a few times where the commander has said "sorry, guys, i'm kinda new at this". Immediately after, most of the team did thier best to guide him along to learn the ropes.   Limited experience is one thing negligence is another.

I've been Tked a few times while commanding too.  Usually by some moron whos played the game for five hours and wants to give command a try.    And other times when I get a few mutiny votes, after the first few fail, and a couple people bitch.  I'll ask who wants to command, and if someone steps up, its thiers.  I know there are some maps I can't command terribly well.
Heia den som vinner!
+115|6596|Oslo, Norway

WWZ wrote:

I spot the red dots as much as I can.
There is your answer.
+138|6545|New Zealand

WWZ wrote:

Why do people do this?

I just started playing the commander about a month ago.  On three seperate occasions My own guy hunts me down where I am hiding & kills me.  Why? 

I keep the uav always going I drop supplies as much as I can & I spot the red dots as much as I can.

I arty as much as I can & I try to stay away from hitting my own guys.  That's all I canfigure it is. A random arty hit. I keep an eye on the arty kills & I don't hit my guys very often at all.  I know iv'e won more than lost so that's not it.

It happened on one server not different ones. & they do it at the end of the round.
If you are constanly spotting and I am in the area, I might stop in to stab you in the face. STFU

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