+42|7120|Waikato, Aotearoa

ayb wrote:

you know what i hate? things that are bad. also today i learned that air is comprised primarily of nitrogen and oxygen.
And (when SCUBA diving) at a depth of greater than 60m, oxygen becomes poisonous - which is why Helium is used. On a down side, helium can cause (rather bad) headaches
+0|6941|Ontario, Canada
He's probably talking about a standing throw, not dribbling with the ball/running and then shooting
+0|6941|Ontario, Canada

RDMC wrote:

nicely said.. but want to add one thing.. do you allways notice then when ppl get killed by a bunny hopper that they complain but if they kill them that they wont say a word?
but of course, who the hell would complain if they killed that damn guy, theyre gonna happy that his stupid tactics didnt work
Yet, you must frown upon those who DO whore vehicles. I could name a few. They play the same server always using the tank. He stole my tank when i was fixing it too!
Thanks,snipe ya later
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6951|Canberra, AUS

AuSFinN wrote:

Yet, you must frown upon those who DO whore vehicles. I could name a few. They play the same server always using the tank. He stole my tank when i was fixing it too!
What's wrong with stealing a tank when the guy's fixing it?
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman

Kelesh wrote:

This has been coming up a lot.  The reason basketball players jump is to get better arc on their shots.  The reason nobody else jumps when they throw stuff is that it kills their power.  If you want to throw something far, don't jump in real life.  That's why the outfield of baseball never jumps.  However, the game mechanics don't account for leverage loss when you jump, making jumping a fine thing to do.  However, don't tell me basketball players jump so they can throw it farther.
sorry for  the flame but baseball players DO jump when they throw a ball from the outfield, it's called a crow hop.  you don't stand still and throw it, you "hop" forward.
+6|6907|Valrico, FL USA

blacksheepcannibal wrote:

I grow tired of the same old complaints.

1. Spawn-Camping, Base-Raping, etc.

spawn elsewhere. if you cannot spawn elsewhere, then you have no more spawn points, what is the enemy supposed to do, let you take a breather? If you can spawn elsewhere, take their flags while they are raping your empty base.

2. AA sucks.

yeah, it does, and lots of people have said so. read a strategy guide on how to get AA to not suck (as much) and get on with your life.

3. some guy punished me for something stupid!

yeah, the punishment system sucks sometimes. it could be worse, there could be no forgive system, and you could just get always punished for TK, like you do in so many other games.

***3.5*** I got punished because some tard walked in front of my claymore/ran over my mine

Yeah, that sucks. He was stupid, and thought that it was a power-up or something. However, if nobody could punish for these, then tank/apc/jeep-whores could just mine away in front of a tank they wanted and never worry about a punish.

4. x weapon is too powerful!

the weapons, when used as intended, are very well balanced, thank you EA. HOWEVER, when people exploit weapons (noob-tubing, etc.) then they become unbalanced because the designers of the game didnt think of them being used that way. it sucks, but some people just enjoy exploiting weapons. they are lame, switch servers.

5. bunny-hopping, dolphin diving, etc.

yeah, bunny-hopping sucks. they suck. EA needs to do something about this, its an epidemic. however, superman dives, and a single jump when you are getting shot at, those are acceptable, it happens.

6. airplanes are too powerful!!

well, yeah, they are powerful. they can easily turn the tide of battle. but thats kinda what the air force tends to do. in real life, in an open field, tanks just dont stand up against aircraft. aircraft in BF2 are not too powerful, you just get hit by them much. 
***in real life, it takes a minimum of a half hour to reload and refuel an aircraft (normally 3-4 hrs *at least*). however, the time it takes to finish the bomb run, fly back to base (assuming they reload directly afterwards instead of using the cannons a bit), fly back towards the target, aquire a good target (again, assuming they go for a group target instead of just bombing everything that moves), set up a bombing run, and make the run should be accounted for. poor pilots that just bomb-reload-bomb-next-thing-that-moves are not that effective, and thus, not that powerful.  if you think that planes are too powerful, youve never been behind the stick of a fighter. if you are complaining about AA, see #2 **

7. I dont have Special Forces!

admittedly, they shouldnt allow special forces on normal servers. however, if you had special forces, would you want to be kept out of servers because you got the expansion?

8. X player is hogging the helicopter!

if they are doing good, let them hog the helicopter. especially if its a squad and they are kicking ass. if yoru good, great, but dont try and fix something that isnt broken. if your bad, then practice elsewhere. if the team hogging the heli is sucky, well then change servers. they are stupid.

***9.*** X Badge is impossible to get!!

well, probably, unless your trying to get it. however, there is no badge that is impossible to get. you just suck, and need to improve. id guarentee that somebody out there has whatever badge you are going for [perhaps, on a side note, the admins for this site could include how many people have certain badges]

***10.*** People that Stat Pad Suck! [However, posts identifying stat padders are okay in my book]

yeah, they do. they suck. however, as long as there are systems, there will be people that exploit that system. its just a fact of life. in the mean time, its obvious to any vet player that they are a stat whore, and EA *is trying* to address this problem.

definitions: (to keep people from aruging dumb points)

noobtube: using a grenade launcher as your only weapon. inside, outside, far away, in your face, the GL is the only weapon you use. you often jump to aviod the splash damage, you often shoot at people who are in the same room as you, thus exploiting that the grenades dont have a realistic spash damage.

bunny-hop: jumping repeditively to avoid fire. its great on unreal tournament. in BF2, its stupid. the game designers didnt figure on people trying to be Peter Cottontail when they get shot at, so people exploit the jumping, knowing that their accuracy doesnt take any more penalty than standing

base-rape: to send forces into the enemy base. acceptable when there are no more flags left. stupid when there are flags left; they will just spawn elsewhere and take your flags. wait, no, they will whine and bitch and just keep spawning.

C4 whore: somebody that uses C4 by jumping and tossing repeatedly, combining bunny-hopping with C4. this is stupid, they are exploiting a defect in the game, two-fold.
***it is an exploit, because C4 realisticly has a massive blast radius that would gelatinize anybody within a hundred feet. however, due to game balance, they toned that down a little. people are exploiting that by dropping it by the ton now. its a lame tactic, and one that the programmers would have prevented if they had known about it***

***Stat-Padder***: somebody that exploits the game in order to raise their Global Score. Often uses hacks, cheats, and other 3rd party programs to assist in this, but may just use the Medic/Support Class expoits. Easily identifiable because his raise score in medic is ludicrously high, with piss poor K ratio.

***xvehiclex-whore*** : an individual that decides that he gets to use this vehicle because he is the most important person in the world. you dont get to have his tank/apc/heli or whatever; if you take it, he will more than likely C4 you or find some other way to kill you. Usage: Tankwhore, jeepwhore, planewhore, heli-whore, apcwhore. NOT: an individual that uses this to kill you unfairly. If you are always getten hit by tanks, apcs, aircraft, etc STAY OUT FROM THE OPEN! *totally different, however, from weapon-whores (c4 whores, etc)*

if your complaint is other than the above, by all means. if you are complaining about one of the above, live with it, everybody here has seen it in 12 different terms.

What the hell can I whine about now! close the forum.
GunSlinger OIF II
i so tired of people tired who are tired of people who are tired of people who complain too much.

blacksheepcannibal wrote:

I grow tired of the same old complaints.

1. Spawn-Camping, Base-Raping, etc.

spawn elsewhere. if you cannot spawn elsewhere, then you have no more spawn points, what is the enemy supposed to do, let you take a breather? If you can spawn elsewhere, take their flags while they are raping your empty base.

2. AA sucks.

yeah, it does, and lots of people have said so. read a strategy guide on how to get AA to not suck (as much) and get on with your life.

3. some guy punished me for something stupid!

yeah, the punishment system sucks sometimes. it could be worse, there could be no forgive system, and you could just get always punished for TK, like you do in so many other games.

***3.5*** I got punished because some tard walked in front of my claymore/ran over my mine

Yeah, that sucks. He was stupid, and thought that it was a power-up or something. However, if nobody could punish for these, then tank/apc/jeep-whores could just mine away in front of a tank they wanted and never worry about a punish.

4. x weapon is too powerful!

the weapons, when used as intended, are very well balanced, thank you EA. HOWEVER, when people exploit weapons (noob-tubing, etc.) then they become unbalanced because the designers of the game didnt think of them being used that way. it sucks, but some people just enjoy exploiting weapons. they are lame, switch servers.

5. bunny-hopping, dolphin diving, etc.

yeah, bunny-hopping sucks. they suck. EA needs to do something about this, its an epidemic. however, superman dives, and a single jump when you are getting shot at, those are acceptable, it happens.

6. airplanes are too powerful!!

well, yeah, they are powerful. they can easily turn the tide of battle. but thats kinda what the air force tends to do. in real life, in an open field, tanks just dont stand up against aircraft. aircraft in BF2 are not too powerful, you just get hit by them much. 
***in real life, it takes a minimum of a half hour to reload and refuel an aircraft (normally 3-4 hrs *at least*). however, the time it takes to finish the bomb run, fly back to base (assuming they reload directly afterwards instead of using the cannons a bit), fly back towards the target, aquire a good target (again, assuming they go for a group target instead of just bombing everything that moves), set up a bombing run, and make the run should be accounted for. poor pilots that just bomb-reload-bomb-next-thing-that-moves are not that effective, and thus, not that powerful.  if you think that planes are too powerful, youve never been behind the stick of a fighter. if you are complaining about AA, see #2 **

7. I dont have Special Forces!

admittedly, they shouldnt allow special forces on normal servers. however, if you had special forces, would you want to be kept out of servers because you got the expansion?

8. X player is hogging the helicopter!

if they are doing good, let them hog the helicopter. especially if its a squad and they are kicking ass. if yoru good, great, but dont try and fix something that isnt broken. if your bad, then practice elsewhere. if the team hogging the heli is sucky, well then change servers. they are stupid.

***9.*** X Badge is impossible to get!!

well, probably, unless your trying to get it. however, there is no badge that is impossible to get. you just suck, and need to improve. id guarentee that somebody out there has whatever badge you are going for [perhaps, on a side note, the admins for this site could include how many people have certain badges]

***10.*** People that Stat Pad Suck! [However, posts identifying stat padders are okay in my book]

yeah, they do. they suck. however, as long as there are systems, there will be people that exploit that system. its just a fact of life. in the mean time, its obvious to any vet player that they are a stat whore, and EA *is trying* to address this problem.

definitions: (to keep people from aruging dumb points)

noobtube: using a grenade launcher as your only weapon. inside, outside, far away, in your face, the GL is the only weapon you use. you often jump to aviod the splash damage, you often shoot at people who are in the same room as you, thus exploiting that the grenades dont have a realistic spash damage.

bunny-hop: jumping repeditively to avoid fire. its great on unreal tournament. in BF2, its stupid. the game designers didnt figure on people trying to be Peter Cottontail when they get shot at, so people exploit the jumping, knowing that their accuracy doesnt take any more penalty than standing

base-rape: to send forces into the enemy base. acceptable when there are no more flags left. stupid when there are flags left; they will just spawn elsewhere and take your flags. wait, no, they will whine and bitch and just keep spawning.

C4 whore: somebody that uses C4 by jumping and tossing repeatedly, combining bunny-hopping with C4. this is stupid, they are exploiting a defect in the game, two-fold.
***it is an exploit, because C4 realisticly has a massive blast radius that would gelatinize anybody within a hundred feet. however, due to game balance, they toned that down a little. people are exploiting that by dropping it by the ton now. its a lame tactic, and one that the programmers would have prevented if they had known about it***

***Stat-Padder***: somebody that exploits the game in order to raise their Global Score. Often uses hacks, cheats, and other 3rd party programs to assist in this, but may just use the Medic/Support Class expoits. Easily identifiable because his raise score in medic is ludicrously high, with piss poor K ratio.

***xvehiclex-whore*** : an individual that decides that he gets to use this vehicle because he is the most important person in the world. you dont get to have his tank/apc/heli or whatever; if you take it, he will more than likely C4 you or find some other way to kill you. Usage: Tankwhore, jeepwhore, planewhore, heli-whore, apcwhore. NOT: an individual that uses this to kill you unfairly. If you are always getten hit by tanks, apcs, aircraft, etc STAY OUT FROM THE OPEN! *totally different, however, from weapon-whores (c4 whores, etc)*

if your complaint is other than the above, by all means. if you are complaining about one of the above, live with it, everybody here has seen it in 12 different terms.

I hear you man! Great guidelines! Yo whinners ,suck on what this guy has to say!
Mod from the Church of the Painful Truth
+533|7082|Orlando, FL - Age 43

General-Echo wrote:

In reply to post #1

I can understand your frustration but u guys made a complain section, so u can expect ppl who r frustrated in any way, like u mentioned to complain and air their feelings. It s a simple mechanisme in the brain, that when its possible of getting rid of frustations that some1 has, most ppl will talk about it to get rid of it and basicly feel beter. In here ppl post their frustation in this section of the forum and thats to find support of other ppl that agree and feel the same.

My point is, u can make a list of frustrations posted here before but thats not gonna help the ppl that r frustated at this moment. Ppl let of stream here in the complain section by posting, they are doing it now and will be doing that in the future if u ask me.
Just as a counterpoint, there is a considerable difference between whining and legitimate complaints. I have to agree with the original poster and say that 90% of what is in the complaint section is whining. When this fact is not pointed out the posters begin to reinforce the idea that their whines are actually legitimate complaints that deserve attention.

I wouldn't normally care about the incessant crying and whining except for the fact that EA/Dice gives them an ear and is constantly tweaking the game in order to quiet the babies when there are other aspects of the game that they could be giving their attention to.

blacksheepcannibal wrote:

[10.] People that Stat Pad Suck! [However, posts identifying stat padders are okay in my book]

yeah, they do. they suck. however, as long as there are systems, there will be people that exploit that system. its just a fact of life. in the mean time, its obvious to any vet player that they are a stat whore, and EA *is trying* to address this problem.
If I'm commander and I find stat padders on my team I rely on the trusty artillery to address that problem.  Done it a few times, it works wonders! _b

blacksheepcannibal wrote:

I grow tired of the same old complaints.

***3.5*** I got punished because some tard walked in front of my claymore/ran over my mine [edit: again, 1.2 fixed this]

I agree with most of your points, however this one isn't necessarily true.  There are some servers which have mines friendly fire on.  Some of these servers also don't advertise it, too.  I have seen people get kicked/banned since they mine an area, teammates thinking it has been fixed from 1.2 drive over, get blown up, then all punish.

Pinto wrote:

I agree with most of your points, however this one isn't necessarily true.  There are some servers which have mines friendly fire on.  Some of these servers also don't advertise it, too.  I have seen people get kicked/banned since they mine an area, teammates thinking it has been fixed from 1.2 drive over, get blown up, then all punish.
And sometimes its a bug from 1.3
I throw down 2 mines,and the left of me had the sign of friendly and the right one didn’t have it...
And i saw a teammate that was throwing mines,and couple of them looked like enemy mines.

If a teammate step on it,you might be punished for a teamkill or damage even if friendly fire is off.
Nailer hates bf2
in response to the plane thing its not the planes its the helicopters.  the hovering spawn rape over and over tll theres no more tickets has got to go. this makes the hlos too desireable cause you are likely to never be killed during the entire course of a round.  made more vulnerable the tk for helo-plane would cease.
also its hard enough to even get an AT rocket to hit one there should be a payoff.  like maybe you get a KILL???? any AT rocket of any type would totally frag a helo.  i personally despise the over and over bomb the enemy plane still on the deck while your team has no flags. its lame as hell.  its not war its a game and it should be fair not a race to tk for the big guns.  call this whining and u are a fool call it my opinion and maybe we'll get somewhere
PS you can say "deal with it" about anything and all that these complaining people want is a fair balanced and FUN game bf2 is none of these.  run a lan and count how many times you hear "BULL FUCKING SHIT!!!"  THIS GAME IS HOSED AND KEEPS GETTING WORSE INSTEAD OF BETTER.  DEAL WITH THAT.

Last edited by Nailer hates bf2 (2006-09-06 14:50:47)

Nailer hates bf2
Oh And Let Us Not Forget That The Top Scorers In Almost Every Round Are Inevitably The Plane And/or Helo "whores"
Nailer hates bf2
Is There Any Other Way To Go 50-0 In A Round?????????????????????
Fair comments guys, but I am becoming peeved with noob commanders spotting everything that moves even though it is all visible on the UAV and the accuracy, lie down glitch thing is wearing thin. I'm sure the latter of my whines should have been sorted out in four patches.

MajorHoulahan_MASH wrote:

i like to react on point 6. of the original poster :

planes are not to powerfull !

The fact that they dont have to land   to reload again  makes the game unbalanced !

Having to land for a reload would make a plane powerfull ONLY in the hands of good pilots,because they would have to use their payload wisely instead of bombing friend and foe regardless....
The time a plane takes now  to reload is faster than changing a clip in a pistol, which is just ridiculous.
Do you even know how easy it is for jet pilots to even lock onto an enemy tank, or any other assets?
They also have guidance system so that they can drop their bombs from 5 miles away and it will hit the target dead on.

Only reason why jets in BF2 have to carpet bomb is because it has no guidance HUD or system on the bomb itself. Of course there are inexperienced pilots who tend to drop bombs at the wrong spot at the wrong time but you have to deal with it if you are playing in a public server.
I have currently a score of 867 but the rank is still showing as lance corporal when it should be corporal after 800, has anyone else had this or is it just dumb luck ;-)
For a while I've been getting annoyed at the obvious hacks etc, but whilst playing today ran into quite a few of them, and started thinking how pointless it was, I'd see too many hax then move on to another server have a couple of good rounds then have a break then repeat. Started thinking it was all funny, then had a guy that walked though my claymore, it detonated, he walked over and killed me... He was then playing seriously hiding etc, and I thought why? We can't kill you, why not stand in the middle of the road, lol.

Anyway after seeing a couple of other unkillables I decided to move on and found a 'clean' server and enjoyed myself, was just thinking that when I achieve something in the game, rank/medal/ribbon etc then at least I know I achieved it (it may only be virtual but its still satisfying). The poor haxors, well they get all the medals, ribbons etc, but whereas mine are only virtual, theres are even less, so anyway you have to laugh at em, its not worth getting angry at, its just silly.

At least real players can get involved in tournies etc, and there the experience gained in 'real' play will pay off.

Plus from what I've heard these Hax can cost quite a few bucks... additional money spent so you can easily virtual kill someone in a virtual land, as part of a virtual war, lol. Now that has to be the FUNNIEST part of the hacks.

Shit next haxor I see I might just stand in front of him 10 times and let him kill me, what difference does it make, about the only thing the kills will do is alter my K/D score, and thats pretty bad anyway, lol.

I'm getting a lot more enjoyment out of a round everytime I laugh at em now, lol.

Happy Hunting
+33|6633|the Great British Queendom :)
Very good, I try not to do any off the above, I am trying to rank up the hard way, on foot, sometimes vechiles, I do very little flying as 1 I am shit 2 I think it is all to easy to fly around all the time. But 1 thing that tatally does my head in is when you get a game where everyone is just lobbing grenades around, teamkills galore and its impossible to make any progress!
Gripe over for now

Nailer hates bf2 wrote:

Oh And Let Us Not Forget That The Top Scorers In Almost Every Round Are Inevitably The Plane And/or Helo "whores"
Learn to Fly? and see how fun it can be? Have to fight to get these then move to ground defense and be sneaky.
yup i think you are right
Aspiring Objectivist
The problem lies with new sign ups, I feel some degree of leniency should be shown to them only.
Another problem is that these posts & recently the plethora of polls make up most of the new content on here.

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