+0|6978|darwin australia
ok all you old farts, since a lot of you are looking for ppl to play that are mature why not come and check us out 

minimum age is 25 we have squads based in australia, usa and europe. we play many different games and at the moment we have over 7200 members(which probably makes us one of the biggest clans in the world)

edit: btw im 34 in 15 days

Last edited by aussiepope (2005-12-28 17:20:34)

+5|6896|USA, Where Dumb people Rule
I would love to have a server 30+ years, with a password to get in.  I have no idea to start a server or put a password on.  I have 4+ more years until 40.  Don't discriminate!  LOL
Umbra Acciptris
27, I loose, but I'm not the youngest.
Well, it looks like I'm the oldest member of the BF2S group but not the oldest guy out there.  Good to see that there are a lot of old guys out playing and some young guys that have a level of maturity that will make them better people in life not just in the game!

BTW - Some people think that because we play games on line we don't have a life.  As evidenced by all of you, this is simply not the case.  We have jobs, pay our bills, have wives, kids and other outside pursuits.  We just make time available to play, have fun and stay "young".

Age is a state of mind........

Keep playing and stay young forever.......

49 in March.

Last edited by MURPHY-D. (2005-12-29 06:05:33)

Seth Infinite
+3|6893|Houston, The Republic of Texas
50.288 years

My last FPS was the original Doom. I developed sleep disorders while playing that so I spent the next 15 years playing RPGs. Now it seems as if those sleep disorders are coming back.
Pump-Action Pimp
+16|6936|The Hague, Holland
Respect to all you old timers here . I hope I can continue your legacy in 40 years.
+-1|6871|Bradenton, FL
31 here, kicking young'ns butts from coast to coast!

Althought, I really hate listening to some 13 or less year old on VOIP in game. They always wanna talk about something OTHER than the it's some kinda chat room.....but then again there are older people that use VOIP for that purpose. Oh wait....what were we talking about again?
PV1 Joe Snuffy
+78|6912|MA, USA
37.  Finding it harder to find a good game since Christmas.  Lot's of smacktards and cheaters.
Kung Jew
That one mod
+331|6899|Houston, TX
Wait till school starts, that'll at least do away with some of the smacktards, and hopefully alot of the immaturity.

Note: To all you still in school (age <18) Just like us old folk, some of you are very good, some of you are smacktards, and some of you are cheaters.  For the good, sorry ya got grouped in the age thing with smacktards and cheaters.  For the "other" groups, you suck.  Quit making us feel like we wasted up to $80  on a good game.
My dad plays bf2, he's 61, he aint the best player in the world. But he's cool for playing, very much into it too.
+9|6992|6,000 ft & falling......weeeee
37 and proud...btw i got a psp for christmas!!!!!  lmao
34 here, dont bother lookn at my stats, I suck.    Started my pc/gaming in 82 with a TI994A but went to a vic 20 afew months later.

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