
I'm not copying Superior Mind's, merely using a different angle.


  US ~
Assault ~ Knife, Colt 1911, M1 Garand, Grenades, smoke.
Medic ~ Knife, Colt, Thompson, med pack, field surgery kit (I guess like defibs...Shit I dunno.)
Anti-Tank ~ Knife, colt, M1 Carbine, Bazooka, AT mines.
Engineer ~ Knife, Colt, M97 shotgun, satchel charges(Like C4), wrench
Support ~ Knife, Colt, M1919, grenades, ammo packs.
Sniper ~ Knife, colt, Springfield '03, grenades.

   Great Britain:

Assault ~ Knife, Webly IV, Lee-Enfield, Grenades, smoke.
Medic ~ Knife, Webly IV, Sten Mk.II, med pack, field surgery kit
Anti-Tank ~ Knife, Webly IV, M1 Carbine, PIAT, AT mines.
Engineer ~ Knife, Webly IV, Thompson, satchel charges, wrench
Support ~ Knife,Webly IV, Bren gun, grenades, ammo packs.
Sniper ~ Knife, Webly IV, Scoped Lee, grenades.
(Thanks to Fenris_Greyclaw)

Assault ~ Knife, Tokarev TT-33, SVT-40, Grenades, smoke.
Medic ~ Knife, Tokarev, PPSh-41/PPS-43, med pack, field surgery kit (I guess like defibs...Shit I dunno.)
Anti-Tank ~ Knife, Tokarev, Mosin-Nagant 1938, RPG-43, AT mines.
Engineer ~ Knife, Tokarev, PPD-40, satchel charges(Like C4), wrench
Support ~ Knife, Tokarev, DP 1928, grenades, ammo packs.
Sniper ~ Knife, Tokarev, scoped Mosin-Nagant 1891-30, grenades.
(Thanks k30dxedle)

  German ~
Assault ~ Knife, Luger, StG-44 (Or MP-44), grenades, smoke.
Medic ~ Knife, Luger, Mp-40, med pack, field surgery kit.
Anti-Tank ~ Knife, Luger, Kar98k, Panzerschrek, AT mines.
Engineer ~ Knife, Luger, Mp-40, satchel charges, wrench.
Support ~ Knife, Luger, MG42(bipod), grenades, ammo packs.
Sniper ~ Knife, Luger, Kar98 Scoped, grenades.

  Japan ~

Assault ~ Knife, Type 14 Pistol, Type 99 (30 clip), grenades, smoke.
Medic ~ Knife, Type 14 Pistol, Mp-18, medpack, field surgery kit.
Anti-Tank ~ Knife, Type 14 Pistol, Type 50 SMG, Type 45 AT rifle, AT mines.
Engineer ~ Knife, Type 14 Pistol, Type 38 rifle, AT mines.
Support ~ Knife, Type 14 Pistol, Type 92 (bipod).
Sniper ~ Knife, Type 14 Pistol, Type 97 (Sniper), grenades.

Assault ~ M1 Garand, PPSh-41
Medic ~ Extended clip Thompson SMG,
Anti-Tank ~ Reising M50, Boyes Anti-Tank rifle
Engineer ~ Johnson Rifle, Austen Mk I
Support ~
Sniper ~ Gewhr Semi-auto scoped,
(Well, they're not really unlocks, they're more like options to the stock guns. I guess unlocks would be a misnomer. You don't have to unlock them.)

    Vehicles (Working on it)

US/UK ~ Air power
  • P40 Warhawk
  • Spitfire Spitfire Mk. III
  • P-51D Mustang
  • SB2C Dauntless
  • Vought Corsair
  • Hawker Hurricane
  • B-17

US/UK ~ Land power

US/UK ~ Sea power

Russia ~ Air power

Russia ~ Land power

Russia ~ Sea power

Germany ~ Air power
  • ME-109
  • Stuka
  • Focke Wulf-109
  • Me-262(maybe)
  • Need some ideas here

  • Germany ~ Land power

    Germany ~ Sea power

    Japan ~ Air power

    Japan ~ Land power

    Japan ~ Sea power

    Open for suggestions.

    But right now, I'm gonna go play BF2. If you have any suggestions for Armies, weapons, kits, whatever. PM me or post here.

Last edited by PspRpg-7 (2006-12-16 15:42:21)

Un Moderador

Could you not have kept your post in his post?
Or did you have to have your special little space.
I personally have never played Vietnam, wait, I have but that isn't the point. It sucked, long and hard.
I suppose I am just a BF2 kinda guy.

zimmer92 wrote:

Could you not have kept your post in his post?
Or did you have to have your special little space.
I personally have never played Vietnam, wait, I have but that isn't the point. It sucked, long and hard.
I suppose I am just a BF2 kinda guy.
I needed my a special place, because I felt like I was hijacking Superior's thread.
+53|6889|Omaha, Nebraska
Man a 1942 remake would be awsome... I miss those days.
Maybe you can do a Gewehr 43 or since 1944 called: Karabiner 43, for the Germans medic so they get a semi automatic rifle, kinda like the medic's in bf2, play call of duty and you will find enough things you will need

As second tier ofc

This are some guns i searched on internet for germans... since i like playing german because they so violent

Pistols: Mauser C96 | Luger | Walther P38 | Walther PPK | Sauer 38H | Mauser HSc   

Guns & Carbines (Gewehr & Karabiner): | Karabiner 98k | Gewehr 43/Karabiner 43 | StG44/MP44 | FG42

Machinepistols ( Maschinenpistole ): Bergmann MP18 | MP38/MP40 "Schmeisser" | MP3008 "Volks MP"   

MachineGuns en and other big weapons: MG08 | MG34 | MG30 |MG42 | Faustpatrone | Panzerfaust | Panzerschreck | Flammenwerfer 35 | Anti-Tank Rifle M39 | Granatwerfer 36 | Granatwerfer 42

Guns from other countries use by german airforce: P.640(b) | Vis.35 | Vz.24/G24(t) | ZB vz.26 | Panzerbüchse 35(p)

Last edited by zero_x830 (2006-12-14 12:49:04)

BF2S Resident Bass Player
+45|6582|Washington State, USA
our paratroopers sometimes used something called the Johnson:

and you forgot the whole damn russian army!!!

InfectiousShadow wrote:

our paratroopers sometimes used something called the Johnson:

and you forgot the whole damn russian army!!!
I'm working on it.
Ready for combat
+211|6745|Belchertown Massachusetts, USA
no vickers use the M1919 .30 cal for support.
Real Хорошо
+826|6669|Adelaide, South Australia

you missed the Brits too.

Great Britain:

Assault ~ Knife, Webly IV, Lee-Enfield, Grenades, smoke.
Medic ~ Knife, Webly IV, Sten Mk.II, med pack, field surgery kit
Anti-Tank ~ Knife, Webly IV, M1 Carbine, PIAT, AT mines.
Engineer ~ Knife, Webly IV, Thompson, satchel charges(Like C4), wrench
Support ~ Knife,Webly IV, Bren gun, grenades, ammo packs.
Sniper ~ Knife, Webly IV, Scoped Lee, grenades.

Last edited by Fenris_GreyClaw (2006-12-14 16:37:25)

Superior Mind
(not macbeth)
there should be a spec ops class with C4 and a carbine, then give the AT class a SMG (M3 for US, Sten fro UK, C97 for Germany, etc.)
Then the unlocks should be prototype weapons and stuff.

Last edited by Superior Mind (2006-12-14 16:34:46)


Fenris_GreyClaw wrote:

you missed the Brits too.
It's a WIP, gtfo
Superior Mind
(not macbeth)
and dude, in all honesty I think my version (the 2142 format) is better, simply because it gives the opportunity for greater diversity on the battle field.

your version is too generic, it's like a carbon copy of BF2.

Last edited by Superior Mind (2006-12-14 16:43:29)

Real Хорошо
+826|6669|Adelaide, South Australia

PspRpg-7 wrote:

Fenris_GreyClaw wrote:

you missed the Brits too.
It's a WIP, gtfo
Look up about 2/3 posts
Make Love and War
+303|6628|Communist Republic of CA, USA
Any defibrilator like object should take at least 5-10 seconds (preferably more) to revive someone.  This would dramatically slow down stat padding, and be more realistic (in the sense that their would be less revivals, not that surgery takes 5 seconds).  During those 5 seconds you shouldn't be able to move, but you can look around, only in an arc in front of you, and briefly, or your progress slows.

Give the US Engineer the M1 Carbine from the start, and Anti-Tank an M3 Grease gun.  Also IIRC, at the start of the war, most US Marines had the '03 as opposed to the Garand.  We always get the short end of the budget.

German Assault should have either K98 (realistic) or G43 (balance).  Also the Panzerschreck > Panzerfaust, and if your going to give the US a Bazooka, give the Germans the Panzerschreck as it was designed off of bazookas, and I'm pretty sure the Panzerfaust was a piece of crap.

I don't know jack shit about Japanese guns, just that their tanks sucked.

Don't bother with unlocks, BFV and 1942 were both fine without em, and it'd keep the game somewhat more realistic.  Also no stats or ranks.  Have everyone on an equal footing.  Actually I'd be fine with just remodelling/texturing 1942 with no changes to the game mechanics.  There was nothing wrong with it.  In fact I think I'm gonna go install it now.

Major.League.Infidel wrote:

Any defibrilator like object should take at least 5-10 seconds (preferably more) to revive someone.  This would dramatically slow down stat padding, and be more realistic (in the sense that their would be less revivals, not that surgery takes 5 seconds).  During those 5 seconds you shouldn't be able to move, but you can look around, only in an arc in front of you, and briefly, or your progress slows.

Give the US Engineer the M1 Carbine from the start, and Anti-Tank an M3 Grease gun.  Also IIRC, at the start of the war, most US Marines had the '03 as opposed to the Garand.  We always get the short end of the budget.

German Assault should have either K98 (realistic) or G43 (balance).  Also the Panzerschreck > Panzerfaust, and if your going to give the US a Bazooka, give the Germans the Panzerschreck as it was designed off of bazookas, and I'm pretty sure the Panzerfaust was a piece of crap.

I don't know jack shit about Japanese guns, just that their tanks sucked.

Don't bother with unlocks, BFV and 1942 were both fine without em, and it'd keep the game somewhat more realistic.  Also no stats or ranks.  Have everyone on an equal footing.  Actually I'd be fine with just remodelling/texturing 1942 with no changes to the game mechanics.  There was nothing wrong with it.  In fact I think I'm gonna go install it now.
Well, they're not really unlocks, they're more like options to the stock guns. I guess unlocks would be a misnomer. You don't have to unlock them.
Make Love and War
+303|6628|Communist Republic of CA, USA

PspRpg-7 wrote:

Well, they're not really unlocks, they're more like options to the stock guns. I guess unlocks would be a misnomer. You don't have to unlock them.
So you mean more in the Battlefield vietnam sense, in which each kit had 2 options, then thats fine.  But no unlocks.  They kinda spoiled the realism sense.
Real Хорошо
+826|6669|Adelaide, South Australia

Major.League.Infidel wrote:

Any defibrilator like object should take at least 5-10 seconds (preferably more) to revive someone.  This would dramatically slow down stat padding, and be more realistic (in the sense that their would be less revivals, not that surgery takes 5 seconds).  During those 5 seconds you shouldn't be able to move, but you can look around, only in an arc in front of you, and briefly, or your progress slows.
It really shouldnt take more than 5 seconds, after all, this is a game. Count out ten seconds to yourself. long time to sitting still on the battlefield.

Major.League.Infidel wrote:

Give the US Engineer the M1 Carbine from the start, and Anti-Tank an M3 Grease gun.
That kinda limits the unlock options.

Major.League.Infidel wrote:

Also IIRC, at the start of the war, most US Marines had the '03 as opposed to the Garand.  We always get the short end of the budget.
It wasnt just the Marines who were slapped with those rifles, but i still think we should start with the Garand.

Major.League.Infidel wrote:

German Assault should have either K98 (realistic) or G43 (balance).
G43 is an really, really late weapon. K98 should be fine.

Major.League.Infidel wrote:

Also the Panzerschreck > Panzerfaust, and if your going to give the US a Bazooka, give the Germans the Panzerschreck as it was designed off of bazookas, and I'm pretty sure the Panzerfaust was a piece of crap.
None of the Panzerfausts were crap. they were still in use by the end of the war. Plus the Schreck was a late '43 weapon, it could be more of an unlock.

Major.League.Infidel wrote:

Don't bother with unlocks, BFV and 1942 were both fine without em, and it'd keep the game somewhat more realistic.  Also no stats or ranks.  Have everyone on an equal footing.  Actually I'd be fine with just remodelling/texturing 1942 with no changes to the game mechanics.  There was nothing wrong with it.  In fact I think I'm gonna go install it now.
After BF2 and 2142, if you remove the unlocks, then people would have no reason to want to play. i'm with you on removing ranks though.

so instead of ranks we could have something like a total point count.

Fenris_GreyClaw wrote:

Major.League.Infidel wrote:

Don't bother with unlocks, BFV and 1942 were both fine without em, and it'd keep the game somewhat more realistic.  Also no stats or ranks.  Have everyone on an equal footing.  Actually I'd be fine with just remodelling/texturing 1942 with no changes to the game mechanics.  There was nothing wrong with it.  In fact I think I'm gonna go install it now.
After BF2 and 2142, if you remove the unlocks, then people would have no reason to want to play. i'm with you on removing ranks though.

so instead of ranks we could have something like a total point count.
I agree whole-heartedly with this, but the thing is that I doubt it's going to go into full production by DICE / EA. I was thinking more of a mod for BF2...
Real Хорошо
+826|6669|Adelaide, South Australia

PspRpg-7 wrote:

Fenris_GreyClaw wrote:

Major.League.Infidel wrote:

Don't bother with unlocks, BFV and 1942 were both fine without em, and it'd keep the game somewhat more realistic.  Also no stats or ranks.  Have everyone on an equal footing.  Actually I'd be fine with just remodelling/texturing 1942 with no changes to the game mechanics.  There was nothing wrong with it.  In fact I think I'm gonna go install it now.
After BF2 and 2142, if you remove the unlocks, then people would have no reason to want to play. i'm with you on removing ranks though.

so instead of ranks we could have something like a total point count.
I agree whole-heartedly with this, but the thing is that I doubt it's going to go into full production by DICE / EA. I was thinking more of a mod for BF2...
I dunno, if you could show that lots of people would buy it, they might put it into production.

but that involves planning and petitions, and who wants to do that
Make Love and War
+303|6628|Communist Republic of CA, USA
I think if you're going with the gameplay sense, then bolt action guns should be met with bolt action guns and semi with semi for the same class on opposing teams.  but then again it could get quite interesting with matches like that (Think Call of Duty).  And if you give the Garand to the Americans from the start, then the Germans should get the G43 and Schreck, even if it doesn't fit in.  (I stick by the Panzerschreck because it's sexy, and its much more comparable to the bazooka then the faust, plus I believe the faust was only accurate up to 100 meters)  I will concede with you on the 10 seconds part, but no less than 5.  It'd add a lot more to the tension and a bit to the teamwork.  I stand firm on my no unlocks sense, but I do like BFV's style of 2 options per class.  Besides with my no rank system (but yes to stats being tracked), you'd have to unlock them in some other sort of way.

Fenris_GreyClaw wrote:

PspRpg-7 wrote:

Fenris_GreyClaw wrote:

After BF2 and 2142, if you remove the unlocks, then people would have no reason to want to play. i'm with you on removing ranks though.

so instead of ranks we could have something like a total point count.
I agree whole-heartedly with this, but the thing is that I doubt it's going to go into full production by DICE / EA. I was thinking more of a mod for BF2...
I dunno, if you could show that lots of people would buy it, they might put it into production.

but that involves planning and petitions, and who wants to do that
+788|6806|Brisbane, Australia

Fenris_GreyClaw wrote:

PspRpg-7 wrote:

Fenris_GreyClaw wrote:

After BF2 and 2142, if you remove the unlocks, then people would have no reason to want to play. i'm with you on removing ranks though.

so instead of ranks we could have something like a total point count.
I agree whole-heartedly with this, but the thing is that I doubt it's going to go into full production by DICE / EA. I was thinking more of a mod for BF2...
I dunno, if you could show that lots of people would buy it, they might put it into production.

but that involves planning and petitions, and who wants to do that
Petitions dont mean shit. Did you see how many people protested against changes in BF2 and still EA/DiCE steamrolled overthem?

Sarrk wrote:

Fenris_GreyClaw wrote:

PspRpg-7 wrote:

I agree whole-heartedly with this, but the thing is that I doubt it's going to go into full production by DICE / EA. I was thinking more of a mod for BF2...
I dunno, if you could show that lots of people would buy it, they might put it into production.

but that involves planning and petitions, and who wants to do that
Petitions dont mean shit. Did you see how many people protested against changes in BF2 and still EA/DiCE steamrolled overthem?
That would mean taking money away from them, this would mean money for them.

Using your format:

  USSR ~
Assault ~ Knife, Tokarev TT-33, SVT-40, Grenades, smoke.
Medic ~ Knife, Tokarev, PPSh-41/PPS-43, med pack, field surgery kit (I guess like defibs...Shit I dunno.)
Anti-Tank ~ Knife, Tokarev, Mosin-Nagant 1938, RPG-43, AT mines.
Engineer ~ Knife, Tokarev, PPD-40, satchel charges(Like C4), wrench
Support ~ Knife, Tokarev, DP 1928, grenades, ammo packs.
Sniper ~ Knife, Tokarev, scoped Mosin-Nagant 1891-30, grenades.

Support ~ waypoint flare updgrade

(Analogous to how the spawn beacon works, perhaps a radio, or flare that will allow squad members to parachute in as opposed to just respawning.)

Last edited by jsnipy (2006-12-14 18:03:59)

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