
Airbus or Boeing?

Airbus37%37% - 89
Boeing62%62% - 146
Total: 235

spray_and_pray wrote:

lowing wrote:

spray_and_pray wrote:

I have performed a climb cruise and landing by just using flaps and thrust takeoff however shouldnt be attempted. I am trying to get it as realistic as what those pilots would have faced so i stop using all controls after a few seconds 10 or so after takeoff. I can then maintain altitude climb and land. However i have only had 1 succesful gear landing and have managed 2 belly landings. I got no work today so im going to be here for a very long time. Want me to make a video sure its a simulator but it will probably help you understand that it is possible quite easily me not even being a commercial large airline pilot and i can still do it. However for another peice of information with my flight hours i can easily pick up to flying commercial turbo props.

Ahh but dont take me for saying if it works in the sim it works in RL flight sims and RL is very different and its caused two airliners to collide before i think it was a KLM 747 and a Pan Am 747 the captain was the role model pilot (Chief Pilot) and he ignored ATC in his haste to get off the ground and hit another A/C on the runway.
and how many times did you do it with your fuckin vertical stab missing?
Fuck the vert stab means jack shit come down to Perth we will rip the tail of the 152 off just so you can see that it will still fly have you ever researched aviation history where B17's B29s etc have come in missing tails or almost the whole entire empennage and have managed to land you will get differential thrust off a 727 not as much but it will be effective the only thing is missing a tail on the 727 means you are fucked the tail holds 1 of the 3 engines the other 2 are located where the horizontal stab would be on a conventional tail aircraft but the 727 is a T tail. You think 5 years of highschool teaches me how cessna 152's operate only you are very wrong from about year 10 you learn military aircraft identification and more then ever how a turbofan engine works. You seem to ignore the facts i have posted before. Ive got more virtual time in heavies then real time in the 152 and have used a REAL simulator before so i have the knowledge on how a REAL jetliner works. Are you one of those mechanics that chuck pissy fits at pilots because they earn more and it seems like more of a credible job to have? Yeah id about think so. Do you even know what a vertical stab is and does? As for  weight difference aircraft are very light for their size since the vert stab is on the back of the aircraft and in the middle it will make litlle to none weight difference. So lets see im going to fly an airplane 2 metres off the ground to rip off the tail then recover it so i can prove to you they can fly without a tail. Game on i had fun controlling the aircraft with an engine only this should be more fun. And i dont know if you suffer from memory loss or you are just lazy but i posted about me a page back if you want more details pm me.
I stopped reading when you said the "vertical stab means jack shit", also when you posted a video of a fucking video game as proof that an airliner is going to fly without its tail, and all it needs is  differential thrust.

You and your vast c-152 experience ( an airplane with NO hydraulics, No pneumatics, or anything else) has stepped over line into idiocy. Your post also shows me you are nothing more than a kid trying to impress. Use it on the girls, but you are wasting your time on someone that knows a hell of a lot more than you do about aircraft maint and structure.

As far as pilot income, I hope you don't expect t obe making very much until you are flying as capt. on wide bodies for about at least 10 years. It will take you that long not to worry about getting your dumb ass laid off.

I promise you I make more money, than half of the pilots flying at the airlines, including commuters. A commuter CAPT. probably is making 60- 80K a year. A first year first dummy is still delivering pizzas.

lowing wrote:

spray_and_pray wrote:

lowing wrote:

My comment on the engine position was based on your comment of the F-15.

I dunno what you fly, but from your posts I am positive it isn't for an airline, and not pressurized aircraft.

I am also convinced that you are probably a private pilot at the most, and your life isn't in aviation, but merely a hobby, with your profession something totally different from aviation or airplanes. I however live and breathe this shit for my livelihood, and I am telling you, you ain't gunna fly an airliner with your empennage blown off, be it Airbus, Boeing, or anyone else. and no, not all aircraft have vertical stabs., you look at a B-2 lately, or an f-117 or a v-tail bananza?
The B2 and the F117 are both flying wings hardly commercial airliners the V-Tail bonanza is basically a one of a kind aircraft which has a Vertical stab/Horizontal stab joined together they operate together and opposite each other depending on what command you give them. Read my post high up above if you dont know what a C152 is its a cessna 152 "Aerobat" its a non pressurised aircraft and im a flght instructor. Im pretty sure that puts my knowledge of flight above yours and that will also put me to knowing what an aircraft can do. You can fly an aircraft without an elevator or rudder yes its true both componenets are only for moving the aircraft position on an axis and nothing else. If you have a flight simulator or anything load it up. I dont recomend FS2004 but IL2 if possible that models the stall characteristics the best and take lets say a La-5fn now you wont be able to yaw the aircraft but you will be able to pitch it by just using your engines and flaps dont touch the stick you will see that the aircraft can fly even get your tail shot off (it might take a while or get someone to disable your rudder and elevators and you will see you can still fly the aircraft just using thrust. Now id extend my invitation to you to come down to Perth if you would pay for it and id show you exactly how effectively you can fly an aircraft without the use of elevators or rudder. You attack my credibility after you said " but a jet designed with a vertical stab will not maintain control, with or with differential thrust." This is wrong and as in jet the jetliner category comes in here you also named a V tailed beech bonanza a jet aircraft and named 2 extremely rare aircraft. Now other then V tailed aircraft and Flying wings all others have vertical stabs and all jetliners have vert stabs. You are saying that every single jetliner in the world cant fly using differential thrust. Like i said before id take my own knowledge of actually flying aircraft over yours of just fixing them up over flight dynamics.

Oh and being a flight instructor id find that quite a major job for me so my life is based around aviation maybe you want to try proving points and being contructive instead of attempting to attack my credibility which i have already proven.
My flight instructor also delivered pizzas to make ends meat. What else do you do? What is your primary job?. How old are you and how many hours do you have in a 152 ? When did you get your license? I know you are not making a living as a flight instructor,( unless you still live at home, or have a wife that makes a shit load of money) just merely building hours. My guess is you are probably college age, just got your pilots license in the past few years and are now instructing on the side to build hours so you can go make 18,000 a year starting, flying for a commuter. I can also tell you think flying a 152 makes you an expert on airliners. Flying a 152 makes you an expert on nothing. Being a CFI on 152's makes you an expert on NOTHING related to commercial airliners. Hell you do not even operate under the same FAR's let alone know anything about the aircraft's construction.

Try your precious differential thrust on a B727, you know, the 3 holer that squirts exhaust right of the tail. there would be little or know differential thrust on that aircraft.

I also note that you are changing your story from loosing the vertical and horizontal stabs, to loosing rudders and elevators. The difference there is about as wide as flying a 152 to flying a B777.

Also what do you think will happen to weight and balance of the aircraft the size of a B767 or an A300 when a 25 ft vertical stab blows off, IF NOTHING ELSE??!!

I will also note that you have the right attitude to make a fine airline pilot. " I fly, therefore I know everything"

Well, I have worked at great length on, B727's, DC-9's MD-11's, B757's B767's, DC-8's, 737's, A-300's, B777's a piece of shit called a YS-11 which includes as a flight mechanic on some, run-up and taxi instructor, qualified on ALL of them, including the simulators, lead mechanic, structures mechanic, systems mechanic, flight control rigger, engine testing, hydraulics, pneumatics, electrical, ( not so much avionics) and I have been doing all of this for going on 20 years. You being a flight instructor and 50 cents is enough to by a coke, but not enough to claim you know anything about an airliner. You might impress some girl with being a CFI on 152's. But I have dealt with AIRLINE pilots my whole life that don't impress me, so really, some chick you are trying to lay is about the only one you are going to impress with your "C-152 credentials".

Not being hostle here but you gotta get real, trying to tell me that because you fly a fuckin' cessna 152 is your claim that an airliner can loose its vertical or horizontal stabs completely and still fly and land using its engine thrust is about as dumb as it gets.

I have been an A&P since 1988 and a pilot since 1993..........You??
don't forget to address this one mr. Yeager
+374|6404|Columbus, Ohio

lowing wrote:

I have been an A&P since 1988 and a pilot since 1993..........You??
I have a commercial multi-engine, flight instructor, A&P, and flight dispatch licenses.

usmarine2007 wrote:

lowing wrote:

I have been an A&P since 1988 and a pilot since 1993..........You??
I have a commercial multi-engine, flight instructor, A&P, and flight dispatch licenses.
and do you agree with chuch yeager's posts??
+52|6528|Perth. Western Australia

lowing wrote:

spray_and_pray wrote:

lowing wrote:

and how many times did you do it with your fuckin vertical stab missing?
Fuck the vert stab means jack shit come down to Perth we will rip the tail of the 152 off just so you can see that it will still fly have you ever researched aviation history where B17's B29s etc have come in missing tails or almost the whole entire empennage and have managed to land you will get differential thrust off a 727 not as much but it will be effective the only thing is missing a tail on the 727 means you are fucked the tail holds 1 of the 3 engines the other 2 are located where the horizontal stab would be on a conventional tail aircraft but the 727 is a T tail. You think 5 years of highschool teaches me how cessna 152's operate only you are very wrong from about year 10 you learn military aircraft identification and more then ever how a turbofan engine works. You seem to ignore the facts i have posted before. Ive got more virtual time in heavies then real time in the 152 and have used a REAL simulator before so i have the knowledge on how a REAL jetliner works. Are you one of those mechanics that chuck pissy fits at pilots because they earn more and it seems like more of a credible job to have? Yeah id about think so. Do you even know what a vertical stab is and does? As for  weight difference aircraft are very light for their size since the vert stab is on the back of the aircraft and in the middle it will make litlle to none weight difference. So lets see im going to fly an airplane 2 metres off the ground to rip off the tail then recover it so i can prove to you they can fly without a tail. Game on i had fun controlling the aircraft with an engine only this should be more fun. And i dont know if you suffer from memory loss or you are just lazy but i posted about me a page back if you want more details pm me.
I stopped reading when you said the "vertical stab means jack shit", also when you posted a video of a fucking video game as proof that an airliner is going to fly without its tail, and all it needs is  differential thrust.

You and your vast c-152 experience ( an airplane with NO hydraulics, No pneumatics, or anything else) has stepped over line into idiocy. Your post also shows me you are nothing more than a kid trying to impress. Use it on the girls, but you are wasting your time on someone that knows a hell of a lot more than you do about aircraft maint and structure.

As far as pilot income, I hope you don't expect t obe making very much until you are flying as capt. on wide bodies for about at least 10 years. It will take you that long not to worry about getting your dumb ass laid off.

I promise you I make more money, than half of the pilots flying at the airlines, including commuters. A commuter CAPT. probably is making 60- 80K a year. A first year first dummy is still delivering pizzas.
When you got your pilots licence doesn't matter to me as they do go out of date if you don't do your checkrides also what you are qualified for matters i could say i took a flight 50 years ago but it doesnt mean im more experienced. (I did not fly 50 years ago) Like i said the video game doesnt prove much and you also told me have a tried without a vertical stab so i posted a video flying without a vertical stab. Save yourself from ignorance working as aircraft maint in heavies does not make you better at understanding the flight dynamics of an aircraft even better then a Cessna pilot. As for my life i am not a pilot to pick up chicks but more over because i have a passion for flight. I am however in a relationship with a woman that has been gonig on long enough we are considering marriage. Even though I am in a large financial depth taking a course to become a pilot cost's 50K as such I can barely live off being a pilot and dont have 2 but 3 jobs. Pilot, Brick layer (yeah i know dont bother), Manager part time. Bricklayer is probably the most labour intensive job that i currently have and doesnt agree with my hands but it keeps the bills payed for. Manager as i have worked since 14 trying to invest to become a pilot i have worked long enough to be promoted as a KFC staff manager still chicken feed keeps the bills paid half time. Flight instructor could call it part time ish. Never do i have another job mixed in before going down to Jandakot I like to be as situationally aware as possible flying an aircraft is serious business also flying a GA aircraft has some or little bush piloting skills i could go over the basics to repairing the C152 but nothing too big im not qualified. This leaves me working every day of the week most are 9 to about 10/11 o clock sometimes 12 if im on close up duties. This week however has been laid back due to a complication with my arm (dislocated joint) so i have had little or no work since yesterday i dislocated it after flying 1 or 2 days ago (lost track) and i normally shuffle up the order in how i work its normally. Mon-Fri Flight/Bricklaying Sat-Sun Flight/Manager so that puts me as a full time instructor it takes up every single day of my life with some rests i am trying to build as much hours as possible aiming for 1500 when i can qualify to become a Qantas pilot. I know in America there are flight schools which will accept students at 200-250 flight hours on Saab-340's i have thought of it but i would rather persue my dream of flying in Australia regional until i can move up to jetliners. Thus has my income varying from 30-40K a year thats AU im living on strings here and am barely paying off debt. Once I move into a regional airline I should earn up to 38~K give or take and it moves on slowly from up there. I will still stick to my knowledge of flying and how much i actually use a system in the C152 to say i could fly the C152 without a vert stab pretty much no problems. Rudder is only there to help out a pilot but it is not 100% needed to help the pilot operate the aircraft. Other then that i know the tail in some airliners can hold fuel it would also in jetliners hold hydraulics cables. Now wigns hold fuel its been proven that aircraft can fly without hydraulics and the rudder isnt 100% needed to keep an aircraft flying unless the pilot is roger ramjet. This is my logic towards it please explain yours. I feel a nickname coming on for me hows Captain Yeager?
+52|6528|Perth. Western Australia
Tell you what i'll email boeing and see what they have to say if not i'll try airbus or any other aircraft company i can think of. I'll see if I can get into contact with a structural designer.
+52|6528|Perth. Western Australia
Ok I have emailed airbus about it am awaiting answer not sure if they will disclose much since 9/11
+52|6528|Perth. Western Australia
Or you can just read this NASA article i will take out the most important part. "At the rear of the fuselage of most aircraft one finds a vertical stabilizer and a rudder. The stabilizer is a fixed wing section whose job is to provide stability for the aircraft, to keep it flying straight. The vertical stabilizer prevents side-to-side, or yawing, motion of the aircraft nose." Controls side to side movement or yawing this can be done with engines NASA>Lowing


Oh my god and what do we have here a B52 flying without a vertical stab :0 zomg he must be haxing


It also states teh A300 is barely stable without a tailfin with a good pilot he could avoid a spin out. That crash pilot error+faulty design+Bad ATC letting aircraft go through jetwake. Everyone happy im off to bed its 3 in the morning and i got no work tommorow (arm) (posted before it leaves me with lots of spare time.)

Last edited by spray_and_pray (2006-12-13 10:21:15)


spray_and_pray wrote:

lowing wrote:

spray_and_pray wrote:

Fuck the vert stab means jack shit come down to Perth we will rip the tail of the 152 off just so you can see that it will still fly have you ever researched aviation history where B17's B29s etc have come in missing tails or almost the whole entire empennage and have managed to land you will get differential thrust off a 727 not as much but it will be effective the only thing is missing a tail on the 727 means you are fucked the tail holds 1 of the 3 engines the other 2 are located where the horizontal stab would be on a conventional tail aircraft but the 727 is a T tail. You think 5 years of highschool teaches me how cessna 152's operate only you are very wrong from about year 10 you learn military aircraft identification and more then ever how a turbofan engine works. You seem to ignore the facts i have posted before. Ive got more virtual time in heavies then real time in the 152 and have used a REAL simulator before so i have the knowledge on how a REAL jetliner works. Are you one of those mechanics that chuck pissy fits at pilots because they earn more and it seems like more of a credible job to have? Yeah id about think so. Do you even know what a vertical stab is and does? As for  weight difference aircraft are very light for their size since the vert stab is on the back of the aircraft and in the middle it will make litlle to none weight difference. So lets see im going to fly an airplane 2 metres off the ground to rip off the tail then recover it so i can prove to you they can fly without a tail. Game on i had fun controlling the aircraft with an engine only this should be more fun. And i dont know if you suffer from memory loss or you are just lazy but i posted about me a page back if you want more details pm me.
I stopped reading when you said the "vertical stab means jack shit", also when you posted a video of a fucking video game as proof that an airliner is going to fly without its tail, and all it needs is  differential thrust.

You and your vast c-152 experience ( an airplane with NO hydraulics, No pneumatics, or anything else) has stepped over line into idiocy. Your post also shows me you are nothing more than a kid trying to impress. Use it on the girls, but you are wasting your time on someone that knows a hell of a lot more than you do about aircraft maint and structure.

As far as pilot income, I hope you don't expect t obe making very much until you are flying as capt. on wide bodies for about at least 10 years. It will take you that long not to worry about getting your dumb ass laid off.

I promise you I make more money, than half of the pilots flying at the airlines, including commuters. A commuter CAPT. probably is making 60- 80K a year. A first year first dummy is still delivering pizzas.
When you got your pilots licence doesn't matter to me as they do go out of date if you don't do your checkrides also what you are qualified for matters i could say i took a flight 50 years ago but it doesnt mean im more experienced. (I did not fly 50 years ago) Like i said the video game doesnt prove much and you also told me have a tried without a vertical stab so i posted a video flying without a vertical stab. Save yourself from ignorance working as aircraft maint in heavies does not make you better at understanding the flight dynamics of an aircraft even better then a Cessna pilot. As for my life i am not a pilot to pick up chicks but more over because i have a passion for flight. I am however in a relationship with a woman that has been gonig on long enough we are considering marriage. Even though I am in a large financial depth taking a course to become a pilot cost's 50K as such I can barely live off being a pilot and dont have 2 but 3 jobs. Pilot, Brick layer (yeah i know dont bother), Manager part time. Bricklayer is probably the most labour intensive job that i currently have and doesnt agree with my hands but it keeps the bills payed for. Manager as i have worked since 14 trying to invest to become a pilot i have worked long enough to be promoted as a KFC staff manager still chicken feed keeps the bills paid half time. Flight instructor could call it part time ish. Never do i have another job mixed in before going down to Jandakot I like to be as situationally aware as possible flying an aircraft is serious business also flying a GA aircraft has some or little bush piloting skills i could go over the basics to repairing the C152 but nothing too big im not qualified. This leaves me working every day of the week most are 9 to about 10/11 o clock sometimes 12 if im on close up duties. This week however has been laid back due to a complication with my arm (dislocated joint) so i have had little or no work since yesterday i dislocated it after flying 1 or 2 days ago (lost track) and i normally shuffle up the order in how i work its normally. Mon-Fri Flight/Bricklaying Sat-Sun Flight/Manager so that puts me as a full time instructor it takes up every single day of my life with some rests i am trying to build as much hours as possible aiming for 1500 when i can qualify to become a Qantas pilot. I know in America there are flight schools which will accept students at 200-250 flight hours on Saab-340's i have thought of it but i would rather persue my dream of flying in Australia regional until i can move up to jetliners. Thus has my income varying from 30-40K a year thats AU im living on strings here and am barely paying off debt. Once I move into a regional airline I should earn up to 38~K give or take and it moves on slowly from up there. I will still stick to my knowledge of flying and how much i actually use a system in the C152 to say i could fly the C152 without a vert stab pretty much no problems. Rudder is only there to help out a pilot but it is not 100% needed to help the pilot operate the aircraft. Other then that i know the tail in some airliners can hold fuel it would also in jetliners hold hydraulics cables. Now wigns hold fuel its been proven that aircraft can fly without hydraulics and the rudder isnt 100% needed to keep an aircraft flying unless the pilot is roger ramjet. This is my logic towards it please explain yours. I feel a nickname coming on for me hows Captain Yeager?
On the contrary, even though I pretty much nailed your situation right on the head I because I know what I am talking about), I bow to your honesty about it, I also bow to your drive and ambition to become an airline pilot. Your hard work will pay off.

But for the rest. If you think that your experience on C-152 qualifies you as an expert on airliners in anyway shape or form, you are in for a long hard carreer, because if there is 1 thing that does NOT fly at an airline, it is a young inexperienced, "know-it-all". Trust me, you do not know what you are talking about.

It is called a vertical STABALIZER because it STABALIZES the aircraft in flight, it is not the "thingy" that holds the rudder.

From your article, note the part that says, "a good size piece of the VS remained (enough to provide significant lateral stability)."

"Note that the B52's design is quite different and that a good size piece of the VS remained (enough to provide significant lateral stability). The B52 also had the wing mounted much further forward, hence the whole fuselage acted as a stabilizing force (the feathered arrow effect). The A300 is just barely stable without the fin, with the wing mounted further aft the pitching forces ahead of the center of rotation are about the same as those behind the center of rotation. If the A300 fin departed while any amount of rotation was going on, the forces would have quickly spun the aircraft in the previously described "flat spin". "

Last edited by lowing (2006-12-13 15:46:28)


spray_and_pray wrote:

Tell you what i'll email boeing and see what they have to say if not i'll try airbus or any other aircraft company i can think of. I'll see if I can get into contact with a structural designer.
LOL, yeah, you do that then I won't have to bother the ones I work with everyday.
+52|6528|Perth. Western Australia

lowing wrote:

spray_and_pray wrote:

lowing wrote:

I stopped reading when you said the "vertical stab means jack shit", also when you posted a video of a fucking video game as proof that an airliner is going to fly without its tail, and all it needs is  differential thrust.

You and your vast c-152 experience ( an airplane with NO hydraulics, No pneumatics, or anything else) has stepped over line into idiocy. Your post also shows me you are nothing more than a kid trying to impress. Use it on the girls, but you are wasting your time on someone that knows a hell of a lot more than you do about aircraft maint and structure.

As far as pilot income, I hope you don't expect t obe making very much until you are flying as capt. on wide bodies for about at least 10 years. It will take you that long not to worry about getting your dumb ass laid off.

I promise you I make more money, than half of the pilots flying at the airlines, including commuters. A commuter CAPT. probably is making 60- 80K a year. A first year first dummy is still delivering pizzas.
When you got your pilots licence doesn't matter to me as they do go out of date if you don't do your checkrides also what you are qualified for matters i could say i took a flight 50 years ago but it doesnt mean im more experienced. (I did not fly 50 years ago) Like i said the video game doesnt prove much and you also told me have a tried without a vertical stab so i posted a video flying without a vertical stab. Save yourself from ignorance working as aircraft maint in heavies does not make you better at understanding the flight dynamics of an aircraft even better then a Cessna pilot. As for my life i am not a pilot to pick up chicks but more over because i have a passion for flight. I am however in a relationship with a woman that has been gonig on long enough we are considering marriage. Even though I am in a large financial depth taking a course to become a pilot cost's 50K as such I can barely live off being a pilot and dont have 2 but 3 jobs. Pilot, Brick layer (yeah i know dont bother), Manager part time. Bricklayer is probably the most labour intensive job that i currently have and doesnt agree with my hands but it keeps the bills payed for. Manager as i have worked since 14 trying to invest to become a pilot i have worked long enough to be promoted as a KFC staff manager still chicken feed keeps the bills paid half time. Flight instructor could call it part time ish. Never do i have another job mixed in before going down to Jandakot I like to be as situationally aware as possible flying an aircraft is serious business also flying a GA aircraft has some or little bush piloting skills i could go over the basics to repairing the C152 but nothing too big im not qualified. This leaves me working every day of the week most are 9 to about 10/11 o clock sometimes 12 if im on close up duties. This week however has been laid back due to a complication with my arm (dislocated joint) so i have had little or no work since yesterday i dislocated it after flying 1 or 2 days ago (lost track) and i normally shuffle up the order in how i work its normally. Mon-Fri Flight/Bricklaying Sat-Sun Flight/Manager so that puts me as a full time instructor it takes up every single day of my life with some rests i am trying to build as much hours as possible aiming for 1500 when i can qualify to become a Qantas pilot. I know in America there are flight schools which will accept students at 200-250 flight hours on Saab-340's i have thought of it but i would rather persue my dream of flying in Australia regional until i can move up to jetliners. Thus has my income varying from 30-40K a year thats AU im living on strings here and am barely paying off debt. Once I move into a regional airline I should earn up to 38~K give or take and it moves on slowly from up there. I will still stick to my knowledge of flying and how much i actually use a system in the C152 to say i could fly the C152 without a vert stab pretty much no problems. Rudder is only there to help out a pilot but it is not 100% needed to help the pilot operate the aircraft. Other then that i know the tail in some airliners can hold fuel it would also in jetliners hold hydraulics cables. Now wigns hold fuel its been proven that aircraft can fly without hydraulics and the rudder isnt 100% needed to keep an aircraft flying unless the pilot is roger ramjet. This is my logic towards it please explain yours. I feel a nickname coming on for me hows Captain Yeager?
On the contrary, even though I pretty much nailed your situation right on the head I because I know what I am talking about), I bow to your honesty about it, I also bow to your drive and ambition to become an airline pilot. Your hard work will pay off.

But for the rest. If you think that your experience on C-152 qualifies you as an expert on airliners in anyway shape or form, you are in for a long hard carreer, because if there is 1 thing that does NOT fly at an airline, it is a young inexperienced, "know-it-all". Trust me, you do not know what you are talking about.

It is called a vertical STABALIZER because it STABALIZES the aircraft in flight, it is not the "thingy" that holds the rudder.

From your article, note the part that says, "a good size piece of the VS remained (enough to provide significant lateral stability)."

"Note that the B52's design is quite different and that a good size piece of the VS remained (enough to provide significant lateral stability). The B52 also had the wing mounted much further forward, hence the whole fuselage acted as a stabilizing force (the feathered arrow effect). The A300 is just barely stable without the fin, with the wing mounted further aft the pitching forces ahead of the center of rotation are about the same as those behind the center of rotation. If the A300 fin departed while any amount of rotation was going on, the forces would have quickly spun the aircraft in the previously described "flat spin". "
Take note the A300 is barely stable the B52 also proves that jetliners can fly without a tail. Also I dont beleive im an expert on airliners but i sure hope NASA and the inteviewed captain does.

Last edited by spray_and_pray (2006-12-13 17:49:50)

+52|6528|Perth. Western Australia
Also to the point of where I said vert stab's are basically useles... B2= No vert stab at all

spray_and_pray wrote:

lowing wrote:

spray_and_pray wrote:

When you got your pilots licence doesn't matter to me as they do go out of date if you don't do your checkrides also what you are qualified for matters i could say i took a flight 50 years ago but it doesnt mean im more experienced. (I did not fly 50 years ago) Like i said the video game doesnt prove much and you also told me have a tried without a vertical stab so i posted a video flying without a vertical stab. Save yourself from ignorance working as aircraft maint in heavies does not make you better at understanding the flight dynamics of an aircraft even better then a Cessna pilot. As for my life i am not a pilot to pick up chicks but more over because i have a passion for flight. I am however in a relationship with a woman that has been gonig on long enough we are considering marriage. Even though I am in a large financial depth taking a course to become a pilot cost's 50K as such I can barely live off being a pilot and dont have 2 but 3 jobs. Pilot, Brick layer (yeah i know dont bother), Manager part time. Bricklayer is probably the most labour intensive job that i currently have and doesnt agree with my hands but it keeps the bills payed for. Manager as i have worked since 14 trying to invest to become a pilot i have worked long enough to be promoted as a KFC staff manager still chicken feed keeps the bills paid half time. Flight instructor could call it part time ish. Never do i have another job mixed in before going down to Jandakot I like to be as situationally aware as possible flying an aircraft is serious business also flying a GA aircraft has some or little bush piloting skills i could go over the basics to repairing the C152 but nothing too big im not qualified. This leaves me working every day of the week most are 9 to about 10/11 o clock sometimes 12 if im on close up duties. This week however has been laid back due to a complication with my arm (dislocated joint) so i have had little or no work since yesterday i dislocated it after flying 1 or 2 days ago (lost track) and i normally shuffle up the order in how i work its normally. Mon-Fri Flight/Bricklaying Sat-Sun Flight/Manager so that puts me as a full time instructor it takes up every single day of my life with some rests i am trying to build as much hours as possible aiming for 1500 when i can qualify to become a Qantas pilot. I know in America there are flight schools which will accept students at 200-250 flight hours on Saab-340's i have thought of it but i would rather persue my dream of flying in Australia regional until i can move up to jetliners. Thus has my income varying from 30-40K a year thats AU im living on strings here and am barely paying off debt. Once I move into a regional airline I should earn up to 38~K give or take and it moves on slowly from up there. I will still stick to my knowledge of flying and how much i actually use a system in the C152 to say i could fly the C152 without a vert stab pretty much no problems. Rudder is only there to help out a pilot but it is not 100% needed to help the pilot operate the aircraft. Other then that i know the tail in some airliners can hold fuel it would also in jetliners hold hydraulics cables. Now wigns hold fuel its been proven that aircraft can fly without hydraulics and the rudder isnt 100% needed to keep an aircraft flying unless the pilot is roger ramjet. This is my logic towards it please explain yours. I feel a nickname coming on for me hows Captain Yeager?
On the contrary, even though I pretty much nailed your situation right on the head I because I know what I am talking about), I bow to your honesty about it, I also bow to your drive and ambition to become an airline pilot. Your hard work will pay off.

But for the rest. If you think that your experience on C-152 qualifies you as an expert on airliners in anyway shape or form, you are in for a long hard carreer, because if there is 1 thing that does NOT fly at an airline, it is a young inexperienced, "know-it-all". Trust me, you do not know what you are talking about.

It is called a vertical STABALIZER because it STABALIZES the aircraft in flight, it is not the "thingy" that holds the rudder.

From your article, note the part that says, "a good size piece of the VS remained (enough to provide significant lateral stability)."

"Note that the B52's design is quite different and that a good size piece of the VS remained (enough to provide significant lateral stability). The B52 also had the wing mounted much further forward, hence the whole fuselage acted as a stabilizing force (the feathered arrow effect). The A300 is just barely stable without the fin, with the wing mounted further aft the pitching forces ahead of the center of rotation are about the same as those behind the center of rotation. If the A300 fin departed while any amount of rotation was going on, the forces would have quickly spun the aircraft in the previously described "flat spin". "
Take note the A300 is barely stable the B52 also proves that jetliners can fly without a tail.
Coupla things, the B-52 still had enough stab left to be somewhat effective (per your article) in other words, the vertical stab wasn't completely gone. Second, the B-52 is not an airliner, and NOT built like an airliner, the PORTION of the vertical stab that was ripped off did not affect the "P" dome. 

The very fact that the A300 dropped like a rock after the vertical stab fell the fuck off should be enough proof to you that an airliner won't fly for long with its tail gone. But no, with your vast cessna 152 experience, you surmise it musta been an incompetent pilot that didn't know how to use differential thrust effectively.

Here is another nugget of information for ya, differential thrust does NOT help yaw the aircraft. It helps roll the aircraft.
+52|6528|Perth. Western Australia

lowing wrote:

spray_and_pray wrote:

lowing wrote:

On the contrary, even though I pretty much nailed your situation right on the head I because I know what I am talking about), I bow to your honesty about it, I also bow to your drive and ambition to become an airline pilot. Your hard work will pay off.

But for the rest. If you think that your experience on C-152 qualifies you as an expert on airliners in anyway shape or form, you are in for a long hard carreer, because if there is 1 thing that does NOT fly at an airline, it is a young inexperienced, "know-it-all". Trust me, you do not know what you are talking about.

It is called a vertical STABALIZER because it STABALIZES the aircraft in flight, it is not the "thingy" that holds the rudder.

From your article, note the part that says, "a good size piece of the VS remained (enough to provide significant lateral stability)."

"Note that the B52's design is quite different and that a good size piece of the VS remained (enough to provide significant lateral stability). The B52 also had the wing mounted much further forward, hence the whole fuselage acted as a stabilizing force (the feathered arrow effect). The A300 is just barely stable without the fin, with the wing mounted further aft the pitching forces ahead of the center of rotation are about the same as those behind the center of rotation. If the A300 fin departed while any amount of rotation was going on, the forces would have quickly spun the aircraft in the previously described "flat spin". "
Take note the A300 is barely stable the B52 also proves that jetliners can fly without a tail.
Coupla things, the B-52 still had enough stab left to be somewhat effective (per your article) in other words, the vertical stab wasn't completely gone. Second, the B-52 is not an airliner, and NOT built like an airliner, the PORTION of the vertical stab that was ripped off did not affect the "P" dome. 

The very fact that the A300 dropped like a rock after the vertical stab fell the fuck off should be enough proof to you that an airliner won't fly for long with its tail gone. But no, with your vast cessna 152 experience, you surmise it musta been an incompetent pilot that didn't know how to use differential thrust effectively.

Here is another nugget of information for ya, differential thrust does NOT help yaw the aircraft. It helps roll the aircraft.
That is actually quite wrong remember i have my twin engine licence differential thrust does not roll the aircraft as much as it yaws it to the side. Heres a fact a qualified B52 pilot said an A300 can fly with the tail completely gone even though its unstable the aircraft is capable of doing that as long as it is'nt on an unusual angle if which it is it will cause it to spin out in a flat spin.

I thought of a better way to explain when diferential thrust is used the aircraft will pivot around its centre of gravity yaw'ing as well as having a small roll effect. 1 second even if sims cant accurately produce flight dynamics I will use a PSS aircraft (payware and uses the real life 777-200LR procedures) it is as real as it gets ill see what happens when I use differential thrust. Take note this aircraft also has side slip.

Last edited by spray_and_pray (2006-12-13 18:16:22)

+52|6528|Perth. Western Australia
Sim is shit cant do differential thrust unless I turn off an engine. Get me an access card to the airport you work at we will go jack a 777 and test it for ourselves preferably a -200LR I dont think they are even in service yet so ill be coming down in the next few years. I got the real life manual for this aircraft and can easily recite it.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6586|Southeastern USA
http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington … fety_x.htm

I've never been in a wreck before, so i won't wear my seatbelt
+52|6528|Perth. Western Australia

kr@cker wrote:


I've never been in a wreck before, so i won't wear my seatbelt
Yeah they're normally not so nice with charred bodies everywhere.
I'd rather hunt with Cheney than ride with Kennedy
+83|6739|Little Rock, Arkansas

spray_and_pray wrote:

agwood wrote:

[pt] KEIOS wrote:

airbus is european / better than boeing
Boeing.. simply because it is not from Europe (GB exempted... love you guys)

i think there is a Boeing division in Canada, and that almost makes me puke, but what you gonna do??

Most of the BBJ series are made in europe "gasp"
A Boeing Business Jet is a converted 737. They're made in Seattle, with the rest of the 737's.
+52|6528|Perth. Western Australia

blisteringsilence wrote:

spray_and_pray wrote:

agwood wrote:

Boeing.. simply because it is not from Europe (GB exempted... love you guys)

i think there is a Boeing division in Canada, and that almost makes me puke, but what you gonna do??

Most of the BBJ series are made in europe "gasp"
A Boeing Business Jet is a converted 737. They're made in Seattle, with the rest of the 737's.
I am aware they a part of Boeing BBJ as you explained is short for Boeing Business Jet I am also aware that they are converted 737 and the BBJ holds the 737 record for range. Im just explaining that not 100% made in the USA.
+52|6528|Perth. Western Australia
Im gonna chill from this section for a bit my arm wasn't as serious as the doctor thought and I can continue work tommorow however I still cant fly so it seems like bricklaying/manager shifts for me. Talk to you all when I get some free time cya.
First man on Mars
+9|6727|England, GBR
I just miss Concorde. I know that was made by BAC (now BAE Systems) / AĆ©rospatiale (now EADS) but it was an icon of flying.

Other than that, I guess Airbus cos of the A380 and the wings are made in Britain, Wales. So at least that's something that's not gone to China / India for production and lost 1000's of jobs here.
+374|6404|Columbus, Ohio
I just went thru an Airbus course in Miami, and all I can say it is a very impressive group of airplanes.  The technology is amazing.  For example, it does not tell you a light bulb is burnt out, it measures the filament and tells you it is failing before it burns out.  Little stuff like that set it apart from Boeing.
I'd rather hunt with Cheney than ride with Kennedy
+83|6739|Little Rock, Arkansas

usmarine2007 wrote:

I just went thru an Airbus course in Miami, and all I can say it is a very impressive group of airplanes.  The technology is amazing.  For example, it does not tell you a light bulb is burnt out, it measures the filament and tells you it is failing before it burns out.  Little stuff like that set it apart from Boeing.
Just out of curiosity, does it do this for all lightbulbs or just important ones? And are you sure that Boeing doesn't do this?
+374|6404|Columbus, Ohio

blisteringsilence wrote:

usmarine2007 wrote:

I just went thru an Airbus course in Miami, and all I can say it is a very impressive group of airplanes.  The technology is amazing.  For example, it does not tell you a light bulb is burnt out, it measures the filament and tells you it is failing before it burns out.  Little stuff like that set it apart from Boeing.
Just out of curiosity, does it do this for all lightbulbs or just important ones? And are you sure that Boeing doesn't do this?
No Boeing I have ever worked on had it, but maybe the 787 will have something like that.  I think the trip 7 or the newer 737's have a system to tell you they are burned out....but I am not sure about that.

It tells you that on all light bulbs for every system, mainly cabin and cockpit.  Basically everything has BITE (built in test equipment), so there is no need to leave the cockpit 90% of the time in order to troubleshoot a problem.

Last edited by usmarine2007 (2007-01-16 11:05:55)

16 more years
+877|6562|South Florida
This one!
15 more years! 15 more years!

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