Go around...WAY around...or wait for some NOOB to defuse it for you the hard way...
Coolest deployment I found when you get tired of being owned by tank whores is to be WAY up high, like rooftops or cranes (NOOB place to be with good snipers around), with a CP below...throw them off as enemies are taking the flag...They always land the right way...BOOM...Makes them feel so NOOBISH...And...You feel SO much better when they return for more...
--->>>TIP<<<---Don't forget your ZIP line either...Once discovered, easily get out of the immediate area while they take potshots at you...
Question: Can you zip line your way into a loaded troop helo hovering lower than your "NEST" and do the "Me and all of you got a visit with the maker" routine??? Just wondering...Thinking out of the box...ROFL
Last edited by ={OGC}=Quik_Draw (2006-04-10 14:45:32)