I 've been playing for quite a while now (only titan), but there's something I always saw in bf2 which I never see in 2142.

"kicking **** for X punishes"


"kicking **** for a negative score"
And I sure as hell have never seen a ban.

There do seem to be a lot less idiots playing and a lot less Tk'ing happening, which is a big positive if you ask me. I am just wondering why? Do you guys see the same as me or do you see lots of kicks?
I know fucking karate
Phorum Phantom
thats cus theres no jets ^^
Don't see many kicks. People usually do what the rules tell them to after they get a warning.
I also think there arent as many rules on most servers. Before you used to log into a battlefield 2 server and there would be 15+rules sitting on the loading screen. Now it just like "Welcome to XXX server dont tk have fun."
Much easier to admin this way and alot more fun for most of us.

LOL! Story time...

Was on titan today and someone was laying RDX and APM's in the corridor to stop the oncoming enemy so I went along and put mine down also and decided I was running a little low so picked his up for me.  Needless to say he got pissed and went and resupplied and put some more down which I, in turn went and stole again.  By this time he was shouting at me: "omg stop it you n00b" I carried on and he kept getting more and more annoyed and ended up tking me 7 times before he was kicked, what a laugh.

+45|6889|Toronto, Canada
Why didn't you just resupply yourself like he did? You dumb lazy eyed twat.

I would have used a zeller on the mine you just placed and you would have gotten a -2 each time because it was your mine that blew you up. I would have had a laugh then.

CackNBallz wrote:

Why didn't you just resupply yourself like he did? You dumb lazy eyed twat.

I would have used a zeller on the mine you just placed and you would have gotten a -2 each time because it was your mine that blew you up. I would have had a laugh then.
You do know that the only reason I did it was to annoy him and I seem to have got an extra bonus by annoying you.
You laughin' at me, bitch?
+44|6795|Hong Kong

Entertayner wrote:

CackNBallz wrote:

Why didn't you just resupply yourself like he did? You dumb lazy eyed twat.

I would have used a zeller on the mine you just placed and you would have gotten a -2 each time because it was your mine that blew you up. I would have had a laugh then.
You do know that the only reason I did it was to annoy him and I seem to have got an extra bonus by annoying you.

Entertayner wrote:

CackNBallz wrote:

Why didn't you just resupply yourself like he did? You dumb lazy eyed twat.

I would have used a zeller on the mine you just placed and you would have gotten a -2 each time because it was your mine that blew you up. I would have had a laugh then.
You do know that the only reason I did it was to annoy him and I seem to have got an extra bonus by annoying you.
You Sir Are A Turd

I was kicked couple of times for excessive TKs/punishes. Nade-spamming went wrong.
Level 13 Wrongdoer
+515|6692|Doncaster, UK

dundee_hitman_2005 wrote:

Entertayner wrote:

CackNBallz wrote:

Why didn't you just resupply yourself like he did? You dumb lazy eyed twat.

I would have used a zeller on the mine you just placed and you would have gotten a -2 each time because it was your mine that blew you up. I would have had a laugh then.
You do know that the only reason I did it was to annoy him and I seem to have got an extra bonus by annoying you.
You Sir Are A Turd
QFE, somehow I doubt your actions fall under the heading of "teamwork". Personally, I'd have jsut stood on your RDX so that if you detonated it you'd be the one getting the TK.
Only like 9 people have forgiven me for an accidential TK and those 5 are like Squad members and that. The other 100+ people I have tked have isntantly punnished me. Some have a auto bash "Page Up" buttom as soon as they can.
Also in one server I got kicked after SOMEONE EMP me while I was in the Transport chopper and it was fully loaded, just took off and I was responsible for everyone in the chopper. NONE of those took Forgive and I was kicked out for tk 4+ people in a round.

It doesn't matter if it's BF2 or BF2142 EVERYONE punnish you no matter what and even if they know they did wrong the punnish you either way.

So what I'm gonna do if someone punnish me because they are retard is to jump in the line of fire each time. Or if they are recon I'll just blow up those C7 with my sniper and punnish him. :3 My brother did this and it worked just fine. XD

Last edited by Zefar (2006-12-14 05:57:05)

Enemy Wheelbarrow Spotted..!!
+736|6711|Area 51

justice wrote:

I 've been playing for quite a while now (only titan), but there's something I always saw in bf2 which I never see in 2142.

"kicking **** for X punishes"


"kicking **** for a negative score"
And I sure as hell have never seen a ban.

There do seem to be a lot less idiots playing and a lot less Tk'ing happening, which is a big positive if you ask me. I am just wondering why? Do you guys see the same as me or do you see lots of kicks?
Saw some bans and kicks, but the primary reason is that there is no chopper and jet anymore, only some dumbass hover craft piece of shit pile..which sucks, but also recuded the Tk'ing..
Level 13 Wrongdoer
+515|6692|Doncaster, UK
I forgive everyone unless it's a totally stupid and obvious TK. Had one the other day on Tunis Harbour. I hopped in a FAV at the EU uncap and beeped the horn and spammed "Get in" to the two stood around. Got "No ways" so I headed out, next thin g I know I've been TK'd by them having just jumped in the mech. I know they weren't annoyed about me not picking them up so they were just a pair of tards. Punish for that.

Paco_the_Insane wrote:

thats cus theres no jets ^^
bloody good point old chap

Entertayner wrote:

LOL! Story time...

Was on titan today and someone was laying RDX and APM's in the corridor to stop the oncoming enemy so I went along and put mine down also and decided I was running a little low so picked his up for me.  Needless to say he got pissed and went and resupplied and put some more down which I, in turn went and stole again.  By this time he was shouting at me: "omg stop it you n00b" I carried on and he kept getting more and more annoyed and ended up tking me 7 times before he was kicked, what a laugh.

I love you.
ยป You guys are all old and wrinkly now, GG... | Steam | teHmyke.com | YouTube

I forgive 9 out of 10 times. Specialy if I get runned over while crosing the street. Often people actualy pause to compliment me for choosing the forgive option.
+581|6534|New York

Zefar wrote:

Only like 9 people have forgiven me for an accidential TK and those 5 are like Squad members and that. The other 100+ people I have tked have isntantly punnished me. Some have a auto bash "Page Up" buttom as soon as they can.
Also in one server I got kicked after SOMEONE EMP me while I was in the Transport chopper and it was fully loaded, just took off and I was responsible for everyone in the chopper. NONE of those took Forgive and I was kicked out for tk 4+ people in a round.

It doesn't matter if it's BF2 or BF2142 EVERYONE punnish you no matter what and even if they know they did wrong the punnish you either way.

So what I'm gonna do if someone punnish me because they are retard is to jump in the line of fire each time. Or if they are recon I'll just blow up those C7 with my sniper and punnish him. :3 My brother did this and it worked just fine. XD
most everyone is an asshole that doesn't take the time to consider the circumstances. more than half the time it's their fault. i personally give them a chance to apoligize, if they don't, i'll punish. or, if i realize it was my fault, i'll forgive.
i have no problem calling them an ass over the 'j' chat line so everyone knows what a twat they are.
Remember Me As A Time Of Day

dundee_hitman_2005 wrote:

Entertayner wrote:

CackNBallz wrote:

Why didn't you just resupply yourself like he did? You dumb lazy eyed twat.

I would have used a zeller on the mine you just placed and you would have gotten a -2 each time because it was your mine that blew you up. I would have had a laugh then.
You do know that the only reason I did it was to annoy him and I seem to have got an extra bonus by annoying you.
You Sir Are A Turd

DoctorFruitloop wrote:

dundee_hitman_2005 wrote:

Entertayner wrote:

You do know that the only reason I did it was to annoy him and I seem to have got an extra bonus by annoying you.
You Sir Are A Turd
QFE, somehow I doubt your actions fall under the heading of "teamwork". Personally, I'd have jsut stood on your RDX so that if you detonated it you'd be the one getting the TK.
Entertayner 4 - 0 n00bs that take games too seriously.

Last edited by Entertayner (2006-12-14 12:57:13)

Hooray Beer!
+94|6716|United States
Join a pistol/knife only server. You'll see all the kicks/bans you've been missing from BF2. In regards to the TK discussion of this topic.... I always punish regardless of what happened, unless I can see that it was a more than obvious mistake.
"Aff, Star Colonel!"
I don't get why people punish so often.

Do they not realize that the vast majority (nearly everyone) is there to play the game, and not there just to maliciously teamkill you?

Or are you just extremely impatient and punish noobs for making you wait 15 seconds due to their mistakes?

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