What's the answer to the 4 people one? I guessed that one of the "people" is Ben Franklin since he's on the face of the $100 bill and everyone else just has 3 of them. But no one told me if I was wrong or right or what
his eyes are white, duh! lol
fill the three, pour to the five.
fill it again, pour until the five is full.
this gives you five in the five and 1 in the 3.
fill it again, pour until the five is full.
this gives you five in the five and 1 in the 3.
Here's one:
Jim, Bobby, Susan and Alice all live together. Jim and Susan go out one night and come back to find Bobby dead surrounded by broken glass with Alice standing over him. It is obvious Alice killed him but she is never convicted of any crimes. Why is this?
Jim, Bobby, Susan and Alice all live together. Jim and Susan go out one night and come back to find Bobby dead surrounded by broken glass with Alice standing over him. It is obvious Alice killed him but she is never convicted of any crimes. Why is this?
jims a fish and alice is a cat that knocked over his bowl.
I don't know what colour Sally's eyes are but I'm willing to be the hair bit is a trick question. She's got a tumor, she's been having chemotherapy, she has no hair cos it's all fallen out.
Actually bobby is the fish, but have the +1 anyways.Ender2309 wrote:
jims a fish and alice is a cat that knocked over his bowl.
haha, goofed on the namesSgt_Sieg wrote:
Actually bobby is the fish, but have the +1 anyways.Ender2309 wrote:
jims a fish and alice is a cat that knocked over his bowl.
Lol, I got the 1 gallon in the 5 gallon container. both work, but i did it firstEnder2309 wrote:
fill the three, pour to the five.
fill it again, pour until the five is full.
this gives you five in the five and 1 in the 3.
A man was in a small town for the day, and needed a haircut. He noticed that there were only two barbers in town, and decided to apply a bit of logical deduction to choosing the best one. Looking at their shops, he saw that the first one was very neat and the barber was clean shaven with a nice haircut. The other shop was a mess, and the barber there needed a shave and had a bad cut besides. Why did the man choose to go to this barber?
The messy barber is so busy because of his superior workmanship that he can't afford the time to be tidy or well-groomed as the other barber who clearly is so bad at his trade that he has no customers and plenty of time to cut his own hair and make himself look presentable.
actually...recheck yours. some of your numbers are wrong.Plisken wrote:
Lol, I got the 1 gallon in the 5 gallon container. both work, but i did it firstEnder2309 wrote:
fill the three, pour to the five.
fill it again, pour until the five is full.
this gives you five in the five and 1 in the 3.
Only one number is wrong, his reasoning is sound and he gets the right answer. It's just the second (I think, can't be arsed to look) summary of what's in the containers that's wrong, it should be 2 of 3 for the 3 gallon container.Ender2309 wrote:
actually...recheck yours. some of your numbers are wrong.Plisken wrote:
Lol, I got the 1 gallon in the 5 gallon container. both work, but i did it firstEnder2309 wrote:
fill the three, pour to the five.
fill it again, pour until the five is full.
this gives you five in the five and 1 in the 3.
Last edited by DoctorFruitloop (18 years, 2 months ago)
nope but closeDoctorFruitloop wrote:
The messy barber is so busy because of his superior workmanship that he can't afford the time to be tidy or well-groomed as the other barber who clearly is so bad at his trade that he has no customers and plenty of time to cut his own hair and make himself look presentable.
He had a bad haircut, he cant cut his own hair which means the other barber cut it.<<<FTDM>>>Gen.Raven wrote:
A man was in a small town for the day, and needed a haircut. He noticed that there were only two barbers in town, and decided to apply a bit of logical deduction to choosing the best one. Looking at their shops, he saw that the first one was very neat and the barber was clean shaven with a nice haircut. The other shop was a mess, and the barber there needed a shave and had a bad cut besides. Why did the man choose to go to this barber?
Turn one on and wait for like 5 minutes and turn it off. Turn on another one and and go upstairs. The light bulb that is on corresponds to the one you just turned on. Then feel the other light bulbs, the hot one is the one that was on for 5 minutes. the cold one is one that wasn't turned on.devilhammer wrote:
You are in the basement of a house and it is night. Their are 3 switches in the basement that go to 3 light bulbs upstairs all the switches are off. The door to the upstairs is closed. You may only go upstairs once. How do you figure out which light switch goes to which light bulb?
yup.RabidDonkey wrote:
He had a bad haircut, he cant cut his own hair which means the other barber cut it.<<<FTDM>>>Gen.Raven wrote:
A man was in a small town for the day, and needed a haircut. He noticed that there were only two barbers in town, and decided to apply a bit of logical deduction to choosing the best one. Looking at their shops, he saw that the first one was very neat and the barber was clean shaven with a nice haircut. The other shop was a mess, and the barber there needed a shave and had a bad cut besides. Why did the man choose to go to this barber?
you guys are making this too complicated. at that scale, the 30 ft that the 'head travels' along the radius is miniscule compared to the circumference of the earth. you do not see the curvature of the earth unless you are at sea, and even then it is an extremely slight bow. you are basically dealing with a flat surface. instead, think of it as a triangle.Plisken wrote:
They both work out, lets see what Splinter Strike says....chittydog wrote:
Nope. If you're going about it this way, it's a math problem. To find the distance, we add the height of the guy to the radius of the earth. Then square that number and multiply by pi. I still think ekfud nailed it.No, it's alot more complicated than that, geometry is a pain in the ass.PspRpg-7 wrote:
Yes yes, but if the man was six feet tall, wouldn't it be just a six foot difference?Plisken wrote:
eg, go measure the distance around on the inside of a tyre and then measure the outside of it, which is bigger.You have to add the height of the man to the radius of the earth, and then work out the circumferencePspRpg-7 wrote:
fgsfds. Don't think that'll work...Especially if there's no division / subtraction. Unless I'm missing something huge here.chittydog wrote:
Nope. If you're going about it this way, it's a math problem. To find the distance, we add the height of the guy to the radius of the earth. Then square that number and multiply by pi. I still think ekfud nailed it.
the way i see it, the sun is low on the horizon, casting his shadow along the ground 30 ft. his head being at the top of his body, the shadow head is 30 ft out now.
Remember Me As A Time Of Day
Hey heggs, ekfud solved this one a couple pages back and splinter already confirmed it for us.
Guys we need new riddles. All the old ones have been solved. I could do a link to some of my APS coursework but that involves a lot of maths.
http://www.cs.nott.ac.uk/~rcb/G51APS/Co … -06-07.pdf
Thats real problem solving.
http://www.cs.nott.ac.uk/~rcb/G51APS/Co … -06-07.pdf
Thats real problem solving.
Last edited by Vilham (18 years, 2 months ago)
true, i was clarifying the geometry part of it (had it been right).chittydog wrote:
Hey heggs, ekfud solved this one a couple pages back and splinter already confirmed it for us.
Remember Me As A Time Of Day
that's beyond simple problem solving. i'd love to help you, but i've never taken a course in that, even though i've had a significant amount of math. good luck to you.Vilham wrote:
Guys we need new riddles. All the old ones have been solved. I could do a link to some of my APS coursework but that involves a lot of maths.
http://www.cs.nott.ac.uk/~rcb/G51APS/Co … -06-07.pdf
Thats real problem solving.
Remember Me As A Time Of Day
Yeah ive already done it. It was in for last week. Its APS which is Algorithmic problem solving so yeah it is beyond normal problem solving.
1.ANSWER = The Man was being swung by his feet in a circle. right???SplinterStrike wrote:
As it stands, riddles #2, 3 and 5 have been solved. Solve the other two and I will put up some more.SplinterStrike wrote:
hehe riddles...I love em. Seeing as the above have all been answered correctly, I will post a few of my own.
Bonuses go to the riddle solvers.
1. A man's head travelled more than 30ft. more than his feet but he was unharmed. How come?
2. A group of people at a New Year's Day concert in 1900 couldn't get out of the concert hall doors. The doors were not locked and opened easily. After all, the crowd had entered by them. What was the difficulty? SOLVED
3. What can you hold in your right hand but not in your left? SOLVED
4. Fred assembled a device containing thousands of moving parts, yet it only took hima few minutes. What is it?
5. Legend has it that the Greek poet Homer died of frustration at not being able to solve this riddle, posed by
fishermen of the island of Ios. See if you can do better. SOLVED
What we caught, we threw away,
What we couldn't catch, we kept.
P.S the obvious answer is never the right one. I will also post more riddles regularly.
No and they have ALL been answered. We need new ones.