Ohhh, you're on the right trail.Cheez wrote:
El' Tumoro:
Was looking for the english one but couldn't be arsed
Ekfud, you are absolutely RIGHT. Bravo on getting that one.Ekfud wrote:
Anything that involves spinning around a point - eg, breakdancing, trapeze, or even doing something like squats (so your head bobs up and down).SplinterStrike wrote:
1. A man's head travelled more than 30ft. more than his feet but he was unharmed. How come?
BTW, to all people who are wondering why I wasn't on...its 2:00am as I post this.
EDIT- He's a breakdancer.
Last edited by SplinterStrike (18 years, 2 months ago)
Answer my riddleSplinterStrike wrote:
Ekfud, you are absolutely RIGHT. Bravo on getting that one.Ekfud wrote:
Anything that involves spinning around a point - eg, breakdancing, trapeze, or even doing something like squats (so your head bobs up and down).SplinterStrike wrote:
1. A man's head travelled more than 30ft. more than his feet but he was unharmed. How come?
BTW, to all people who are wondering why I wasn't on...its 2:00am as I post this.
orange with a hint of purple?PspRpg-7 wrote:
Billy and bobby are both eating sandwiches, bobby is eating PB and J and Billy is eating a tumor. What color are Sally's eyes?
Negative.<<<FTDM>>>Gen.Raven wrote:
orange with a hint of purple?PspRpg-7 wrote:
Billy and bobby are both eating sandwiches, bobby is eating PB and J and Billy is eating a tumor. What color are Sally's eyes?
Stop randomly guessing! And you're off anyway.<<<FTDM>>>Gen.Raven wrote:
Going to sleep, will check this thread. It IS solvable, you just gotta think outside to box. Karma for winnarz.
Last edited by PspRpg-7 (18 years, 2 months ago)
tanimn has hit the nail on the head. Hourglass is the right answer. I will post some more riddles tomorrow seeing as they have all been solved.tanimn wrote:
An Hourglass.chittydog wrote:
Okay guys, I looked through and compiled a list of all the ones we haven't gotten yet:
2. Fred assembled a device containing thousands of moving parts, yet it only took him a few minutes. What is it?
Splint, you seem to know these riddles. WTF is PSP on aboot? There seems to be no correlation in anything. I thought he was bullshitting, but now I don't know.
My state was founded by Batman. Your opinion is invalid.
Hehehe.Cheez wrote:
Splint, you seem to know these riddles. WTF is PSP on aboot? There seems to be no correlation in anything. I thought he was bullshitting, but now I don't know.
so psp billy IS eating a tumour?
And here are the answers to the 5 riddles that I've asked so far.SplinterStrike wrote:
P.S the obvious answer is never the right one. I will also post more riddles regularly.SplinterStrike wrote:
hehe riddles...I love em. Seeing as the above have all been answered correctly, I will post a few of my own.
Bonuses go to the riddle solvers.
1. A man's head travelled more than 30ft. more than his feet but he was unharmed. How come? SOLVED He's a breakdancer
2. A group of people at a New Year's Day concert in 1900 couldn't get out of the concert hall doors. The doors were not locked and opened easily. After all, the crowd had entered by them. What was the difficulty? SOLVED The doors pushed open and pulled shut.
3. What can you hold in your right hand but not in your left? SOLVED Your left hand or elbow.
4. Fred assembled a device containing thousands of moving parts, yet it only took hima few minutes. What is it?SOLVED An hourglass
5. Legend has it that the Greek poet Homer died of frustration at not being able to solve this riddle, posed by
fishermen of the island of Ios. See if you can do better. SOLVED Head lice.
What we caught, we threw away,
What we couldn't catch, we kept.
I'm so damn tired I can barely think right now....You're gonna hafta gimme a bit o time b4 answering that Psp.
What is this? quote-pyramid masturbation?SplinterStrike wrote:
And here are the answers to the 5 riddles that I've asked so far.SplinterStrike wrote:
P.S the obvious answer is never the right one. I will also post more riddles regularly.SplinterStrike wrote:
hehe riddles...I love em. Seeing as the above have all been answered correctly, I will post a few of my own.
Bonuses go to the riddle solvers.
1. A man's head travelled more than 30ft. more than his feet but he was unharmed. How come? SOLVED He's a breakdancer
2. A group of people at a New Year's Day concert in 1900 couldn't get out of the concert hall doors. The doors were not locked and opened easily. After all, the crowd had entered by them. What was the difficulty? SOLVED The doors pushed open and pulled shut.
3. What can you hold in your right hand but not in your left? SOLVED Your left hand or elbow.
4. Fred assembled a device containing thousands of moving parts, yet it only took hima few minutes. What is it?SOLVED An hourglass
5. Legend has it that the Greek poet Homer died of frustration at not being able to solve this riddle, posed by
fishermen of the island of Ios. See if you can do better. SOLVED Head lice.
What we caught, we threw away,
What we couldn't catch, we kept.
My state was founded by Batman. Your opinion is invalid.
Tumor sandwich yes. (And if you're wondering why I spell it "tumor" it's because I'm in the US. Silly minor differences in spelling!)<<<FTDM>>>Gen.Raven wrote:
so psp billy IS eating a tumour?
WTF is a tumor sandwich? I should check Subway, maybe they have a special.
My state was founded by Batman. Your opinion is invalid.
No, it's just a tumor on rye bread. If it's any help, it's Sally's tumor.Cheez wrote:
WTF is a tumor sandwich? I should check Subway, maybe they have a special.
Not me, Billy is. Billy is also Sally's brother. No more hints! Extra credit for hair color as well.Ekfud wrote:
Dude - are you sure this is what you are putting on bread?
Last edited by PspRpg-7 (18 years, 2 months ago)
Sally has sage eyes. Sunny hair, or blonde in other words.
That's just freaking disgusting!
That's just freaking disgusting!
Last edited by some_random_panda (18 years, 2 months ago)
this same concept was used in the DIE Hard 2 movie vengeance when they tried disarming the bomb at the fountain.
You are right next to a river and have a 5 gallon container and a 3 gallon container. You need to measure out 1 gallon of water. How do you do it?
You are right next to a river and have a 5 gallon container and a 3 gallon container. You need to measure out 1 gallon of water. How do you do it?
Fill up the 5, pour it into the 3. You have 2 gallons left. empty half. you have 1 gallonblademaster wrote:
this same concept was used in the DIE Hard 2 movie vengeance when they tried disarming the bomb at the fountain.
You are right next to a river and have a 5 gallon container and a 3 gallon container. You need to measure out 1 gallon of water. How do you do it?
My state was founded by Batman. Your opinion is invalid.
Fill the 5 gallon, then pour it into the 3 gallon (2 outa 5 and 3 outa 3)blademaster wrote:
this same concept was used in the DIE Hard 2 movie vengeance when they tried disarming the bomb at the fountain.
You are right next to a river and have a 5 gallon container and a 3 gallon container. You need to measure out 1 gallon of water. How do you do it?
Empty the 3 gallon, pour the remaining contents of the 5 gallon into the 3 gallon (0 outa 5 and 2 outa 3)
Fill the 5 gallon, and pour it into the 3 gallon until full (4 outa 5 and 3 outa 3)
Empty the 3 gallon, then fill with the remainder of the 5 gallon (1 outa 5 and 3 outa 3)
= 1 gallon
It has to be exactly 1 gallon the way u are doing is really hard to measure exactly 1 gallon, you started well though...Cheez wrote:
Fill up the 5, pour it into the 3. You have 2 gallons left. empty half. you have 1 gallonblademaster wrote:
this same concept was used in the DIE Hard 2 movie vengeance when they tried disarming the bomb at the fountain.
You are right next to a river and have a 5 gallon container and a 3 gallon container. You need to measure out 1 gallon of water. How do you do it?
Last edited by Plisken (18 years, 2 months ago)
if billy is eating part of his sister and the fact that its the 21st centry and global warming is a major issue they would to be living on a cool part of the earth,cool,cold,cold=blue she has blue eyes and if my calculations are correct people with blue eyes will most likley have blond hair so my conclusion if sally has blue eyes blonde hair and her brother is a sick bastard