32 next month
+0|6857|Marrero, La.
41 here but haven't started farting dust yet. Oldest player in our clan was in his 60's. He was a friend and co-worker of mine. He passed away this year due to cancer. Rest In Peace =696th=Slayer. I hope Im still playing at 100. But I don't want to live to be that old. Hell by then we would be playing Battlefield2064 Expansion Pack.
Suicide Operations

stryyker wrote:

im 16, but i am one of the few who respect those who are older than me
Once upon a time the majority of younger people would respect the older ones. Respect is a rare good these days.

Back to topic -- 32.
I'm 46.....
make it funny plz
23 and love to play with older people cause the know what teamwork is

[DEI]Bart wrote:

Fubar48 wrote:

I'm 57
wow, didnt know that someone that old even could understand how the game actually works, you must have seen he whole computer been invited.

PS i'm 15
Yeah, I did.  I programmed mainframes using punch cards and my first PC was an Osborne!
+1|6881|Eindhoven, Netherlands
Im only 20, my life is about to start
Didnt Do it
Im a Pup by most standards a Young almost 26 (3 weeks and bang i go up a year YUCK!) so my hats off to anyone whos 50+.

(Off Topic but when i was raised if i didnt show the proper respect i got my butt kicked {Ex Cadet and Fathers Military so i know about giving respect where its due and thats to anyone whos older and wiser esp returned servicemen and women})
lol theres hope for us oldies yet!!!...not many young uns out there with the respect but its nice to see some here in BF2...hats off to u yung-guns!!...Bad soldiers and heros die young!! good ones grow old and tell tales!!!...?????? blah have a beer on me!!!...lifes a war play games instead!!!
+1,411|6894|FUCK UBISOFT

um it looks like ur the oldest
WOW .... you guys are less young than me !!!!!!!   wooppeeeee !!!

Im 36 , & still mad for frags.

McChu^    " Scotland's finest salutes you soldiers "   
+10|6847|Memphis, Tn
I'm 29, and I am a FPS junkie. I work with a guy who is 61 and he plays EQ religiously, it's cool to talk to a guy old enough to be my grandpa about video cards.
Mass Media Casualty

Sweet, I'm glad I'm killing lots of people who are older and more life-experianced than me.
I'm 18.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Well I'm 16, almost 17, but I introduced my grandfather to the game, and he loves it. He isn't very good at it, but he loves playing single player and playing multiplaer with me in his squad. He's 72 making him the oldest one mentioned in this thread
27 here, didnt know there were this many older folks.  sweet!

yeah no kidding even though voip makes everyone sound like their balls havent dropped practically, its even worse when some tyke is yellin in it.  ive lucked out on the teamwork tip since i almost always play with a friend over, but even with at least 2 people workin together theres still a pitiful lack of teamwork.

a 30+ server would be awesome, even though im 27 id probably try and play on it anyways.  older folks r a helluva lot more fun to play with than kids.  less attitude generally, and a helluva lot less l33tsp34k and 'OMG WTF H4X!' type bs.
Death StatPadder
+228|6921|Human Meat Shield
Agreed. 34 here and married. And have a life other than BF2, but barely.
41 ... and BF2 is bad ... too many nights (far too many) upto 2-3 in the morning!!
Well, im 16 but I respect everyone that has respect for me.
Results May Vary
Turned 33 last month.  :")
i am 15 ya that is how i roll
+0|6862|Ontario, Canada
33 and I respect people who are older than me. I've served my share of time in the Canadian military, starting off as a Private and now a Captain (enlisted when I was 17). Served a ToD (Tour of Duty) in the first Gulf War. I am married and I have a 3-month old Daughter. I do hate it when a teenager just getting hair on his balls yells through VOIP...it's very annoying... Much respect to all you people older than me!
+5|6895|USA, Where Dumb people Rule
35, computing starting in 1978 with my cousin and uncle, and put together a 3-modem Apple PC together in 1979 dialing in to BBS' nationwide (All 50 of them, if that).  Holy Cow there!!

Good for you youngster.  I will be posting, if it is all voice-recorded, when I am 57 as well!

10,000+ points and one divorce later (not because of gaming).
+0|6882|North Of Newcsatle Australia
Hey am 24 and from Aus and play with some mates from NZ that are 38 and 58 his NiCk is KillerKeV(NZ) or somthing like that
I am 50 years old...most in my age area remember quite well that computers are new in general to the normal public.
Crap I remember B+W television and our first color set and the big woopdeedo it caused on my street...around 1963 or so I think...LOL I remember my grandfather having a plastic screen taped across his tv, it had three bands...one red, blue and green...running across it horizontally to simulate a color tv picture. It was the silliest thing.
Gas was also 29.9 cents a gallon when I first started driving in 1973...enough nostalgia for now hehehe.
Viva Mexico
I am 43.
Is there any server with members older than 40 only ?
Maybe a fight with people older than 40 could be interesting.
And yes... I think people 40 years older enjoy more fighting teamwork.
I think we will talk about more strategic moves than go killing and killing with nonsense.

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