
Which profession/craft group is more important IYO?

Engineer/Architect/Scientist29%29% - 24
Doctor/Pharmacist/Nurse/Vet/Dentist/Psychiatrist28%28% - 23
Lawyer/Barrister/Solicitor3%3% - 3
Information Techology6%6% - 5
Services Industry (Chef/Waiter/Bus Driver/Barman/etc.)8%8% - 7
Administration1%1% - 1
Art/Music/Cinema/Acting/Entertainment2%2% - 2
Economist/Stockbroker/Accountant/Actuary3%3% - 3
Journalist0%0% - 0
Other17%17% - 14
Total: 82
this is the best we can do?

doctastrangelove1964 wrote:

They are all important.
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6734|SE London

I'm suprised there's no teacher option up there, because that's a damned important profession.

I went for Engineer/Architect/Scientist, but Doctor/Pharmacist/Nurse/Vet/Dentist/Psychiatrist has got to be a fairly close second. They are the people who make society changing breakthroughs.

I think farmer should be up there too. How would the world be if no one had any food to eat?
+385|6644|Northern California
I didn't see educator.  With a properly educated society, a majority of the other needs fix themselves.
The New Johnnie Cochran
Modern Society would collapse without


You need to keep people alive, educated, equal, comfortable, and safe.
O Canada
+1,596|6558|North Carolina
I'm gonna go with doctors and other medical professionals.  So much of the quality of life revolves around healthcare.
+32|6681|Augusta, Georgia
Doctors, only cause I am in school to be one..... followed by professors/ teachers
+10|6547|British Columbia
Didn't Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy say that a race of people who exiled janitors etc died out from disease and bad public hygiene.

Janitors, plumbers, street cleaners are the most important. 

We have and/or should be able to survive without the others, though they certainly contribute to increasing the quality of our lives.
You guys remember Sim City?  Kind of a cool game that snuck in some lessons about building a successful society.  What did we have to start out with?  Infrastructure, power, roads, etc.  Which leads to developments provided by Engineers / Architects / Scientists.  BUUUUT...those folks would still be in trees flingin' crap at each other (with the rest of us) if it weren't for the people who taught them their trades and that poo flingin', although entertaining, is not productive.  So for me, in my humble opinion, Educators are the most important...and I hated all my teachers
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6828|Canberra, AUS
Null vote. All are crucial.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman

though I have to say I despise many thing produced by engineers, they just have the bad habit of trying to reinvent the wheel and wind up making a worse wheel.  Not saying all engineers are bad, but in my experience thy screw a lot of things up.

But as for why I picked this one

This group is responsible for new technologies which aid or in some cases replace all the other groups.  In the short term I don't believe it's the best group, but as a long term investment in humanity, I think this is the best group.
Connecticut: our chimps are stealin yo' faces.
Who the fuck said lawyer? Good topic but seriously, who the fuck said lawyer?
Malloy must go
We shall beat to quarters!

well i say other:

For me it would have to be Trades, Builders/Brickys/Plumbers.  These are the guys who build you shelter and keep you clean, with out them human's would not survive.
~ Do you not know that in the service … one must always choose the lesser of two weevils?
Stay the corpse
+261|6653|Los Angeles

apollo_fi wrote:

SpaceApollyon wrote:

Good call.

Before I saw that I chose "artists". Technically not VITAL. But a world without them would be like having to eat nothing but white rice and vitamins for every meal of the day - it's enough to sustain you, but who would want to live like that?

I'm now posting under the influence of Andreas Scholl sangin' the hell out of Erbarme Dich from Bach's Matthäuspassion. Highly, highly, highly recommend it to anyone down with classical music.
+5,233|6682|Global Command
It takes a balance to have a society.

People are born with certain proclivities, such as artitist and musicians. Many can be trained, but few are truly gifted.

I look at a manager of a fast food resterant and think, man I'd never do that, but the dude may have a passion or talent for it, and god knows we need cheesburgers. So burger flippers are just as important as doctors.

It's like arguing which is the best guitarist in the world.
how bout law enforcment, without that we'd all be fucked
Mr piss EVERYONE off
i said other - the local drug dealer...
I got Mug 222 at Gritty's!!!!
+216|6793|Your moms bedroom
where the hell is brewmaster??? I voted for engineer, because i am an engineer and i know how stuff is built, how stuff works, and how to take it apart and fix it. I think a doctor would be nice to have around, but hell ive been trained to stop someone from bleeding out
Maintaining My Rage Since 1975
+124|6682|Hillside, Melbourne, Australia
All of them are equally important for a properly functioning society.

Without all of them we would be fuxored

I'm gonna have to say engineer. I'm biased because I'm going to school to become one, but even still, I'd say engineers are the most important. EVERY SINGLE member of society experiences engineering (unless they live in a jungle, but even still their huts and whatnot are feats of engineering). The first job ever to exist for mankind is engineering (well, I guess hunting came first). Plus, engineering is such a broad field, whether designing buildings, roads, manufacturing the clothes on your back, making the computers you're using, everything revolves somehow around engineering.

And although doctors, etc. are extremely important as well, not everyone gets sick and needs a doctor.
The New Johnnie Cochran

deeznutz1245 wrote:

Who the fuck said lawyer? Good topic but seriously, who the fuck said lawyer?
I did...fucker. You're ignorant. The legal profession is older than Jesus himself. You need someone to administer the laws. Granted it was a gradual evolution, but there has alway existed in society some form of law and administration surrounding it.
Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|6874|Sydney, Australia
Sure health care is important, but how would you get there if (civil) engineers didn't design the roads.

Level 13 Wrongdoer
+515|6699|Doncaster, UK
With what's happening in my life at the moment, Doctors/Nurses/Pharmacists etc are the most important field for me. Without them my life would be a lot sadder.
+149|6701|USA bitches!
Doctors over all. Sure, they use equipment devolped by scientists, but doctors are almost godlike. The amount of informationt he average doctor has to memorize is astounding, not to mention the sickening hours they have to work and the pressure they're constantly under.

If only they'd invent a device that could speed up doctor timing. I once when to the emergency room with a fractured hand bone, and sat in a freezing room for 4 hours before anyone came back.

Jenkinsbball wrote:

Doctors over all. Sure, they use equipment devolped by scientists, but doctors are almost godlike. The amount of informationt he average doctor has to memorize is astounding, not to mention the sickening hours they have to work and the pressure they're constantly under.

If only they'd invent a device that could speed up doctor timing. I once when to the emergency room with a fractured hand bone, and sat in a freezing room for 4 hours before anyone came back.
Man that sucks. I got my own personal Jesus. He heals me any time I get hurt or sick right away!
I dunno if you can buy them any more though, it was part of a limited edition Depeche Mode album
SCIENCE / MATHEMATICS - without it we have nothing at all. It is the fundamental laws of nature which underpins everything else

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