Too much TV?GunSlinger OIF II wrote:
When the Commander-in-Chief says its time to go. no questions asked
PEACE / Zhaman
OK, I just stick my head in the sand, here beside you if it is OK?Jinto-sk wrote:
But I agree with you at some point as well.. Do you play BF2?
Given enough time, anything can be justified.Ajax_the_Great1 wrote:
Seeing all these war posts in here made me curious. Do you need to be attacked personally? Do you just need to know that they will attack? Do you feel that war is never justified? I'll post later how I feel.
P.S. Please keep Iraq out of this. I want it to be more philosophical. I'm sick of hearing people bitch about that war.
For example; The US fighting Germany during WWII when it was Japan that attacked the US. I could be wrong about Germans not first attacking the US (namely cargo ships). Not sure.
The embargoes placed on Japan by the US and the UK instigated the attack on Pearl Harbor. Japan therefore could justify its declaration of war. Perhaps it was a war of survival for Japan. They were running out of natural resources and were trying to get it from China by force, upsetting the US and UK.
Luke 14:31
When I start it.
When you're hit with the first punch, and you saw him hit you.Ajax_the_Great1 wrote:
Seeing all these war posts in here made me curious. Do you need to be attacked personally? Do you just need to know that they will attack? Do you feel that war is never justified? I'll post later how I feel.
P.S. Please keep Iraq out of this. I want it to be more philosophical. I'm sick of hearing people bitch about that war.
another thread revived
1. Self defense,Ajax_the_Great1 wrote:
Seeing all these war posts in here made me curious. Do you need to be attacked personally? Do you just need to know that they will attack? Do you feel that war is never justified? I'll post later how I feel.
P.S. Please keep Iraq out of this. I want it to be more philosophical. I'm sick of hearing people bitch about that war.
2. defense of your allies,
3. preemptive measures against a nation with obvious intentions that make the first 2 necessary
Jinto-sk wrote:
when this happens:

kill em all, let god sort em out.
dont care if they didnt do it, if your in that country, fear our wraith

kill em all, let god sort em out.
dont care if they didnt do it, if your in that country, fear our wraith