Self-loathing narcissist.
+41|6516|QUT, GP.
Beat it three times in a row. Couldn't be bothered having it fail again.
It decided to disagree with me on the three topics I know the most about.
Disappointing =/
I'm sure it could have been good though..
Real Хорошо
+826|6666|Adelaide, South Australia

DK_Vision wrote:

Beat it three times in a row. Couldn't be bothered having it fail again.
It decided to disagree with me on the three topics I know the most about.
Disappointing =/
I'm sure it could have been good though..
And they were???
I beat it with ruler:
You won!
For 20Q, with all the bells and whistles,

Play Again
You were thinking of a ruler.
Does it have a good smell? You said Yes, 20Q says No.
Is it brown? You said Sometimes, 20Q says No.
Is it small? You said Unknown, 20Q says Yes.
Is it red? You said Sometimes, 20Q says No.
Is it larger than a pound of butter? You said No, 20Q says No.
Is it made out of wood? You said Sometimes, 20Q says Doubtful.
Contradictions Detected
The opinions of the 20Q A.I. are its own, and are based on the input of players. 20Q's answers reflect common knowledge. If you feel that 20Q is in error, the only way to correct it is to play again!
Similar Objects
a shoebox, a cookbook, a spatula, a squeegee, a toilet brush, a snow shovel, a thermos, a cheese grater, a yardstick, a CD jewel case, a broomstick, a cutting board.
Uncommon Knowledge about a ruler
20Q thinks these may be wrong
Is it something you bring along? 20Q says Probably.
Can you read it? 20Q says Yes.
Can you use it to hit something? 20Q says Probably.
Does it display information? 20Q says Yes.
Can it be washed? 20Q says No.
Does it live above ground? 20Q says Doubtful.

I think rulers smell good and can be brown
+617|6552|NSW, Australia

how do these things work?they piss me off so bad
+250|6557|Eskimo land. AKA Canada.
I was thinking of human, but girlfriend was close enough. I discarded soulmate because it was too broad.

Q20.  I am guessing that it is a girlfriend?
Right, Wrong, Close
19.          Can it be used to put things together? Sometimes.
18.          Is it taught in school? No.
17.          I guessed that it was a soulmate? Close.
16.          Is it fragile? Sometimes.
15.          Would you like to be one? Irrelevant.
14.          Is it used on a bed? Yes.
13.          Can it help you find your way? Yes.
12.          Is it involved in movies? Yes.
11.          Is it something you bring along? Sometimes.
10.          Could it be found in a classroom? Yes.
9.          Is it a wild animal? No.
8.          Can it climb? Yes.
7.          Is it fluffy? No.
6.          Does it contain Vitamin C? Yes.
5.          Can you control it? Sometimes.
4.          Is it a warm-blooded animal? Yes.
3.          Does it have a long tail? No.
2.          Is it small? Sometimes.
1.          It is classified as Animal.
+788|6802|Brisbane, Australia

It failed on Fail.

This sucks man

You were thinking of a rifle.
Does it cut? You said Yes, 20Q says No.Yeah, like the bullet fired doesnt cut through you
Can you find it in a house? You said No, 20Q says Yes.Stereotypical americans anyone?
Is it something you bring along? You said No, 20Q says Yes.Yeah, maybe for a school
Would you give it as a gift? You said No, 20Q says Yes.Here bob! Taek mai huntain raifle foar a gift

Last edited by Sarrk (2006-12-12 07:42:36)

My way or Haddaway!
+212|6831|Espoo, Finland
I got the finnish one with catridge.

Now I'm trying joystick and it asked me if I love it, lol!


"Is it an animal?"
"Can it be used in sports?"
"Can you use it to light a fire?"

I think it's logic fails sometimes



Got the english one with swede. (No not a Swede as A Swedish citizen, it's a vegetable )
It asked 2 times if it was a mineral, even though it's made clear in the first question that it isn't.

29.          I guessed that it was a carrot? Wrong.
28.          Does it go inside other things? No.
27.          Is it found in salad bars? Sometimes.
26.          I guessed that it was a root? Wrong.
25.          Is it usually colourful? Yes.
24.          Is it white? No.
23.          Does it smell good? Yes.
22.          Is it small? Yes.
21.          Does it live underground? Yes.
20.          I guessed that it was a yam? Close.
19.          Does it taste good fried? Probably.
18.          Is it used in Oriental cooking? No.
17.          I guessed that it was a sweet potato? Close.
16.          Can you make money by selling it? Yes.
15.          Does it squeak? No.
14.          Is it a metal? No.
13.          Does it have a bill or beak? No.
12.          Would you use it in a garden? Yes.
11.          Is it round? No.
10.          Does it live above ground? No.
9.          Does it taste good with butter? Yes.
          Is it bright? Unknown.
8.          Is it orange coloured? Yes.
7.          Does it taste sweet? Sometimes.
6.          Is it a type of mineral? No.
5.          Can it cheer you up? No.
4.          Is it smaller than a loaf of bread? Yes.
3.          Does it have roots? Yes.
2.          Is it crunchy? No.
1.          It is classified as Vegetable.

Last edited by Gawwad (2006-12-12 08:21:13)

[pt] KEIOS
srs bsns

haffeysucks wrote:

Wow.  It got Rosie O'Donnel in....<10 questions?
you think of rosie o´donnel, when others think of their penis first?
+250|6557|Eskimo land. AKA Canada.
This time around, I was thinking of a woman.

Q17.  I am guessing that it is a chick?
Right, Wrong, Close
16.          Is it fragile? Sometimes.
15.          Do you hold it when you use it? Yes.
14.          Do you use it in public? Yes.
13.          Is it a vegetarian? Sometimes.
12.          Do you put things in it? Yes.
11.          Would you find it on a farm? Yes.
10.          Is it colourful? Sometimes.
9.          Is it multicoloured? No.
8.          Does it stand on two legs? Yes.
7.          Is it used during meals? No.
6.          Is it carbon-based? Yes.
5.          Does it have paws? No.
4.          Does it bark? No.
3.          Is it white? Sometimes.
2.          Can you pet it? Yes.
1.          It is classified as Animal.
Hockey Nut
+243|6676|Boston, MA
I beat it my first time but I picked a hockey player that was never really known because he didn't play in the NHL due to heart conditions, however he was supposed to be better than Gretzky. It got Neil Peart off me in 26Q's, it's not 20 though!
The Medic Whore
it didnt get kids in the hall
I've Seen the Saucers.
+38|6886|Norcal, usa

bobby177 wrote:

explosivo wrote:

it didn't get jonothan ross atall, i stopped at about 60
it automatically stops at 30...
liar got owned, hate liars.

explosivo wrote:

it didn't get jonothan ross atall, i stopped at about 60
noob, I can't believe people even lie about these games. That's just pathetic ...
"Bow Chicka Bow Wow." The correct way.
I own the actual thing. It's this cool like ball about the size of a baseball and it's pretty amazing.
Back from the Dead.

20 questions AI wrote:

You won, but 20Q guessed it eventually
28 guesses to get KISS. Not too bad.
Knee Deep In Clunge
+489|6609|Tyne & Wear, England
24 guesses on Jack Nicholson
Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.
+1,352|6639|N. Ireland
was thinking of the word "joystick" but it took 20Q 30 questions.
+26|6565|Qatar: Where The Players Play
I had to add Existentialism... but I only ran that through to see what it would do if it didn't have the word in it's dictionary; however, it was hinting at penis the whole time. Lol.
Forgot to say, on the relatively common-esque one, it took it 27Q to get Zebra, after it was quite close with Impala.

Last edited by ViCT0RI0US (2006-12-12 15:31:41)

Pony Slaystation
+343|6855|Charlie One Alpha
22 for Han Solo
"If you want a vision of the future, imagine SecuROM slapping your face with its dick -- forever." -George Orwell
took 27 questions for jimi hendrix
Laughter with an S
+167|6791|Camoran's Paradise
Spackling isn't even in it's database (Yes, its a real word)

EDIT: It also says "The Shining" isn't on TV and wasn't remade.

Last edited by Ganko_06 (2006-12-12 15:51:49)

Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.
28 for Mr.T. It guessed Chuck Norris and Hulk Hogan before guessing Mr.T.

It then got Al Gore in 28, after guessing K-Fed.

Last edited by doctastrangelove1964 (2006-12-12 15:53:28)

cereal killer
+233|6897|the middle of nowhere
30 for "Spaceballs."
I won it didn't know who John Lynch was...granted i don't think many people do
Pony Slaystation
+343|6855|Charlie One Alpha
it could not guess blackadder
"If you want a vision of the future, imagine SecuROM slapping your face with its dick -- forever." -George Orwell

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