i need to repost because i do think i was clear plus i have a color image now.
The problem is that im getting corrupted text in the server browser window and in the names of the score list. I see alot more corrupted text in the server browser window. Under the names of some of the server there is 2 white dots under individual letters especially the "a." For the score list i see lines like this " | " between letters, espeically after capital A. So for example, "A|MD" when it should be "AMD." I have lowered my Hz to 60 and i still get this. Also messed around with the AA, AF and nothing. I even went to older drivers but it still showed this corruption in the text. This isnt a serious issue as everything else works fine but its just annoying because i just bought a new LCD monitor and never had this before. Is this normal in LCDs at this rez and what resoltions do you play with and do you get it?
The problem is that im getting corrupted text in the server browser window and in the names of the score list. I see alot more corrupted text in the server browser window. Under the names of some of the server there is 2 white dots under individual letters especially the "a." For the score list i see lines like this " | " between letters, espeically after capital A. So for example, "A|MD" when it should be "AMD." I have lowered my Hz to 60 and i still get this. Also messed around with the AA, AF and nothing. I even went to older drivers but it still showed this corruption in the text. This isnt a serious issue as everything else works fine but its just annoying because i just bought a new LCD monitor and never had this before. Is this normal in LCDs at this rez and what resoltions do you play with and do you get it?