The british national history curriculum is shite. There's so much we could be learning about, but instead most of our years at secondary school are spent on Nazis and Suffragettes. This, apparently, counts as "Modern World History". Pah.Dawsonfattits wrote:
ok???????? back on topic............... i'm english, and i can't really remember much about history lessons (boring) i prefer to learn stuff that will help me in the in my opinion history is a complete waste of time. others may see it different but i just believe there is no need to learn about stuff that has happened.
I'm afraid that I also know next to nothing about American history. I know there was a war of independence, bleh. That's about it. And we take the piss out of your ignorance of world history and geography. I suppose I do know where Iran is.
Seriously, England + Wales' schools = fail. Scotland is another matter...