Base Rapist

MajorGeneral wrote:

What is the difference between Nazi Germany and U.S.A.?

The germans could point out the countries they were invading on a map.
Sorry, we can't spell either, we thought Canada was spelled I-r-a-q.
before anyone acusses me of comparing Nazi Germany and U.S.A. i have one thing to say: It was just a joke.

In the beginning I was one of few that supported the American war on Iraq in my country. Seriously there is like 5 percent that supports the war.

The joke was for the america-haters everwhere. Damn, they even blame America for greater evil than the USSR!

But I am not sure anymore if I support the war. The reason is not the WMD but the iraqi insurgency. It costs america tremendously in human lifes. The problem is that this country in fact never had a democracy, so is it realistic that USA barely any help from other countries can develope Iraq to be a real democracy? No.

If the U.N. stopped bitching and helped out more it would work.
The EU also doesn't support the war as a whole(besides Britain of course). But then again the EU isn't anything really. It is an organisation which makes the little country Belgium feel proud over their "leading" role in it. The organisation is only effective in one way and that is making Africa even more poor with special money aid to french "bloodthirsty" farmers. As fast as you start debating their aid, the farmers take their tractors and start whining: "Think of our children, we need that kind of support... bla bla bla".

First wrote:

RadeonII wrote:

What do urine samples and Canadian beer have in common?
The taste.
not even American beer is shit water compared to Molson
Its funny how the meaning of a sentence can change with no punctuation isn't it ?  so you like American beer better then Canada`s beer? I`ve never had a Molson or shit water for that matter I dont even drink domestic beer I either drink Guinness or Captain Morgan ( rum ) & Coke.

not even, American beer is shit water compared to Molson 

Last edited by RadeonII (2005-12-28 11:28:36)

its more of ppls POV, but i support the war, why? coz at least the US got a dictator out of the country, killed sum insurgeant bastards. US has been helping out a lot of country, after WW2, america gave germany billions of dollars for food and aid, germany's economy was crap so america gave them billions of dollars again for economical aid. later most germans bitch about america. thats just the problem when one country helps another
So i m not allowed to criticise America for anything they do just because they helped us out years before i was born? Yes.....i guess ur absolutely right....
No, but think of this: the next time the russians come the americans wont be there to save you.
And belive me they will come again someday. Not for revenge but to take over it all. Damn it, the russians even have military training jointly with China. Now THAT'S a scary alliance that i wouldn't oppose... Italy and Germany during the WW2 ain't even shit compared to this new possible threat...

Last edited by MajorGeneral (2005-12-28 08:04:10)

Slimshady -- The Real Medic
+0|7082|Sumter, South Carolina
nog that shit...

Fred[OZ75] wrote:

Please people, you've all missed the best place on earth. 


Climate, education, health, living standards, military, sports, crime rates all equal with the best in the world.

The US has a murder rate which is only match by WAR ZONES, LA would be a war zone if not found inside the US of A. Let alone 1/6 the population with less access to health care than the POOREST CUBAN.

Canada is great if you like snow.

Europe is highly expensive and your always living in cramped conditions with millions of others.

New Zealand doesn't have a military, a boat load of angry mexicans could take NZ. (and all the Maori live in OZ anyway)
If you havn't noticed, a boat load of angry mexicans ARE taking over america!  I live in houston, which means I know spanish, even though I live in a "English Speaking" country.  Oh, and you missed all the great soccer hooligans that start riots over a stupid sport!
Ok Canada Is awsome. I live there. And yes we are going into elections but they arent anything as bad as the american elections.

As for the Beer Topic both Canadian and American Beer sucks... Canadian is just a little better.

And despite popular belief canada isnt covered with snow. I live in Nova Scotia and right now I have to look to find snow on the ground.

And soccer is pronounced Football. The only time the foot even hits the odd shaped thing that americans call football is when your kicking it to start a game or for a field goal.

(Ohh yeah Liberals will win. Bets On.)
If you havn't noticed, a boat load of angry mexicans ARE taking over america!  I live in houston, which means I know spanish, even though I live in a "English Speaking" country.
i live in houston too i can attest to the truth that is that mexicans are taking over every single lawnmower and fruit picking position in texas !! OMFG!! speaking a second laguage is hardly a detriment to you .. and you benefit from the low low prices at taco stands and rolling taco trucks ^^ .. mexicans arent even taking over texas florida and california and thats the most dense polutation in the us

let me know when you want to mow lawns for 2 bucks an hour then you can bitch about them taking your job

chitlin wrote:

If you havn't noticed, a boat load of angry mexicans ARE taking over america!  I live in houston, which means I know spanish, even though I live in a "English Speaking" country.
i live in houston too i can attest to the truth that is that mexicans are taking over every single lawnmower and fruit picking position in texas !! OMFG!! speaking a second laguage is hardly a detriment to you .. and you benefit from the low low prices at taco stands and rolling taco trucks ^^ .. mexicans arent even taking over texas florida and california and thats the most dense polutation in the us

let me know when you want to mow lawns for 2 bucks an hour then you can bitch about them taking your job
Australia is the best place for living and vacations, u know why most of the NFL players to go aus and NZ? ocz no one knows them... a nice time of peace and quiet.

Mexico's new army: taco stands. dont buy tacos!!! it will make u hypnotised by the mexicans!!! they will take over the US!!! by year 2300!!! we'll all be dead by then!!!

TrevorP wrote:

As for the Beer Topic both Canadian and American Beer sucks... Canadian is just a little better.
Then you've never had an American microbrew. Go to Wisconsin or Seattle and you'll get to sample some of the best beer ever made. Even one of our largest brews, Sam Adams, continually wins in worldwide and European taste contests.
Pump-Action Pimp
+16|7100|The Hague, Holland
Its amazing that some people think so low about Europe and say that America could do well without the EU.
Sometimes I secretly wish that Russia would join Europe and we would take on America or something, Dont think America would be such hot-shit then.

I dont whant to bash America or whomever may be offended by this but this is directed to the people that think that Europe doesnt matter and America roxx teh big 1.
just to feed your america hating ^^

what part of this fictional eu force will be providing the weapons at the level to contend with the us ?

france ? spain ? germany's not allowed to make weapons =p umm italy  ? no holland haha ??!? seriously the eu has no potetntial to contend unless they start a huge system to mass produce new weaponry and what do you think the chances are the world will sit by and watch this happen ? russias army is minute compared to what it used to be ..

seems lots of euros take americas national pride as arrogance.. i have nothing against any country ..but holland certainly doesnt effect my daily life so in that context it doesnt matter to me .. and i would assume that america doesnt effect your daily life so why should we matter to you ?

america roxx teh big 1 !!111

chitlin wrote:

and i would assume that america doesnt effect your daily life so why should we matter to you ?
You would assume wrong. America has a very strong influence on the rest of the world.
well felonious i guess you couldnt speak for him unless you live in holland ? .. if so please tell me how america effects hollands daily life ?
Typically Canadian - any discussion about Canada soon involves the U.S. somehow!  Canadians increasingly define themselves by comparison.

Canada was once a great country, combining enterprising, adventurous spirit with British rule of law.  Our history is filled with inspirational achievements.  Militarily and diplomatically, we always "punched above our weight" (i.e. third largest Navy in WW2, Royal Canadian Air Force heroics in Europe, Vimy Ridge/Passchaendale in WW1, Pearson Peace Prize).

Now the ruling classes tell us we're "peacekeepers", not soldiers, as they gut our armed forces; that Canadian values are as valid as anyone who recently arrived; that only the state knows what's best for us, as they whittle away our independence.

Perhaps it's best by way of an adage I once read: 

In America, people hate government.  In Canada, the government hates the people.

P.S.  If the Liberals DO win again, after all of their miserable theft and corruption, then the people get what they deserve.
Our foriegn policies shift the balances of world power which affects every nation on Earth. Our economic fluctuations influence every nation especially the Europeans. The conflicts in the Middle East, directly under American influence, affect every man, woman, and child alive. America affects the entire world.

Sondernkommando wrote:

Typically Canadian - any discussion about Canada soon involves the U.S. somehow!  Canadians increasingly define themselves by comparison.

Canada was once a great country, combining enterprising, adventurous spirit with British rule of law.  Our history is filled with inspirational achievements.  Militarily and diplomatically, we always "punched above our weight" (i.e. third largest Navy in WW2, Royal Canadian Air Force heroics in Europe, Vimy Ridge/Passchaendale in WW1, Pearson Peace Prize).

Now the ruling classes tell us we're "peacekeepers", not soldiers, as they gut our armed forces; that Canadian values are as valid as anyone who recently arrived; that only the state knows what's best for us, as they whittle away our independence.

Perhaps it's best by way of an adage I once read: 

In America, people hate government.  In Canada, the government hates the people.

P.S.  If the Liberals DO win again, after all of their miserable theft and corruption, then the people get what they deserve.
The problem with Canada is that they had the opportunity to have British culture, French cuisine, and American technology. Instead they ended up with British cuisine, French technology, and American culture.

man i like that .. thats funny you didnt make that up did you

anyhow i did specify daily life .. what i mean by that is an instance daily where we change an aspect maybe to a severe amount, thier lives.

of course on a broad scale we effect everyone and everyone effects us .. but in a specific daily life i cant say that a dutch effects me at all .. and i cant assume but im interested to hear an average dutch person give an example of how they give a flying shit or how an american truely effects thier daily life ..

im sure an iraqi can give an example or afghani ... but a dutch or other euros? im sure we contribute to thier import export but in their politics and lifestyles i dont know of any relevent changes weve done to significantly impact thier daily lives
nope, heard it a long time ago. don't remember where

The entire world is affected by what we do, especially recently in the middle east. The entire world is affected by our economy. Maybe your life doesn't affect his but our nation does have an influence on every nation on earth. It's unavoidable considering current ease of travel and communication.

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