For those of you who don't know about the PDS-1 Vehicle Solar, its an engineer unlock that detects vehicles within the vicinity using a Sonar tracking system and looks like this:

So now where's the problem? Well if you happen to place this little piece of garbage anywhere, it will essentially cancel out the effects of your team's UAV. So not only does it serve a ridiculous purpose (detecting vehicles...which aren't that hard to detect in the first place) which makes it essentially useless, but it also completely screws your team over by eliminating the effectiveness of your UAV which is by far the most useful commander asset.
I understand people unlocking this as part of the engineer tree, but for heaven's sake DO NOT use it in a game and if you happen to see one then find it and blow it up.

So now where's the problem? Well if you happen to place this little piece of garbage anywhere, it will essentially cancel out the effects of your team's UAV. So not only does it serve a ridiculous purpose (detecting vehicles...which aren't that hard to detect in the first place) which makes it essentially useless, but it also completely screws your team over by eliminating the effectiveness of your UAV which is by far the most useful commander asset.
I understand people unlocking this as part of the engineer tree, but for heaven's sake DO NOT use it in a game and if you happen to see one then find it and blow it up.