Im not cleaning Aisle 2
+27|6793|F-Dub, FL./ Destin, FL.

davespanzer777 wrote:

RedTwizzler wrote:

davespanzer777 wrote:

Question     Are you Combat Arms.
That's funny, since I think questions generally end in question marks, or at least are full thoughts, not "are you combat arms".
What are you, a Fucking English Teacher.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
/insert question mark
+102|7015|New York

CommieChipmunk wrote:

yeah, i'm not usually one that sides with the assholes that do this.  But for christs sake, if i saw my buddies getting killed, i'd fucking hate very one of these peoples guts.

PTSD really messes with your mind.

Bush is ruining soooo many lives, these people will be fucked up for a long ass time..
Dude THAT had Nothing to do with Post tramatic Syndrom, They sounded about 19 years old and were being tards. There assholes really.

As for hateing the people, To each his own, But i dont think any human being hates kids no matter the situation, Those Young children are cought in the middle of some fucked up sectarian bullshit, and they will inherit the aftermath because GROWNUPS just cant seem to think straight. Belief in something is one thing, But to let Religion ruin your country is just fucked. Please dont go there with the catholic shit and the US, Theres a difference and it has to do with Morals(our laws are founded on good morals and not just a belief in god!) and Not blind faith and killing in the name of the religion.

I dont blame Bush 1 for my totally fucked up life because of my injury, and the fact i was there doing a job and Guess what, we didnt get to finish it!! Just miles from the city and you get the call to come back and go home. THIS war could have been avoided THEN, but do I blame him? NO, And it isnt like GW is there holding those guys hands and telling them to do this stupid shit.

As for the OP, The media of the world, includeing the US media wont show Anything good our men and women are doing, But yet your so quick to Judge ALL soldiers for the actions of a few Young asshats? Have you happened to notice that the Ones doing the fucked uop shit Includeing the broad with the pictures at Gitmo are ALL around 19 or whatever? Yah, Its typical of The generation, The lack of respect of this generation is astounding. If i just generalized I dont give a fuck, Because all evidence points to Just what ive said in most matters today, TOTAL lack of respect.
Same shit, Different Arsehole
I always thought people joined the army to make a diffrence for the Greater good not be arseholes an make the locals hate you, oh well mabe thats just me
+102|7015|New York

LostFate wrote:

I always thought people joined the army to make a diffrence for the Greater good not be arseholes an make the locals hate you, oh well mabe thats just me
This shit doesnt just happen with US soldiers, someone should read up on what the UN troops are up to these days with women. ALL countries have there Immoral asshats, Its just so happens that all the news agencies thrive on bashing the US for anything they can get there hands on. As i said before There are no morals left, and the generations were leaving the earths wellbeing to generally dont have any. Just watch the news and every day you will see dissrespect and plain blaitant  immoral behavior.

Prime example, columbia U, Asshats with no respect at all(Most radical protesters) Bust in and ruin a speach from and INVITED guest and start a fight, and then do the same crap again and again to whomever they dont like. I havent seen very many Conservative protests turn out like this, Like Liberal far left ones.

Hell just read this board and youll see what im saying.

Dec45 wrote:

I don't see how this behavior is exclusive to Americans, for one thing. For another thing, those kids weren't dying of thirst. I don't know if you noticed, but there's a grip of water lying in the streets from public water systems. The soldiers and kids were playing around with each other, and in the end he gave them the water. For fuck's sake people, come on.
lol this has to be the best post ever...."grip of water lying in the streets" lol when was the last time you drank any water that was on the street and lived another day without shitting your brains out or dying? hahahah fuck i can only wish you could see yourself running after a truck with a water bottle when you know your INFRASTRUCTURE was fucked because of a war...gee that water looks good....
+102|7015|New York

Fen321 wrote:

Dec45 wrote:

I don't see how this behavior is exclusive to Americans, for one thing. For another thing, those kids weren't dying of thirst. I don't know if you noticed, but there's a grip of water lying in the streets from public water systems. The soldiers and kids were playing around with each other, and in the end he gave them the water. For fuck's sake people, come on.
lol this has to be the best post ever...."grip of water lying in the streets" lol when was the last time you drank any water that was on the street and lived another day without shitting your brains out or dying? hahahah fuck i can only wish you could see yourself running after a truck with a water bottle when you know your INFRASTRUCTURE was fucked because of a war...gee that water looks good....
Hey, you take your chances. Its already a fact, your dying of thirst(assumeing this ) Hell yes id drink from a frigging puddle if need be. If it were a case of dying anyways id take my chances. Ive done so many times on survival training, where you have nothing more than a couple items with you, and one of them surely isnt water prueifying tabs. Ive has to drink from streams that i have no fucking idea what was in them. You try being dropped off in the wilderness(on excercise) for 2 days and be expected to show up at the targeted Extraction point and see what you would drink to survive.

<[onex]>Headstone wrote:

Fen321 wrote:

Dec45 wrote:

I don't see how this behavior is exclusive to Americans, for one thing. For another thing, those kids weren't dying of thirst. I don't know if you noticed, but there's a grip of water lying in the streets from public water systems. The soldiers and kids were playing around with each other, and in the end he gave them the water. For fuck's sake people, come on.
lol this has to be the best post ever...."grip of water lying in the streets" lol when was the last time you drank any water that was on the street and lived another day without shitting your brains out or dying? hahahah fuck i can only wish you could see yourself running after a truck with a water bottle when you know your INFRASTRUCTURE was fucked because of a war...gee that water looks good....
Hey, you take your chances. Its already a fact, your dying of thirst(assumeing this ) Hell yes id drink from a frigging puddle if need be. If it were a case of dying anyways id take my chances. Ive done so many times on survival training, where you have nothing more than a couple items with you, and one of them surely isnt water prueifying tabs. Ive has to drink from streams that i have no fucking idea what was in them. You try being dropped off in the wilderness(on excercise) for 2 days and be expected to show up at the targeted Extraction point and see what you would drink to survive.
aww what ever happened to drinking out of the street not the wilderness your changing the water sources here now...sure that sounds understandable, but from the street? haha come on you know damn well that's fucked to get taunted like that just for enjoyment. This isn't some 2 day survival outfit were you get to get close with your buddies this is reality and the reality is that some fuck is dangling clean water in front of you and you obviously want to drink it. Notice how the solider keeps referring to the camera man and asking if he is actually recording, that's cause the prick knows its fucked and simply just wants to get it on tape, and to think oh but i'd be HAPPY with dirty water that may or may not come out of my faucet.

just place yourself in the situation and tell me you wouldn't be a tad disturbed by the "freeing" forces attempt to make a mockery of the situation they are now placed in. Come on i know you have a heart somewhere...bring that bad boy out and let it tell you oh shit perhaps compassion in this situation seems fit...DOH

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