Okay so I'm in the =NAA= Official Ranked Server.  We have all of the NAA guys on one side (we had about 10 on).  So after we own about 5 rounds in a row, we get these two n00bs who I guess are buddies who are on the other team.  They start shouting "The NAA clan sucks.  They just team stack."  Oh yeah, that's definitely team stacking.  I mean, we are all in the same clan and its our server.  Do they pay for the server?  We should be able to play on whatever team we want, its our server.  I tell them "Maybe if you didn't suck so badly some clan might be willing to take you in so you can attempt to play as a team."  The n00bs get owned some more then leave.  So they come onto the naaclan.com forums and leave a very obscene message about how "The NAA are a fucking cock sucking faggots" and things of that nature... OWNED!