Fix disconnects and CTD is main problem
A type of gameplay where one side has a titan and the otherside has a shit laod more vehicles but no titan
think BF1942 battle of britain map where the nazis had a countdown to destroy the factories
so you could do stuff like the opening movie where theres just loads of vehicles everywhere and transports on the glaciers
yeah that'd be kwl a map where one side has to assault down a glacier onto a well defended set of flags like how the opening movie looks on verdun, but not like on actual verden where you have to assault down a naff hill
+581|6423|New York
add trebuchets as more ground defense structures.
allow the commander to call in a nuclear strike and destroy everyone. everyone affected will have radiation poisoning in subsequent rounds.
Remember Me As A Time Of Day
It tastes like burning
+23|6850|Moore, OK


What would you like to see added to BF2142
  • Something that wasn't ripped off from Planetside. I'm not complaining, as 2142 has better implemented these ideas, but I would like to see something original.
  • I'd love to see a new mode added besides the "tried and true" Conquest mode, and Titan. Both are fun, but both can and will become boring after a period of time.
  • Adding water vehicles is just common sense, as they've been in previous iterations of the game's series. I was really surpirsed to learn when I got the game that the Nekomata didn't hover over water, unlike Planetside's Magrider. The fans want them, so why not?
  • Hell, add sewers and other subterranean locations to the game and that will be a big boost to gameplay. The thought of Recon-ing in dark sewers just screams awesome. It would actually make the Support NETBAT Active Camo ID useful.

I can go on and on about what I'd like to see added to the game. Foremost, I'd like to see all of the bugs/exploits fixed before they start adding more content. Alas, we all know that's not going to happen. Silly DICE.

Last edited by Dizik (2006-12-08 10:49:45)

Well we have seen EA playing on a new gamemode and some new maps but its not yet what kind of gamemode it is.

Dizik wrote:


What would you like to see added to BF2142
  • Something that wasn't ripped off from Planetside. I'm not complaining, as 2142 has better implemented these ideas, but I would like to see something original.
  • I'd love to see a new mode added besides the "tried and true" Conquest mode, and Titan. Both are fun, but both can and will become boring after a period of time.
  • Adding water vehicles is just common sense, as they've been in previous iterations of the game's series. I was really surpirsed to learn when I got the game that the Nekomata didn't hover over water, unlike Planetside's Magrider. The fans want them, so why not?
  • Hell, add sewers and other subterranean locations to the game and that will be a big boost to gameplay. The thought of Recon-ing in dark sewers just screams awesome. It would actually make the Support NETBAT Active Camo ID useful.

I can go on and on about what I'd like to see added to the game. Foremost, I'd like to see all of the bugs/exploits fixed before they start adding more content. Alas, we all know that's not going to happen. Silly DICE.
Original huh, tell me how many games can you make Original nowdays? Heck the programmers already used like 95% of the ideas, the rest of them just sucks or won't be good at a game. Valve came with a pretty original idea with the DWP but it didn't really work so well because people still bought the weaopns they liked.

Oh and you should try think up of something original to, you'll see it's pretty darn hard or next to impossible.

Beside Titan mode is pretty original to imo. Havn't seen anything like that mode.

Also adding a whole lot of underground tunnels would only lead to less battles due to that the teams can only be filled with 32 players max each on Conquest and 24 on Titan mode. It wouldn't be that fun. Plus it would also mean longer loading times less FPS overall so no don't add undergrounds.

And I would like to see you do a game as big as Battlefield with a crew to fix every known bug in it. Because if it was so easy they would have already fixed it, but it isn't. They might need to go through some millions lines of coding and things like that. A living hell in other words.
i would like to see some new maps... and have them change the game up a bit... have some maps with an attacking team with a Titan with a defending team that has a ground base instead of a titan. there would be 3-5 silos , the ground base has a shield on it, and the silos would attack iether the titan or the ground base. once the shileds are down the attackers would have to destroy the ground base "generator"  ... cool eh???

Last edited by IsaacLeavitt (2006-12-08 11:07:40)

Defeating your warriors.
+116|6444|Espoo, Finland

Kanil wrote:

Wake Island + Titans!

IsaacLeavitt wrote:

i would like to see some new maps... and have them change the game up a bit... have some maps with an attacking team with a Titan with a defending team that has a ground base instead of a titan. there would be 3-5 silos , the ground base has a shield on it, and the silos would attack iether the titan or the ground base. once the shileds are down the attackers would have to destroy the ground base "generator"  ... cool eh???
That one would be heavily Titan sided. Think about it. Move your own Titan close to the shield and totally rape all those tanks and marines that are on the surface.

They could make an underground to their Generator that have 4 doors that needs to be opened before the PAC can move in.

They should also make so that the Titan can only move a certain lenght or make it none move able.

B-Scimitar wrote:

Kanil wrote:

Wake Island + Titans!
El Alamein + Titans

Beefier AA/Ground emplacements.
Cleanup button repsonse in main menu, commander window.
Fix control assignment retention.
Gicve a slight amount more verticle reach for titan AA guns.
Sheildless/repairable titan mode.

Last edited by jsnipy (2006-12-08 11:20:11)

+581|6423|New York
a map that's heavily into vehicle combat. enough vehicles for eveyone to have one, with extras to keep a steady flow going.

Per side:
4 or 5 walkers
6 or 7 tanks
3 gunships
3 transports
4 apc's
8 - 10 fav's
ton of ground defense scattered throughout map

probably not practical, but it would still be cool as hell to play on a map like that.
Remember Me As A Time Of Day

Superior Mind wrote:

- being able to place a spawn beacon without destroying the old one first, let it work like the HUBs.
Yea, that's a good idea.

Zefar wrote:

IsaacLeavitt wrote:

i would like to see some new maps... and have them change the game up a bit... have some maps with an attacking team with a Titan with a defending team that has a ground base instead of a titan. there would be 3-5 silos , the ground base has a shield on it, and the silos would attack iether the titan or the ground base. once the shileds are down the attackers would have to destroy the ground base "generator"  ... cool eh???
That one would be heavily Titan sided. Think about it. Move your own Titan close to the shield and totally rape all those tanks and marines that are on the surface.

They could make an underground to their Generator that have 4 doors that needs to be opened before the PAC can move in.

They should also make so that the Titan can only move a certain lenght or make it none move able.
no they couldnt rape too bad if they put ground defence cannons in that could kill a titan gun in 1 or 2 hits... and of course there would be doors they would have to blow open with RDX on the base... plus make some built in pod on the base... it could actual be harder for the titan team lol...
THey should make the game more solid, about everything was a step down from BF2, now the rifles move up and down from the breathing in the game, totally ruined my game, now i have to spay constantly
+15|6451|Emmaus, Pennsylvania
First of all, GET RID OF THE LAG IN TITAN MODE!  I can run conquest without lag, but when i hit titan mode everything goes south.  Its like wtf, how could i lag in titan but not conquest.....o_0

Last edited by Fadediesel (2006-12-08 11:57:11)

+2,187|6603|Mountains of NC

I thinkin of a new map - something set in Egypt with the Pyramids - imagine running into one of those with the titian

IsaacLeavitt wrote:

no they couldnt rape too bad if they put ground defence cannons in that could kill a titan gun in 1 or 2 hits... and of course there would be doors they would have to blow open with RDX on the base... plus make some built in pod on the base... it could actual be harder for the titan team lol...
Actually they could still whore the main base by

1: A Tank/Mech/APC/Enginer/Recon destroy the sentry turret from the ground.
2: Let the whoring begin.

It's not just base friendly to have a giant Titan above yourself that can maul down most things in seconds. Making it stop moving a certain degree from the base would be better.

Also to Fadediesel: You got 2 GIANT ships that can MOVE around and themself most likely requier a lot to just be there. I just think the Engine can't handle it.
+106|6417|UMass Amherst

Raptor1 wrote:

THey should make the game more solid, about everything was a step down from BF2, now the rifles move up and down from the breathing in the game, totally ruined my game, now i have to spay constantly
What, are you kidding me?  BF2142 is so much better than BF2 in so many ways I couldn't list them all in a single day.  Also, you're put off by the rifle sway?  come on, it is not that hard to line up your shots if you're not a complete spray n00b...I get sniper headshots left and right even with the sway (stabilizer=waste of unlock space), learn to aim is my advice.
I suspect something is amiss

heggs wrote:

a map that's heavily into vehicle combat. enough vehicles for eveyone to have one, with extras to keep a steady flow going.

Per side:
4 or 5 walkers
6 or 7 tanks
3 gunships
3 transports
4 apc's
8 - 10 fav's
ton of ground defense scattered throughout map

probably not practical, but it would still be cool as hell to play on a map like that.
I would love to cruise around in a buggy in that enviroment or sailing the sky with a dropship looking at 5 hungry walkers on the ground
Honestly, I want a "Rank Restricted" server option that filters out the n00bs at low ranks as opposed to people at high ranks..
+581|6423|New York

madmurre wrote:

heggs wrote:

a map that's heavily into vehicle combat. enough vehicles for eveyone to have one, with extras to keep a steady flow going.

Per side:
4 or 5 walkers
6 or 7 tanks
3 gunships
3 transports
4 apc's
8 - 10 fav's
ton of ground defense scattered throughout map

probably not practical, but it would still be cool as hell to play on a map like that.
I would love to cruise around in a buggy in that enviroment or sailing the sky with a dropship looking at 5 hungry walkers on the ground
or how about in the very beginning of the round, when everyone is in a vehicle, screaming off towards the center of the map. massive tank and walker battle. it would be so friggin intense. 12 tanks and 10 walkers in one area would be rediculous. although i'm sure the fps drop associated with that would be substantial.
Remember Me As A Time Of Day
+617|6441|NSW, Australia

Quakecon Attendee
+17|6694|SLC, Utah, USA
Lol, yeah, why did jetpacks skip a generation?  It was in BF1942 SW!
What would you like to see added to BF2142

Faster change time between weapons, and reloading

[RDH]Warlord wrote:

Where's the anti-infantry base defenses? (mounted machine guns.)
I tell you this: get in one of the ground defense guns and press your right mouse button, or whatever button you use to zoom in, and then shoot away.

It's better than the machine gun.  It rotates any direction.  It's better than any sniper rifle.  And best of all, soldiers can't shoot through the front of it, so if you're looking at them, you're practically invincible unless their buddies flank you...  And you can kill walkers, you can kill tanks, you can zap FAVs as they go zooming by, you can destroy gunships and air transports that get too low.  They are the pwn.

Frankly, I shouldn't give up this little secret, because it seems nobody knows how badass these guns are.

Last edited by RoofusMcDoofus (2006-12-08 15:15:50)

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