Cowboy from Hell
Last night there was a discussion about the number of continents there are in the world, and depending on your language or your country, the quantity can vary from 4 to 7.  The French for instance, have 4 accepted divisions with 4, 5, 6 or 7 continents.  The other issue is how you use the word "America".  While Americans (from US), call themselves America, the word America is also used by a lot of people to quote the continent America, which Americans (from US) call The Americas.  At the end of this post you'll find 5 questions, if you want to answer them you are welcome.

Let's go with the America thing first:


America (English).  The United States of America, also known as the United States, the U.S., the US, the U.S.A., the USA, the U.S. of A., the States, and America, is a country in North America that extends from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean and shares land borders with Canada and Mexico.

America (Spanish). América es un continente que se extiende en gran parte del Hemisferio Occidental de la Tierra.  Translation: America is a continent occupying great part of the Occidental Hemisphere of the Earth.

America (French). L'Amérique est un continent ou la réunion de deux continents, l'Amérique du Nord et l'Amérique du Sud, selon le point de vue.  Translation: America is a continent or the sum of two continents, North and South America, depending on the viewpoint.

America (Italian) Le Americhe rappresentano l'area che include i due continenti dell'America settentrionale e dell'America meridionale, situati tra l'Oceano Pacifico e l'Oceano atlantico, tra il Circolo Polare Artico e il Circolo Polare Antartico, ed attraversati dal Tropico del Cancro, dall'Equatore e dal Tropico del Capricorno.  Translation: America includes two continents, North and South America, located between the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean, from the Artic Polar Circle to the Antartic Polar Circle, crossing the Tropic of Cancer, the Equator and the Tropic of Capricorn.

America (Portuguese). A América é um continente da Terra situado entre os oceanos Atlântico e Pacífico.  Translation: America is a continent located between the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean.

America (German). Der amerikanische Doppelkontinent erstreckt sich in seiner Nord-Südachse vom 83.  Translation: wtf?

America (Dutch). Amerika is een landmassa op het westelijk halfrond dat ten oosten van de Grote Oceaan en ten westen van de Atlantische Oceaan ligt.  Translation: are you kiddin' me?

America (Norwegian). Amerika er ein verdsdel som strekker seg nesten frå Sør- til Nordpolen.  Translation: Cmon.

The Continents:

There are several ways of distinguishing the continents.
English: There are several ways of distinguishing the continents:
7 continents: Antarctica, South America, North America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia.
6 continents: Antarctica, South America, North America, Eurasia, Africa, Australia.
6 continents: Antarctica, America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia.
4 continents: Antarctica, America, Africa-Eurasia, Australia.

La Tierra tiene 6: África, América, Antártida, Europa, Asia y Oceanía. Translation: The Earth has 6 continents: Africa, America, Antarctica, Europe, Asia and Oceania.
Spanish: There are 6 continents: Africa, America, Antarctica, Europe, Asia and Oceania.

Les systèmes de continents Translation: The Continental Systems.
French: There are several ways of distinguishing the continents:
7 continents: Antarctica, South America, North America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Oceania.
6 continents: Antarctica, South America, North America, Eurasia, Africa, Oceania.
6 continents: Antarctica, America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Oceania.
5 continents: Antarctica, America, Eurasia, Africa, Oceania.
5 continents: America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Oceania (They wiped Antarctica here).
4 continents: Antarctica, America, Africa-Eurasia, Oceania.

Alcuni sistemi di suddivisione delle terre emerse Translation: Some of the Earth Division Systems are...
Italian: There are several ways of distinguishing the continents:
7 continents: Antarctica, South America, North America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Oceania.
6 continents: Antarctica, South America, North America, Eurasia, Africa, Oceania.
6 continents: Antarctica, America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Oceania.
5 continents: Antarctica, America, Eurasia, Africa, Oceania.
5 continents: Antarctica, South America, Laurasia (Europe, Asia and North America), Africa, Oceania.
4 continents: Antarctica, America, Africa-Eurasia, Oceania.

Os seis continentes do globo terrestre: Translation: The six continents in Earth are: Antarctica, America (divided in North, Central and South America), Europe, Asia, Africa, Oceania.
Portuguese: there are 6 continents: Antarctica, America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Oceania.

Vergleich der Größen und Einwohnerzahlen der Kontinente Translation: say again.
German: there are 7 continents: Antarctica, North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia/Oceania.

Op aarde bevinden zich zeven continenten. Deze zijn in volgorde van grootte Translation: whatever.
Dutch: there are 7 continents: Antarctica, North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia/Oceania.

Det er seks store kontinentalplater, som gjev fylgjande kontinent, frå det største til det minste Translation: of course.
Norwegian: there 6 continents: Antarctica, North America, South America, Eurasia, Africa, Australia.

Má deirtear go bhfuil seacht mór-ranna ann, seo é an liosta: Afraic, Áise, Antartaice, Astrláise, Eoraip, Meiriceá Theas, Meiriceá Thuaidh. Translation: CameronPoe please help us.
Irish: there are 7 continents: Antarctica, North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Australasia.

Your opinion:
1) How do you call US or America (The country)?
2) How do you call America or The Americas (The continent)?
3) How many continents are there?
4) Is Central America a part of North America, or it's one of 3 divisions in America (The continent)?
5) How do you call the continent: Australia or Oceania?

Last edited by sergeriver (2006-12-08 07:39:32)

In Ireland when you refer to America it is automatically assumed that you are referring to USA, whereas in Panama it was always Estados Unidos - specifying exactly that it is the United States you are referring to.

In school here in Ireland we are taught that there are 7 continents:
1) North America
2) South America
3) Europe
4) Asia
5) Africa
6) Antartica
7) Australasia


Na seacht mór-ranna:

an Afraic
an Áise
an Antartaice
an Astraláise (an Aigéine)
an Eoraip
Meiriceá Theas
Meiriceá Thuaidh

Latin America would be used here to describe everything from Tierra Del Fuego to the Rio Grande and North America would describe Canada and USA.

PS Serge look out for 8 pale Irish guys in Buenos Aires (probably with pints in their hands) - a close work buddy has gone out there with 7 of his friends for the next 3 weeks.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-12-08 06:25:54)

Cowboy from Hell

CameronPoe wrote:

Serge look out for 8 pale Irish guys in Buenos Aires (probably with pints in their hands) - a close work buddy has gone out there with 7 of his friends for the next 3 weeks.
Mmmm, I know where to find them.  They must be in one of the several Irish pubs we have here in Buenos Aires.
+385|6811|Northern California
Your opinion:
1) How do you call US or America (The country)?
2) How do you call America or The Americas (The continent)?
3) How many continents are there?
4) Is Central America a part of North America, or it's one of 3 divisions in America (The continent)?
5) How do you call the continent: Australia or Oceania?

1) I call our country "the united states" or "the us."  I called it america, but then Bush always called it that and I became embarassed.  Also, Canadians get pissed when we refer to our country as America.  Could be worse..could be called "Vespuci!"  (name sake for our country derived from some dude called "Amerigo Vespuci")
2) North America or North American continent
3) 7 i think? lets see if i can name them; NA, SA, EU, ASIA, AFRICA, Antarctica, Australia?  Something like that.  Kinda dumb to number them thus since most connect to each other.
4) I consider central america a third entity between north and south america..and i refer to it thus, unless referring to the american continents and call it an emerican continent.
5) Did they change the name of the country to Oceania?  seems dumb to call it that..unless i don't know something..
Say wat!?
1.) America is the country USA.
2.) North America
3.) Seven. North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Antartica, Australasia.
4.) It is part of North America I think, it may be it splits just below Mexico.
5.) Its Australasia.
Say wat!?

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

Your opinion: ...... BF2S Forums Mailer
Please delete this and keep to PM's. You are just spamming someone elses topic.

Karma - "sue american hating bastard" thanks for the Karma though.

Sorry to say I dont hate America, your just a cock. If you went and died somewhere I doubt many people would mind.

Last edited by Vilham (2006-12-08 09:46:42)

Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6765|The Land of Scott Walker
Point of bringing up old news, Gunslinger?  Zzzzzz.  Punishment has already been handed. End of story.

Last edited by Stingray24 (2006-12-08 09:48:25)

Scratch where it itches
In Finland or at least my experience of it:

1. We use all of these: USA, America = Amerikka and the official United States of America = Amerikan Yhdysvallat. The most common is probably Amerikka or just Yhdysvallat = US.

2. North America = Pohjois Amerikka = USA + Canada + Mexico

3. 7 continents. North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, Antarctica

4. Central America is a part of North America (Greenland also!?!)

5. Australia
Missing, Presumed Dead

1) How do you call US or America (The country)?
2) How do you call America or The Americas (The continent)?
3) How many continents are there?
4) Is Central America a part of North America, or it's one of 3 divisions in America (The continent)?
5) How do you call the continent: Australia or Oceania?

Well, im from the UK, and I regard it as:

1) America, occasionlly the US if I wana write short hand
2) America
3) North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Antartica, Australasia = 7
4) A part of North America (im assuming you mean Mexico?)
5) Australasia. Ive never even heard it referred to as "Oceania"....and Australia is a country, NOT a continent.
+783|7163|Reykjavík, Iceland.
1) How do you call US or America (The country)? Bandaríki Norður-Ameríku (United States of North America)
2) How do you call America or The Americas (The continent)? Ameríka
3) How many continents are there? 2
4) Is Central America a part of North America, or it's one of 3 divisions in America (The continent)? Part of North America.
5) How do you call the continent: Australia or Oceania? Eyjaálfa (Island-continent)
The very model of a modern major general
+796|7004|United States of America
1) How do you call US or America (The country)? United States. I hate when people call it just America or US. United States of America is acceptable as well.
2) How do you call America or The Americas (The continent)? America
3) How many continents are there? 7
4) Is Central America a part of North America, or it's one of 3 divisions in America (The continent)? It's South America since only 3 countries in North.
5) How do you call the continent: Australia or Oceania? I've seen it called both, also Australia & Oceania. I usually just call the continent Australia as well.
Cowboy from Hell

Snake wrote:

1) How do you call US or America (The country)?
2) How do you call America or The Americas (The continent)?
3) How many continents are there?
4) Is Central America a part of North America, or it's one of 3 divisions in America (The continent)?
5) How do you call the continent: Australia or Oceania?

Well, im from the UK, and I regard it as:

1) America, occasionlly the US if I wana write short hand
2) America
3) North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Antartica, Australasia = 7
4) A part of North America (im assuming you mean Mexico?)
5) Australasia. Ive never even heard it referred to as "Oceania"....and Australia is a country, NOT a continent.
4) Mexico is North America to everyone.  Central America includes the countries like El Salvador, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Belize, etc, and the Caribbean Countries.
5) Australia is a country, but some Australians called the continent Australia, not Australasia or Oceania.
GunSlinger OIF II
central america aint a continent, its part of North America
Herman is a warmaphrodite
+1,027|6758|King Of The Islands

Australia: Just the one fucking country, includes Tassy
Australasia: Australia, New Zealand, and Papua New Guinea (Not Iran Java - The left hand side)
Oceania: Australisia, plus all those little islands off the coast off AU and NZ

(Australia in terms of continent - Mainland Australia - thats it - thats all - (but we let Tassy slide)
Got it?

Last edited by Cheez (2006-12-08 16:53:46)

My state was founded by Batman. Your opinion is invalid.

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