Mmmm bit of a touchy subject and I am not sure if it is exactly right to put it here yet I didnt know where else to get info. Unfortunetly a relative of mine had her right arm amputated following a terrible accident earlier in the year, though she is fine now, was devistated to learn she cannot furfill her dream of being a gaming developer (she was probably more into bf2 than any of us lol).
So my question is, is there any devices that emcompass a mouse (touch pad) into the keyboard, she can technically use the traditional moust keyboard config but its a real pain in the arse as she put's it. Just wondering if such a product is in existance because it make things a lot easier for her and I was thinking it be a nice christmass present . Basically something like a laptop keyboard that can be used on a desktop. My great thank's to anyone who can find anything
So my question is, is there any devices that emcompass a mouse (touch pad) into the keyboard, she can technically use the traditional moust keyboard config but its a real pain in the arse as she put's it. Just wondering if such a product is in existance because it make things a lot easier for her and I was thinking it be a nice christmass present . Basically something like a laptop keyboard that can be used on a desktop. My great thank's to anyone who can find anything