
colonelioan wrote:

Last night, ive been playing on the TSC server, was good, no lag... I was playing spec ops, and ofcourse i was jihading their tanks and planes, and sometimes was going on the carrier to plant my explosives... then a TSC asshole came to kill me, i pwned his ass and then ..... !k Colonelioan FOR BASERAPING. I came back and asked why the fuck they kicked me, they said i was baseraping... no i was blowing assets and i defended myself.... later i go in the mec base to plant my explosives and then, the most retarded kick reson ive ever had.. !k Colonelioan PISS OFF NOOBLET, I Screenshoted it and came back asking wtf was that for, they said baseraping, i was planting explosives, then the fun part I WARNED THEM THAT IF THEY KICK AGAIN FOR A LAME REASON, I REPORT THEIR SERVER. well they banned me for: !b Colonelioan FOR DISRESPECT, FUCK OFF NOOB.... I reported em, and i hope this server will get removed.

Sorry i searched and dint find anything

I needed to post this, i feel better now

Discuss, i sure there alot more playeres that have been kicked fom this server in a lame way … mincp5.png

Here is the proof that i wasent kicked for base rape, and ive gone in mec base to plant explosives, but i hand some on my car so why not blow em? guess you guys are playing arent playing war
Amen, I used to play there a lot because it was 24/7 Karkand I/O.  The cheating was running fucking rampant, even TSC members were taking part.  Sure its one thing to take a couple extra bullets here and there but they were walking thru 3 things of C4 and still taking a full clip of G36c.  I was putting fucking rockets and multiple headshots into the same people with no sucess.  Only to be one shot killed with a pistol.

In other less important news, they cater to divers and hoppers.  And some of the players are just downright fucking ass holes.  They talk shit and can't even back it up.  In general, they were fucking ass holes treating people like shit... but always had their reasoning of "Its our server, if you don't like it leave".  Typical peices of shit.
I'll keep this short.
Nobody cheats on our server, if you couldnt kill them, all likelyhood is that they were better than you.
I remember playing against and with you, and I'm sorry you left on bad terms.
I/O takes a certain level of skill and a well customized set of controls,  bunny hopping and dolphin diving unfortunately happens to be a part of staying alive on I/O servers.
I hope you come back to our servers.

And the name calling is very mature, is that why the admin built this thread for us?

I doubt it.


+149|6705|USA bitches!
Any server that prohibits tactics to win the round is against the rules. Now, I'm not big on stating ROE shit, but kicking/banning players for jihading is a direct violation. People who pay for servers are obligated to run them correctly. You cannot stop someone from doing some becuase it affects your team badly. Jihading is fun, it's how I got my vet and expert explosives in one round. Admins only kick jihaders because they can't accept that fact that someone is doing something that is near unstoppable (like being a faggot J10 whore). Kick jet/helo whores while you're at it.
Excellent analysis - lets kick the people who've practiced and gotten skilled at jet or helo, and lets let the Jihadder's (insert - your 4 yr old brother can do it) have all the fun. Read carefully, we do not care where he puts C4 or who he killes with it, he can put it in the commanders ass if he so chooses, we simply say no killing in the MAIN UNCAP. So then, he was kicked for BASE RAPE, not Jihading. Ride around the map and C4 ram tanks all day, just dont go near the uncaps with it.

Glad we cleared it up.

Now go practice your jet flying.


Please no one reply to this, its resolved, sheesh...

PS: just tell your admins to write the good reasons... just to avoid all this crap.

Last edited by colonelioan (2006-12-06 13:38:48)

Privately rented servers can legally prohibit jihading.  It falls under the same category as saying no flying commanders.

Personally I don't care either way.  However, if you kill yourself in the process of jihading, then your not really good with explosives.
Death StatPadder
+228|6925|Human Meat Shield
Like I said, I have no rules on all 4 of my servers. Now if you come in with the dreaded hax, expect to be there no more. Commons sense really. I mean on our Wake server people still manage to be asshats - trolling OOB for a forced TK, standing on runways, commander spamming, blowing up own vehicles so others cant get them, its turns into retards trying to stay in the lines in a paint-by-number coloring book!

So in that essence rules HAVE to be met or people will never come to a chaotic server, so I see some instances, but other than that I avoid servers with idiotic rules - rules that entail No arty on carrier, no vehicle drops on others, no bunny hopping is my favorite to avoid - those are some rules that were made for the provider of the server to basically say " Its my server so lay down prone so I can stab you and no one else can shot me ..mmmkay?"

I find it fun to attack on both sides, why should only one side 'wait' for the attacker? Eff that, Bush didnt say " lets wait until they come closer to our flag then start attacking .. wait.. are we defending?"

Btw, the rule of 'No Uncap - whatever' is for babies.

Last edited by imdead (2006-12-07 11:18:39)

+149|6705|USA bitches!

imdead wrote:

Like I said, I have no rules on all 4 of my servers. Now if you come in with the dreaded hax, expect to be there no more. Commons sense really. I mean on our Wake server people still manage to be asshats - trolling OOB for a forced TK, standing on runways, commander spamming, blowing up own vehicles so others cant get them, its turns into retards trying to stay in the lines in a paint-by-number coloring book!

So in that essence rules HAVE to be met or people will never come to a chaotic server, so I see some instances, but other than that I avoid servers with idiotic rules - rules that entail No arty on carrier, no vehicle drops on others, no bunny hopping is my favorite to avoid - those are some rules that were made for the provider of the server to basically say " Its my server so lay down prone so I can stab you and no one else can shot me ..mmmkay?"

I find it fun to attack on both sides, why should only one side 'wait' for the attacker? Eff that, Bush didnt say " lets wait until they come closer to our flag then start attacking .. wait.. are we defending?"

Btw, the rule of 'No Uncap - whatever' is for babies.

There should be just two rules on all servers: no intentional tking or forcing tks and no hacking. That's it. Other than that, no rules should be enforced.

Jenkinsbball wrote:

imdead wrote:

Like I said, I have no rules on all 4 of my servers. Now if you come in with the dreaded hax, expect to be there no more. Commons sense really. I mean on our Wake server people still manage to be asshats - trolling OOB for a forced TK, standing on runways, commander spamming, blowing up own vehicles so others cant get them, its turns into retards trying to stay in the lines in a paint-by-number coloring book!

So in that essence rules HAVE to be met or people will never come to a chaotic server, so I see some instances, but other than that I avoid servers with idiotic rules - rules that entail No arty on carrier, no vehicle drops on others, no bunny hopping is my favorite to avoid - those are some rules that were made for the provider of the server to basically say " Its my server so lay down prone so I can stab you and no one else can shot me ..mmmkay?"

I find it fun to attack on both sides, why should only one side 'wait' for the attacker? Eff that, Bush didnt say " lets wait until they come closer to our flag then start attacking .. wait.. are we defending?"

Btw, the rule of 'No Uncap - whatever' is for babies.

There should be just two rules on all servers: no intentional tking or forcing tks and no hacking. That's it. Other than that, no rules should be enforced.
You forgot No Bunnyhopping and Diving.  2 other very important rules.  If somebody doesn't want to take the time to learn how to aim, maybe they're just not yet ready for multiplayer.  If a body doesn't have the common sense to know to not sprint down the middle of a street, and they have to bunny hop to stay alive; they need to spend a little more time in Singleplayer mode.  Don't be a lazy peice of shit and take the easy way out, just learn to aim; use common sense, all will improve.
I was kicked and banned from thier server, for telling them they are violating the ROE.. and just being douchebags in general.

They were trying to enforce a rule of noone but TG clan members in helo's and jets. Tried telling them it's against the ROE and I got banned.
I was just in Alien Probe Server. I was 13-3 in the cobra noone else waiting for it. I died got back in it on carrier on dragon valley and i push f10 to watch around me. I see the admin running up the our cobra and placing c4 on it and blowing us up. And he says "oops" .

Here is that SS

So i get back in he does the exact same thing.

He then pauses the server and bans me. I KNOW if you have played there and your not a noob you've had a problem with them.
DC1 is a lame server. I jump on and the commander Jackdonkey is running around with no squads. I create one and start taking flags. I am on for about 10 mins and I have captured 3 flags and have around 31pts when he pings me and tells me to start capping some flags.  I said I have been. He then initiates a kick vote against me in which no one but he votes against me.  I respond to him that maybe he should concentrate on team effort instead of doing kick votes. Suddenly I am dropped from the game. I go back on and immediately after I spawn, I get kicked by admin for having a negative score.  Talk about a childish server. Dont ever play this lame server with jackdonkey and feel free to kidnap this guy. If anyone has had problems with this server please add your two cents worth. I seriously doubt anyone hasnt had problems with this server the way this admin plays.
Do you have any idea how fooking busy I am?
+49|6837|Colorado Springs, CO

ncc6206 wrote:

DC1 is a lame server. I jump on and the commander Jackdonkey is running around with no squads. I create one and start taking flags. I am on for about 10 mins and I have captured 3 flags and have around 31pts when he pings me and tells me to start capping some flags.  I said I have been. He then initiates a kick vote against me in which no one but he votes against me.  I respond to him that maybe he should concentrate on team effort instead of doing kick votes. Suddenly I am dropped from the game. I go back on and immediately after I spawn, I get kicked by admin for having a negative score.  Talk about a childish server. Dont ever play this lame server with jackdonkey and feel free to kidnap this guy. If anyone has had problems with this server please add your two cents worth. I seriously doubt anyone hasnt had problems with this server the way this admin plays.
Yea man myself and my friend just got banned from that server for "excessive teamkilling". We were not TK'ing. There is no friendly fire there. We played there for about 4-5 hours and owning the server. We were kicked the first time, went back and asked who the admin was, no reply, then we just started playing again. After a couple more hours we were playing great again and got kicked again for teamkilling. Again there is no tk'ing here. Then we went back on and asked who admin was, a guy by the name of KillMeB4IKillU answered that he had just got on. Dunno if he was admin though. Shortly afterwards we were kicked again. I tried to log back on to the server but the admin had already banned me and my friend. Beware everybody, they kick and ban for dumb shit. Bad admins indeed. Stay away from DC1.
Since day One.
Okey yesterday i was kicked from [BS] aka Bebbi Slachter server
Its 16 slot and Ghost Town only.If im right its German or Swiss.
So the reason was "stealing vehicle,TK a team mate" but it was like this:
I was in SAS and in a chopper and the admin guy was in Spetznaz and ahd stolen an Apache from one of the SAS flag (I had the otehr one)
We were ahving a 1v1 fight in a chopper and he was a bit too close to me so we crashed into each other.I wasnt ramming coz it said "you were killed by" and "you killed" So it was intresting.
But that fagott lost the chopper what he couldnt accept (That time Spetz capped that flag where the 2nd chopper is)
So i respawned and got into the chopper....loading and bf2 main with massage...after 1 min i got back and asked Why was I kicked ? No answer....

The Abusive Admin from the week is: [BS] PaLgReNaDiEr  (
[UTAC] AF and EF server.

First out commander put arty on their uncap, he was kicked straight away. Our jet was raping their uncap, he was kicked straight away.

Then their commander dropped arty on our uncap, he didn't get kicked even though I complained about it.

Their jet was raping us as we were taking off in the chopper. The admins did nothing. Then we were getting TV'd as we were taking off. The admin was flying and someone was gunning for him. They went back for ammo/repairs so we followed them and took them out. As soon as that happened my clan mate (who was gunning) was warned for attacking uncaps.

I said it was exactly what they did to us then got kicked for using bad language.

Bad language was my fault and I admit that.

Just a warning for everyone

Siders77 wrote:

[UTAC] AF and EF server.

First out commander put arty on their uncap, he was kicked straight away. Our jet was raping their uncap, he was kicked straight away.

Then their commander dropped arty on our uncap, he didn't get kicked even though I complained about it.

Their jet was raping us as we were taking off in the chopper. The admins did nothing. Then we were getting TV'd as we were taking off. The admin was flying and someone was gunning for him. They went back for ammo/repairs so we followed them and took them out. As soon as that happened my clan mate (who was gunning) was warned for attacking uncaps.

I said it was exactly what they did to us then got kicked for using bad language.

Bad language was my fault and I admit that.

Just a warning for everyone
I stopped playing there because of crap like that.
Hockey Nut
+243|6687|Boston, MA
Alright, absolute fucking prick server here. DO NOT play here because the admins are such assholes and I would love to see one of their guys get kidnapped. The IP is "24/7 Dalian -=[DS]=-& (AK)." I was playing and we were absolutely destroying them as Chinese. The admins were on our side and did nothing about baserape but obviously wouldn't tolerate it when it was happening on our side. Then I saw their admin "(AK) -=[DS]=-Bacfire" fly a gunner off the edge of the map in his heli. All I said was, "Some (AK) guy just flew a gunner off the map." And he quickly replies with an obvious childish remark, "Want some cheese? ..." So I just replied "Well I just don't think that clan members of the clan running servers should be such fucking pricks." Then he didn't say anything for a while. Later he said, "If we're such pricks, why are you still playing here? Weird eh?" And one of his prick clanmates just backs him up, "Yeah, weird..." And then I just say, "Because you guys are too fuckin pussy to kick me." Then he bans me. His reason was "Here, happy now?" But the true reason was, "Defending your average player from power hungry admin..." God damn, don't go to that server, just full of asshole admins.
be nice
+2,646|6610|The Twilight Zone
i hear ya Frankie. now listen to this guys. i was waiting for the chopper to respawn. i got in and waited for about 20 seconds for someone to take the gunner position. i thought no one wants to fly so i will fly alone. i was in the air and i changed seats and killed two admins in the helo with TV. and then i was kicked. the log said no single heli. but the rules on the loading page didnt said that. and i wasnt ever warned! the name of the server was EA DE =FF= FunFactory. dont go there.
Ive found dodgy admins more common lately, but hey, its not my server.

Im quite a 'law-abiding' player, but one server last week, i think it was FMJS or similar that me a 3 chums were palying on.

I got kicked randomly. So rejoined. Then kicked again.

So, i joined once more and asked why...   I was bunny hopping so it seems. Now I know this is a touchy subject, but if im being shot at, i jump. The first kick was for this bunny hopping, and the second kick was because the admin was 'still pissed'.

I really think they should have said "Jumping will result in you being Kicked" as a server rule.

Anyway after a bit of a rant we left to join another server which banned the use of choopers and/or planes over an enemy airfield. Even though it was capable (Wake).

I may be mocked for my rant, but thse days I seem to have the choice of:

Server 1 - Infantry Only
Server 2 - Crazy Rules

Proud Infantry Whore
Well I just got banned out of the =AT= Absolute teamwork server for "Cheating"  wtf?

fucking morons, and if you have any skills , i advise you to stay clear.

Heres the server

there fixed

Last edited by Leprechaun56 (2007-01-02 11:23:17)

I'm English, not British!
+113|6927|Rotherham, England

Leprechaun56 wrote:

Well I just got banned out of the =AT= Absolute teamwork server for "Cheating"  wtf?

fucking morons, and if you have any skills , i advise you to stay clear.

You Missed a / out[/img]

Last edited by pedigreeuk (2007-01-02 11:21:56)

+250|6568|Eskimo land. AKA Canada.
I would advise you guys against this server: SG3 (A)....also know as the 75th Rangers clan.
IP is :, standard port.

Anyway, this is the deal. The map is Dalian Plant, and I'm on the US team. We're getting destroyed by the Chinese due to superior numbers(3 man advantage) and constant attacks by the J-10 and Z-10s hovering over the gap between land and the carrier.

After getting mauled in the F-35 two or three times, I decide to steal a J-10 from under their noses. I take off, kill the guy manning the AA gun at the South Docks, zip through the canyon and end up in their main. I bail out over the hangar. Coast is clear so I sprint to the unmanned jet and leave without incident.

This is where it gets interesting.

Just as I fly over the Maintenance Building, I receive this message: Kicking!!! SplinterStrike for attacking defenseless players at enemy's uncap repeatedly! No kills took place in the uncap, and it was my first time venturing over there. Stupid fucking admin if you ask me.

(FYI, I had annihilated them a few rounds previous on Zatar in the MIG. Helps to mention that they sucked balls at flying...might explain how I did so well)

What are your thoughts?
Stay away from
{Sn][per}Group Server

All these guys do is snipe at each other (pardon the pun) and kick out people who randomly join. If its a public server they should let everyone join and play. I was kicked by a team vote by none other than a clan member. I reported them to ROE. They are a public server but kick regular players so they can "play with themselves"

ncc6206 wrote:

Stay away from
{Sn][per}Group Server

All these guys do is snipe at each other (pardon the pun) and kick out people who randomly join. If its a public server they should let everyone join and play. I was kicked by a team vote by none other than a clan member. I reported them to ROE. They are a public server but kick regular players so they can "play with themselves"
lmao, my clanmates got kicked for "crossing the river"...

Or maybe it was because we charged their sniper padding asses with machine guns.
Abusive admins here:
The admins raped our uncap on sharqi, and after I got into air with chopper we killed them two or three times, then we got kicked for "raping" (they killed us to our mec uncap like 5 times) I returned, and noticed that the admins had stolen mec chopper. Then on wake, they raped the carrier with artillery, planes and choppers.  I was just about to leave the server when I saw the other admin say "stop raping" and the other one responding "ok". Made me laugh.

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