+72|7035|Indianapolis, IN
The subject of this post is the title of an featured in the December 11 edition of Forbes.


The Unthinkable
December 11, 2006
by: Steve Forbes, Editor-in-Chief
"With all thy getting get understanding"

                                        The Unthinkable

While all attention is now focused on the unrelenting insurrections in Iraq, a far bigger and infinitely more menacing threat is before us: Iran.  The fanatics running Iran are developing nuclear weapons, not as a means to extort money from the West a la north Korea but with the express purpose of firing them.  Former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel recently revealed that these lunatics plan to manufacture 25 or more atomic bombs a year.  Ominously, Tehran is building missiles with longer and longer ranges.  Warns Netanyahu, "It's 1938, and Iran is Germany, and it's racing to arm itself with nuclear weapons."
   President Mahmond Ahmadinejad has made all too clear that, when it comes to world Jewry, he intends to pick up where Hitler left off.  Israel is his obvious first target.  A couple of nuclear weapons would wipe out most of that small country's population.  But what U.S. and Western diplomats fail to grasp is that Tehran's ambition for mass murder goes beyond Israel.  Ahmadinejad fully intends to use nukes on Europe and, ultimately, the U.S.
   Thomas Kean, chairman of the 9/11 Commission, once observed that 9/11 was less a failure of intelligence than it was a failure of imagination.  Who, before that terrible day, truly thought such a thing could happen?  It just seemed too fantastic to be credible.  The idea that Iran would lob nukes at us or give smaller nukes to terrorists to set off on American soil seems nearly as fantastic.  But where murderous zealots are concerned, the unthinkable can indeed come to pass.
   Most Iranians would be quite happy to see the mullahs replaced by a less repressive, more economic-growth-oriented regime.  But maniacal, murder-minded true believers don't depend on polls to determine policy.  Time and again we have seen what a handful of extremists controlling a country can do.  Hitler is the most notable example, but there are also Lenin and Stalin, not to mention the biggest mass-murderer of them all, China's Mao Tse-tung.  And during the 1970s in Cambodia Pol Pot and his bloodthirsty band billed upward of 3 million people.
   There's no question that it would take a major air strike to achieve the disruption or destruction of Tehran's nuclear program.  But most experts believe that it is doable without needing to employ nuclear-tipped missiles to break through Iran's extraordinary deep (in some cases, 450 feet) underground bunkers.
   Alas the Bush Administration, unnerved by its unexpected setback in last month's elections, is not likely to seriously contemplate missile strikes to curtail Iran's nuclear efforts.  A growing number of Bush officials are quite ready to accommodate a nuclear-armed Iran and soothe themselves with the fantasy that these martyrizeing fanatics can be deterred.  They'll warn the President that, thanks to Iraq, he doesn't have the credibility to make a case for military action and that he would be opening himself up to criticism that he was using Iran to divert attention from the mess in Iraq.  Besides which, the Administration has done little to prepare the American public for the possible need to launch air strikes against Iran's nuclear facility.
   Israel?  A stronger government than today's would probably have already carried out air strikes.  But even weak, divided and incompetent governments can, when faced with an existential threat, undertake a major military action.
   The ultimate test of George Bush's presidency is coming.


I am truly sorry for any spelling or grammar errors.  I tried my best to correct them.

Edit: spelling

Last edited by The_Mob_Returns (2006-12-05 19:42:14)

O Canada
+1,596|6718|North Carolina
Netanyahu is basically the Jewish equivalent of Ahmadinejad.  In other words, I have no respect for him.

Iran is a valid threat, but I think they are more negotiable than people realize.

Pakistan should be the focus of our attention (outside of Iraq), not Iran.
+5,233|6842|Global Command

Turquoise wrote:

Netanyahu is basically the Jewish equivalent of Ahmadinejad.  In other words, I have no respect for him.

Iran is a valid threat, but I think they are more negotiable than people realize.

Pakistan should be the focus of our attention (outside of Iraq), not Iran.
I disagree, Pakistan is much less wealthy and developed. and more tribally orientated. It is not a threat, it is a nuisance.

Iran is a threat we seemed to have made bigger and more threatening by invading and botching Iraq.
GG us.
O Canada
+1,596|6718|North Carolina

ATG wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

Netanyahu is basically the Jewish equivalent of Ahmadinejad.  In other words, I have no respect for him.

Iran is a valid threat, but I think they are more negotiable than people realize.

Pakistan should be the focus of our attention (outside of Iraq), not Iran.
I disagree, Pakistan is much less wealthy and developed. and more tribally orientated. It is not a threat, it is a nuisance.

Iran is a threat we seemed to have made bigger and more threatening by invading and botching Iraq.
GG us.
I think what makes Pakistan more threatening is the fact that it's so disorganized.  The current government is shaky at best.  By contrast, Iran has a stable government.  In addition to all this, Pakistan already has a nuclear arsenal.
+5,233|6842|Global Command
Yes, but because its so disorganized with a shaky government they will not become united enough to be a problem. Iran is a completely different ballgame.

Last edited by ATG (2006-12-05 21:21:00)

Laughter with an S
+167|6958|Camoran's Paradise
Iran may have a stable government but the people who are in charge are crazy enough to think about usine nuclear weapons.  They would, however, be even crazier to actually use them.  As soon as they fire the first missle, the US, Russia, China, and others will tear Iran appart by nukes or conventional means.  Regardless, I think the US has cleverly prepared for such an event.  Iraq and Afganistan give America two staging areas and would put Iran in a vice.  So I say BRING EM ON.  Im about to join the army anyways.  (please be a desk job, please be a desk job, please be a desk job....)

Last edited by Ganko_06 (2006-12-05 21:27:16)

O Canada
+1,596|6718|North Carolina
See... I guess we see this in a very different way.  Stable governments have no interest in attacking much more powerful enemies.  Ahmadinejad may talk a lot of shit, but in the end, he has a lot to lose.  The insurgents in Pakistan don't.  The remnants of the Taliban take shelter in Western Pakistan, while militants that attack India hide in Eastern Pakistan.  It's a royal mess of a country, and when you combine that with a large weapon cache, you have a disaster waiting to happen.
U.S. > Iran
Mr. Ahmadinejad
its not december 11th yet...
+5,233|6842|Global Command

{BMF}*Frank_The_Tank wrote:

Mr. Ahmadinejad … dinpop.jpg
Hey, that looks familiar!
The Mas
+311|7002|NYC, a place to live
I think Iran is the real thing, very bad. And they are not stupid. Iran has actively supported international terrorism for years and they do it for pragmatic purposes, not idealistic ones. The recent Israel-Hezbollah war is an indication of what Iranian arms and training can do. The Iranian army itself is experienced from the Iraq war. By hosting dozens of Iraqi exiles and religious figures while Saddam was in power, Iran set itself up to be Iraq's number one ally when those people take power. And the US is helping put those people in power! (We have no alternative at this point, every Shi'ite has Iranian ties.) Iran's anti-Jewish rhetoric and its upcoming Holocaust-denial conference seem like parts of an effort to get people comfortable with the idea of wiping Israel off the map. Except for Israel and the US, Iran dominates the middle east militarily and even economically to some extent. Iran has worked itself into a very comfortable position and they aren't done yet.

I don't know what Iran is going to do with its nuclear weapons and its new ally Iraq, but I guarantee it is going to hurt.
can detect anyone's visible post count...
+691|7079|Cambridge (UK)

arch29 wrote:

its not december 11th yet...
OP has a time-machine.
U.S. > Iran

ATG wrote:

{BMF}*Frank_The_Tank wrote:

Mr. Ahmadinejad … dinpop.jpg
Hey, that looks familiar!
Yes sadly it does, but hey, Puddin pops cheer up everyone, why wouldnt it cheer up Mr. Ahmadenihgjad?
+721|6894|the dank(super) side of Oregon

ATG wrote:

Yes, but because its so disorganized with a shaky government they will not become united enough to be a problem. Iran is a completely different ballgame.
disorganization and shaky goverments are safe?  Maybe 50 years ago this was the rule, in the long gone realm of conventional war.  I'm not concerned about an overwhelming force of little Pakistanis running around with AK's.  I'm concerned with the nuclear weapons Pakistan does have.  I'm concerned with where those weapons could be sent.  I'm not talking about on the tip of ICBM or on the wing of a jet.  I'm talking about in the back of a truck, climbing throught the hills of Afganistan to who knows where.

I'm not saying Iran isn't a huge problem, but Iran is comprably very wealthy, and religious crazyness withstanding, has a lot more to lose.
+605|6862|San Diego, CA, USA

Turquoise wrote:

Iran is a valid threat, but I think they are more negotiable than people realize.
They are?  Doesn't look like they want to negotiate even with the U.N. treatening sanctions by the Security Council.
Wow, just wow you've manged to make a country that is attempting to seek nuclear ambitions into a country that will now fire weapons that it doesn't already have and with a technology, the missiles, that it doesn't posses.

"Former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel recently revealed that these lunatics plan to manufacture 25 or more atomic bombs a year."

What does he know that the IAEA doesn't know about development, if you don't have the fuel for these weapons IE weapons grade Uranium and that distinct possibility is years away, that my friend greatly diminishes the threat.

you know what fuck live in a micro-cosm  a world which anything that is not me, the rhetorical you, is a threat. Just ask yourself if for one second you notice another country attempting to excerpt itself independent of your control you immediately excerpt extreme force and unilaterally determine that said country regadless of oppositon of close allies. If not buiness clientel...hell lets face it its all about the money
What a complete load of unfounded hogwash. Blatant scaremongering. Remember the lesson learned from the debacle in Iraq people - a war based on unfounded fearmongering.

He states foundationless speculation as if it was fact:

"The fanatics running Iran are developing nuclear weapons, not as a means to extort money from the West a la north Korea but with the express purpose of firing them."
How the fuck would he know with such certainty that Iran had 'the express purpose of firing them (if developing them at all). They probably are developing them I concede but I believe that if they are then they're doing it to provide a means of SELF DEFENSE - a defense against their nuclear arch-rivals Israel and the ever-threatening USA.

"President Mahmond Ahmadinejad has made all too clear that, when it comes to world Jewry, he intends to pick up where Hitler left off."
Ahmedinejad has made it quite clear that his enemy is the STATE of Israel - not world Jewry. There are some 30,000 Jews in Iran for christ sake leading normal everyday lives. The paralleling with Hitler is nothing more than petty namecalling. His other subliminal associations to the likes of Pol Pot and other such figures is equally as pathetic. He has shown no desire to perform any such actions. This is really pathetic journalism. All Iran and Ahmedinejad has professed a desire to do is wipe the country of Israel from the map. That's their position given the fact they do not see and never have seen the state of Israel as a legitimate entity (much like Lebanon, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, Yemen, Oman and numerous other states). This is not some genocidal ambition - it is regional powerplay and bravado aimed at scaring Israel, whom they deeply fear (given their nuclear arsenal).

"Ahmadinejad fully intends to use nukes on Europe and, ultimately, the U.S."
That sentence has just been pulled directly out of his anus. Why on earth would Iran nuke Europe? It doesn't make any sense on any level whatsoever.

"9/11 was less a failure of intelligence than it was a failure of imagination."
Didn't some CIA report long prior to 9/11 state that there was a distinct threat posed by the concept of hijacking ariplanes to ram them into buildings! LOL. Failure of imagination my ringpiece!

"But most experts believe that it is doable without needing to employ nuclear-tipped missiles to break through Iran's extraordinary deep (in some cases, 450 feet) underground bunkers."
OK so now he appears to be subtly advocating the pre-emptive first use of nuclear weapons since Nagasaki and Hiroshima. On your head be it.

"Former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel recently revealed that these lunatics plan to manufacture 25 or more atomic bombs a year."
Least credible source of information on Iran EVER!! LOL. That guy is the equivalent to Darth Vader to most in the middle east and he's the most biased hard right zionist you're likely to meet. He's also in opposition at the moment and would say anything to fearmonger his way back into power - much like the way Bush fearmongered his way back into power.

BASICALLY: Steve Forbes is a petty, heavily-zionist-leaning, neo-conservative warmonger who will say whatever it takes to persuade people of a danger that is much less imminent or threatening than he makes it out to be.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-12-06 03:47:08)


Well torn apart poe +1 for saving me the trouble.

Reading this article, if you could call it that, makes me see how a lot of Americans think the way they do. His play on words and hearsay dressed up as truth is one of the reasons allot Americans blindly follow their governments actions, when they have this shit thrown at them regularly.
The Lizzard

ATG wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

Netanyahu is basically the Jewish equivalent of Ahmadinejad.  In other words, I have no respect for him.

Iran is a valid threat, but I think they are more negotiable than people realize.

Pakistan should be the focus of our attention (outside of Iraq), not Iran.
I disagree, Pakistan is much less wealthy and developed. and more tribally orientated. It is not a threat, it is a nuisance.

Iran is a threat we seemed to have made bigger and more threatening by invading and botching Iraq.
GG us.
I thought that small groups with nukes were scarier than large groups with nukes?
People need to remember, nobody is stupid enough to pre-emptively nuke a country who has nearly 10,000 nuclear warheads.
Vela Incident
+1,652|6881|NYC / Hamburg

.:XDR:.PureFodder wrote:

People need to remember, nobody is stupid enough to pre-emptively nuke a country who has nearly 10,000 nuclear warheads.
well if they eradicate Israel with 1 hit before they can strike back it might just work. arabs will be happy cause the israelis will be gone, the US will be happy cause they can finally be friends with the arabs (their oil) again and it will have also solved the jewish problem (they all vote democratic anyhow)

just kidding
i dont think i'll be allowed to visit the us for the next 10000000000 years
once upon a midnight dreary, while i pron surfed, weak and weary, over many a strange and spurious site of ' hot  xxx galore'. While i clicked my fav'rite bookmark, suddenly there came a warning, and my heart was filled with mourning, mourning for my dear amour, " 'Tis not possible!", i muttered, " give me back my free hardcore!"..... quoth the server, 404.
+102|7015|New York

jonsimon wrote:

Its NOT scare Mongering This shit is for real and if you cant see it, Your blind. The Guy has come right out and said it, You SEE the demonstrations daily in IRAN, do you really think its just a game? Its no game, and the rest of the world better wake up or they are in the same boat as everyone else when Iran becomes Nuclear. Do you really think that russia is just trying to or are friends with Iran for nothing? Wake up man.

Alot of the world already agrees on the threat, The UN imposed sanctions(useless anyways) But some countries have woken up to the fact Iran Will be the ones to actually push the button and start WW3.

Scare mongering my ass. This Asshole threatens to whipe out a whole country and he means it, if ANY other country even mentions something like that, that country gets lambasted by the rest of the Liberal(wearing rose colored glasses) world. Yah i generalized, sue me i really dont give a shit anymore.
Th US alone has enough nuclear warheads to incinerate every single square inch of Iran at least 10 times over.

Iran knows this.

Hence no WW3.
Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6758|The Land of Scott Walker

.:XDR:.PureFodder wrote:

Th US alone has enough nuclear warheads to incinerate every single square inch of Iran at least 10 times over.

Iran knows this.

Hence no WW3.
We could never do that, though.  The world would not like us.  And we all know we need the world to like us. *sings Barney theme with rest of world*

Amedinutjob is crazy (thinks he had a halo around his head at the UN), crazy enough that MAD (mutually assured destruction) doesn't bother him a bit.

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