Did they inject you with substances designed to break your will in SERE school? LSD? Barbiturates? Scopolamine HBr? Tropanes? Amobarbitol? Did you suffer possible permanent damage from resistance training?usmarine2007 wrote:
I have been thru Escape and Evasion school ( SERE http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SERE ) , which I volunteered to go thru. So I do know a little about sleep deprivation and stress positions.
That being said, I do not put myself in a position to be subject to these techniques. I do not try and blow people up in the name of God.
So, until you go to SERE school, or get caught doing something bad, you sir FAIL.
Well, given that Padilla has not actually been tried or convicted of a crime, this punishment makes it likely for his case to be overturned.
There are essentially only 3 reasons for this kind of treatment: 1. punishment, 2. interrogation, 3. he's a security risk.
If punishment is the reason, then why is this happening to him if he hasn't been convicted and sentenced (remember, all of this occurred while Padilla was in pre-trial confinement)?
If it's interrogation, going beyond the actual problems with the effectiveness of such measures, any tactical information he may have known has long since ceased to become actionable and the alleged plots he was supposed to have been detained for aren't even mentioned in the indictment. Indeed, it doesn't even mention any specific violent actions against the US.
If he's a security risk then that explains the need to restrain him for medical exams, but not the other treatment. He doesn't appear to have been a risk while detained (all reports describe him as docile).
What justifies the treatment?