has joined the GOP
so 2142 is probably more glitchy than bf2, but hey, at least we can actually play it, right?

this is the official list of awards that absolutely do not work

Basic Armor Badge (I have the ribbon, which takes five minutes more time in armor than this badge)

Veteran Heal (its 10 heal points IAR. my record is 15)

Ground Base Medallion (its 200 repair points and i have like 80)

if you know of others that don't work, add to the list!
Over the line!
+70|6899|Mark it zero.
i got my veteran heal with 10 points... it works fine.
has joined the GOP

Kamikaze17 wrote:

i got my veteran heal with 10 points... it works fine.
which patch did you get it on?
The New Johnnie Cochran
I think these awards are just bugged. I have the first 2 awards, got them both last week.
has joined the GOP

Elamdri wrote:

I think these awards are just bugged. I have the first 2 awards, got them both last week.
last week, specifically? (as in what day)

because i've been unable to get them on 1.06. at all.
Over the line!
+70|6899|Mark it zero.

Ender2309 wrote:

Kamikaze17 wrote:

i got my veteran heal with 10 points... it works fine.
which patch did you get it on?
i cant remember which one, i think it was before the patch they put in the titan survival pin.
Mass Media Casualty

I've earned the collector's pin twice, it's been awarded in game, I finished the round both times, yet it dosn't show in the BFHQ. Others have earned it and it shows, so I think that award is faulty but not broken.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
i have 50+ collectors they work fine mostly though they take a few seconds sometimes a minute to register ingame.
+86|6685|Edmonton Alberta
i have basic armor and vet medic excellence )10 heals I.A.R... got the medic one on a K/P server... actually i got vet armor...which is suppoed to be 25 hours in a vehicle when i only had about 15 hours...meh
its cause your so damn l33t straz.
has joined the GOP
you silly TOP guys...boosting each others' egos...
we need it we're canadian dont hate.
has joined the GOP
oh. that explains it...damn canadians...
+231|6524|Kyiv, Ukraine
Ok, two awards I think are still broken even after the patch...

Soldier Merit ribbon
50 points
20 kills IAR
10/10 Best Kill Streak

Legion of Merit ribbon
2000 points
10 kills IAR
80 hours total played
10/10 Best Kill Streak

I have a "best kill streak" of 28 but clicking on the award qualifications only shows a 3 out of 10 (3/10).  I've heard people have actually earned these awards, but what are the "real reqs"?  I've already tested 2 different ideas about what "best kill streak" means, the first was sitting in the titan and not dying for the entire round making 22 kills with the guns, where the highest kill count for anyone in the match was 19 behind me.  I got a gold medal that round and 2 pins for 10 kills streak, but my stats still say 3/10.

The second thought was that a kill streak of 10 was needed in a Conquest Only map, so I worked my butt off sniping and managed to get another 10 streak pin on a conquest map.  My stats stayed locked at 3/10. 

If anyone knows the real requirements for these, I'd be most appreciative.  Thanks.

Last edited by GorillaTicTacs (2006-12-04 01:32:44)

+86|6685|Edmonton Alberta
you have to have the best kill streaks within the server 10 different times its pretty vaugue in the game bfhq but thats what it is meens by 10 best kill streaks.... and you can only get the 10 kill streak pin once per life so you couldnt have gotten 2 10 kill pins on the titan guns with a streak of 22
Get your body beat.
i have had no issues.
The New Johnnie Cochran

GorillaTicTacs wrote:

If anyone knows the real requirements for these, I'd be most appreciative.  Thanks.
LOL, I had the EXACT same problem, Till someone sorted me out. Its not

Best Kill Streak of 10

its Best Kill Streak in the server 10 times

Basically, if you play a round, and you get a kill streak of 25, and the next highest kill streak is 20, then you get a Best Kill Streak, and that number will go up one in the BFHQ.

See how its tricky?
+98|6808|Penrith, N.S.W, Australia
expert heal wont work for me the combat one worked though.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|6868|Riva, MD
You forgot the Tumbler Pin.
2142th Whore
i got the Ground Base Medallion too...without meeting the requirements..
+718|6672|Austin, Texas
All of the pins work, I have all of them.
Vet Heal, Vet Repair, Vet Resupply work. I have all 3.
I haven't had an issue with awards at all yet.

_j5689_ wrote:

You forgot the Tumbler Pin.
That works. I've gotten 3/4.
+231|6524|Kyiv, Ukraine
Best Kill Streak of 10

its Best Kill Streak in the server 10 times

Basically, if you play a round, and you get a kill streak of 25, and the next highest kill streak is 20, then you get a Best Kill Streak, and that number will go up one in the BFHQ.
Ok, it works, I whored the titan gun #3 last night for almost an entire game with a kill streak of 22 (total 39) that game and my stats bumped to 4/10.  You do get multiple pins for 5 in a row (had a total of 5 in my summary after the game), but only one pin per game for 10 in a row.  Also got 2 titan defender pins after that and my 2nd infiltrator pin ever by defending the titan with a sniper rifle when we started getting boarded (2 pages of pins and 135 points that game even with a loss).  The knife badge still eludes me though...ah well.  It seems someone still out-scored me the first time I tried the experiment that way.
Lex Luthor, King of Australia
+72|6693|Sammamish, WA
It was a pain to get but a 64-player server on Cerebre Landing did it. The trick is to (1) find a squad and follow close, (2) toss your medpack out and at the same time you can hold one in your hands.

Last edited by JdeFalconr (2006-12-05 00:10:55)

Actually I have 32/10 Best kill streak Dunno how i managed to get that much
Getting Medic Excellence Badge could be easy if you hang around in the core and just heal them when they get hurt. That's mean you have to have that medic box up and run to everyone who get hurt.

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