Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|7003|Tampa Bay Florida
Post any footage you can find of any war in this thread.  Just make sure it's real footage.  Liveleak.com has lots of realistic vids.  *these are graphic*

Winning the hearts and minds in Vietnam (/sarcasm)

Battle of Tarawa

I'll add more as I find some... if you've come across any vids on the web, please post them.  Sometimes, when I'm playing a video game based off of a war, I get carried away and forget how real it really is.   Sometimes I'll just try to stay alive when I'm playing online.  It's impossible to do in a damn video game, I cannot imagine what it must be like in real life. 

Do you believe that video games such as Call of Duty and the Battlefield series are taking advantage of wars, and those who died in them? 

Do you believe that they should donate a percentage of their profits to veterans/civilian victims? 

Do you believe it's okay to have war and combat censored in modern day media as much as it is?

Last edited by Spearhead (2006-12-02 12:58:12)

Laid Back Yorkshireman
+183|6905|Scarborough Yorkshire England
Do you believe that video games such as Call of Duty and the Battlefield series are taking advantage of wars, and those who died in them?  No it's a computer game

Do you believe that they should donate a percentage of their profits to veterans?  No

Do you believe it's okay to have war and combat censored in modern day media as much as it is
Yes I don't want kids seeing loads of blown up dead people and remember the media can bias the news to what they want you to think with or with out sensored news.
It is I
+146|6697|San Jose CA.

Last edited by MDFSpacePhantom (2006-12-02 03:56:54)

+3,611|6934|London, England
Firslty, after reading some comments on Liveleak, it's funny how it's filled with right-wing religous nuts. Whether that be islamic "terrorist" nuts or christian "redneck" nuts and hardly any normal people.

Secondly, i've never seen a tank fly (In real life, not 1.3 BF2 when the server crashed). This is in no way me supporting the insurgency but this is pretty mind blowing. Pay no attention to the religious crap audio or the religous crap comments.


That's crazy, however i think the tank crew survived (M1A2's seems really strong). Probably some nasty injuries inside though. Hell if i know where the insurgents are getting IED's like this from.
U.S. > Iran
- Do you believe that video games such as Call of Duty and the Battlefield series are taking advantage of wars, and those who died in them? 
Only as much as the likes of war novels, Commando comics and toy guns do. 

- Do you believe that they should donate a percentage of their profits to veterans?
I'd like to think they do.

- Do you believe it's okay to have war and combat censored in modern day media as much as it is?
I'm not sure...theres pros and cons to it...at the moment yes, though I imagine my perspective might change if I were a veteran.

edit: I have to say, gg insurgents for distributing videos of yourselves FAILING...

Last edited by Pubic (2006-12-02 05:40:51)

O Canada
+1,596|6718|North Carolina

Spearhead wrote:

Do you believe that video games such as Call of Duty and the Battlefield series are taking advantage of wars, and those who died in them?
I believe they are capitalizing on our culture's connection to war, but that's just a smart thing to do when it comes to creating fun games to play.

Spearhead wrote:

Do you believe that they should donate a percentage of their profits to veterans?
No, but that would be a nice gesture.

Spearhead wrote:

Do you believe it's okay to have war and combat censored in modern day media as much as it is?
No, I think full disclosure in the media is a good thing....  unless we commit to the brutal tactics necessary to truly "win" in Iraq at this point.  If we use Stalinistic tactics in Iraq to weed out terrorists without regard for collateral damage, then we will have to censor the media until the conflict is over.

I hope we don't move in that direction, but other than withdrawal, that would be a better choice than the current stance we've taken in Iraq.
+105|6791|Lutenblaag, Molvania

Spearhead wrote:

Do you believe that they should donate a percentage of their profits to veterans?
The veterans? What about all those civilians that died? What about those children who probably lost a good portion of their family? What about that poor woman with her child in her arms? The vetran's suffering compared to those people are nothing...

Last edited by EVieira (2006-12-02 11:41:16)

"All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered;  the point is to discover them."
Galileo Galilei  (1564-1642)
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|7003|Tampa Bay Florida

EVieira wrote:

Spearhead wrote:

Do you believe that they should donate a percentage of their profits to veterans?
The veterans? What about all those civilians that died? What about those children who probably lost a good portion of their family? What about that poor woman with her child in her arms? The vetran's suffering compared to those people are nothing...
Well, it was a hypothetical...... if I made a video game based off of a war, I would donate tons of the profits to all sorts of organizations.  I should've included those, my bad.
Commie Killer

Spearhead wrote:

Post any footage you can find of any war in this thread.  Just make sure it's real footage.  Liveleak.com has lots of realistic vids.  *these are graphic*

Winning the hearts and minds in Vietnam (/sarcasm)

Battle of Tarawa

I'll add more as I find some... if you've come across any vids on the web, please post them.  Sometimes, when I'm playing a video game based off of a war, I get carried away and forget how real it really is.   Sometimes I'll just try to stay alive when I'm playing online.  It's impossible to do in a damn video game, I cannot imagine what it must be like in real life. 

Do you believe that video games such as Call of Duty and the Battlefield series are taking advantage of wars, and those who died in them? 

Do you believe that they should donate a percentage of their profits to veterans/civilian victims? 

Do you believe it's okay to have war and combat censored in modern day media as much as it is?
I think that its not right that any thing is censored. Dont like it dont watch it or fucking block it. Something our country needs to get into its head is that for the whole time we fought war it has always caused pain and we have always kicked ass and saved a bunch of good people. Now that alot of the country is not behind any of our wars that last more then 30 days we have not done the best that is possible with public support. With the public we have now I doubt we could have won WWII. IMO that it should be given to organization such as VFW and others. I also think that people are dumb fucks and need to get there head out of there ass and think about why we SHOULD be there instead of only why we shouldnt.
+488|6883|Portland, OR, USA

Commie Killer wrote:

Spearhead wrote:

Post any footage you can find of any war in this thread.  Just make sure it's real footage.  Liveleak.com has lots of realistic vids.  *these are graphic*

Winning the hearts and minds in Vietnam (/sarcasm)

Battle of Tarawa

I'll add more as I find some... if you've come across any vids on the web, please post them.  Sometimes, when I'm playing a video game based off of a war, I get carried away and forget how real it really is.   Sometimes I'll just try to stay alive when I'm playing online.  It's impossible to do in a damn video game, I cannot imagine what it must be like in real life. 

Do you believe that video games such as Call of Duty and the Battlefield series are taking advantage of wars, and those who died in them? 

Do you believe that they should donate a percentage of their profits to veterans/civilian victims? 

Do you believe it's okay to have war and combat censored in modern day media as much as it is?
I think that its not right that any thing is censored. Dont like it dont watch it or fucking block it. Something our country needs to get into its head is that for the whole time we fought war it has always caused pain and we have always kicked ass and saved a bunch of good people. Now that alot of the country is not behind any of our wars that last more then 30 days we have not done the best that is possible with public support. With the public we have now I doubt we could have won WWII. IMO that it should be given to organization such as VFW and others. I also think that people are dumb fucks and need to get there head out of there ass and think about why we SHOULD be there instead of only why we shouldnt.
It's comments like these that make you question humanity.  Please, explain to me why we should be in Iraq? Honestly, I understand that Saddam was a horrible person and no one can justify the things he did... but are we any better?  We've killed our fair share of civilians while fighting in Iraq...  And don't try to justify it with that terrorism bullshit either. 
1) Most of the "terrorists" who attacked us on 9-11 were from Syria, why aren't we there?  How come we knew 40ish days in advance that 9-11 was going to happen and we just started sending troops into Afghanistan.
2) Hell looking back to WWII if thats where you want to go.  We knew that Pearl Harbor was going to happen.  What did we do? We court marshaled the officer who obtained the intelligence and let it happen.

This is why we shouldn't be there.  There is a much bigger picture.  I bet you that the last thing that crossed our politicians minds' was "helping the people of iraq escape from dictatorship. 

I hate the ignorance bred in this country.  "Kicked ass and saved a bunch of people"  The kicked ass thing is sick imho, but i agree, in WWII we did help save a lot of people, i can justify that.  What I cant justify is why places like Darfur don't get any attention.  Why issues like global warming is just shoved aside.  Even if it isn't true, even if it is a natural phase, why no make sure..?

America's reliance on war is disgusting and until we break our addiction to the military, I don't believe we can ever become a civilized civilization.
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|7003|Tampa Bay Florida
Chipmunk, can you answer my questions?  I'd like to hear what you have to say..... I agree with you, btw

The thing that eats me up the most, is that, if I'm ever in the military, from a draft or something, and I participate in combat, I am 99 percent certain that I will abandon violent video games forever. 

I know there are some people on these forums, like Gunslinger, who I know were in Iraq and may have experienced combat.  I don't mean to offend but I don't see how they can go through that experience and then play games like BF2.  I'm not saying I'm 100 percent pacifist, but the harsh reality of combat, if I ever experience it, will probably prevent me from being "entertained" by it in video games.

Last edited by Spearhead (2006-12-02 21:06:15)

Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|7035|Sydney, Australia
That first video is quite famous. I have seen the original copy of the photo (the naked girl running down that street) at the "Museum of American War Atrocities" in Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam.

Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6851|Long Island, New York
Human nature makes us attracted to disaster, in simple words. It's not because we're bad people - everyone gets some form of entertainment from seeing war, tornadoes, hurricanes, etc. We may not be HAPPY about them, but our minds are stimulated by them. Nothing wrong with that. My mind was stimulated by 9/11. I was in no way happy about it because I was definately sad, but my mind was interested in it.

Poseidon wrote:

Human nature makes us attracted to disaster, in simple words. It's not because we're bad people - everyone gets some form of entertainment from seeing war, tornadoes, hurricanes, etc. We may not be HAPPY about them, but our minds are stimulated by them. Nothing wrong with that. My mind was stimulated by 9/11. I was in no way happy about it because I was definately sad, but my mind was interested in it.
You're not Poseidon, give us Poseidon back you freak!
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|7003|Tampa Bay Florida

mcminty wrote:

That first video is quite famous. I have seen the original copy of the photo (the naked girl running down that street) at the "Museum of American War Atrocities" in Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam.

What was Ho Chi Minh city like?  I'd like to visit it someday...
Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|7035|Sydney, Australia

Spearhead wrote:

mcminty wrote:

That first video is quite famous. I have seen the original copy of the photo (the naked girl running down that street) at the "Museum of American War Atrocities" in Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam.

What was Ho Chi Minh city like?  I'd like to visit it someday...
Very crowded. It also being at the top of the Mekong delta, it was quite humid compared to what I am used to in Australia. I thought Hanoi was much nicer.

As a general rule, the rural Vietnamese people are a lot more welcoming to tourists than the people that live in urban areas.

If you go over there, then I wouldn't suggest a trip to Cambodia as well. That place is fucked up - Extreme poverty, children sniffing glue (seriously) and so many fucking people asking "you buy postcard Angkor Wat?". I did visit, in Cambodia, the disturbing "Land mine museum" and some museum about Pol Pot.


I think from visiting these war museums, I can say that some people are fascinated by war (not entertained). I am fascinated as to how we can do this to each other, how we can fight long and pointless wars where the only winner is death.
+488|6883|Portland, OR, USA
1) Do you believe that video games such as Call of Duty and the Battlefield series are taking advantage of wars, and those who died in them? 

Absolutely, but America is a giant industry running off greed.  If it'll make money, we have it.

2) Do you believe that they should donate a percentage of their profits to veterans/civilian victims? 

I wouldn't object to them giving vets/civilians money, but it'd be really cool ( and slightly ironic ) if they gave the money to the peace corps...

3) Do you believe it's okay to have war and combat censored in modern day media as much as it is?

War is glorified in our society, I know that if war was portrayed through the media the way it really is, our country would be incredibly different. for the better? i believe so, but you could argue the point

Spearhead wrote:

Chipmunk, can you answer my questions?  I'd like to hear what you have to say..... I agree with you, btw

The thing that eats me up the most, is that, if I'm ever in the military, from a draft or something, and I participate in combat, I am 99 percent certain that I will abandon violent video games forever. 

I know there are some people on these forums, like Gunslinger, who I know were in Iraq and may have experienced combat.  I don't mean to offend but I don't see how they can go through that experience and then play games like BF2.  I'm not saying I'm 100 percent pacifist, but the harsh reality of combat, if I ever experience it, will probably prevent me from being "entertained" by it in video games.
You know, I don't think I could even go into combat.  You can make jabs at my "balls" or "lack thereof".  But honestly I object to the morality of taking another humans life.  (an I'm considering vegetarianism atm because I've recently found myself objecting to the morality behind the way that animals are raised for food.. owning animals myself and seeing how they obviously have slightly more intelligence then we give them credit...)  on the other hand, if America was actually attacked, i could see myself fighting to defend it ( that is if I still feel that it is worth defending, and the way this administration is trashing our freedoms, i'm beginning to wonder if it will be in a couple years).

And I completely agree on the point of playing video games after combat.  I've see a lot of Vietnam Vets in the past few months and they have had horrible battles with PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder).  I know that they wouldn't be able to play these video games, my teacher had to warn them that the bell was about to ring to signify the end of class, in previous years they've had flashbacks..

my closing statement was going to be something good and i completely spaced it.. damn i hate when that happens....baaah! I'll edit it in later

Last edited by CommieChipmunk (2006-12-02 22:25:53)

Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6758|The Land of Scott Walker

Spearhead wrote:

. . . Sometimes, when I'm playing a video game based off of a war, I get carried away and forget how real it really is.   Sometimes I'll just try to stay alive when I'm playing online.  It's impossible to do in a damn video game, I cannot imagine what it must be like in real life. 

Do you believe that video games such as Call of Duty and the Battlefield series are taking advantage of wars, and those who died in them? 

Do you believe that they should donate a percentage of their profits to veterans/civilian victims? 

Do you believe it's okay to have war and combat censored in modern day media as much as it is?
I never forget how real war is.  My grandpa was in WW2 and I have friends currenlty in the military.  I do not believe that video games take advantage of wars and those who have given their lives.  I believe in a strange way, they honor those who have passed on.  How?  By what you mentioned above. When I played COD and COD2 it gave me a greater appreciation for what the allies actually accomplished at Normandy.  Facing those pillboxes of machine guns head on took courage. 

If the game producers want to donate to veterans, more power to them, I think it's a good idea.  But mandating the donation would defeat the purpose.  I think war and combat should be censored for the sake of the children that are still awake during primetime news.  No sense traumatizing children for accurate reporting.  Show what really happens in combat at a later hour if people wish to view it.
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|7003|Tampa Bay Florida

Stingray24 wrote:

I never forget how real war is.  My grandpa was in WW2 and I have friends currenlty in the military.  I do not believe that video games take advantage of wars and those who have given their lives.  I believe in a strange way, they honor those who have passed on.  How?  By what you mentioned above. When I played COD and COD2 it gave me a greater appreciation for what the allies actually accomplished at Normandy.  Facing those pillboxes of machine guns head on took courage. 

If the game producers want to donate to veterans, more power to them, I think it's a good idea.  But mandating the donation would defeat the purpose.  I think war and combat should be censored for the sake of the children that are still awake during primetime news.  No sense traumatizing children for accurate reporting.  Show what really happens in combat at a later hour if people wish to view it.
No offense meant, but it seems to me like you just contradicted yourself.  The entire reason I made this point is because of the morality of war, and how we are entertained by it.  If you truly know what real war is like, then why do you play war video games?  I may not know much about actual war, but after reading what soldiers have to say, I can only make one conclusion : War isn't about who's "brave" and who's "cowardly", it's about who lives, and who dies.  On D-day there were entire platoons of soldiers who ran right into death.  Were they brave?  Yeah... and probably a little insane, too.  Don't get me wrong, I believed in what World War Two accomplished. 

My grandfather was a paratrooper in the 101st airborne, and he jumped on D-day.  He had extreme PTSD the rest of his life.  My moms told me that when we first began our involvement in Vietnam, he would ask the TV "Why are we doing this?".

I think, Stingray, that if you really knew what war was like, you wouldn't play CoD.  And neither would I.  War isn't about who's got bigger balls, and who's brave, it's about industrial murder of other human beings.  Is it necessary?  Yes, sometimes.  Does that mean that we can't despise it as much as our enemies?  Of course not.
+122|6854|Omaha, Nebraska!

CommieChipmunk wrote:

1) Most of the "terrorists" who attacked us on 9-11 were from Syria, why aren't we there?  How come we knew 40ish days in advance that 9-11 was going to happen and we just started sending troops into Afghanistan.
We were trying to assess what intelligence we had gained to figure out what was going on there.

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