Aussie Outlaw

Aegis wrote:

=NAA=TheTaxidermist wrote:

Ann Coulter belongs in an institution....
You don't like what she has to say? Well who the fuck cares what you think? People pay to hear Ann Coulter's ideas and political satire and off-the-wall're just regurgitating quotes on a video game forum..
The same people who vote Bush for a second term.
+447|7162|Seattle, Washington, USA

OK, never mind what I had to say earlier.....I looked at her website and was disgusted in about 5 minutes. You are entitled to your opinion and I am entitled to mine, and mine is that she is unreasonably extreme.
Aussie Outlaw
Horse has a major Coulter Fetish.

All I can say is reeeeeach back like a pimp, slap the ho

Demadin wrote:

its true the ppl of new york would surrender,.. no cell phones or mcdonalds... call out the guard....
Nah dude, you get up to Harlem, or the Bronx, or Brooklyn, those Islam motherfucker would be gettin tech 9's shot at them from beat up cars with the head lights off and it'd all be over...aight, so the village gets totalled, and most of midtown, but other than that, it'd actually be interesting to see

PS, I grew up outside of NY and live in the city now, just to state for questions of my credibility

Last edited by Zantar69 (2005-12-26 01:05:58)

Aussie Outlaw
LOL, i think terrorists could shoot alot better than gangbangers, man.
+32|7027|Wherever the F**k i feel like

=NAA=TheTaxidermist wrote:

God she is such a bitch.  Here are several of her brilliant quotes:

On Islamic Extremists: "We should invade their countries, kill their leaders, and convert them to Christianity."

"My only regret with Timothy McVeigh is he did not go to the New York Times building."

To a disabled Vietnam veteran: "People like you caused us to lose that war."

"I think women should be armed but not allowed to vote."

On the war in Iraq: "It's far better to fight them in the streets of Baghdad than in the streets of New York, where the residents would immediately surrender."

stfu you asshat.  Maybe if you didn't contradict yourself all the time and come off like a bitch 24/7 people wouldn't throw pie at you.
Fuck that bitch expecially bout what shee said bout vets fuck her the dumbass bitch

Greenie_Beazinie wrote:

LOL, i think terrorists could shoot alot better than gangbangers, man.
You've obviously never seen video from Iraq.
Horseman 77

Czechnology wrote:

And for the record, I just went to her website and in 15 seconds, on her front page, I found this little gem.

This is the entire paragraph, in an article on the frontpage of her homepage, regarding the bush spying issue, so it is certainly not out of context.

"Which brings me to this week's scandal about No Such Agency spying on "Americans." I have difficulty ginning up much interest in this story inasmuch as I think the government should be spying on all Arabs, engaging in torture as a televised spectator sport, dropping daisy cutters wantonly throughout the Middle East, and sending liberals to Guantanamo. "

"Political satire" that isnt, nor is it sarcasm.


Are you kidding, please tell me your kidding.

I hear Democrats say  this about The States that voted Bush. (All 47)

Almost every Hollwood type and comedian has the same shtick. Where is the outrage than?

We can take a joke without wetting our pants apparently

no one gives a fuck about it unless you insult a libral.

Anne Coulter is no better or worse than any of the leeches who make money off of the political division in the US, she's just smarter than you for figuring out how to exploit it.
Aussie Outlaw

Czechnology wrote:

Greenie_Beazinie wrote:

LOL, i think terrorists could shoot alot better than gangbangers, man.
You've obviously never seen video from Iraq.
Insurgents are different from terrorists.
Horseman 77

Zantar69 wrote:

Demadin wrote:

its true the ppl of new york would surrender,.. no cell phones or mcdonalds... call out the guard....
Nah dude, you get up to Harlem, or the Bronx, or Brooklyn, those Islam motherfucker would be gettin tech 9's shot at them from beat up cars with the head lights off and it'd all be over...aight, so the village gets totalled, and most of midtown, but other than that, it'd actually be interesting to see

PS, I grew up outside of NY and live in the city now, just to state for questions of my credibility
Bullshit, I live in the Bronx and I stay in Harlem alot .

50 cent was shot 9 times and is still alive.

So either he cap'd hisself for street cred ( a doctor tells me they get alot of these cases They all want a bullet wound and do some pretty funny stuff to get one ) or some one cant shoot 4 shit. Gang bangers are basically pussies at the core or they wouldnt turn to crime or seek the comfort of Numbers like herd animals.

Marksmanship? You have to practice allot and all that is worthless if you go to pieces under stress.

Also many people pratice for acuracy but never think about presentation from the holsterd position.
Many of those losers dont have holsters. it isnt cool.

The Term "Explosive Castration "is used at local hospitals When a local hood has an accident.

When it gets to the paper it reads " Youth hurt in Gun accident "
Horseman 77

Czechnology wrote:

Greenie_Beazinie wrote:

LOL, i think terrorists could shoot alot better than gangbangers, man.
You've obviously never seen video from Iraq.
You saw video, really?  on a TV.

"   You have the Floor Sir ! "
Sailor with no BF2 Navy
+19|7059|I'm worldwide, beotch

-=1stInF.|Slappey wrote:

Aegis wrote:

=NAA=TheTaxidermist wrote:

Ann Coulter belongs in an institution....
Oh, and Zimbabwe sucks ass.
No offense, but i don't think anybody who lives in Atlanta has a right to insult Zimbabwe. They don't call it the dirty south for nothing.
Please, stop before you hurt yourself.
Base Rapist

Horseman 77 wrote:

Czechnology wrote:

Greenie_Beazinie wrote:

LOL, i think terrorists could shoot alot better than gangbangers, man.
You've obviously never seen video from Iraq.
You saw video, really?  on a TV.

"   You have the Floor Sir ! "
Nah, he's partly correct, the Iraqi army got about the same amount of training as any gang banger would when it comes to how to handle a firearm.
Ahh. If I can quote all the dumb shit things that the left says all the time..... this forum would crash. just shows that even in a forum like BF2.... the asschippers still try to recover from last years defeat. Ho hum hee... go kick rocks. Call the fucking waahhmbulance. Dial 1 800 Wahhh!. Ask your bitch, stink ho mom for a tampon cuz you shits are always pessismistic defeatists. Keep posting, twisting, spinning and bitching about book writers with your peanut butter sandwich in you mom's basement.
Hey Horseman, I'd like to hear what you thought about the entirety of my statement, instead of just quoting me out of context. You miss the "political satire" when you do that. (Fun Fact: THIS is sarcasm)

Please note that after giving the example of coulter I villify people on both sides. Either you didnt read my entire statement, or you just did what you accuse everyone else of doing to coulter, to me.
+12|7069|Kansas City, MO, USA
The quotes are totally out of context.  You could take ridiculous sounding quotes from the words of Jesus if you took them out of context.  If she's wrong then why does she bother you so much?  The only reason I can think of is that she hit a nerve or a sore spot or something.

Mad_Ghost wrote:

Ahh. If I can quote all the dumb shit things that the left says all the time..... this forum would crash. just shows that even in a forum like BF2.... the asschippers still try to recover from last years defeat. Ho hum hee... go kick rocks. Call the fucking waahhmbulance. Dial 1 800 Wahhh!. Ask your bitch, stink ho mom for a tampon cuz you shits are always pessismistic defeatists. Keep posting, twisting, spinning and bitching about book writers with your peanut butter sandwich in you mom's basement.
Gee, how ironic of you, after claiming how "idiotic" some left wingers may seem to you, you just turn around and whoop that statement to the fucking floor. You automatically assume the response of one is equivocal to that of the whole? Seriously, you're a dumbass. Please don't reply in a thread ever again.

Czechnology wrote:

And for the record, I just went to her website and in 15 seconds, on her front page, I found this little gem.

This is the entire paragraph, in an article on the frontpage of her homepage, regarding the bush spying issue, so it is certainly not out of context.

"Which brings me to this week's scandal about No Such Agency spying on "Americans." I have difficulty ginning up much interest in this story inasmuch as I think the government should be spying on all Arabs, engaging in torture as a televised spectator sport, dropping daisy cutters wantonly throughout the Middle East, and sending liberals to Guantanamo. " (

"Political satire" that isnt, nor is it sarcasm. That's ignorance and a splash of general hatred, sold to the slavering public who is told by clone after clone who assumes the presidency that the other party is diametrically opposed to their views and beliefs. BOTH parties are corrupt, BOTH parties are full of richboy idiots who know just enough to keep themselves in caviar and toast points who get put in cushy positions by their daddies. If you want to get pissed at someone get pissed at the people who are keeping you fighting each other instead of turning on the inbred dandies who "lead" you. Kerry and Bush are two sides of the same coin. You can keep telling half the country that your flavor of cyanide is better, or you can wake up to the larger issue.

Anne Coulter is no better or worse than any of the leeches who make money off of the political division in the US, she's just smarter than you for figuring out how to exploit it.
Your take on the analysis of human psychology needs revision. To say the spy "scandal" column of hers contains not even a scent of the satirically phrased is naive at best.

Typical of the ignorant to look at lonesome citations for their bias. Odd thing is, there are just as many dumb fucks on each end of the spectrum, which is sad (though understandable). Just remember from last year all of the raging republicans, ranting this and that about Kerry's senatorial votes.

Horseman 77
My point is dont Villify anyone anywhere . Believe half of what you see and none of what you here.

PS I went to and Read the ENTIRE Site not just 1/3 of one sentence. Dosnt back you up really.

She wants to bomb our enemys. Novel thought in a War huh? 

So Finally here is the WHOLE QOUTE

  By "better lookin than hillapig or her husband Ann ( Shemale? ) Coulter

I have difficulty ginning up much interest in this story inasmuch as I think the government should be spying on all Arabs engaging in torture as a televised spectator sport, dropping daisy cutters wantonly throughout the Middle East, and sending liberals to Guantanamo.

But if we must engage in a national debate on half-measures: After 9/11, any president who was not spying on people calling phone numbers associated with terrorists should be impeached for being an inept commander in chief.

With a huge gaping hole in lower Manhattan, I'm not sure why we have to keep reminding people, but we are at war. (Perhaps it's because of the media blackout on images of the 9/11 attack. We're not allowed to see those because seeing planes plowing into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon might make us feel angry and jingoistic.)

Among the things that war entails are: killing people (sometimes innocent), destroying buildings (sometimes innocent) and spying on people (sometimes innocent).

That is why war is a bad thing. But once a war starts, it is going to be finished one way or another, and I have a preference for it coming out one way rather than the other.

Dear Kinerio SP? I know we have Had our difference but that "Salu fuking tations" thing is priceless did you cop it of some movie ?
+6|7048|In a van down by the river
Another quote from Ann Coulter "We need to execute people like John Walker in order to physically intimidate liberals, by making them realize that they can be killed, too."  Her response to if she regretted saying that: "Only that I didn't say it loud enough and in a large enough public forum. And when I said we should "execute" John Walker Lindh, I mis-spoke. What I meant to say was 'We should burn John Walker Lindh alive and televise it on prime-time network TV'. My apologies for any misunderstanding that might have occurred."

She calls for the elimination of political enemies. Kind of reminds me of Hitler... don't ya think?  You can say she is just being sarcastic but if she could get away with it... she probably would use deadly force to eliminate political opponents.
Dude, Taxidermist, do you REALLY FUCKING BELIEVE that a modern author of politics would say such things SERIOUSLY? It is fucking satire. ALL OF IT. Who the fuck would be idiotic enough to take what she says word for word? She's merely funnelling her point through a heavy reliance on the assumption that her audience will be able to produce an inferred conjecture about her stance with the former being put in such a way enabling anyone to do so.
Well arguing is pointless. You guys have valid points, but I think she does more harm than good. All I'll say is that  if there are people who believe that the moon landing was faked along with the holocaust, then there are plenty who will take her diatribes word for word Kniero.
My biggest issue with Ann Coulter is her radical intolerance of other peoples views. People that are not american, not christian or other conservatives are second class citizens. While I am not american, christan or conservative I am very sure that she already has an opinion of me and people like me. At best her arguments are childish. Any views that she does not share she dismisses them as "Un-american" or "Liberal Lies". While sometimes people can be un-american or lie it seems like Ann Coulter dismisses anything she doesnt understand.
+447|7162|Seattle, Washington, USA

Probatus wrote:

My biggest issue with Ann Coulter is her radical intolerance of other peoples views. People that are not american, not christian or other conservatives are second class citizens. While I am not american, christan or conservative I am very sure that she already has an opinion of me and people like me. At best her arguments are childish. Any views that she does not share she dismisses them as "Un-american" or "Liberal Lies". While sometimes people can be un-american or lie it seems like Ann Coulter dismisses anything she doesnt understand.
Exactly. She's too extreme and not only can she not accept any one else's point of view, she has to flame their opinion and classify it as someone with lesser knowledge than her. She's just too full of herself. Anyone with a different opinion than her is just stupid and does not even deserve a straight-forward response from her godliness, rather than one that is satire.
Horseman 77
Only republicans Get the ( Extreme ) label.

if their Dems or Libs they Are "  Very Loyal to their party " and

" Out spoken " and " Gutsy " " a young firebrand "

Some girl smuggles 3000lbs of C4 to El Salvador and when busted

" She a Nun who is persecuted for her beliefs "

Dems and libarals stand together on any issue no matter what injustice or crime is commited.

Republicain/Conservatives Do not.

By nature we are Independent and dont like to hold hands an sing about the poor
becuase we know that symbolic shit never helped anyone,
Seth Infinite
+3|7054|Houston, The Republic of Texas
Love this thread. When ya'll are done, I'd like to see one on religion. That should be good for a laugh or two (dozen).

So many opinions and so little time to read them all.

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